The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1875: Black material

"Oh, your taste is so unique." Mia said with a smile, really admiring this man, she can even regard such a woman as the goddess in her heart.

"Stop **** nonsense, go to the hospital with us, and apologize to our eldest lady, otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite." Ahu said coldly, and his feet stretched even more. After the past, it hit the door panel all at once, to prevent the foreign lady from closing the door because of fear, and then having to smash the door again.

Okay, Ahu felt that he was thinking too much, and wondering in his heart, this foreign lady seems to have no fear at all. Is it because he is not fierce enough? Or are foreign women very courageous?

"Oh, I would love to go with you, but can you let me change a dress first? You go into the house and sit for a while and wait for me to get off." Mia got aside and let these people in.

Ahu twitched at the corner of his mouth, thinking that this foreign woman has a big breast? How can she cooperate in this way? It can even be said that I don’t treat them as rascals at all. I don’t need to be afraid to close the door and call the police. I even plan to welcome them in and say that she wants to change clothes... Isn’t she afraid of her brother’s brutality?

This made Ahu's heart palpitations for a moment, thinking this woman would not plan to engage in any conspiracy, right? Wouldn't you see that you are handsome and muscled and full of beauty, so you plan to eat yourself?

However, it is clear that I have the upper hand now. I have seven brothers, all of whom are fiercely contenders. Usually, my eyes are not blinking when cutting people and seeing blood, and she is just a **** and charming woman. Well, even if they want to eat it, they will eat her.

Of course, there is also a man who bullies the eldest lady. It is said that her boyfriend is also in this room now... But what? The seven of them still have knives hidden in their bodies, so what can't be done with this bold couple?

So I have to worry about what conspiracy the woman plans to engage in? No need, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a paper tiger!

Right now, Ahu glanced at Mia coldly, and took his brothers into the room aggressively.

However, before Ahu had time to look at the room, he felt that his body's strength seemed to be drained in an instant. At the same time, his face suddenly changed and his knees softened and he lay down directly. On the ground, I can't get up anymore.


In a cafe opposite the hospital, Qin Huaihai and Qin Shaofeng sat face to face, drinking coffee.

Although the relationship is that he is Qin Shaofeng's second uncle, Qin Huaihai doesn't dare to claim himself in this capacity...At least he does not dare to be in Qin Shaofeng's face.

After all, his cousin Qin Yiping’s background is too big. He was also able to get into the position of deputy bureau of the branch on the three-point acre of Yanjing. If it is solely based on his strength, I am afraid now. Still a small employee, there is no way to be so beautiful as now.

Therefore, Qin Huaihai naturally did not dare to let Qin Shaofeng stay in a place like a hospital for a while. After his daughter was not in danger, the two came to this cafe to drink coffee.

As for his daughter Qin Meili, according to the doctor, although the whole person looks like a blood gourd and looks so shocking, in fact, most of them are scratched by nails, and there is no life-threatening. , Those scars were actually scratched out by the patient himself.

As for why the patient should scratch his body so frantically, this needs further examination, but the doctor also said one more thing, that is, can the patient take drugs so he hallucinated and scratched himself?

The doctor's words naturally hurt Qin Huaihai's sensitive heart. His face was flushed and almost slapped at the doctor's annoying face. Then you took drugs, and your whole family took drugs!

His daughter is such a kind and beautiful little angel, how could she touch drugs?

The doctor hurriedly apologized, but another doctor made a supplement... Even if he didn't take drugs, would there be brain problems? Check your mind?

This time Qin Huaihai couldn't help it anymore, and a big slap shot directly on the doctor's face. Only then did you have a disease in your brain, and your whole family is neurotic.

The conscience of heaven and earth, the doctor is doing his duty to explain all his guesses to his family.

If it were not for Qin Shaofeng to say "Forget it" on the sidelines, Qin Huaihai would like to show this doctor his wrist and the amazing power behind him! Scare you to death!

I want to know what the dog and the dog man and woman did to her, so Qin Huaihai decided to make the dog and the dog man and woman pay a painful price!

At this moment, the mobile phone in Qinhuai's sea pocket vibrated.

"Ahu took away the damned dog and man?" Qin Huaihai's spirit was stunned, and he quickly took out the phone, but when he saw the caller number displayed on the phone screen, the whole person was slightly shocked. .

This number is familiar to him, and the owner of this number is even more familiar.

Director Luo, his immediate boss. Of course, relying on the Qin family's backing behind him, Qin Huaihai has never put Director Luo in his eyes. In his opinion, he will take his place sooner or later.

Looking down on Qin Shaofeng and looking down on it, but looking down on it, Qin Huaihai looked at Qin Shaofeng with an apologetic smile and said, "Shaofeng, I'll answer the phone."

Qin Shaofeng took a sip of coffee and nodded without saying anything.

"Luo Ju, I don't know what to order." Qin Huaihai asked with a smile after answering the phone, as if he was bathing in the wind.

The former is the first, and the latter is the other, which is what they do best. On the surface, they are like brothers, but behind their backs, they are sharpening their swords and waiting for a knife to pass.

"Old Qin, your tone... is it possible that you still don't know?" Luo Ju's somewhat puzzled voice came over.

"What do you know?" Qin Huaihai was slightly shocked, could it be possible that something happened that he didn't know? I can’t move my position by myself, so Luo Ju called to congratulate or flatter myself?

"You can check it online. Bad news about you and your daughter, Qin Meili, is now flying all over the Internet, and it's almost making headlines. Telling you how arrogant and domineering your daughter usually bites people and what evil force you are covering The gang has caused an extremely bad influence on our bureau.” Luo Ju said, there was a smirk in his voice, “Of course, from a personal standpoint, I certainly believe that Lao Qin is your own person... Let’s find out how things should be resolved. Let’s go back and have a good discussion, so let’s do that first."

Qin Huaihai's expression changed as he heard it, and an extremely unpleasant feeling filled his heart. Why did he forget this? According to the security guard of that community, when his daughter was humiliated in public, many people watched the excitement over there. How could those people not take pictures and videos? Later, did you post the photo or the video king network? With the heaven-defying ability of the vast number of netizens, you will be able to stab your entire old bottom in two or two.

The body is not afraid of crooked shadow, but the key is that the body is not right at all!

He knows the virtues of his daughter better than anyone else. He knows how defiant he is usually. For example, he accidentally shaved someone else’s car a few days ago. After he got off the car, he just said nothing. Big Ear Photon passed.

How do you drive? Can I scratch your car if you are a little further away? What, who am I? Do you know who I am? Do you believe that I can make you unemployed with a single call?

At the moment Qin Huaihai didn't have time to bother that Luo Ju was gloating over there. He quickly connected his mobile phone to the Internet and browsed the webpage. Who is the leader? Believe it or not, I can make you unemployed with a single call...

As Luo Ju said, the black material about him and his daughter was flying all over the sky. The more I look at it, the more scared I am. The more I look at the face, the darker it is. If it weren't for Qin Shaofeng to sit aside, I'm afraid he would have been yelling. Then smashed the phone!

"Second Uncle, what happened?" Qin Shaofeng asked when Qin Huaihai's expression was wrong.

"Shaofeng, you must help your second uncle in this matter, otherwise your second uncle's trouble will be serious, and your cousin will be over." Qin Huaihai looked at Qin Shaofeng as if he had caught a life-saving straw, and hurried himself Handed over his mobile phone.

Now only with the help of Qin Yiping's terrifying influence can we clear all these negative news and suppress the impact of this incident to a minimum.

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, took the phone and scanned the content of the post displayed on the screen for a few moments, frowning even more. Qin Shaofeng probably understood the virtues of his second uncle's family, so he knew that although the above description was exaggerated, it was basically true.

And it is obvious that there are people behind the scenes manipulating these public opinions, and some people have prepared all kinds of black materials a long time ago, waiting for the best time, otherwise it is impossible that things will happen in less than two hours, there will be so many The black material was exploded.

To put it bluntly, Qin Huaihai usually offends too many people, and his moral character is too corrupt, so now everyone wants to kick him.

Qin Shaofeng raised his head and was about to say something. His eyes swept across the glass door of the coffee shop accidentally. His eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. There was horror in his eyes, this bastard. Shouldn't the egg be in Phoenix now? Why is he here?

He saw his brother-in-law, who was to be precise, Li Zedao.

If he could, Qin Shaofeng would definitely treat him as if he hadn’t seen it, and then quickly slipped away before he was discovered, but no, because Li Zedao was smiling at him, his smile was so hot and so hot. Bad intentions.

Qin Shaofeng also saw that Li Zedao actually walked towards him, and even put his index finger on his lips, making a "hush" gesture. Did he make himself silent? This bastard, what the **** is he doing?

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