The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1871: Mentally handicapped boy

The fat woman was holding her hot face and looking at Mia with blank eyes. Her drowsy mind couldn't understand what she said. She obviously wanted to slap her face so badly. It was yourself who came here and was drawn?

"Oh, **** it." Mia looked at her greasy hands, a little disgusting, and some regrets giving her a slap in the face. Wouldn't it be enough to know that a yin leg would pass?

It wasn't until she felt a **** smell in her mouth that the fat woman reacted. Her expression was hideous and distorted, her face was like a crumpled ball of paper, and her eyes stared like fire. Watching Mia hiss and roared: "Smelly-bitch, do you dare to hit me? Wait, the old lady will find a hundred stubborn guys who will give you a round, you bitch... what……"

The fat woman screamed, because Mia simply kicked her belly. Her fat face was completely twisted into a ball because of the pain. In addition to being slapped, the thick foundation applied on her face fell off a lot, making her face look like Cracked eggshell.

Those onlookers were shocked when they saw such a face and quickly moved their eyes away. If they continued to watch, they were worried that they would have nightmares tonight.

Mia was very happy, she felt that she was right, and sure enough, she wouldn't dirty her hands with a kick, and she wouldn't be so disgusting if she didn't dirty her hands.

Of course she didn't use her yin leg... Mia felt that she had become kind-hearted since she followed the boss.

"Oh, the omnipotent God, Amen!" Mia muttered in her heart, once again becoming the lovely girl who was half bright and sad and liked to count the stars up forty-five degrees. I really can't do things like abandoning someone else's younger brother or younger sister.

Then, her sleeve-length fingers flicked slightly, and the powder that was barely visible to the naked eye fell on the neck of the wailing fat woman on the ground.

"Oh, dear boss, let's go back." Mia looked back at Li Ze with a charming smile, "Sister Coco is still waiting for you to make breakfast for her."

Li Zedao smiled and nodded. Others didn't see Mia's small movements, but he clearly saw it. In less than two minutes, this woman will be itchy all over her body, and she will probably be in front of everyone like crazy. His face tore his clothes to tickle... the scene was so beautiful, Li Zedao really didn't dare to watch it.

Regarding Mia’s approach, Li Zedao expressed his approval with both hands and feet. For such an arrogant and domineering bitch, you should give her pain and let her hurt her bones. In the future, she will converge a little, otherwise she will not know in the future. How many people will be bitten by her dog for no reason, and will be severely humiliated by her after being bitten.

"Oh, of course, I'm also hungry." Mia looked at Li Zedao's eyes with watery eyes, and licked her **** red lips gently.

Li Zedao looked at her attractive red lips and felt a little hungry.

"Boss, this kid..." Mia pointed to the kid who was always smirking and drooling.

"Take it home first." Li Zedao felt more and more that his thoughts were right. Ten minutes have passed since, and the noise was still so loud, but the relatives of the child did not come over. I am afraid that the child has been abandoned. .

Mia frowned slightly and nodded. She reacted quickly, so from Li Zedao's expression already verbally, she probably understood what happened to the little boy.

After Li Zedao and Mia walked into the unit, those onlookers didn’t see it lively, and were afraid that they would be worried by the woman on the ground making sounds like pigs. They didn’t have the courage to slap this woman. On Zhang Chou's face, he didn't have the guts to lift his foot and kick her.

In addition, the wailing sound was too unpleasant, it was about to pierce people’s eardrums, so one after another was about to leave, but at this moment, the fat woman suddenly let out an exclamation that was sharper than before. sound.

"Oh, my god...itchy...itchy...itchy old lady..."

Then, let everyone stunned... the scene of "feasting the eyes" appeared. I saw that the fat woman seemed to be crazy, rubbing her body on the ground while making a sharp and stern sound, like a crawling forward. Like a caterpillar.

And she scratched her neck frantically, and she made a very heavy hand, as if she had some deep hatred with herself, and soon her neck was already full of blood stains, it seemed so The shocking.

"Itches... Damn... It tickles me, help..." The fat woman's sharp, pig-like voice was already crying with horror, and there was an extremely scared look in her small eyes.

She didn't know what was going on. All she knew was that the neck suddenly got itchy, and the more itchy, the more itchy, and then the itch developed into the whole body, and the whole body was really itchy, like there are thousands of ants. It's like crawling over there.

"Itching, itching..." She tore up her clothes extremely frantically... The more itching through the clothes became more uncomfortable.

"She is in heat?"

"Looks like, retribution, this is retribution, it makes you fight against others... Is it amazing to have an official father?"

"Oh, the fat in my stomach really tarnishes my eyes, and I left..."

"I don't see that the **** are quite big, hurry up and take a picture..."

"I wiped it, so avant-garde wearing such **** panties... That pair of **** is so pitiful, the straps are almost broken."



"Who is this kid?" En Keke curiously looked at the dirty kid who was only smirking and drooling while being held by Li Zedao. As for Mia, wash her hands as soon as she enters the house. She is a woman with a cleanliness.

Enkeke was taking a shower before, until Mia and Li Zedao entered the house and she just came out of the shower, so she didn't know that Li Zedao saved the child and Mia went downstairs and taught the stubborn fat woman severely.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and explained his guess.

At the same time, the greedy cat saw Li Zedao coming back, and ran over, shaking his head and tail, rubbing Li Zedao's feet with his head.

Li Zedao put the child on the sofa, squatted down and stretched out his hand to pat the greedy cat on the head. I thought that the dog’s temper was very reasonable with the words of his owner. You see that the fat woman is so arrogant, so the **** dog she raised bites at the sight of others; she is so handsome, so she raises the greedy cat. Cute and lovely...

"It's so pitiful." Encore's sympathy immediately flooded, and the look in the little boy's eyes had changed, as if he wanted to pile up the best things in the world in front of him.

Li Zedao was shocked decisively: "Coco, don't tell me that you want to keep him, and that's just my guess. Maybe his family will come to him in a while."

Encore can see that the greedy cat has adopted it pitifully. Li Zedao can certainly accept it. He is still willing to go with her to take care of the greedy cat and accompany her to walk the greedy cat. However, the adoption of such a mentally handicapped child is totally unacceptable to Li Zedao.

Raising a dog is easy, you only need to feed it and drink it occasionally, and you do not need to pay so much energy and responsibility.

But raising a child, especially a child with intellectual disability, is two different things. You have to take care of his illness, worry about his future education, and how to integrate into this society in the future. Li Zedao didn't think Encore could afford the responsibility. Besides, they were not obliged to bear such responsibility. It was the boy's parents who should pay such responsibility.

As for Li Zedao's adoption of Yoko... it was because Yoko carved jade like that porcelain doll, so cute, it's hard to like it or not. More importantly, does she have a good mother or not?

But this little boy... The cruel reality is that he is not likable at all, and even in the eyes of many people, he is simply a burden, a burden, a trouble, and super annoying.

Li Zedao is willing to save him from the dog's mouth, but leaving him with him will definitely be a big trouble.

"Where did I want to go? I simply think he is so pitiful." Encore could see that Li Ze said this way, and he gave him a blank look and said angrily. She is kind, likes to do charity, and likes to help others, but all this is built on the basis of her ability. Adopting such a mentally retarded child is seriously beyond her ability.

In the future, even if she wants to adopt a child, she will naturally adopt a healthy and beautiful child. This has nothing to do with kindness or kindness. After all, human nature pursues beauty.

As for what some virgin **** are going to say about judging people by appearance, hypocrisy, and so on, please think about what you have contributed to this society.

Standing at the highest point of morality and speaking magnificently and accusing others, anyone would say such beautiful things.

The difference between the virgin and the virgin **** is that the virgin will say, so poor, let me help you.

And the mother **** will say, so poor, you can help him quickly, won't you help him? You are the beasts! No, you are worse than beasts!

Li Zedao didn't want to be a Mother who would help one by one, let alone be the kind of Mother who knows to put herself at the highest point of morality all day long and then whispers.

"Then we call the police?" Encore asked.

"Call the police." Li Zedao nodded. This kind of thing should be left to the police uncle. On the one hand, they will find the boy's family as soon as possible, and on the other hand, they will also put the boy in a proper place. Please forgive me for being helpless.

Just when Encore fetched the phone to call the police, the door of the house was knocked gently.

Li Zedao listened to the movement outside, then looked back at Encore and said, "You don't need to call the police, it should be the family of this little boy who came to the door."

At this time, there are nothing more than two types of people who come here, one is the helper that the fat woman finds, and the other is the little boy's relatives.

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