The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1852: Diabetes insipidus

Li Zedao saw this, another half an hour passed.

And during this half an hour, Li Zedao listened to Lawyer Zhao and Manager Sun taking turns introducing the industries transferred to his own name. At the same time, he did not forget to help Dong Jun pour tea, so that Dong Jun Not only was it as simple as vomiting, he felt that his bladder was already on the verge of exploding. If he moved a little, it might explode. Even if it didn't explode, he would definitely have a diabetes collapse.

In the end, what made Dong Jun almost moved to cry was that the **** finally took the pen handed over by Lawyer Zhao, and signed his name in the signing position.

Rao Li Zedao's mind is far better than ordinary people and he regards money as dung, but at this time his spirit is involuntarily tranced. Once the name is signed, these industries worth billions of dollars will be handed over.

"If one day is fortunate to be interviewed by the media, can I pretend that money is just a set of numbers for me?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

Li Zedao thought for a while. This kind of thing would never happen. He was only suitable for hiding behind the scenes, not for standing in front of the stage, and the dazzling light in front of the stage was not suitable for him.

Looking at Dong Jun, who was already trembling lightly, and even unable to straighten his waist, Li Zedao pushed the file bag in front of him to Dong Jun and smiled: "Mr. Dong, this thing will return to Zhao."

"Thanks...Thank you Li Shao." Dong Jun said with great difficulty. His face was twitching and painful. It was almost twisted into a bun. Now, let alone move it, in other words, he feels his bladder. It's going to burst.

However, the contents of the bag are so important that it is related to his life. Therefore, Dong Jun still tried his best to lift up the file bag and check the contents, but this moved , He suddenly felt that a certain tendon in his brain was suddenly twitching, and then his body shivered violently involuntarily, followed by the first heat under his crotch, and his body and mind was suddenly relieved... he had a diabetes collapse!

The water was like a cracked water pipe, constantly pouring out, instantly making Dong Jun's suit and pants wet a large area. At the same time, the sound of water droplets sounded in this quiet room.

After a few seconds of comfort, Dong Jun's whole body was dumbfounded, and the expression on his face was really wonderful, but at this time he couldn't control the urination, and every second of time passed, his stomach would feel comfortable. So he doesn't want to control it subconsciously.

He could only let this shameful thing continue to happen without moving, letting the urine soaked his entire pair of pants, dripped onto the ground, and even finally penetrated into the shoes.

"Uh..." Upon seeing Lawyer Zhao, Manager Sun was simply dumbfounded, his expression was like seeing a pig flying in the sky. Of course, even if they really saw the scene of pigs flying in the sky, maybe they would not be so surprised.

In their eyes, Dong Jun, who exists as a god, nodded and bowed to a little boy in his early twenties and tried to accompany a smiling face. After all, they knew how stupid this young man was.

But now Dong Jun is peeing in front of them. Is it that he is so sick that he can't control his poop?

Li Zedao also twitched at the corner of his mouth. He quickly stood up, looked at Dong Jun, and said very politely: "That... don't bother Mr. Dong."

"Uh...Mr. Dong, let's go first, you are busy, you are busy." Attorney Zhao and Manager Sun looked at each other with wonderful expressions, and quickly followed and left, and did not forget to close the box door.

Dong Jun was full of grief and humiliation, looking at Li Zedao's back as if he were looking at a dead person.

It took almost three minutes for the collapse of the urine, and then stopped.

Looking down at his wet trousers and the big puddle of urine stains on the ground, Dong Jun's mind trembled for a few times, and he really felt a sense of death hundreds of times.

Last night, together with the shame he suffered this morning, the whole mentality of this once-inspiring hero basically collapsed. The whole heart has fallen into a state of complete mania, full of darkness, and no more sunlight. .

After taking a few deep breaths, his extremely trembling hands stretched out with difficulty, picked up the file bag on the desktop, and took out the contents one by one.

In fact, it was just a few documents and a small notebook. To put it bluntly, it was just a few pieces of paper, but just these few pieces of paper were barely visible at all. Once they saw it, Dong Jun was dead.

The reason why Dong Jun left these things is naturally to seize the handle of certain people, but also to... be a memorial, he will look at these materials from time to time, and then lament how awesome he is. what. But what was unexpected is that these things actually made him subject to others.

There was no shortage of things, which made Dong Jun feel a little relieved, and put the thing back into the bag again. At the same time, the phone in his pocket vibrated and a text message entered.

While Dong Jun's brows trembled a few times, he quickly took out his mobile phone and opened the text message, and the scarlet eyes already showed a strong hideousness.

After putting the phone back in his pocket, Dong Jun picked up the file bag and walked quickly into the bathroom in the box. Standing in front of the sink, he dumped the contents of the bag on the sink, and then took out the lighter to light it.

In an instant, the flame jumped up and quickly swallowed the paper. Under the light of the fire, Dong Jun's face looked hideous and distorted, his eyes were scarlet, and an extremely vicious and fierce light came out. The whole person looked like a ghost crawling out of hell.

In less than a minute, all these papers were reduced to ashes.

Right now Dong Jun turned on the faucet and flushed away the ashes in a brainstorm. After that, he didn't turn off the faucet and turned to leave.

It was just that after he left the box, he was stopped by several people before he could get out of the Imperial City Tea House.

The person headed by Dong Jun is naturally familiar with Yang Chao, the manager of this teahouse.

The person in charge of this teahouse before was naturally the Wei family. After Li Zedao took over the teahouse, the manager naturally changed.

Of course, none of the waiters at the bottom have changed, and none of the business philosophy of the teahouse has changed.

As for the specific origin of Yang Chao, Dong Jun is not quite clear. In short, it was a dog raised by Li Zedao.

Before this teahouse was standing behind the Wei family, no one dared to stray in this teahouse. Now that he is standing behind Li Zedao and the huge force behind him, no one dared to provoke him.

Standing behind Yang Chao was the security staff of the teahouse.

Right now, Yang Chao looked at Dong Jun's wet pants with a weird expression, and when he asked about the smell of urine, his body paused and his face had become quite ugly.

He received a report from the waiter that the guests in this box did not know what was going on and they peeed directly in the box, and even burned things in the bathroom. Fortunately, it did not cause a fire, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable, so Yang Chao quickly took Someone appeared to stop Dong Jun.

This is the Imperial City Teahouse, the most famous teahouse in Yanjing, no matter who it is, when I come here to drink tea, I always talk and laugh lightly, and I never dare to make a lot of noise. Now it’s okay. Someone actually used the clean and elegant box as a toilet, peeing in it, and even burning things in the bathroom, making the entire box annoying. What's more, the faucet was not turned off, saving water. do not you get it?

"Mr. Dong, even if you are ill and have a diabetes collapse, you should go to the bathroom in the box as soon as possible. What's the matter with you?" Yang Chao looked gloomy and said unceremoniously at Dong Jun, "and You dare to burn things in it. If this causes a fire, do you feel responsible?"

Dong Jun is a gold member here, and Yang Chao is familiar with it naturally. Although the customer is God, if God dared to do such an excessive thing in the teahouse, Yang Chao would not mind throwing God out.

"One hundred thousand!" Dong Jun, with a gloomy expression on his face, said these two words in a gloomy and hoarse voice. He is in a hurry to leave now, and he has no time to wrestle with this dogged dog. Otherwise, if Li Zedao finds out something, maybe, next year today will be his anniversary.

"Dong Jun, do you think this is a question of money?" Yang Chao looked at Dong Jun's eyes as if he were looking at an idiot. This is tantamount to discrediting the golden sign of "Imperial City Tea House". Is this measurable with money... It is mainly you who gave... 100,000? Call Huazi.

Right now, Yang Chao didn't bother to talk nonsense to him, and said to the security guards in charge of him: "You guys will treat Mr. Dong well, teach him the principles of life, and then throw it out."

"You move me to try? I promise to make you die miserably." Dong Jun's expression was ugly, and he shouted coldly, looking at Yang Chao as if looking at a dead person. Forget about being humiliated again and again by Li Zedao. Now a dog he raises is trying to pee on his head, which undoubtedly makes Dong Jun angry.

Yang Chao's complexion sank. The one next door is so spicy that he dare to threaten Lao Tzu? The hand stretched out suddenly, grabbed the collar of Dong Jun's clothes, and then slapped his unswollen pig-headed face with a heavy hand.

Dong Jun’s skills were not bad at first, but he has been humiliated repeatedly from last night until now, and his strength has basically been exhausted. In addition, Yang Chao is not a fuel-efficient lamp at all. His hand is far above Dong Jun, so, Dong Jun was simply unable to avoid it.

"Pop!" Dong Jun's face was stunned.

For a while, his eyes were staring at Venus, and his whole person was in a daze. His originally red and swollen face swelled up again, and even the corners of his mouth were split and blood oozing out.

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