The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1814: Betray trust

After walking a few steps forward, Li Zedao squatted slightly, then freed up a hand, picked up the umbrella on the ground and handed it to Encore: "Block out some rain."

Encore tightly hugged Li Zedao’s neck with his left hand, and reached out with his right hand to take the umbrella and propped it on top of the two of them. In an instant, the raindrops that fell down crackled and hit the umbrella, like it was jumping. It’s like a beautiful note.

Then, a short melody suddenly appeared in Encore's mind.

Untouchable, the creative inspiration just appeared. For a while, Encore fell into a certain state, Li Zedao did not speak, the whole space seemed to fall into an indescribable silence all at once, the sound of rain, The sound of the foot on the ground did not break the silence, on the contrary it added a bit of silence.

Two minutes later, Enkeke woke up from a certain state, her small face was already full of joy. During this time, she was creating a new song, but she had never been inspired. I could not think of being carried by this bastard. Hearing the sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella, inspiration came.

"Hey, thank you." Enkeke said, seeing this guy let him bring himself creative inspiration, Enkeke decided not to hate him so much.

"You are very courageous, are you afraid that I will sell you?" Li Zedao smiled.

"I know, you are a bastard, but you are not a bad guy." Enkeke said, although she decided not to hate him so much, she said that she was very concerned about the bastard's reaction before.

The thing that beauty can't stand is being ignored, let alone she is such a famous beauty.

Li Zedao was speechless: "I am not a **** either."

"Who knows?" Encore chuckled, and was not arguing with him about this fact that seemed to her to be ironclad. She was afraid that the **** would throw her to the side of the road in a depressed manner, and then it would be a tragedy.

"You... also went to see my concert?" Encore was a little speechless. Her head was resting on Li Zedao's shoulders, and her lips were a little closer to his ears. This posture was undoubtedly very ambiguous, which made her heartbeat a little faster, so she was looking for some topics casually, planning to try to divert her attention.

And what surprised her was that this **** didn't look like a muscular man. Although he was not fat, he still had a hundred catties. How could he walk so easily and breathe smoothly without panting. Tired?

"Well, but I fell asleep as soon as I sat down. I didn't wake up until Zhou Xiaolu came out. Then when Zhou Xiaolu stepped down, I also left." Li Zedao truthfully replied.

"..." The muscles on Enkeke's face twitched violently, almost spitting out old blood, really want to bite this guy's neck with one bite, you still say you're not a bastard?

"What about you? Why did you sneak out?" Li Zedao asked.

"Don't worry about it!" Enkeke said very depressed, and said uncomfortably after being silent, "It's not that a certain **** is going to propose to me in the background, and I can't offend, I can only run."

Li Zedao smiled, this woman is quite cute, of course, if she let her fans know that their queen would scold "Wang Ba Laozi", maybe they would be shaken off, right?

"What's your name?" Encore asked. You can't always call him "Hi" or "Asshole", right?

"Zhou Yan." Li Zedao said casually.

"Zhou Yan... Ordinary, not a good name." Enkeke said.

Li Zedao nodded as if he had met his soulmate and said, "I think so too."

Encore was extremely speechless, thinking that he was deliberately belittling him, how could he agree with this?

"Then what do you do?" Encore asked again, "You are not too old, twenty years old? Which university is the student? Isn't it a high-achieving student from Yanjing University or Shuimu University?"

Of course, what Encore said was polite. In her opinion, this **** should be studying at a pheasant university.

"I was a college student a few months ago, but not anymore."


"No, I was fired."

"...Because of what?" Encore's gossip heart was burning, and she thought it seemed interesting to chat with this bastard.

"Because the school thought I was dead." Li Zedao said casually.

"..." Encore really wanted to slap this serious **** to death.

"Humph, I don't want to say it if I don't want to say it, I don't want to know anyway." Enkeke snorted coldly, speaking against his conscience.

Li Zedao smiled helplessly, why didn't anyone believe it when he told the truth these days?

A few minutes later, Li Zedao came to the off-road vehicle where he parked with Encore on his back.

After a glance at the car, Encore's eyes looked a little different when looking at Li Zedao. She probably knew the price of this off-road vehicle. I don’t see that this kid is quite rich. It will not be a rich second-generation. Right?

At that moment, Li Zedao opened the door of the back seat and put the Encoco in, before returning to the driving position to start the car and turn on the heating to the maximum.

Encore's heart is inexplicably warm, this **** is quite careful.

With the rain and the low temperature, Encoco was already trembling from the cold. Now that the heating is turned on, Encoco instantly feels as if the winter is back in the spring, and the body is already comfortable. A lot.

Then, she saw Li Zedao push the door and get out of the car.

"Hey, Zhou Yan, why are you going... uh, what do you want to do?" Li Zedao suddenly opened the back seat door and got in, really frightening Encore, his buttocks moved backwards involuntarily, his eyes looked Already a little wary.

You bastard, if you dare to move, I promise you will die miserably.

"I'm not interested in you." Li Zedao looked at Encore's eyes as if looking at a Chinese cabbage.

"..." The eyes hurt, and the words hurt even more, so hurt that Encore wants to hurt people.

At the same time, Li Zedao stretched out his hand and grabbed Encore's left foot.

"Hiss... it hurts, what are you doing?" Enkeke was so painful that he subconsciously retracted his foot. Isn't this **** not interested in yourself? Why are you still scratching your own feet?

Could it be... he has a foot fetish?

Encore's body trembled as soon as this word with a * ray appeared in his mind.

I have long heard that this kind of person is very abnormal, he will not intend to kill himself first and then **** him? Suddenly, Enkeke's face turned pale, and his heart was full of regrets. How could he go with him when his brain was hot?

"Don't move." Li Zedao roared in a low voice.

Encore was stunned when he was yelled like this by the other party, and immediately he was wronged, angry and scared: "Why are you yelling at me? You can't just grab my foot and I can't struggle for a while? You are a pervert, I warn you , If you touch me, I promise you will not die miserably..."

Li Zedao didn't bother to pay attention to the threat of this woman, and simply tore off Encore's small leather boots that had already been flooded, and then tore off her stockings. In an instant, a flawless jade foot appeared in Li Zedao's hands, with crystal clear toes , Her delicate skin shone shiny, but her ankles were flushed and swollen very high. It was obvious that she was really hurt.

"You... what are you going to do?" Enkeke's crying voice was trembling, wouldn't he really fall into the wolf's den? This dead pervert, I still feel that you are not a bad person. You have let down my trust in you.

"Do you know why I fell asleep at your concert?" Li Zedao asked, looking up at the panicked woman with a wicked smile, and immediately gave the answer to the question, "Because the songs you sing are all lullaby."

Li Zedao's words were so harsh to En Keke, and they simply stimulated her nerves. He stared at Li Zedao with murderous eyes and cursed: "Bad son, you are singing hypnosis... Ah... …"

I only heard a soft sound of "Kacha!", and then Encoco's screams sounded, and her face was instantly pale, her small face was full of pain, and there were tears in her eyes. When he rolled, his hand subconsciously scratched Li Zedao's face, leaving a few scratches directly on Li Zedao's neck.

"Asshole, what did you do to me..." At this moment, Encore was almost 100% sure that she fell into the hands of a deadly pervert.

"Heal for you." Li Zedao felt the hotness on his neck, so speechless, he even scratched me? You think you are Teacher Su and others, so you can scratch if you want!

"Move around by yourself, it should not hurt that much. I will pass by the drugstore for a while and just buy a spray like Yunnan Baiyao." Li Zedao gently put her left foot down.

"Treatment? Who believes it? Are you so kind? Besides, would you? Who do you think you are...Huh..." Enkeke slowly moved his left ankle, although it still hurts, but it doesn't. As before, it hurts unbearably after a little movement.

Therefore, he is not a foot fetish, not a deadly pervert, he is helping himself to heal, and the technique seems to be very clever... he is actually a doctor?

Suddenly, Enkeke's face became a little hot, especially when he saw the scars on his neck that were already bleeding and seemed so shocking, I felt even more disturbed.

"Yes... I'm sorry, but you should have told me..." Encore lowered his head, a little embarrassed, like a kid who made a mistake.

Li Zedao was too lazy to respond, and pulled the door to get out of the car and returned to the driving position. I thought if I told you you would believe that I could heal your feet? I’m afraid I’m the kind of big pervert who wants to do something with your feet.

Encore can see that Li Zedao ignored it and couldn't help but shout: "Hey! I apologized, what do you want?"

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