"Oh, dear boss, seeing I behave so well, can you agree to a small request?" Mia looked at Li Ze with a grin, and stared at Li Ze with a few dripping eyes full of style. Look at the face close at hand. Her lips only need to be closer than twenty centimeters forward to kiss his sexy-looking lips heavily.

Mia once liked a boy and liked it very much, but the feeling of liking is not the same as when facing the boss now. Now it is infatuation, and that infatuation seems to go by over time. The second will increase by one point.

"Uh...what request?" Li Zedao swallowed, feeling a little thirsty inexplicably.

"Oh, I have almost forgotten what it feels like orgasm? Can you help me remember it?" Miyajiao said diligently, and gently touched Li Zedao's earlobe with her lips.

"This..." Li Zedao was struggling in his heart. This request is too reasonable and reasonable. If it is not satisfied, will it hurt people's hearts too much? Is it too beastly?

He discovered that this woman had the potential to be a demon, and she had a demon spirit that was enough to make people crazy.

Of course, more often than not, she restrained this demon spirit and did not let it release, but now, she released it completely, so Li Zedao, who didn't want to carry it so much, couldn't hold it decisively.

"Oh, dear boss, I parked the car under a big tree not far from here." Mia blew into Li Zedao's ear.

"..." There are dead people here, it's too scary, Li Zedao decided to go back to the car and talk.

One day later, Dong Jun's body was found. When it was found, several crows fell on his body and pecking at his body.

Especially his face was almost completely pecked by crows, and even his eyeballs were eaten, making the few college students who had nothing to do camping here just to vomit. .

After careful investigation by the police, the murderer locked on Dong Jun’s two subordinates, the horse monkey and Ergou, and immediately arrested them, but the two men were long gone. As for why they wanted to kill Dong Jun, this naturally had to be arrested for these two people to know.

After the news that Dong Jun, a super predator in the entertainment industry, was shot and killed by his own confidant, it naturally caused great turmoil in the circle, as if he was slamming into the already restless water pool. Like a big rock, it directly caused a huge wave.

Some people feel sorry, some people feel that the sky is falling, and many people cry silently and then buy some fireworks and start displaying them as an early Chinese New Year.

For some insiders, they decisively believed that Dong Jun should have died in the hands of Li Zedao. Of course, no one has any evidence, and even if there is evidence, they dare not say anything.

Of course, these are all things to do.


After meeting Miana's small requirements in the car, Li Zedao drove back to the Shengli Garden community. After that, Mia and Encore went shopping together. As for Li Zedao, he drove to the gate of Zizhuyuan.

Zizhuyuan is a well-known high-end community in Yanjing, and Wu Ming owns a house in this community.

Wu Ming is in his forties, and he usually wears a pair of round gold-wired eyes, which is quite romantic and elegant, and he looks very bookish.

He is also a small famous figure in the antique circle, and he opened a large-scale antique shop on a certain famous antique street.

On the face of it, he is an antique merchant and antique appreciating expert, but Li Zedao knew that this guy secretly hooked up with Dong Jun and did a lot of disgusting things.

Obviously it’s **** but it’s just selling it as an antique at a high price. After all, you can’t say anything if the customer accidentally spends money to buy fakes, but this guy even secretly resells some precious cultural relics that the country prohibits with Dong Jun. , Making a lot of precious literature go overseas, which is really damned.

In addition, Wu Ming is also a beast in life. When he first came out, if his wife and family hadn't helped with investment and silently supported him behind the scenes, Wu Ming would have starved to death on the street.

But after the development, Wu Ming began to mess around outside, and even one day when he drank too much, Wu Ming brought the woman home in front of his wife. After that, the couple had a big quarrel and got into a divorce.

In order not to divide the property in half and give it to his wife, he actually got his wife drunk first, and then found someone to sleep with his wife, and then came to catch the **** on the spot. The typical thief called the thief. In the end, his unreasonable wife couldn't stand the humiliation and ended her life with a bottle of sleeping pills.

Li Zedao naturally learned about Wu Ming from the information in Dong Jun's safe. After that, Li Zedao made a phone call and quickly obtained more detailed information about Wu Ming.

Now that Dong Jun has gone to hell, Li Zedao didn't want to let this beast go, besides, there is a very important thing that needs the "help" of this beast.

As for whether Wu Ming wants to help, he can't help it.


The gloomy castle, the jumping candlelight.

General Skull was sitting on the crocodile leather sofa with a thick cigar in his mouth. When the fireworks flashed and dimmed, it reflected his old face with a wicked smile that seemed so enjoyable.

On the table directly in front of General Skull, there was a table full of delicious food.

This dish is the most authentic and sophisticated French cuisine, including the most familiar foie gras, French oil-sealed duck leg, Basque chicken stew, Bordeaux lamprey, and French dry pan-fried fish. The scallops of Saint-Jacques...In short, they are all classic French dishes.

In addition, there are a few expensive bottles of precious red wine on the table. The price of any bottle of red wine is worth a few months' wages of ordinary working-class workers.

At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps came, and soon, two figures of a man and a woman appeared in front of General Skull and Crossbones.

The woman's figure is plump, **** and charming, and her professional outfit and her long legs wrapped in black silk make people even look away from her eyes.

The man is an oriental face, in his fifties, but his face is pale and bloodless, as if he is suffering from a serious illness, but his spirit looks full and abnormal, and there is an inexplicable light in his eyes. It flickered, and from time to time, there was an extremely terrifying breath coming out of his body.

The man is wearing a well-fitting tuxedo, and the black leather shoes that are polished up can be used as a mirror.

"Master." The man looked at General Skull and bent his waist slightly.

"Oh, how do you feel now, dear Niubi...Oh, no, Erha. Your name will be Erha from now on. This is the name I chose for you. Do you like it?"

General Skull looked at this familiar face thousands of years ago and asked with a smile, "Surely you don’t know what Erha is? Let me briefly explain to you, Erha is a very cute dog. Breed, its full name is Siberian Husky, this kind of dog is usually stupid, just like you."

The expression and tone of General Skull and Crossbones was like standing in front of him as if it was a puppy and he was playing with the puppy, not a living person.

Looking at this face, General Skull and Crossbones inevitably felt emotional in his heart. More than a thousand years have been enough for the vicissitudes of life, but this face is still the same... Except for the skin with a sickly white color and no blood.

I have to say that Taoism's cultivation and health-preserving mentality still has its advantages.

At the same time, a figure appeared in General Skull’s mind, a tall and mighty figure that raised her hands with the domineering figure of the world, and a tall and mighty figure that raised her hands with the domineering figure of the world. And what a handsome and suave figure that face is.

That was him more than a thousand years ago! At that time he was called...the evil god!

More than a thousand years ago, his kind of handsomeness was simply unmatched. Wherever he went, those women fell over and fell sick with lovesickness. At that time, he also formed a harem, in that harem, there are three thousand beauties! Li Zedao that **** **** doesn't deserve to give him shoes!

But after that, he had to change to another body to be able to continue to survive in this world.

"Master, poor... Erha likes it very much, thank you for his name." The man lowered his head so that the General Skull and Crossbones sitting in front of him could not see his face. Emoji. Of course, his voice was full of joy, like a dog that was rewarded by his master.

"Oh, as long as you like it... You have to like it if you don't like it, you have to be grateful, thank me for regaining your freedom, and giving you such a lovely name, what do you think?" General Skull smiled Said.

"Yes, Master... Erha, I am very grateful." The man's tone was full of gratitude.

General Skeleton nodded in satisfaction and smiled gloomily: "However, I don't like your face...oh, I mean, I don't like your face so...complete, When you see your face, I can't help but think of the hurt you caused me back then...Do you understand what I mean?"

"Master, I understand." Erha said. He raised his hand and grabbed his face fiercely, leaving five shocking wounds on it in an instant, and there was even a bone that was deeply visible. How heavy is the man's hand.

For a while, the dripping blood slid down his cheeks, causing blood stains on the expensive tuxedo on his body, and a lot of dripping on the precious carpet on the ground, and a strong **** smell suddenly filled the entire space.

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