But this kind of retaliation is really...unheard of, unseen, quite unique, Li Zedao felt that even if he had been retaliated several times...what's a joke? Do you really treat my face as a chair or even a toilet?

Having nothing to do, Li Zedao came to the seaside, facing the sea to study the "Hidden Scroll", naturally, his eyelids sank, and he simply lay on the beach and fell asleep.

In his sleep, he felt a strong wind blowing on his face, but he didn't feel any murderous intent. Instead, a faint scent smelt his nose. Therefore, Li Zedao didn't care so much and didn't make a sharp counterattack.

However, he still opened his eyes, and then he found that his face was heavily pressed underneath by a flexible thing.

After that, the elastic thing quickly left his face. After that, he saw a girl standing there with the back facing him, her body was shaking gently, her small hand clenched into a fist, A fierce murderous aura radiated from his body.

Looking at her hips wrapped in hot pants... Li Zedao understood instantly, so his face was sat down as a chair by this woman.

Li Zedao is depressed at the moment, do you think you can sit on someone else's face if you are in good shape? What do you think of my face? Chair or...toilet?

After the word toilet appeared in his mind, Li Zedao trembled, and at the same time, he firmly believed that he was too shameful. How could he slander this girl like this? She just uses her face as a chair, what's the matter in the toilet?

It is even possible that a girl in this family didn't notice someone behind her and just sat down accidentally.

However, seeing this woman and leaving as soon as nothing happened, Li Zedao decisively stopped her, apologized insincerely, and did not compensate for some mental damage, the matter would not end, even if she was a back killer, Li Zedao didn't mind kicking her into the sea and let her wash her face well.

However, what Li Zedao never expected was that this woman would be Yang Qinglian, the granddaughter of Director Yang that Yanjing met at the Qinhuai restaurant.

Seeing that this guy looked at her speechlessly or even disgustedly, Yang Qinglian's mouth twitched and she felt a little unhappy. Of course, she was more aggrieved and helpless.

This guy seems to really hate himself.

Right now Li Zedao didn't say anything, stood up, patted the sand on his body casually, and turned around to leave.

As for the face being used as a chair by this woman...Forget it, just treat it as if it was bitten by a dog, just go back and wash your face several times.

As for making this apology, it is simply impossible. Li Zedao can still clearly remember how stubborn this woman was when she was in that restaurant in Yanjing. Besides, she is Director Yang's granddaughter after all. Li Zedao really couldn't do anything to her, so he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Seeing his back turned and left, Yang Qinglian was even more depressed and wronged, and even her nose began to sore. She never knew that she would feel so uncomfortable and so wronged if she was ignored.

Suddenly she wondered if the mood of those who were simply ignored by her was the same as her own now... It's up to me to take care of them.

Maybe it was the pride in her bones, maybe the kind of love that Yang Qinglian had for Li Zedao in her heart played a role, or she might think that if he let him slip like this today, there might be no such opportunities and courage in the future. , It is also possible... She let Li Zedao see his own changes, and more importantly, let him see his intentions and let him understand his thoughts.

Therefore, Bai Fang bit her lip, and Yang Qinglian's aggrieved eyes stared at Li Zedao's back bitterly, as if she was stunned with her boyfriend.

Then, her eyes showed firmness, and she swiftly followed, and intentionally or unconsciously, her foot stepped on the footprints of Li Zedao left on the sand.

"Huh, bastard, wherever you go, I will follow you. When you go home, I will go home with you. If you don't let me in, I will set up a tent at your door. Who is afraid of who... Yes, that's it! "

Good men are afraid of women, bad men are afraid of women hooligans! Yes, kill him!

Yang Qinglian clenched fists with both hands, silently cheering for herself, her eyes filled with unwavering faith!

Listening to the sound of feet stepping on the sand, Li Zedao tugged at the corner of his mouth and turned around.

Yang Qinglian saw that Li Zedao turned her head back, the eyes that had originally fallen on him began to look around, somewhat guilty, and she did not dare to face Li Zedao's eyes.

"I said, what are you doing with me?" Li Zedao said angrily.

"Chasing you." Yang Qinglian blurted out subconsciously. If I didn't want to chase you, would I be so wronged by myself? Immediately, I felt that I was too unreserved of this, and my face blushed and quickly changed his words, "I mean, I...hungry."

What she actually wanted to say was, whoever followed you, the **** followed you. But how can she call herself a bastard? No, so she changed her mind. Of course, indeed, she was really hungry.

"Hungry?" Li Ze said with a violent twitch of his mouth, and said angrily: "If you are hungry, go eat, what are you doing with me? Want to eat my meat, drink my blood, and gnaw my bones?"

"I...I don't eat human flesh." Yang Qinglian stammered a little, and her mind was a little confused.

"Uh..." Li Ze twitched at the corner of his mouth. He really didn't expect that arrogant and arrogant woman would have such a...cute moment.

Anyway, looking at her present expression and hearing her say such words, this word appeared in Li Zedao's mind... cute!

Immediately, I realized that my answer seemed to be a little unintelligible, and my face became even redder. I quickly added: "I...I mean, I have no money, I can only follow you."

Then I regretted it. I forgot to bring my wallet when I came out in the morning, and then she went back to pick it up. She hadn't picked it up if she knew it. If he saw his wallet and knew that he had lied, wouldn't it be shameful?

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you really didn't bring money or you didn't bring money, it doesn't matter to me. And if you want people to invite you to dinner, there are so many men on the beach, you just find one, act like a coquettish man, Even beating the other party severely and ordering the other party to invite you to dinner, it is estimated that many of them are quite willing to do this." Li Zedao said silently.

How could Li Zedao not know that this woman's thoughts have been written on her face? After a brief contact, Li Zedao probably knew that this woman would not hide at all. She had always been simple and rude in doing things, and all emotions were written directly on her face, and she couldn't hide it if she wanted to hide it.

No wonder that when he was on the phone with Director Yang that night, Director Yang would suddenly ask him what he thought of his granddaughter. This old man really intends to use beauty tricks, but didn't he remind you? Anyway, you change to a higher quality one. Do you think your granddaughter can lure me? You look down on my taste too much, right?

However, this woman actually agreed to cooperate with her grandfather in performing such a beauty trick, naturally because of that thought. This made Li Zedao somewhat surprised, and then became worried.

"If a person's attraction is too strong, it's not a good thing. Like me, you see another woman is attracted." Li Zedao was sad, and felt that he was too good. What should I do if this continues? Like what Sister Bei said, although there are so many women who choose to leave, the rooms in the villa soon are not enough, right?

Li Zedao's body shuddered, feeling that his thoughts were too dangerous, so dangerous that he would be castrated by Sister Bei.

"I don't know them, so I know you." Yang Qinglian was **** off by Li Zedao's words. He thought he was a random woman? Are you kidding me? Isn’t it okay that I don’t even look straight at those men?

"Let's talk, leave a phone call, and we will meet each other." Li Zedao curled his lips and said.

"But, they are not as handsome as you, and rich without you!" Li Zedao's attitude made Yang Qinglian depressed, so this woman started to be stubborn again, she stared at Li Zedao stubbornly and simply said.

"Uh..." This is an iron fact, so Li Zedao really doesn't know how to refute it. At the moment, I feel that this woman still has advantages. For example, she is honest and not hypocritical.

I couldn't refute it, so I stopped refuting it, turned around and left.

Li Zedao, Li Zedao, one thing you must learn now is how to reject those beautiful girls who chase you.

Li Zedao had a headache, he felt that this kind of thing was really too difficult for him.

Yang Qinglian watched his back follow, her small hands clenched into fists, and her small face showed a trace of pride. Sure enough, it was right to haunt him.

Moreover, Yang Qinglian has also discovered one thing. This guy is even more narcissistic than she thought. Of course, he has the capital of narcissism.

After that, one puts his hands in his pockets and walks dangling in front of him, while the other follows behind him, and deliberately steps on the footprints left by Li Zedao, similar to a couple The ambiguous behavior of the **** girl made Yang Qinglian's face inexplicably shy and hot.

Looking at the figure less than three meters away in front of him, Yang Qinglian couldn't help being confused. Although she was a bastard, she was still handsome. With the temperament, the aura, the identity and the methods, it is no wonder there are so many girls. like him.

In the end, the two entered the emerald restaurant by the sea one after another, but Li Zedao entered unimpeded. Even when entering, the beautiful waiter standing at the door nodded politely and respectfully made an invitation to enter. The action, the beautiful eyes showed an obsessive gloom.

But Yang Qinglian, who was following him, was stopped by the waiter.

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