The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1884: Old wife and young husband

Those customers and waiters were shocked because they didn't expect to say anything. A man suddenly appeared and hugged the waists of the two sturdy women... He was not afraid of his broken eggs?

Lai Xiaofeng and Yang Chengming were dumbfounded because they saw Li Zedao's face clearly! So, the two **** they are trying to avenge are the women of Li Zedao?

All of a sudden, Lai Xiaofeng's complexion turned pale, and the muscles on Yang Chengming's face twitched violently, wishing to dig a hole and bury himself.

The other elder brothers were also chilling, their expressions were as if they had seen a ghost.

What the customers and waiters didn’t expect was that the two sturdy women all smiled charmingly at the reckless man, so the relationship between these three people...

Manager Sun had a feeling of being hacked several times by Lei, and his face was dull. She remembered what the foreign woman said before. She said that her boyfriend was also very backed, so...Which great **** is this with a bigger backing than Lai Xiaofeng? It should be like this, you see, Lai Shao's face has changed.

The mouth of a certain waiter was big enough to swallow a whole tennis ball, so this turtle actually knew the two violent women? And the relationship is very close? One dragon and two phoenix? Oriental beauties and **** babes? This turtle will enjoy it.

"Isn't this Xiao Yang? Long time no see." Li Zedao looked back at Yang Chengming and said with a smile. I haven't seen him for a while, this little brother-in-law's body seems to be weakened a lot, there is no blood on his face, and the whole person looks listless.

Li Zedao could tell at a glance that his blood loss was caused by lack of essence. It seems that during this period of time, his requirements for female **** are extremely frequent, without any restraint, and his body is basically hollowed out.

Of course, this kind of problem is very common among these officials. Because it is too easy for them to get a woman. There are countless women who self-recommended pillow seats.

It's just the impression that Yang Chengming, Yang Xueer's younger brother, is not such a lewd person. When I saw him before, he was full of energy.

"Sister...Brother-in-law..." Yang Chengming looked embarrassed, his head slightly lowered, like a child making mistakes.

The other brothers, including Lai Xiaofeng, were afraid to show up, especially Lai Xiaofeng, almost crying, and wanted to violently beat Yang Yiran.

Yang Yiran, who had already discovered that the situation was not right, was almost fainted by Yang Chengming's "brother-in-law", so this kid who didn't know where it came from was Shao Yang's brother-in-law? So the two **** who beat him up belonged to the brother-in-law of Young Shao... Not good taste.

Yang Yiran felt that she was much more beautiful than them.

Of course, now is not the time to look better than anyone else, she is almost fainted because she knows she is in big trouble now.

"Why? Who do you want to beat when you roll up your sleeves?" Li Zedao's eyes fell on Lai Xiaofeng and smiled.

"Li...Li misunderstood, I...I came here to apologize..." Lai Xiaofeng worked hard to squeeze a smile out of his face.

"Hey!" He shot, and a slap in the back of his hand was inflamed on Yang Yiran's face.

"Pop!" Lai Xiaofeng slapped the past again and shouted loudly: "You **** blind? You dare to provoke even Shao Li's woman? What do you think you are? You are a bitch-you know do not know?"


Lai Xiaofeng slapped slap after slap like a crazy monster, not giving Yang Yiran any chance to speak.

Of course, Yang Yiran didn’t want to speak either. The only thing she could do right now was to suffer. When Shao Yang called her "brother-in-law", she knew she was dead, and a slap in the face was the lightest. .

Yang Yiran is not stupid at all for being able to mix well in the modeling industry, occasionally making movies, and being able to meet young men like Lai Xiaofeng. On the contrary, she is much smarter and more cautious than many women. Much.

It’s just because she went so well during this period, and Lai Xiaofeng was so kind to her, she was so obedient that she had forgotten all the injuries she had suffered before, so she drifted away so she simply treated it. The two women sneered.

The disadvantaged group suddenly becomes a strong group, and they always want to bully the weak. This is a problem that many people commit, and Yang Yiran has committed this problem.

"Immediately apologize to Shao Li and his sister-in-laws. The sisters-in-law spare you. Today is the end of the matter. If they don't bypass you, I will take you out as a broiler." Lai Xiaofeng kicked Yang Yiran directly to Li Ze. before.

Encore, Mia naturally watched this scene coldly, and there was no pleasure of revenge in her heart. After the previous slap and a slap in the yin leg passed, they became angry and the matter was over.

They think that such a woman is actually quite sad, at best, it is used by men as a shield and sandbag, but this kind of sadness is not worthy of sympathy at all.

As for the others, especially Manager Sun who knows Lai Xiaofeng's identity, and the waiter who thinks that Li Zedao is a soft-shelled turtle who can't afford this brand of belt, this scene really stimulated their nerves.

"Shao Li...sister-in-law...I...I was wrong, I was wrong, please forgive me a lot of you adults. I beg you to forgive me." Yang Yiran said pitifully, where there is still a little bit before. That kind of arrogance with eyes above the top?

"Okay, get out, you guys also hurry up, don't disturb people doing business." Li Zedao waved his hand and said, his eyes fell on Yang Chengming, "You stay first, I have something to tell you."

So this group of brothers who had killed in aggressively hurriedly fled the leather shop and drove away quickly, leaving Yang Chengming with a worried expression.

As for the shop, there was a deadly silence at this time, as if everyone had lost the strength to speak, they all looked at Li Zedao standing there with weird eyes, and felt that his figure was so Tall, his temperament is so extraordinary.

"You come out with me." Li Zedao waved to Yang Chengming and walked out of the leather goods store.

After walking out of the leather goods store, Li Zedao focused his eyes on the busy street in front of him, took out a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one.

"Brother-in-law..." Yang Chengming cautiously came to Li Zedao, his head low, like a kid who made mistakes.

"Don't be afraid, I won't beat you." Li Zedao raised his head and glanced at Yang Chengming. This kid is too insidious, and he is so pitiful that he has been bullied so horribly. If this is to let Xueer know about it and think that he has beaten him, she has to let herself go to bed?

Yang Chengming didn't know whether to cry or laugh. As Yanjing's famous son, his brother-in-law dared to talk to him like this.

"Obviously the body can't bear it, then just take it easy. If you lose too much energy and you can't make up, your body will be ruined. Maybe you won't die, but you will almost feel helpless in the future." Li Zedao let out a smoke ring. Do you think you are me, Qijirou is like playing? Don’t you have to do everything within your means?

After all, he was his brother-in-law, so Li Zedao felt that he had an obligation to enlighten him, not to let him go further and further on the road of death, and finally he really died.

"Um... Brother-in-law, what do you mean?" Yang Chengming looked blank.

"It means, don't take that porcelain alive without the diamond, and be careful to die on the woman's belly." Li Zedao said angrily. Is what I said so cryptic? Is your kid so pure?

"..." Yang Chengming understood, he was so embarrassed that he almost choked to death by these words.

"Brother-in-law, I...nothing." Yang Chengming retorted very hard.

"No?" Li Zedao glanced at him, "You see that your face is ugly and your body is weak. You weren't like this before. Although you are far less handsome than me, at least you can't yawn. What? Daji? Just let you control it?"

"Brother-in-law said and laughed, how can there be anything wrong with him?" Yang Chengming's face was twitching, his smile was rather embarrassing and reluctant, he only felt that his handsome face was slammed several times by an invisible slap.

In fact, he has also found that he has done such things quite frequently recently, and he has been very tired, but the little brother is always very excited, and he will be suffocated if he doesn't come.

Especially the night before, I was sleepy to death and my body was very tired, but I didn’t know what medicine I took wrong. I was really excited, and my lower body seemed to burst. Finally, I found two women to toss all night. The result is that when I walk the next day, my feet are floating, as if stepping on the clouds.

Because he couldn't control his desires, he caught the brain when he saw a woman, so Yang Chengming was also thinking about whether there was any problem with his body. After all, he was not like this before, and he was not like that before. She was too licentious, so she went to the hospital for an examination.

The result of the examination is that there is no major problem...except for kidney deficiency.

"Boy, this happens frequently with old wives and young husbands. Your girlfriend is fifty, right? Tsk tsk, great, sitting on the ground can absorb soil, sure enough. Take some medicine, nourish the kidney, the most important thing is of course abstinence , It will be fine after conditioning for a while..."

The doctor's words made Yang Chengming almost squirt three catties of blood, and then the **** was thrown down from the 15th floor.

This young master Yushu is in the wind and is romantic and suave. He wants to look good, have good taste, have a taste, have status, and have status. Will the young master's taste so re-search for a fifty-year-old to be his girlfriend? Miss mom!

Looking for the kind of mature young woman... like Qin Shaomei.

Yang Chengming hates it. If it hadn't been for his brother-in-law to grab love with a sword, he and Qin Shaomei might already have the crystallization of love.

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