The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1808: Island woman

Li Zedao got off the car and took the luggage out of the car. First, he opened the suitcase and took out the Xuanyuan Xia Yujian that he had wrapped tightly in newspapers. Then, the suitcase was handed to Mia.

When I came back to Yenching, Li Zedao took this sword with him. Even if he encounters some perfect genetic superman, or even a strong person like Queen Elena, no matter how hard your body is, You need to hold this sword firmly and slash it with one sword, and it can easily split you in half.

When wrapping the sword in newspapers, Mia was also there. In her opinion, this is an expensive cultural relic. The boss brought it to whom, right?

"Okay, go in and reserve a room by yourself. After you book it, you can send me the room number. I will come to meet you after I get things done. If you have any problems that cannot be solved, please call me at any time. "Li Zedao looked at the woman and explained briefly.

The next thing to do is not suitable for a woman to participate in, and even if she really meets General Skull, it will only bring her danger.

The reason why Li Zedao brought her to Yanjing was simply to be on guard against her.

Of course Li Zedao knew that this woman was also very clear about the kind of distrust she had in her, but not only did she not care, but she felt that it should be the case, which was taken for granted.

Therefore, Li Zedao was naturally satisfied with this woman's attitude and rationality.

"Oh, okay, boss." Mia nodded and smiled. Although knowing that this should be a very short and very short separation, it would be a few days at most, she was already reluctant to give up.

For a while, Mia has become accustomed to the boss's smile on her face. Doing nothing, not even saying a word, but just looking at him from a distance will make Mia feel at ease.

It is a very strange and wonderful feeling.

Once Mia found sunshine in a boy, now she not only found sunshine in Li Zedao, but she also found an inexplicable sense of security.

"This medicine is here to ensure that you won't have any toxicity in your body within a month." Li Zedao gave another medicine bottle to Mia, which contained four round pills.

"So, boss, you disappeared for at least a month?" Mia took the medicine bottle and asked, her heart already slightly picked up. It seems that this trip to Yenching is far less simple than I imagined.

Li Zedao smiled and responded: "Not necessarily, maybe only a few days, but there is no danger. People who can kill me, yes, but are dead or not yet born... In short, in the world we live in. Does not exist."

Li Zedao had already learned about the specific structure of this world from the Exterminating Master.

There are actually many planes in this space, and each plane is closely connected but exists separately, with its own natural laws.

And there is a connection point between the plane and the plane. Under certain characteristics, you can go to another plane through that connection point.

Therefore, Li Zedao has reason to believe that in those other planes, there must be a powerful person who is so powerful that only fear and despair remain.

Mia nodded slightly, feeling a little at ease. Indeed, with the boss's skill and terrifying insight, he really couldn't kill him, even the skull and the most perfect genetic superman.

"Don't worry, after a month, even if I haven't done anything, someone will come over and give you an antidote." Li Zedao said with a smile. He clearly felt the worry of this woman.

Li Zedao didn't tell Mia that after taking these four pills in the bottle, the poison in your body would naturally be resolved.

Although there is a fog and danger in front of him, Li Zedao doesn't think he will say goodbye to the world completely, but what if? Therefore, he simply detoxified Mia's body.

For a beautiful woman who likes herself, even if her past is full of inferiorities, Li Zedao is soft-hearted after all, and cannot bear any harm to her.

"Enjoy this trip." Li Zedao said again.

"If the boss can accompany me, it will be even more enjoyable. I am a little lonely in this strange city by myself." Mia said what was in her heart.

Li Zedao smiled: "So, do I need to buy you some cucumbers and eggplants?"

"Oh, damn, you can get out." Mia scolded with a smile. His mouth said so, but his eyes looked at Li Zedao with scorching heat, and his eyes seemed to melt people.

"What do you want to do?" The woman's eyes were too dangerous, and Li Zedao was a little nervous inexplicably, she didn't want to throw herself to the ground and wipe it, oh?

"Boss, what do you think?" Mia's eyes were neither evasive nor shy, she was so hot and straight, but she looked at you seriously again.

"Uh... don't look at me with this kind of eyes." Li Zedao looked embarrassed.

Mia's hand stretched out suddenly, hugged Li Zedao's neck, and then put on her own perfumed lips.

Moreover, French kisses are also used.

This woman hugged her arms very tightly, and Li Ze loved to resist, and she was really skilled.

This woman, she is going to compete with herself... experience? Li Zedao felt that his authority had been provoked, so he decisively began to fight back.

With a hint of cool breeze, the hairy rain, the young men and women hugging each other and kissing each other... This is a very unbeatable picture.

At least, the hotel security who stood over there wanted to come over and seduce people. It's really bad, and he was embarrassed for them to kiss him in the public. If his daughter dared to do this, he would have pulled out his baton and rushed over to kill the man.

In addition, the security guard also thinks that this man and woman may have something wrong with their brains. You said it's still raining in this cold weather. If you want to kiss, enter the hotel and book the room before you kiss it. As for being so anxious?


Two silhouettes in the dark and gloomy castle, one after the other, the muffled sound of the leather shoes heavy on the floor and the seductive sound of high heels knocking on the floor make this dark and gloomy castle A bit of terrifying aura was added to it.

General Skull and Crossbones walked ahead, behind him, followed by a woman with a delicate oriental face.

This is a woman with two deep water*, whoever sees him, the first time he will look at her chest.

What is even more eye-catching is that although the woman is wearing a nightgown, the belt of the nightgown is not tied, so it can be clearly seen that she is wearing a set of black **** underwear, which is undoubtedly extremely eye-catching. Let people burst out at first sight.

Even the Skull General, who was walking in the front, turned back from time to time, looking at this woman with a gentleman's smile and said, "Oh, dear Miss Hyuga, all the **** light bulbs in this place are broken. So it’s a bit dark, please be careful."

"Oh, okay, dear sir, please be careful too." The woman responded with a charming smile, and there was no fear in her eyes, instead there was a hint of seduction in it.

A woman cannot be regarded as a person of the skull organization in the true sense. She is from an island country and her name is Rika Hyuga.

This woman has a beautiful face, a hot body, and a healthy family. What she needs to do every day is to dress herself beautifully and then go to various high-end cocktail parties, or go to those luxury brand stores. , Buy favorite bags, clothes and other luxury goods.

One day, Riya Hyuga suddenly got tired of this extravagant life, and she wanted to live a meaningful life. So one person secretly ran to a certain city on the edge of the desert in Egypt, planning to visit the pyramids.

However, before she had time to set off and walked into the desert to visit the majestic pyramid, she secretly disappeared in the hotel, and there was no news ever since.

Of course Ryu Hyuga didn't disappear secretly, she was just secretly kidnapped by the Skull Organization and brought to Skull Island.

The Skeleton Organization not only secretly kidnapped children, they also kidnapped women. Regardless of whether they look good or not, they should be **** first. Of course, good-looking is better.

Therefore, it is of course not only a woman Ryu Hyuga, but also many other women who were kidnapped and brought to the island. The functions of these women are basically used to satisfy the people on the island as a tool for venting*, and their functions are like military prostitutes. Of course, some eventually became experimental subjects.

Riya Hyuga is relatively lucky. She has a beautiful face and a hot body, so once she was taken to the island, she was taken by one of the paladins. From then on, she only needs to serve the paladin well. , And don’t need to live a dark life like other women, and some are even tortured to death.

Half an hour ago, when of course he was getting ready to serve the Paladin, the old man suddenly appeared like a ghost.

Ryu Hyuga saw it clearly. The Paladin quickly stood up and saluted the old man with an extremely respectful expression and attitude. So Riya Hyuga understood that this old man should be the ultimate boss here, that one. The mysterious general skull is right.

So when General Skull let himself go with him, Riya Hyuga was naturally very excited.

Being caught in such a ghost place, she gave up the idea of ​​escape a long time ago. Now she is thinking about how to make her life better while saving her life.

And the face of the body is undoubtedly her capital.

In Hinata Riya's view, this old man must have been fascinated by her body. Where is this going to take her to fight? So Hyuga Riya was naturally looking forward to it. Once she slept with this old man, she naturally had the means to make him*, and even said that she could not do without herself. After that, her life would undoubtedly be more comfortable.

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