Judging from his appearance, the old man is probably in his seventies, tall and strong, with a ruddy complexion. The most striking thing is his spotless white robe, his long white hair flowing in the wind, and a long white beard. There is indeed a taste of a hidden world master who is full of compulsions.

In addition, there is a beautiful young and fashionable girl beside the old man. At this time, the girl puts her arms around her chest, looking interested in watching the fun.

"If you two really fight, this building will probably be demolished by you." The old man said with a gentle smile on his face.

The woman and the little boy looked at each other and snorted without saying anything.

"How is it?" The old man asked with a smile.

The little boy glanced at the beautiful girl and said, "A very good kid with a very good character. And as Shaoyin said, the kid did understand the "Tianji Tujuan", as for his "Tianji Tujuan". Where did the volume come from, and what is his relationship with the Taoist Qiankun, it is not clear."

"Where it came from, I think I can figure it out soon." The old man nodded.

The women, the little boy, and the beautiful girl all cast their eyes on the old man, but the old man did not continue to speak, but looked at the little boy and motioned him to continue.

The little boy also knows the old man’s temper. If he doesn’t want to say anything, even if you kill him, he won’t say one more word. He immediately said: “From the moment he fluctuated from his body, he said, He has already made a small achievement. With his talent that has been completely transformed by Shinmaru, it is estimated that he will be able to fully comprehend it after giving him hundreds of years. Unfortunately, he does not have so much time. When I was in, I probably took his pulse, the violent aura in his body will definitely explode within a month, and it will definitely be gone by then."

The old man nodded and said, "I see. Let's all go away. Let's prepare. Let's go after a week. You two will remember. Don't do it."

The old man glanced at the woman and the little boy separately, and an extremely strong coercion was already exuding from his body.

"Yes." Both clasped their fists and nodded, not daring to violate them.

The old man didn't say anything, his figure flashed before he disappeared in place.

"You go on, I went shopping, bye." The beautiful girl looked at the women and the little boy with a smile. When she saw the little boy looking at herself with admiration, she blinked at him, and then flashed in the same figure Disappeared in place.

"My dear son, everyone is gone, and your soul should be taken back." The woman sneered with a weird yin and yang. "Besides, you don't know, Shaoyin doesn't like you at all."

The little boy's shiny eyes reluctantly took it back, and glanced at the woman aside with disgust: "I don't bother to care about you, I go to sleep."


Until the security of the community appeared, and they worked hard to roll, rub, and scratch their bodies constantly on the ground. The fat woman who couldn't hold her body at all was knocked out and rushed to the hospital. Of course, they Did not forget to take away their brother, the **** dog, and this farce ended.

The crowd quickly dispersed, leaving only the shocking pools of blood left on the ground.

Of course, videos about fat women "estrus" in front of everyone were quickly posted on the Internet, and were accompanied by various eye-catching titles.

"The fat lady's community is suspected to be drug addiction, and she stripped herself of her clothes in public."

"The fat aunt's community is suspected to be in heat, so she should undress in public*."

"It's suspected that the fat aunt is in heat in the community, and she fell in love with the dog in public." This video also gave a big close-up of the **** dog who could not stand up.

"Fat aunt..."

In short, because this fat woman and the mad dog raised by her are so arrogant, they have caused huge public grievances in this community a long time ago, so these people who took pictures and cameras have naturally fallen into trouble now, and simply posted the video on the Internet. And the text content provided is exceptionally explosive, which really makes people think about it.

And as if agreed in advance, the three words "fat aunt" should be added to almost all the text.

In this way, the video naturally caused a sensation, and it became a hot search. The identity of the fat aunt was quickly picked up, and it was a riot on the Internet.


About an hour later, two black Great Wall off-road vehicles appeared murderously in this community. The doors were opened, and seven murderous men got out of the car one by one.

The head was a fat man with a bare head. He raised his head and looked at the apartment in front of him. Finally, his eyes fell on the eleventh-floor window, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he took out his cell phone and made a call.

The phone rang for almost a minute before being picked up. The man said respectfully, "Director Qin, I am Ahu, I have arrived."

On the other side of the phone, a man in his 50s with a big belly and in a suit and leather shoes was standing in front of the window at the end of the hospital corridor. His small eyes slowly looked gloomy outside, and said in a low voice, "Remember, Don't make too much noise, just take people away. The back of the account is slowly being calculated."

"Don't worry, I know." A flattering voice came.

The potbellied man stopped talking and hung up. After putting the phone in his pocket, he turned his head and looked at a handsome young man standing there, and said apologetically: "Shaofeng, you rarely come to Yanjing, and you have come to see Er Bo. I think it was your cousin who had something like this, which made the hospitality poor. Please forgive me."

Qin Shaofeng waved his hand and said, "Second Uncle, what to say, are we a family?"

Of course, in my heart, the so-called second uncle's family didn't catch a cold at all, and Qin Shaofeng wouldn't bother to come if it hadn't been told by his father that he could walk around the second uncle's family.

His second uncle Qin Huaihai has a cousin relationship with his father Qin Yiping. With Qin Yiping's glory, Qin Huaihai's career is fairly smooth, and he is also the deputy director of a certain branch, and he still has certain rights in his hand.

The last thing Qin Shaofeng wanted to see was his cousin, Qin Meili, who was only twenty-five or six years old, and was a few months older than Qin Shaofeng, but she had a forty-year-old figure and face...this was after careful makeup The situation, if there is no makeup, it is even more shameful.

Qin Shaofeng didn't understand at all, why he was obviously related by blood, and he looks so handsome. The old sister Qin Shaomei is so beautiful that so many men slobber, those young talents who want to chase her can go around Phoenix City. It has been several laps around the island, but his cousin is so long that she is so earth-shattering.

However, when I saw Qin Shaofeng, the old sister Qin Shaomei was good-looking, but her eyes were a little blind, otherwise, how could she like that **** Li Zedao?

Fortunately, she retreated from the cliff and turned back to the shore. After the **** heard the news of her death, she decisively left him instead of just guarding the cold house over there and living a widow's life.

But why did you say that the **** died when he died? As a result, the old lady left China directly and went to study in the UK.

Qin Shaofeng visited this second uncle's house early in the morning. Unexpectedly, before his **** was hot, Qin Huaihai received a call saying that his daughter had an accident and had been rushed to the hospital.

After all, it was his own family, and he had to live without looking up, so Qin Shaofeng accompanied Qin Huaihai to the hospital.

"Second Uncle, I really don't need my help? I also have a lot of important friends in Yanjing. It is quite easy to kill a **** man and a woman." Qin Shaofeng's tone was already a little cold.

He probably figured out exactly what happened.

The dog raised by my cousin was kicked by a couple who lived in the same community for no reason. The cousin was so angry that she was too angry to reason with them, but was beaten and even stripped of her clothes.

The whole body of blood made Qin Shaofeng's scalp really numb after seeing it.

I thought that the couple was too cruel, and the taste was too heavy. They stripped off the cousin’s clothes in public, and they didn’t know what to use to pump her, so that the cousin’s body was so **** that there was almost no complete piece of it. Skin and flesh.

Of course Qin Shaofeng didn't know that her cousin had been poisoned by some kind of terrible poison that made her whole body itchy, and the scars on her body were simply caused by her scratching and rubbing **** the ground.

"It's just two daring ones. I have asked them to deal with it. Of course, if you really need help, of course I won't be polite to you." Qin Huaihai said.

Qin Shaofeng nodded, not insisting, after all, he was just casually polite, and he really didn't bother to participate in such trivial matters. Besides, if Qin Huaihai still can't even handle this little thing, then he has really been a fool all these years.


In the room, Li Zedao Mia and Encore were sitting at the dining table. As for the greedy cat, beside Li Zedao's feet, "Woo..." licking the plate with green pepper fried pork.

Encore and Mia have also finished their breakfast, and are now looking at the gift Li Zedao gave them with joy.

"Oh, dear boss, thank you, I like it very much." Mia looked at the jade bracelet and smiled, then a fragrant kiss was printed on Li Zedao's cheek, and then she couldn't wait to put it on her wrist. on.

"Asshole, I have a good vision, I like it very much." An Ke said grinningly, and also gave Li Zedao a sweet kiss, and then put the wrist on his own.

"Just like it." Li Ze said with a smile, seeing these two women so happy. He knew that not to mention that this was a jade bracelet worth a million, or a roadside item worth two dollars, the reaction of these two women would be similar to what they are now.

In many cases, the key to giving a gift is not the gift itself, but the person who gave it.

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