The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1797: A Chinese sentence

Mia pursed her mouth and laughed, her eyes full of temptation: "Oh, yes, boss, I also think that I will order a...oh, just a suite. By the way, dear boss, these days, I Learned a sentence of Huaxia."

"Which Chinese language?" Li Zedao asked curiously.

"I have something to do with the secretary, I have nothing to do with the secretary." Mia's **** red lips lightly opened, and said such a Chinese language that is not too standard.

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened, his breathing was a little short, and he thought that you have learned such a difficult Chinese language? Even, it seems that you still understand the deep meaning contained in it? Li Zedao felt that this woman was too powerful, and she was gifted with languages.

"So, dear boss, you can do that... Oh, I will not resist very much even if I resist, and I am not your opponent." Mia's eyes were full of water, and even her index finger was stretched out. In the past, circles were gently drawn on Li Zedao's chest.

"Miss Mia, I think after getting off the plane, I have to go shopping first." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, dear boss, what do you want to buy?"

"Cucumbers and eggplants, if you want durian, it's okay. Or you can go to the **** shop to pick one? Give me the * at that time, and I will reimburse you." Li Ze said like a good boss under a T-shirt.

"..." Mia had a feeling of hundreds of strange poisons in the depths. Li Zedao gave Li Zedao a blank look, his expression was slightly resentful, this incomprehensible beast...Oh, no, he is inferior to the beast.

"Oh, boss, I seriously doubt if you are a man." Mia said contemptuously, looking at Li Zedao's eyes with so much resentment and resentment, as if she had suffered so much.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "Dear Miss Mia, you use this radical method too badly. If I am a man, don’t you know what my women’s faces are satisfied? I just didn’t treat you. It's just interest."

Of course, Li Zedao wouldn't be foolish to say "I don't believe you to check". If he dared to say this, this woman would dare to put her hand into his crotch in the public.

Smart he would not give Mia such a chance.

"Why? Am I not pretty? The **** are not big enough? Also, there is a set of **** and **** lingerie in my bag. If you want, I can change it to dance to show you." Mi Ya's tone was slightly resentful, but his eyes seemed to discharge, like a fairy, seduce the dead without paying for their lives.

Of course she knows that boss is not only male, but also extremely powerful. Her ear power is amazing, so she can hear the charm-puzzling sound of those boss ladies almost every night. This charm-puzzling sound is undoubtedly the same. Only ants crawled in her heart, really itchy.

Because, she didn't mind having a deeper communication with the boss, to feel what it was like. Unfortunately, the boss just didn't give a chance... Maybe she was afraid of being shot to death by the boss? Don’t men do this? Colored hearts have no guts.

So in Mia's view, this is actually a good opportunity for promotion, and she has to grasp it.

Since ancient times, soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. Therefore, Mia wants to be promoted, and she also wants to be a boss.

"Really? What color... uh..." Li Zedao blurted out, and immediately realized that he seemed to be exposing his nasty mind, and quickly changed his words, "I mean, do you think you are beautiful and sexy? You just put on that taste. Show me dancing in underwear. I won’t take a look at it. If you don’t believe me, you can try it."

Mia squinted her eyes and smiled, just like a little fairy, she hugged Li Zedao's arms in her arms hard, and even rubbed her chest with her chest intentionally or unintentionally, and said in a charming voice: "Oh, dear Boss, how do I feel that you are using the aggressive technique, let me change it quickly and dance to watch you?"

"You think too much." Li Ze said stiffly. I wonder if this woman's brain is so good? He could see his own performance so cryptic?

As a result, Mia smiled even more happily.

Li Zedao and Mia's tickets were first class. After the two sat down, Li Zedao immediately blocked his eyes with the blindfold he was carrying, and closed his eyes to calm down.

Li Zedao knows very clearly that he will probably sleep all the way next, because his mind has already begun to comprehend that "The Scroll of Heaven's Chance" that he has deeply remembered in his mind. Now he is tired. Has begun to invade his nerves, making his eyelids heavier.

Although according to the extinction teacher, I basically don't even want to understand the "Tianji Scroll" in my lifetime, but what if? Maybe he is such an awesome person, maybe.

Li Zedao felt that he might be able to open a medical institution that specializes in the treatment of insomnia, instead of forcibly knocking out insomniacs, or letting them take sleeping pills and other things, just let them understand the secret scroll and ensure that they sleep well. Dawn.

And the slogan of the medical institution was... Since there was a secret... It should be said that it is a hypnosis picture scroll. Since there is a hypnosis picture scroll, my mother doesn't have to worry about my sleep anymore.

As for Mia, I picked up a fashion magazine on the desk and chair and read it boringly. It's just that this woman has a delicate and attractive face and a **** and hot body, which is naturally extremely eye-catching. Within a few minutes, a middle-aged man came over to strike up a conversation.

This is a handsome and graceful middle-aged man who looks like a star. When he laughed, a shallow dimple appeared on his right cheek.

"Oh, good morning, pretty lady." The man smiled very gentlemanly, speaking very fluent English.

Handsome and tough appearance, gentleman's temperament, coupled with this fluent English, and the expensive outfits at a glance, so there is no doubt that such a man is naturally extremely popular, especially for For many young girls, this kind of mature and rich uncle is undoubtedly their favorite.

Even Mia, at the moment he looked up at him, he had to think that this man looked like a dog. Of course, he couldn't stand the contrast in the beautiful things. In Mia’s view, this man is like a boss. In comparison, it is pure tofu residue.

Regardless of the comparison from that aspect, he can only be beaten by the boss.

Mia sighed softly in her heart. Ever since she followed the boss, she felt that the men around her were all idiots, including Na Wade and Flanders, who had just barely fallen into her eyes. She suddenly felt They are so inferior and naive, just like a big idiot.

Hey, what should I do if I look down on other men? They all feel that they are far from being as good and charming as the boss, but a woman must find a man she likes after all... So, the boss can only be cheap. If he still refuses to accept himself, then stay with him and help him all his life. Pour the foot wash.

"Oh, good morning." Mia nodded and said.

"My name is Han Yilong." The man introduced himself with a smile.

"Shangguan Liya, this is my Chinese name." Mia said.

This is Li Zedao’s name for Mia. After all, he needs to help Mia arrange a brand new identity. Mia doesn’t like or dislikes this name. The name seems to be a code name for her. She is not so. Care, as long as you don't call it a cat or dog.

She has learned about some cultures of China, and knows that there are some superstitious practices in some rural areas of China. In order to feed the newborn children, she will help them take the so-called low life, such as dog babies and donkey eggs, even There are names like shit, anyway, the more ugly and humble, the better.

With the blessing of such a cheap name, Li Gui didn't dare to come and pester the newborn child easily, and the child could grow up healthy and healthy.

"Hello, Miss Liya." The man saw that he was a master of strike-up, and he was called by his familiar names at the moment, and he quickly picked up a topic, so that he would not be cold.

"You are a US girl, right? Are you visiting China for a trip? Or studying abroad? I think it must be a trip." The man smiled like a spring breeze.

Seeing this smile, the flight attendant couldn't help but lost her eyes, thinking what a charming smile, if he asked me for contact information later, I would definitely give it.

"How do you know I'm here to travel?" Mia asked with a smile. When she is in a good mood, she still likes to chat with such self-righteous idiots, watching them behave so stupidly, Mia is usually in a good mood.

Of course, don't talk for too long, otherwise, what if you are infected by the other party's stupidity?

"First of all, it's your dress." Han Yilong said with a handsome smile, "This dress that fits your figure well, although I don't know what brand it is, but from the style, material and workmanship. Look, the price might be up to six digits, right? The diamond ring you wear on your left index finger should be more than one million Chinese coins, right?"

Han Yilong's gaze fell on the diamond ring on Mia's left index finger, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted upwards. The meaning of wearing a ring on each finger is different, and wearing a ring on the index finger expresses a yearning for love. In other words, this woman has a sorrow.

Therefore, Han Yilong became more confident in this strike up. With his own strength, it was a sure thing to win this woman.

Mia smiled and said nothing. This diamond ring was given to her by a handsome and outstanding boy a few years ago when she had not become one of the Twelve Paladins. At that time, because of his presence, Mia Feeling that the skull is full of sunshine and flowers everywhere, that is also the happiest and most fulfilling period of her time on the island.

Unfortunately, that period of time was so short, only a short period of less than two years.

That day, the boy went out to perform a certain task, and after that, he did not come back.

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