With the end of a moan-groan, the huge room finally settled down.

A woman with long blonde hair got up from the bed, picked up a man's shirt on the ground and put it on her body. She buttoned a button in the middle, so the softness on her chest was looming, and her white thighs were even more crisp. Exposed to the air, exuding a seductive breath.

She walked to the table, picked up a bottle of expensive wine on it, poured two glasses, handed one of them to the man on the bed, and drank the red wine in the glass and said, "Dear Mr. Frank, I'm still nervous."

After talking on the phone with General Skull and Crossbones in Happy Valley in the morning, Mia’s heart still couldn’t calm down. She had been living in panic and nervousness. After all, the pressure Li Zedao brought to her was too great, she could imagine What I got is, if he is really Li Zedao, then what it means for her to stay in Yanjing.

Even the stronghold of the island country was uprooted by him, let alone China is now.

So, even if it is late at night, it is undoubtedly a idiotic dream to want to fall asleep. Besides, she can't sleep because they successfully installed a remote detonation* on the red BMW.

And there is a tracker on that *, once the car is activated, they can know the specific location of the car at the first time.

Therefore, she has to pay attention to the movement of the tracker at all times.

However, most of the night passed, the car always stopped in front of the roast duck restaurant and was not driven away.

So, he really is Li Zedao? And what did you find so you didn't drive away? Or was it just because he and the woman went shopping after eating, and then found a hotel nearby to rest, so they didn't drive the car?

An hour ago, her partner Frank said that he had a way, perhaps to eliminate the **** tormenting tension in his heart.

Mia understood, and she also thought his proposal was really good, so after a provocative look passed by her, the temperature in the room suddenly rose.

Frank sitting on the bed admired this tempting body, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a gentleman's smile: "It's my problem. I haven't done well enough to eliminate the tension in your heart. "

Frank is a handsome European. He is charming with a smile. The exposed strong pectoral muscles and the **** breast hair on his chest make him look full of violence.

It is also because I think this guy is still handsome, and it is not a loss for me to have **** with him, and there is indeed a strong need in both the body and the heart, so Mia accepted his suggestion.

"Oh, no, your performance is very good, even better than that guy Wade." Mia looked at Frank with brilliant eyes, and praised without hesitation.

The man's performance on the bed exceeded her expectations. He was able to do more than she thought.

"Oh, I think this is the best compliment to a man." Frank said with a smile, "You are also very **** and tasteful, I think I can't help but like you."

"Oh, I didn't stop you from liking me." Mia said with a very charming smile, "but it's obviously not the time to talk about love, what do you think."

Frank smiled bitterly, indeed.

In the morning, Mia accidentally ran into Li Zedao who should have died no longer, which undoubtedly stimulated their nerves seriously. Although it is not really sure whether he is Li Zedao or not, it is enough to make them feel restless.

Some headaches shook his head, and Frank drank the red wine in his hand.

Then, he drew ten fingers on his chest, praying very sincerely: "May the Lord bless, he is not Li Zedao."

Even if he is one of the twelve paladins of the Skull and Crossbones organization, even if he joins any organization casually, he is an absolute elite, but facing Li Zedao, the only thing he can do is pray.

"May the Lord bless, he is not Liu Zedao." Mia also painted a cross on her chest very religiously.

"But, what if he really is?" After praying, Mia looked at Frank and asked.

Frank lifted the quilt and jumped out of the bed. He helped himself to pour some red wine. Then he looked at Mia and said: "If he is really Li Zedao, I think we should evacuate as soon as possible, because with his ability, he said Uncertain. When you saw him in the morning, he already noticed something, and when we secretly set up in his car*, maybe it was actually within his surveillance range... So, it's very possible , He is already looking for our whereabouts now."

"Of course, fortunately, he might not be." Frank shrugged and looked at Mia and said, "So, don't be too nervous."

As soon as the voice fell, an extremely regretful voice sounded: "Unfortunately, he is."

Li Zedao's figure appeared at the window, looking at the man and woman with an inexplicable smile.

And this voice said to Mia and Frankland like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, making their pupils rounded and almost rolling down, their minds roared abnormally, and a huge wave was already set off in their hearts.

They didn't dare to underestimate Li Zedao. They regarded him as the most dangerous enemy. They felt that if he was really Li Zedao, then he must have been looking for their whereabouts.

However, what they never expected was that the other party came to the door so quickly, which caught them by surprise and couldn't believe it.

Seeing these two guys who were directly frightened and dumbfounded by his sudden appearance, Li Zedao always kept a faint smile on his face.

I have to say that this woman's figure is really not good, and she is undoubtedly more **** in this shirt than the suspender dress she wore when she met in the morning, at least if she wore this to appear in Happy Valley, Happy Valley should be " Blood flows into a river" right? Because I don't know how many people will spray all the nosebleeds.

As for the man's figure...what's so good about it?

"In addition, it is a very rude behavior to secretly install * under someone else's car without the consent of others, what do you think?" Li Zedao said with a smile, casually grabbing the one in his hand* Throw it on the bed.

Of course, the tracker on * had long been removed by Li Zedao and put it back under the car.

Frank and Mia looked at the * who had half of the device removed, and their expressions changed again. Sure enough, their every move was within the surveillance range.

Then, they felt very speechless, and felt insulted to death. Who said that who secretly placed in the car* would first notify the owner of the car to ask for his consent?

"Oh, it's hard to imagine, you are really alive, and your kind of strength is really amazing." After trying to calm herself down, the astonishment on Mia's face was reduced, and her expression had become charming. Woke up.

According to the data, this is an absolutely lecherous guy, of course, this can also be seen from his sneaky peeking at her and Frank overturning over there and his now staring at his body unscrupulously.

So, Mia doesn't mind using the beauty trick. Although the possibility of success is basically unlikely, but...what if?

"So, Mia feels that she has been completely fascinated by you." This woman was charming with a hint of shyness, as if she was a young girl who had just started her love.

She even seemed to unintentionally lift the shirt covering her hips up and down slightly. Therefore, her charming triangle is looming, as long as the shirt is lifted up a little, it will be completely exposed to the air. Up.

"What you said is true?" Li Zedao's expression was slightly surprised, giving people the feeling that he was obviously very proud, but he was desperately suppressing that kind of pride, but it was a pity that he couldn't suppress it.

At the same time, his eyes stared wide at the looming triangle of Mia, and even swallowed, a pair of Yoko who looked so impatient.

"Oh, of course, dear sir, would you like to let me follow you? No matter what you ask me to do, it's okay." Mia lowered her head slightly and said shyly. I thought, wouldn’t you really be fascinated by him? Would it be too easy? Oh, really a lecherous little guy.

"You can do anything seriously?" Li Ze said, "Boom!" He swallowed again.

The moment he swallowed the saliva, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The next second, the blood-red cold light flashed.

Looking at Li Zedao, he had already appeared in front of Frank, and he was holding a dagger in his hand. At this time, he used it to press against Frank's neck.

Moreover, it was visible to the naked eye that a drop of scarlet liquid slipped down the sharp blade and fell to the ground.

As for Frank, his eyes were wide, his mind was already set off a huge wave, his eyes were full of horror, he couldn't believe what he saw, and he couldn't accept this scene that happened to him.

His entire right wrist was cut sharply and dropped to the ground, and because the meridians were not dead, it was visible to the naked eye, and it was still twitching gently.

And that severed hand was holding a delicate remote control.

Frank and Mia are partners after all, and they are also partners who know each other's length and depth, so there is still a tacit understanding.

So when Mia tried to seduce Li Zedao, Frank already understood Mia's purpose. She was creating an opportunity for him to quietly pick up an exquisite remote control placed on the table.

Through the remote control, you can detonate a few of the ones they brought*.

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