The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1760: Sister Pao

Two days before leaving Yanjing, Li Zedao suddenly appeared in front of Meng Jing. He smiled and looked at her and said that Senior Sister, the sun is shining outside, sunny to cloudy, and the breeze is blowing. It is the best time to go shopping. Go shopping.

Meng Jing was stunned, and then let him go away. How could she go shopping alone with him? what is this?

Of course, in the end, she still followed Li Zedao out.

Meng Jing didn't want to go out too much at first, of course, she didn't intend to refuse it... mainly because Li Zedao's proposal to go shopping caught her off guard. After all, her relationship with Li Zedao was actually a bit... embarrassing.

Said it is a sibling, but the relationship is far closer than that of siblings. At least the younger brother can't laugh so wretchedly to molest the elder sister, while the elder sister has slightly hot cheeks, depressed and angry, but helpless, but in his heart, he does not reject After being molested in this way, in the end, he was basically irritated and beat him up.

No matter how you look at such a scene, it seems to be flirting, but on the contrary, the relationship is not the same thing.

Of course, in the eyes of Xiao Qiangwei and Li Zedaoqi and other women, they had long regarded Meng Jing as Li Zedao's woman...sooner or later, right?

"Go, you're also worried during this time. You couldn't relax. You cried secretly several times in the middle of the night, right? Go out with the brat now and relax. If I want to go out, I will take Bei and Alice together. , You don't need to worry." Xiao Qiangwei said with a loving smile looking at Bei.

With that said, Xiao Qiangwei blinked at Li Zedao who was on the side, and gave a look of "Smelly boy, doing well!"

Before the group of them went to Yanjing, Xiao Qiangwei gave Li Zedao a death order, that is, to quickly settle the relationship with Meng Jing.

Of course she can see that Meng Jing actually has a good impression of Li Zedao, but because Li Zedao has always been passive in this regard, and because Meng Jing said that it is for conceptual reasons, she can't show her face and take the initiative to show love to Li Zedao. So now The two are in such a state.

One of the grinning elder sisters, the other stubbornly didn't give a good look at all.

Therefore, seeing Li Zedao take the initiative now, Xiao Qiangwei is naturally very satisfied.

She has long regarded Meng Jing as her daughter. Naturally, she does not want her to stay by her side. She should have the life that a young man should have. She should find a good boy to have a relationship with each other, holding hands in arms. Set out to travel, go shopping, go to the movies, and even open a house...

As for the good boy... Is there anyone better than his own son? No! At least Xiao Qiangwei had never encountered it.

Besides, apart from her own son, Meng Jing didn't look at anyone.

Before in the group, there were many men showing love to Meng Jing, but none of Meng Jing was eye-catching, and even one of the deputy managers spread rumors in the company that Meng Jing went in and out of a hotel with him.

As soon as such a rumor came out, Meng Jing immediately approached the deputy manager and, apart from anything else, directly knocked out the other's three teeth.

Seeing his mother winking at him, Li Zedao was a little bit dumbfounded. In fact, even if his mother didn't mention it, he had already decided to do that. Otherwise, even if his mother confessed to him in advance, he would not be so shameless in the airport. Sister is here.

Their relationship will be the same as before. When Meng Jing said "Sorry, I accidentally stepped on it", his standard answer should be pitiful, saying that Sister I was injured and lost money. Instead of simply piercing Meng Jing's disguise.

Someone always needs to pierce that layer of window paper, right? Li Zedao has always been passive, and now he wants to take the initiative.

"Madam, this..." Meng Jing's cheeks started to burn. Going out shopping with him alone, I feel weird no matter how I think, I feel uncomfortable all over.

Li Zedao, who swept aside with the corner of his eye, saw that he looked at him with such an ambiguous smile, his heart was ashamed, and he really had an urge to beat him up. Why did he laugh? what's so funny?

Of course, the most fundamental reason for feeling weird is that if this is going out with him, it is equivalent to going out with him, right? Is it equivalent to accepting him? As for this kind of thing, Meng Jing hadn't actually thought about it, and was not ready.

However, in fact, I do not reject it at all, but rather look forward to it.

"Moreover, it was your birthday a few days ago. It was just because of the stinky boy, so it fell." Xiao Qiangwei pinched Meng Jing's small face that was starting to get hot and smiled.

Then he slapped Li Zedao's forehead and shouted: "Smelly boy, do you know that you are wrong? Because of you, I missed one birthday quietly. What do you say?"

"My fault, my fault, I will help Senior Sister make up for a birthday." Li Zedao shrank his head and quickly apologized, and then looked at Meng Jing with a pitiful face and said, "Senior Sister, you see how handsome I am... er. No, for the sake of being so sincere, you promise me to help you make up for a birthday, right? Otherwise, Mom will shoot me to death."

"This... let's go." Meng Jing said.

She was somewhat worried that Madam Zhen slapped the **** to death.

Then, she was shocked by how she silently accepted such a bad reason.

"Yes, right, go out quickly, brat, take care of Jingjing. Jingjing likes to eat roast duck, you take her to have a meal at noon, and find a place to help her make up for a birthday in the evening. It's your business. After that, you can also go to the bar street in Sanlitun. Quietly before going to the overnight shop, you take her to the bustle, have you heard?"

Xiao Qiangwei’s meaning is too obvious, just want Li Zedao to stay outside with you Meng Jing for a while, it’s best not to come back tonight, go for a drink, it’s best to drink too much, and then find a hotel to open a room. Everything that can be done between men and women is done, and then the relationship is officially settled.

Of course Meng Jing understood, so her cheeks were extremely hot, as if she had a high fever.

"I... I'll go to the garage and take out the car first." Meng Jing ran away.

"Smelly boy, if you don't fix Jingjing today, don't come back to see me... Don't come back if you do it, you can't let go of your face at home quietly." Xiao Qiangwei looked lovingly at Meng Jing's back and turned back. He slapped Li Zedao on the head.

"Mom, is there anyone like you?" Li Zedao shrank his head, really dumbfounding.

"That's it for mom, do you have an opinion?" Xiao Qiangwei said with a smile, and pinched Li Zedao's nose again, "Okay, hurry up, my baby granddaughter is about to wake up, I don't have much time to accompany you. ."

When Li Zedao walked out of the villa to the exquisite courtyard, car horns sounded behind him.

Meng Jing came slowly in a red BMW.

There is a hint of coldness in the face, with willow eyebrows and apricot eyes, Yao nose and cherry lips, white cheeks, long hair sticking to the neck and shoulders, slender arms, round and round Under her shoulders, there are quite spectacular crisp breasts... This can be seen from the fact that Yoko also likes to hold her.

"I'll drive?" After Tingzi stopped slowly, Li Zedao looked at this pretty face and smiled.

"Let me open it." Meng Jing stared at the front without looking at Li Zedao. Occupational reasons, so if the car is not driven by her when sitting in the car, she will feel insecure.

So Xiao Qiangwei's full-time driver has always been her.

Of course, there is basically no danger when I am with Li Zedao now...Unless Li Zedao intends to give her a strong bow, of course, this kind of thing is even more unlikely to happen.

Meng Jing just felt that she had to drive. She didn't know what to do if she didn't drive, she didn't know where to put her hands, where to look at, or what to say.

Her heartbeat is speeding up uncontrollably now, her breathing is starting to rush, and she is tense.

She also wondered, why is she nervous? Are you worried that this guy will do something to himself? Well, it must be the case, this lecher can completely do this kind of thing.

But if you dare to use your hands, you are dead!

Of course Li Zedao saw her nervousness, more accurately it was shy. After all, with such a handsome and outstanding boy, it would be impossible if he didn't react a little, wasn't it? Therefore, Li Zedao was particularly able to understand Senior Sister in his heart, and he couldn't help feeling in his heart, alas, it's not my fault to be handsome.

He didn't insist at the moment, but pulled the car door and sat in the passenger cabin next to Meng Jing.

"Where to go?" Meng Jing calmed his mind and glanced at Li Zedao with the corner of his eye.

"Senior Sister, you can go wherever you want, and you will arrange today's itinerary." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Where to go?" Meng Jing muttered, where should I go? Then she was a little angry, bastard, shouldn't boys arrange this kind of thing?

Li Zedao looked embarrassed: "It's okay to go to the hotel even if you want."

"Get out!" The muscles on Meng Jing's face twitched wildly. She almost kicked this shameless guy out of the car without holding back. She stepped down the accelerator very depressed and the car left the villa and galloped forward.

Although Meng Jing didn't tell Li Zedao where he was going, or even assumed a posture of "I am very angry now", Li Zedao smiled and asked, saying, Meng Jing ignored him most of the time as he didn't hear it, Li Zedao Not embarrassing.

This made Meng Jing had to marvel again, it turned out that people can really be shameless to this point.

"Senior Sister, let me tell you a joke." Li Zedao looked at this indifferent profile and said with a smile.

"Actually, you can shut up." Meng Jing was speechless.

What made her even more unbearable was the way Li Zedao looked at her.

Looking at you very peacefully with a smile, neither hot nor obscene. But it is very lasting. He seems to be admiring a piece of art. The car has been driving for nearly 30 minutes, and he will watch you for 30 minutes without taking a break.

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