The leader of Shimonoseki was full of justice, and he exuded a spirit of resolutely fighting the evil forces. He shouted: "I don't know what you are talking about. We are just performing our duties. Have we waited until we searched? Clearly, now you just need to obediently cooperate with our work."

I really don't know how big a man is, I really thought it would be great to have a few stinky money in your family? There are many people older than you!

"You... are playing with fire like this." Li Zedao shook his head, expressing regret.

"Fuck you!" Captain Guan sneered in his heart, and shouted with a serious face: "As I said, we are just performing our duties, so take off our clothes."

"Isn’t it necessary? I’m just wearing such a casual shirt, plus this thin coat that doesn’t even have a pocket of clothes. Uncle police, do you think this hides any contraband? Or, you see that I am handsome and plan to treat me The picture is wrong?" Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly.

"..." Captain Guan and the other police officers were almost choked to death by these words, and several thick black lines appeared on their foreheads.

Not far away, Mia, who was sitting there gracefully, laughed uncontrollably when he heard this.

"We just want to check if you will stick things like contraband on your clothes." Captain Guan held back the urge to punch and kick the **** little white face.

"Oh, what do you mean, what contraband will you secretly stick to my clothes?" Li Zedao widened his eyes, as if I understood everything.

Captain Guan's eyes widened, and this kid's reaction was so fast that he understood their intentions at once.

He shouted at the moment: "I mean...Who knows if your kid would hide something secretly in that clothes? Hurry up, take off your clothes!"

"Oh? Really? Then I take it off, but you have to think clearly, if I don’t have what you said, then you have violated my right to freedom. Besides, I still doubt whether you are thinking about my body, so If you dare to make some other attempts against me during the process of **** me, then you have to add a sinful attempt... Are you sure you want me to undress?" Li Ze asked fearfully.

Captain Guan felt that his throat was a bit sweet, and that little patience was about to be polished, and he roared immediately: "If you let you take it off, take it off. You **** come so much nonsense?"

He said that he couldn't stand this kid insulting his normal sexual orientation. Although your kid is a little handsome, I just shoot at the flower and have no interest in you!

At this moment, he was so angry that he completely forgot, the legendary Ruhua might also be a man!

Faced with so many eyes like wolf and tiger, Li Zedao seemed so twisted, as if he couldn't calm down in front of these unscrupulous guys, they felt that this kid was dying to struggle.

Of course, in Mia’s eyes, the boss is pretending to be bullying again. He is so deceptive that people who don’t know him will only think that other animals are harmless, but they don’t know he is this. One of the most dangerous people in the world.

"Boy, I warn you, if you don't take off your coat within ten seconds, my brother and I don't mind helping you!" Seeing Li Zedao's stubbornness, Captain Guan's expression became even worse.

Forced by lust, Li Zedao finally succumbed. He took off his jacket with great difficulty, handed it to Captain Guan, and said, "Take it for inspection."

"Humph!" Captain Guan snorted, and forcefully grabbed the clothes from Li Zedao's hand, and handed it to a subordinate next to him, making a vague look.

"Do you still need to take it off?" Li Zedao asked a little angrily, as if he had received much humiliation.

Given that this kid was too arrogant and insulted his own sexual orientation, and the addition of the head confessed and killed him whole, it is naturally impossible for Captain Guan to let this kid go so easily.

He pointed to Li Zedao's crotch and said coldly: "Take off your pants, this is the easiest place to hide things."

"Your sexual orientation is really abnormal. Don't you and your brothers have a leg?" Li Zedao scared the people around and said.

The muscles on Captain Guan’s face twitched violently, and he couldn’t help it this time. The murderous intent in his eyes surged, and he yelled: "You have your mother, your kid is babbling, believe me or not A big ear photon passed by?"

"I don't believe it." Li Zedao said, shaking his head.

"..." Captain Guan was so angry that he was almost speechless. In order to convince this kid, his big hand suddenly lifted up and slammed a fist toward the little white face.

Do not believe? I will make you believe!


Captain Guan's fist simply fell into Li Zedao's hands.

"Boy, do you dare...violently defy law enforcement?" Captain Guan was shocked, and then simply buttoned the hat on Li Zedao's head.

These words seemed to be said instinctively, and it is conceivable that he had done this kind of messy labeling before.

Captain Guan said that he couldn't accept anything, and said that his horrible punch was so easily received by the opponent... too careless!

Yes, he doesn't think this little white face really has the ability to grab his own wrist, so the only explanation is that he underestimates the enemy, so that the other party can take the opportunity.

However, he will not make this kind of mistake a second time.

At the moment, Captain Guan began to exert force. Compared with strength, who is afraid of whom? I'm a 1.5-meter-high special police officer who has a strong body and can't say you have such a little white face?

Captain Guan tried hard, hard, and finally his face became purple-red, his forehead was sweating profusely, he gritted his teeth, his cheeks were high, and the veins jumped in his temples.

However, no matter how hard he tried, his fist was still seen in his eyes by the hands of a little white face who had no power but a cheap mouth, and couldn't get it out.

"Where did this little white face come from so hard?" Captain Guan almost forgot that he was insulted by this little white face and said he was gay, and such a question came up in his mind for no reason, "He didn't have any kung fu, right? ?"

Obviously it was very "difficult" to block the punch from the opponent. This was an act of self-defense that no one could fault, but he was labeled as an assault on the police, so Li Zedao felt uncomfortable. Ah, how can this be considered an assault on the police?

Li Zedao decided to let the other party know what is the real violent defiance of law enforcement.

So, he did it!

"Hey!" He hit Captain Guan's left eye with a punch, Captain Guan's left eye struck, and immediately became red and purple, and his eyes began to pop out.

"Hey!" He punched Captain Guan in the right eye again. The right eye also immediately stepped into the footsteps of the left eye, red and swollen and hard to see.



Li Zedao simply kicked over, kicking directly on Captain Guan's stomach.

So this sturdy man, who was 1.85 meters tall and weighed about 180 jin, flew out and hit the wall heavily, even causing the lamp on the ceiling of the interrogation room to sway a bit. Next, it was as if a small earthquake occurred.

It happened too suddenly and it was too hard to imagine. In addition, Li Zedao shot too fast, so other police officers collectively petrified, as if they saw the expression of a pig flying in the sky. Can't respond.

"Understood? This is violent defiance of law enforcement!" Li Zedao said with a faint smile looking at Captain Guan who was kicked out by himself, his tone was as if an officer was reprimanding the soldier under his hand.

The latter was clutching his stomach at this time, his face turned pale and twisted, and his eyes kept pouring water out, making it difficult to see. After hearing Li Zedao's words, his body was trembling with anger, and he roared: "Boy, if you dare to do something to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will definitely kill your whole family... What the **** are you doing in a daze? Lao Tzu..."

No one rushed towards Li Zedao, they just stood there motionless, their faces were stiff and ugly, and there was extreme fear in their eyes.

They were stunned to find that their bodies seemed to be frozen, even motionless.

At this moment, Captain Guan suddenly realized that there were more people in front of him. He slowly raised his head and looked up, working hard to open his eyes that hurt so much that he wanted to mad, but he saw that. Xiao Bailian didn't know when he had already come to him, and was staring at him condescendingly, his eyes were so cold.

Captain Guan's body shuddered suddenly, and inexplicably, he had a feeling of falling into an ice cave.

"What did you just say? Kill my whole family?" Li Zedao smiled, but his smile was so gloomy, giving people a neurotic feeling, even his eyes were reddening little by little, with an extremely terrifying aura. come out.

For a while, the temperature in this small temporary interrogation room seemed to drop sharply, giving people a chilly feeling. Mia, who was sitting there gracefully, trembled involuntarily, and was suddenly caught by Li Zedao. The murderous aura exuded was shocked.

"You... what do you want to do?" Captain Guan suddenly felt an extremely uneasy feeling, his throat squirmed, and he swallowed a big mouthful of water.

"I have warned you, my background is so big that you can't provoke it, but you just didn't listen, and you said something that I dislike very much... Since you choose to be a dog, you must be a dog. Enlightenment." Li Zedao gave a weird smile, and then he lifted his foot heavily. The next second, he aimed at Captain Guan's calf and stepped heavily on it!

"Crack!" The sound of crushing bones came out!

Captain Guan's expression froze, and the next second a sharp pain struck, and then a scream of screams resounded throughout the interrogation room.

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