"Oh, dear boss, you missed a word for'female'. It should be said that she is my woman. That's right." Mia cast a very charming eyes at Li Zedao and corrected.

For Li Zedao to get up to help her out, her heart was naturally extremely useful, and she wanted to be protected in front of powerful women and boys she liked.

Mia knew that this little pervert could not resist his charm. He was worried that he could not resist the violence of his women. Therefore, he had to ignore himself very painfully... Mia felt that the life of the boss was real. too tired.

Therefore, for this trip to Yanjing, Mia is even more looking forward to it. She believes that she and the boss can be like firewood with sparks.

Li Zedao took an angry look at this obviously-sick woman who was starting to care. Before he had time to say anything, Han Yilong’s anger already rang in his ears, making his ears hum. Uncomfortable.

"Let go!"

At this time, Han Yilong blushed and his neck was thick and his eyes were so fierce. He tried to break free, but he failed. The opponent's hand was pinching his wrist like a vise. Han Yilong felt that his wrist was about to be pinched.

"I just like the **** and hot beauties, what's wrong with this?" Han Yilong thought aggrieved.

As always, he just saw a beautiful woman who made his heart beat, so he came to strike up a conversation. It is just right to be able to strike up a conversation successfully. If the conversation is not successful... it is impossible.

At least, Han Yilong really has no record of failure.

But why is it such a result now? Forget it if it is unsuccessful, the trousers zipper opens inexplicably and can't be pulled? How can this be? If you don’t want to say that you will never make such a fatal mistake, and these trousers are international famous brands. Any one is worth tens of thousands, and the zipper of tens of thousands of trousers will break so easily?

Later, he was framed as a pervert, and even slapped again...

Han Yilong was very angry, really angry, so angry that he wanted to throw the damned dog and man off the plane.

With roaring kung fu, his other hand was already making a fist, and he was about to smash the opponent's little white face that was not as handsome or sunny as himself but whiter than himself.

However, the wrist of his hand was firmly grasped by the other hand again, and the pain almost made him scream.

"Let go, otherwise I will make you die ugly." Han Yilong roared. I was so angry that my face and wrists hurt so much, so I almost cried.

"It's as if I let go you won't make me die hard to see." Li Zedao said with a smile. He knows such people too well, saying that it is impossible not to retaliate.

As soon as the voice fell, his fingers gripping the opponent's wrists suddenly added gravity.

"Ah..." Han Yilong screamed screaming when he couldn't reach the guard, he felt that his two wrists had been severed.

After screaming, Han Yilong really felt like he was being insulted to death. How could he scream out? Isn't that telling everyone that he is being bullied by such a little white face at this time, and he seems to be...too manly?

At the same time, two air police officers have hurried over, intending to stop the quarrel and avoid further expansion of the situation. After all, if they do start, the plane may be forced to land.

"Dear sir, please abide by the rules on the plane, otherwise we have the right to control you." One of the air police officers watched Li Zedao warning with a serious expression, apparently warning him about not letting go of your hand. , We are about to take measures in accordance with the law.

Li Zedao smiled harmlessly. He loosened Han Yilong's two hands very cooperatively, and looked at the empty policeman and said, "I'm really sorry, but it caused a commotion on the plane. It shouldn't be heard, mainly... This guy’s approach is too much."

"..." Had it not been for the pain in both hands, Han Yilong wanted to punch it again. Who is too much? Who the **** is going too far?

What made Han Yilong want to vomit blood even more was that the air police said, "We understand, and we will stare at him later."

Doesn't this mean that he is an airplane pervert after sitting down?

Li Zedao smiled, sat back in his position again, put on his blindfold, and continued to sleep.

Mia smiled apologetically at the police officer Nakorn, and was different from the sullenness of the former, as if nothing had happened before, sat down, and then, regardless of Li Zedao's disagreement, she hugged her arms. His arms and head rested on his shoulders, and his beautiful eyes closed gently.

"Sir, please sit back to your place. In addition, don't make similar actions, otherwise we will hold you accountable even if the person concerned does not hold it accountable." The air policeman glanced at Han Yilong's lower body and warned in a serious tone. .

The air police naturally did not have any good feelings about this guy, but his gentle-looking behavior was such an act. It was disgusting to do such a thing on the plane.

Of course, since the foreign woman was not pursuing the investigation, the air police did not intend to take any measures against Han Yilong. Besides, he received a slap on his face, and the bruised marks on both wrists looked like It's so shocking.

The air policeman glanced at Li Zedao with a slightly weird look, and he was naturally surprised. It was really hard to imagine that such a little white face could have such terrifying finger power.

Han Yilong felt that there was liquid left at the corner of his mouth, and his whole body was trembling with anger. The originally handsome face was twisted into a ball because of anger.

Do you dare not to bully people like this?

He wants to yell at him, I am the **** victim, OK? My face was lost, my face was drawn, and I still seriously doubt whether my two wrists have been pinched off or why it hurts so much...

At the moment, his eyes were extremely vicious and glanced at Li Zedao and Mia, then turned back to his position, and also took out the blindfold to cover his eyes...He really had no face to see people.

When the broadcast sounded that the plane was about to arrive at Yanjing Airport, Li Zedao's body that had remained motionless along the way moved slightly. He stretched out his hand to tear off the blindfold covering his eyes, opened his eyes, and looked. To the outside.

At this time, the sky in Yanjing was dark, and it was raining lightly.

The rain is like thin hair, but it is pervasive. The sky is gloomy, the temperature drops sharply, and the cold wind blows the face like a knife, which makes people feel not so good.

He lowered his head slightly, already seeing Mia's head resting on his shoulder, her hands tightly hugging one of her arms, her beautiful eyes closed tightly.

He breathed evenly, and there was a trace of transparent liquid flowing slowly at the corner of his mouth, so this was not pretending to be asleep, but really asleep.

Li Zedao felt that the first thing he did after getting off the plane was to quickly change the clothes.

"Hey, it's time to wake up." Li Zedao moved his shoulder slightly. I feel a little dissatisfied with this woman, but I always like to take advantage of myself and eat my own tofu. This is too much, I am not a casual person at all, OK?

What's more, she was still drooling and got her clothes wet...

But I don't know why, looking at her charming little mouth, Li Zedao had an inexplicable urge to hold it in his mouth.

Mia slightly opened her sleepy and hazy eyes, and then, as if instinctively, wiped the transparent liquid at the corner of her mouth on Li Zedao's shoulder, and then her head left Li Zedao's shoulder and smiled charmingly at Li Zedao. Laughing, her face full of comfort, and I can imagine how peaceful and more comfortable she sleeps this night.

Li Zedao twitched the corners of his mouth. Does this woman treat her clothes as napkins? =

For Mia, this is the second shoulder that can give her such a strong sense of security, so that she can't afford any pressure after she leans on it, allowing her to fall asleep comfortably and sweetly.

Although she woke up, her hand did not release Li Zedao's arm. Of course, Li Zedao didn't bother to worry about this woman.

I have forgiven her for even more things. What does it mean to hug her arm?

"Oh, dear boss, your shoulders are so comfortable to lean on." Mia's reddish face is full of spring, and her big charming eyes are watery, like water.

"That’s, it’s not that I’m boasting. Whoever sleeps on my shoulder is okay... No, why do you sleep on my shoulder? Only my woman can rely on my shoulder. But forget it this time, next time If you rely on it, you will be charged." Li Zedao said speechlessly.

"Oh, dear boss, you make a price, and I will cover you for the rest of my life." Mia said very richly.

"..." Li Zedao decisively felt that if he had money, he could do whatever he wanted.

"Oh, dear boss, I still dream of you." Mia replied shyly.

Li Zedao yawned and said, "Dreaming that I am your freedom." He wouldn't foolishly ask this woman what you dreamed of me. He didn't want to give this woman a chance to eat his own tofu.

Besides, he probably knew what this woman dreamed about. If she hadn't dreamed of some unsuitable scenes for children, would she be drooling?

Li Zedao felt more and more that his situation was quite dangerous. This woman looked at her and could swallow her at any time.

"Alas, if a person is too good, it is not a good thing. Like me, whichever woman is close to me, which woman becomes a tiger." Li Zedao was sad, thinking that he was too good, and continued to go to the villa. The rooms are not enough.

"It's annoying!" Mia gave this deliberately incomprehensible boss a grin, and then his eyes fell outside the window. Looking at the gloomy and drizzling sky, his brows frowned slightly.

"Oh, it's raining, I hate rainy days." Mia said.

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