"..." The waiter didn't know how to answer the call, and could only smile in embarrassment but politely. Naturally I feel quite contemptuous in my heart, why can't you come in? Shopping fashion is coming? I thought it was a tasteful and handsome rich second-generation, but I wanted to see if I could take a dip. Who would think it was a turtle.

The waiter was very disappointed and quite disappointed.

Just as Li Zedao looked at the price and twitched, Encore and Mia clashed with a tall and arrogant girl.

"Are you going too far?" Encore looked at the girl and frowned.

She fell in love with a bag, and when she was holding it in her hand, she didn't expect a hand to stretch out and **** it away.

"Excessive?" The girl looked away from the bag she was holding, slanted her eyes and sneered at Encore with disdain. "Miss, it's you who is too much? This bag was originally my first. I saw that I was taken away by you before I even picked it up. Who do you say is too much? Besides, let it be for you, can you afford it? This bag costs more than 20,000 yuan."

"I can afford it, so please return it to me." Encore pointed to the bag in her hand and said word by word. Even without Li Zedao and Mia, a super rich woman, she herself has a deposit of more than two million yuan, so she can still afford such a bag.

"Give it back to you? You came here to be funny? Did you pay?" The girl sneered, looking back at the store manager who was cautiously entertaining herself, and said, "Manager Sun, I want this bag. Help me wrap it."

"Okay, Miss Yang." Manager Sun said with a smiling face.

"Hey, how can you do this? I took the bag first, okay?" Encore looked at Manager Sun, quite depressed.

Manager Sun was a little embarrassed but politely smiled: "Hello, madam, this is the case, this bag...Miss Yang has already ordered it, so please take a look at other styles..."

"Who is this kind of nonsense? Why is it still placed on the shelf after being booked?" Encore sneered.

"This...Miss Yang has indeed booked..."

"What's the reservation? It's mine if I am interested, there is a problem?" The girl slanted her eyes and looked at Encore with disdain, "Besides, you can afford it? If you can afford it, so what? It’s an insult to this bag if you use this kind of bag, so get out of here, don’t hinder my eyes and interest here."

Because of the imitation mask, Encore's appearance is indeed not as refined as that of a girl. In addition, she has not been specially dressed, so she went out in a simple denim shirt.

But the girl is obviously well-dressed, the makeup on her face is very delicate, and the clothes she wears are also quite high-end fashion, so she is indeed qualified to think that Encoco is a turtle.

As soon as the voice fell, only "pop!" A clear slap sounded, and the girl was already slapped heavily.

It was Mia who shot her. Seeing that this woman who didn't know where she came from, was so overbearing that she snatched her favorite bag from Encore's hands, and even said rudely, so she simply slapped it over.

The boss said, you can't bully others, but you can't let others bully. If anyone dares to bully you for no reason, don't get angry and ruin your good mood... Just bully the other person to death.

So it’s really light to slap her, even Mia has the urge to pour some powder on her body, making her like that **** fat aunt, scratching herself in front of so many people The body comes.

In fact, Encore is also considering whether to make a move, or to be more accurate. She has learned a few big kills from Mia. At present, the most comfortable thing is to slap her vagina.

She hadn't thought about it yet, and Mia on the side couldn't stand it and took the lead.

"Ah..." The girl exclaimed, staring at the gold star, and she was already sitting on the ground with her **** on the ground while she was subconsciously covering her swollen face. The bag she snatched from Encoco even changed. It just fell aside.

For a while, the eyes of the staff in the store and the customers who were choosing their favorite things were attracted by the screams, and their expressions were a bit stunned, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

After all, this is a high-end place. The people who can buy a favorite bag here are rich and tasteful people, but now someone is doing it in this place...too vulgar.

"You...do you dare to hit me?" She raised her head very hard, staring at Mia with an incredible and fierce look in her eyes.

It's not that she's never been beaten, but whoever beat her is not a big boss or a rich man, and now she's getting shamed by these two terrapins, and she can't accept anything she said.

"Oh, I think this is nonsense." Mia chuckled, "I still have the courage to draw the face of a bitch." I thought not to mention drawing your face, just cut your head. When I came down to play, I wouldn't have any psychological pressure, and I haven't done this kind of thing.

"I'm fighting with you..." The woman stood up abruptly, showing her long nails with red nail polish, she was about to grab Mia fiercely.

Mia had a faint smile on her face, motionless, as if she didn't know that a woman had already jumped over her fiercely.

At this moment, Encore moved. She simply kicked over and kicked the girl's crotch accurately... Fuck her vagina!

"Bang!" A weird, severely irritating voice rang out.

Even after Li Zedao met, he couldn't help but clamp his legs.

"Ah..." The girl let out an extremely screaming scream, her pupils widened with an extremely painful expression, and her face was directly twisted into a ball.

In the next second, she didn't care about being decent or indecent, covering her lower body with her hands, and slumped directly to the ground, but she couldn't get up anymore.

pain! It hurts! Biting pain! The pain was so painful that the girl's tears came out, and it was so painful that she began to doubt life. It was already quite unexpected to be slapped. Now that my sister was kicked severely, it was even more so that she didn't even think about what would happen if she was killed.

Everyone was stunned at this scene, at the girl who was wailing in pain, at the girl who retracted her feet, and said with a smug expression to the girl standing next to her... their hearts were already lifted. It was a huge wave ten thousand times stronger than before.

Then, they all felt cold under their hips, as if there was a biting cold wind blowing through them. Looking at the pain of your girl, it turns out that the pain in the palace is not much weaker than the pain in the egg.

"Sister Mia, how about my kick? Have you improved a lot?" Enkeke looked at Mia with a smile and said, for his kick, he was too satisfied with it, regardless of the timing of the kick. It's strength, speed and accuracy, and I think they are extremely accurate.

"Oh, very good." Mia smiled very satisfied. From her professional point of view, Encore's foot is close to perfection. If the strength is a little bit heavier, the effect will be better... If the strength is a little bit heavier, this **** who has a dirty mouth and likes to bully is fundamental. She won't cry out, she will pass out of the pain directly.

Mia felt a little irritated by her screams that seemed to have been exploded by dozens of big-foot-scrapers.

Mia decided to help Encore with some strength training after returning. In the end, her skill reached her own level. Of course it was impossible, but it was quite easy to deal with a few punks.

"This... how can this be done? How could this be? How could this be?" The store manager, Sun Manager, looked at the two beating women as if they had seen a ghost, and only felt his own mind. Completely lost the ability to think.

She knew the identity of the wailing woman lying on the ground. Her name was Yang Yiran, and she was a VIP customer in this store. She is a small well-known model by profession, and the status of a model is not a big deal. The key is that she has a big brother.

So when Yang Yiran came here many times before, she personally hosted her.

Just now, Yang Yiran unreasonably snatched the bag that the customer had already held in his hand, and even made a mockery. Although the store manager felt that Yang Yiran was too much, but he could only shoot towards her and face it. The customer's question also justified her, after all, she couldn't afford it.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yiran was even more arrogant than she thought, and she directly broke through her rhetoric. She said very arrogantly that I was robbing it, and said that the customer was a chicken.

What was more completely beyond Manager Sun's expectation was that he thought that these two women were more difficult to provoke, so he hit someone without even saying hello.

Now Yang Yiran was not only slapped in the face, but also kicked on the ground by a very professional yin leg. That young man couldn't turn around and smashed the shop?

"Oh, it's okay." Mia looked at the beauty store manager who was obviously about to collapse, and smiled comfortingly. Of course, she didn't have much favor in her heart.

She is also a customer, but she is so partial, it is really unreasonable. But she also expressed her understanding. After all, she was just a small person. She would never offend that arrogant woman. She just made the best decision for her. So Mia turned into a bad impression, and didn't want to embarrass the store manager.

The beauty shop manager is almost crying. People have been beaten like this by you. Maybe her shop will be smashed. Maybe her job will be gone. Is it okay?

"Oh, bitch, stop yelling, call for an ambulance before you faint." Mia looked at the wailing Yang Yiran on the ground with a sneer, "Don't worry, I Will pay for medical expenses."

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