The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1765: cotton candy

"Ah...itching, itching to me..." This kind of heart-wrenching itch, which humans can't control at all, made the man almost collapsed. At the moment, he hurriedly ran towards the bathroom, scratching it. What kind of beauty.

As for Mia, she soon came to a slightly remote area. Of course, the cotton candy and business cards in her hand had long been thrown into the trash can by her.

After scanning the surrounding area, there was no one. Then he took out a delicate mobile phone from his bag and dialed a phone number.

This matter is beyond what she can handle, what to do next, she has to ask General Skull and Crossbones, and he decides.

After a short while, the call was answered, and General Skull’s low voice came: "Oh, hello, dear Miss Mia."

"Hello, sir." Mia took a few deep breaths.

"So, you have a little trouble?" General Skull heard that Miss Mia's tone was wrong, and immediately understood what trouble she was having, instead of planning to report the progress to him.

"Oh yes, dear sir, but I don’t think it’s a small trouble, but a big one... I want to deceive myself and say that I am blinded and misunderstood, but sir, I do. It's him." Mia's voice was full of uncertainties.

"Oh? Dear Miss Mia, who did you see?" There was a hint of surprise in the deep voice of the skull, which made Miss Mia, who has always been so calm, seem so flustered. The background of the other party is naturally extremely extreme. not simple.

"Li Zedao, Li Zedao intact." Mia said with difficulty.

On the other side of the phone, there was a moment of silence, and for a while, the laughter of General Skull and Crossbones came over: "Dear Miss Mia, please tell me that today is April Fool's Day, you are kidding me. "

"Oh, no, dear sir, today is not April Fool's Day." Mia explained quickly. She also felt that she was a little too ridiculous to say this, but she believed in her eyes and what she saw. She was not wrong at all.

"Dear sir, I'm really not joking, please believe, I really saw him, he looks exactly the same as the one I saw in the photo." Mia's tone was disorderly.

"Oh, dear Miss Mia, please calm down. I don't think he is still alive. It is impossible for him to be alive. At that scene, we found the stump and broken leg that fell from him. Of course, you You can't read it wrong, so do you think that is someone who knows him extremely well?" General Skull and Crossbones put forward his own opinion.

When Mia said that after she saw Li Zedao, General Skull's brain went blank, the muscles on his face twitched violently, and he couldn't believe what she had heard.

Can the dead be resurrected? Although it is difficult and difficult, but it is not impossible, at least General Skull and Crossbones resurrected the vampire Elena.

But that body is intact. With the current medical conditions and the short time, it is impossible to do it.

He thought he was Queen Elena? Oh, no, even if a vampire is as strong as Queen Elena, her recovery ability is so guarded, she can't say that she can grow out of her own hands and feet.

Miabe bit her lip and thought about it carefully, too, maybe it was another person who knew him extremely well.

"So, dear sir, do you need to be sure?" Mia asked.

"Oh, of course." General Skeleton groaned and said, "However, don't reveal your whereabouts, otherwise, if it is really him, I don't think you can leave China alive."

"Dear Sir, please rest assured, we will pay attention." Mia took a deep breath and said.

After thinking about it, he added: "Dear Sir, if he is really Li Zedao, what should I do?"

General Skull was silent for a long time, and then the voice that appeared so hoarse and low did he hear: "Oh, dear Miss Mia, if he is really Li Zedao, I think even if it is God, his old man will not know for a while. What should I do."



Li Zedao and Meng Jing hugged their bodies together. Both of them were silent, no gossip, no lusts, and they all missed Master silently...Of course this is bullshit. In this case, Master early I don't know where they were thrown.

Li Zedao felt the softness and smelled the decent body scent, and felt that he was too awesome, and he put the senior sister in his arms after a little bit of tricks.

As for Meng Jing, she hadn't remembered her master for a long time, her pretty face blushed, her thoughts were chaotic, and she was full of thoughts, but she enjoyed the unprecedented feeling brought by this kind of embrace.

She wanted to finally understand why lovers like to hug each other, because this feeling is really good and very comfortable.

Thinking of this, Meng Jing's face became even hotter. She took a sip, who is a lover with him?

"You...have you finished thinking about Master?" Meng Jing struggled slightly and said with some difficulty. She wanted to continue to be held like this, but if she continued to hold her, would the relationship between the two become even more unclear? Although it seems to be unclear now.

"Uh...I didn't finish thinking about it, I want to die." Li Zedao was almost amused by the senior sister's words, and now he firmly hugged this delicate body.


So Meng Jing stopped struggling, and continued with him... miss Master.

I thought about this for more than half an hour, and I thought that the perverts around who wished to replace Li Zedao were about to fall asleep. I thought that if Wang Zi was there, I probably wanted to shoot these two evildoers to death.

"You let me go, I... my body is numb." Meng Jing said with some difficulty. At this time, where does she still have the glamorous and noble ones in the past? No matter how you look at it, she is a little girl who just fell in love, she was a little bit helpless in her shyness, but she was full of joy and sweetness in her helplessness.

Of course, Meng Jing didn't know that she was in such a state at this time.

Li Zedaoyiyan let go of this delicate body... he kept a posture for a long time without moving, and his body was a little numb.

Meng Jing's eyes didn't dare to face Li Zedao for the time being, she gently moved her numb body and said, "You, go buy cotton candy."

"Buy two...Buy one, if you don't want to eat it." She added. She didn't want to tear the marshmallows and feed him to let him take the opportunity to hold his fingers, nor did she want him to eat his own saliva... At least now she can't do such an ambiguous thing. Therefore, it is best to buy two.

Well, Meng Jing, who is far from being so calm on the surface, thinks too much.

"Sister, I'm starting to miss Master again." Li Ze said, seeing her like this, inexplicably amused. Now he opened his arms again with a sad expression, "Can I think about it for a while and then buy it?"

"Ah, get out!" Meng Jing kicked in anger, Li Zedao laughed and ran to buy marshmallows.

Meng Jing looked at his back and suddenly laughed, like a mandala flower quietly blooming, comfortable. Be quiet.

"Shameless and dirty kid!" she said in a voice that only she could hear.

Then, his hands rubbed his hot cheeks.

Li Zedao quickly bought back cotton candy, one.

"Sister, here." Li Zedao passed the colorful cotton candy in his hand.

Meng Jing reached out and took it. Maybe she was looking forward to some scenes, or maybe she was worried about Li Zedao's hungry or something, so she hesitated and asked, "You... don't eat?"

"You eat, I'm not hungry." Li Ze said. Of course, it has nothing to do with whether you are hungry or not. The main reason is that a big man eating this cotton candy is really naive.

"..." So, Meng Jing had an urge to shoot this **** to death. Is this cotton candy used to fill up her stomach? If you don’t eat it, don’t eat it. You’ll be starved to death. You don’t know what is wrong!

I was not paying attention to Li Zedao at the moment, turned around, and Bai Fang severely tore a big piece on the cotton candy, as if he had a deep hatred with this cotton candy.

If this kind of Meng Jing falls into the eyes of those employees, her eyes will fall off. Is this the noble, cold and even violent assistant Meng they know? It looks like a little girl who is tricky to her boyfriend.

Of course, Meng Jing didn't realize how different she was from her past.

Li Zedao didn't notice Meng Jing's little depression, his mind was elsewhere at this time.

His eyes fell to the front, and the corners of his mouth were already slightly tilted with an extremely inexplicable range, and his mind was surging.

The murderous aura that suddenly broke out from that woman was not weak at all. In addition, she was still a foreign woman, and she looked like an idiot when she saw herself, as if she had seen a ghost, then the hapless one The man still has such a severe itching, he doesn't need to think about it to know that he has some kind of poison.

Therefore, the identity of that woman is almost ready to emerge.

The Skulls and Crossbones have appeared in Yanjing again. What are they making? What kind of air defense system? Or is there another conspiracy? If that's the case, I'm afraid Gene Superman is also here, right?

When Li Zedao's thoughts were surging, Meng Jing also swallowed the marshmallow fiercely, stuck out her tongue, and licked her sticky and sweet lips a few times. Only then did she turn her head back to find Li Zedao was looking ahead with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Following his gaze, he already saw two young and beautiful girls talking and laughing while eating marshmallows.

Meng Jing's mouth twitched, so this **** was actually staring at other girls? Right now, I was upset. It wasn't enough that there was already a beauty beside me, so I secretly looked at other girls, this bastard.

Depressed and itchy, Meng Jing passed with a fierce foot and stepped directly on the back of Li Zedao.

"Hi..." Li Zedao gasped, looking at Meng Jing in return, his expression aggrieved. Sister, are you addicted?

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