The sun is shining and the sea breeze is blowing.

A beautiful shadow was standing on the beach, looking at the sea not far away, and listening to the pleasant sound of the waves, stretched with a lazy expression.

The upper half of the woman is wearing a black vest, the chest is full of so that it is difficult to remove the eyes at first sight, the lower half is a pair of denim hot pants, simple flat sandals, the flat belly exposed to the air and the big white flowers The lethality of the long legs is also extremely amazing.

In addition to a fashionable straw hat, sunglasses on the bridge of the nose, and the fashionable small bag on his back, it looks like a **** and fashionable girl who came to Phoenix for a vacation.

At this time, on the beach, many eyes fell on her from time to time, with amazing light shining in them.

Before, there were already many men who thought they were very handsome came over and tried to strike up a conversation to ask for a phone number, but she refused one by one. If she continued to struggle, she simply raised her brows, a lethal person. The word "roll" even broke out from her **** little mouth, which really scared many men.

So there is no doubt that this is a rose, a thorny rose that is not easy to pick.

"What reason should I find to get close to that bastard?" The girl muttered to herself as she watched the waves not far away, her eyes showing impatient and helplessness.

"Just ask him out for dinner to express my gratitude, thank him for his previous'not to kill'? Or simply tell him clearly, hey, bastard, I am chasing you, give me a chance... That's shameful. If he simply refuses, will he still live?"

"Or maybe, have a chance encounter? Oh, what a coincidence, you are also in Phoenix, I am also in Phoenix... Yang Qinglian, Yang Qinglian, don’t you have such a low IQ, okay? He was originally from Phoenix, OK? ?"

Besides, if you want to "encounter", you must at least know where he is going. You can't run to his house to meet him by chance, right? And if you want to know where he is going, you have to let people follow him like that, but with his patience, how can you not detect that someone is following him behind his ass?

"Ah..." Yang Qinglian was a little irritable. She decisively felt that there must be a big problem with her IQ, otherwise how could such a low-level idea pop up in her mind?

Bent over and grabbed a handful of fine sand, and threw it forward fiercely. The fine sand drifted with the wind, just like her messy heart.

Yang Qinglian had never thought about pursuing someone, it turned out to be such a difficult thing.

Of course, she didn’t take the initiative to pursue anyone after coming back. As a famous beauty in Yanjing, she has always been chased. Anyone who chased her can circle the city of Yanjing... Modest statement.

Actively pursuing the other party, not only has to be deliberately close, but also has to prepare all kinds of lines in advance, and even have a stronger heart... At least after being rejected, you can't feel ashamed or even heartbroken. Run to jump into the sea immediately? And she has to work very hard to change herself and become the one he likes.

Since deciding to pursue Li Zedao some time ago, Yang Qinglian came to Phoenix City afterwards, as a tourist, and silently looking for a way to approach Li Zedao.

It's just that until now, several days have passed. She basically spends her days in a slightly irritable mood, and she has not found any way at all.

The only breakthrough is that she is now a criminal police officer of the Phoenix Police Department through a small point of operation at home, but she has not had time to report.

The reason why I wanted to be a criminal policeman was naturally to get to know one of Li Zedao's women, that is, Li Mengchen.

Yang Qinglian's idea is that if it doesn't work, you should first get to know Li Mengchen and try to establish a good relationship with her. It is best to become a good sister who talks about everything. Then, through Li Mengchen, you will naturally have a lot of opportunities to meet Li Zedao.

After more contact, you can naturally chase him. After all, Yang Qinglian is quite confident about her own conditions. Even if she is put in the women of Li Zedao, she will not be their foil, so she finally won that It's not too difficult to be a pervert.

After chasing Li Zedao to this matter, her father Yang Jingguo was naturally opposed. It was not that Li Zedao was not good, but that he was too good. So Yang Jingguo felt terrified, and they really couldn't afford it.

Besides, that Li Zedao already has many women, how could Yang Jingguo be able to bear such an excellent and charming daughter of his own body to share a man with other women?

The most important point is that Yang Qinglian is certainly a treasure in Yang Jingguo's heart, but Yang Jingguo has reason to believe that in Li Zedao's eyes, she is just a piece of grass.

Yang Jingguo knew that his daughter was going to chase him. This was no different from taking her own humiliation. After all, Liangzi had already settled, and he would basically not accept Yang Qinglian.

Therefore, after being scared that day to drive the car into the green belt, Yang Jingguo began to persuade him painstakingly, and his mouth was dry. Yang Qinglian didn't even listen to a word.

In the bones of this woman, she was very stubborn, she admitted to death, and was unlikely to be flexible. Basically, the things she decided could not be brought back by ten cows. For example, if she said she did not apologize to Li Ze, even if Yang Jingguo really slapped her face a few times, she would not compromise.

After that, Yang Jingguo became impatient and began to force it, saying that if you dare to mess around, I will kill you.

Yang Qinglian simply raised her face and said that you can fight... Let's not say that you are reluctant, if you really dare to hit me, I will ask Grandpa to tell you that you hit me.

So Yang Jingguo was defeated altogether. In the end, he had no choice. He quickly contacted his father, intending to let him come forward to persuade Yang Qinglian and let her stop making jokes like this, stop playing with fire, and stop being cheap Insult yourself.

After Director Yang received the call from his son, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, and he couldn't believe what he heard. He knew that the kid was handsome and attractive, and it was a poison to girls. But I didn’t expect that he was so charismatic that he attracted his granddaughter who looked at men as if she was looking at a idiot. It seemed that the situation was as simple as he did not marry, not just Curious and want to get closer.

After a moment of silence, he told his son, "Let her go. It is her freedom to marry whoever wants to fall in love with whom, even if your kid is his father, he has no right to interfere."

"Ah? Dad, you are..." Yang Jingguo was stunned, and even almost said that his father was old and confused without holding back. It was really hard for him to imagine that his father would say such things.

And what did he mean by saying "this is her freedom, you have no right to interfere"?

Yang Jingguo's expression was so wronged that his eyes were wet and he almost started to curse. He would never forget that when he first entered junior high school more than 40 years ago, who forcibly separated himself from his first love? Even because of being in love, he almost got him alive with a belt!

Yang Jingguo still can't forget his tablemate, his first love. It was a beautiful but bitter first love. It was a love that was not favored or even accepted. He was a very handsome boy... …

Yang Jingguo was indignant, his father was sexist!

Yang Jingguo knew very few things, so naturally he didn't know the little abacus that Director Yang had in his heart.

For Director Yang, if his granddaughter can become Li Zedao’s woman, then he will be the bastard’s grandfather, which is equivalent to indirectly repairing the bad relationship that fc and Li Zedao had only seen. Then, if there is something to look for him, he Naturally, I didn't feel embarrassed to blackmail to death or something.

However, this kind of thing also has certain risks. For example, this kid can toss too much, there are too many enemies, and if one is not careful, his granddaughter will become a widow?

The most frightening thing is that one day in the future, will he be tempted to do something sorry for the country and the people? After becoming a national sinner and a traitor, then...what should I do?

However, in general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. At least Director Yang does not think Li Zedao is a short-lived ghost, nor does he think he will be that kind of person. After all this time he has been wronged so much, he can live silently in secret. Fuck, but he didn't, but showed up easily.

Among them, of course, fc used some means secretly, trying hard to lure him to show up, but if he doesn't want to show up, he can also get those things done in secret.

So now that he heard that his granddaughter was going to chase Li Zedao, Director Yang was still looking forward to it, and it could even be said to be stunned. When he thought of her granddaughter's pursuit of success, the kid had to call respectfully after seeing him. Grandpa, his heart is quite refreshing.

As for her granddaughter's pursuit of failure, Director Yang never thought about it. It is not that he has confidence in his granddaughter, but that he has too much confidence in Li Zedao.

"Dad, this...isn't it great?" Yang Jingguo asked very hard.

"What's wrong? The whole, you look for the whole Huaxia, can you find something better than him?" Director Yang said angrily. Dare to say that my grandson-in-law is not good? Do you dare to say that he is not good to try? Even if you are my son, I have to beat you up!

"Indeed, he is excellent, but...he already has many women, doesn't he?" Yang Jingguo said very hard.

"What's the matter with so many women? Can there be so many women if you don't have the ability? Also, what right do you **** have to talk about others? And don't think I don't know, you are secretly messing around, I warn you, and then Once, I castrated you!" Director Yang's voice was full of fierceness!

He is really so embarrassed by his own son. Why is he interested in men? Before, he almost used a belt to pull him to death, always twisting his sexual orientation back to a normal point. I didn't expect that decades have passed, and he will start to twist again.

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