The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1889: The air of heaven

Thinking of holding him in his arms and touching his face with his dirty hands, Li Zedao's heart jumped for a while. If this was a sudden attack with malicious intent, I am afraid that he has become a swift attack. Is it a corpse?

"Presumably Li Shao is clear. Although it is not a problem that a back-to-nature master can live for thousands of years, it only refers to your soul, not your body. With the passage of time, the body will eventually become old and decayed. Naturally, you need to change your body...Of course, this is not absolute. For example, the cultivation and health-preserving methods of certain schools are still outstanding, or some miraculous medicines are taken to keep the body alive. Vigorous state." Sun Lao said with a slight smile.

Li Zedao nodded, indicating that he understood.

He read many ancient books in the library in the tomb, so he probably knew these things.

Although the avenues are different, each road is different. That is to say, each kind of internal force cultivation method is different, there are fast and slow, some exercises can keep the body in a full state, and some exercises can cause great damage to the body.

There are even more powerful cultivation techniques, such as Qingxuzi. Although he is not a master of returning to nature, his soul will not be sent to another interface by the power of heaven and earth after death, but he can find a physical body to continue to face it. Survive.

Li Zedao probably knows that the reason why there are not many people who can cultivate internal strength now is because the mysterious heaven and earth aura between heaven and earth is already pitifully scarce and almost exhausted.

In addition, with the passage of time, many cultivation methods have been completely lost.

Furthermore, science and technology are advancing, and now if you want to become a master, you don't need to realize what the Qi of Heaven and Earth cultivates to produce internal strength, one pistol and one shell is enough.

Unless you are a back-to-nature master, the speed is already at the extreme, as long as you are not killed by a random gun, the general bullet will not hurt you.

In other words, if it was only Director Yang's strength, the threat of bullets to him was still quite large.

And even if you are a back-to-nature master, a more powerful cannonball is enough to kill you.

In addition, there are a lot of rat feces, which completely discredited the cultivation of internal strength.

Thinking about how coquettish the so-called qigong masters were back then, saying that qigong can cure various diseases and even cancer, and can also induce thunder. If you provoke me, a thunder will strike you to death! Even the Qigong wave sent out can destroy the satellites of other countries. When the satellite is about to fall, hurry up and support it with Qigong... What are these not rat shit?

Under the circumstances, peace is the main theme now. If everyone is a martial arts master, then it's still worth it? This society is basically going to be chaotic.

Sun Lao sighed and shook his head and said, "You know about the turmoil decades ago. At that time, Sun Haoran's family, old and young, were all locked up in the bullpen, and from time to time they were pulled out to parade. The last family either died of illness or humiliated and committed suicide. Sun Haoran couldn't bear the humiliation afterwards. After screaming from the sky, he cut his wrist with a broken stone with infinite grief."

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly: "So after he died, you invaded his body?"

"Exactly." Sun Lao said, "I couldn't bear to see the turmoil that seemed so extreme to continue, so I took Sun Haoran's body and kept Sun Haoran alive, and made many efforts. After the turmoil ended, Sun Haoran. After being rehabilitated, I started planning to establish fc and made a lot of efforts to let more people let go of the resentments in their hearts and participate in the construction of the country."

Li Zedao's eyes opened wider and he was in awe.

It turns out that this is the truth of the matter, not what Bei sister said before. After the establishment of the fc organization, it has the idea of ​​revenge. In fact, there is no such thing as least Sun Lao didn't.

The head of the four elephants, Mr. Qinglong, intends to establish a strong and secret organization with a very strong official color, which will not only avoid conflicts and continue to stimulate, but also better build a strong nation.

"As for Shaoyang, the bodies of Taiyin and Sun have just changed, and none of the original owners of that body were dying." Sun Lao said again.

Li Zedao nodded. He knew that Sun Lao was telling himself that they did not kill the innocent and took away the body of others.

Li Zedao thought for a while, neither did he himself, that Wu Ming was a **** guy at all.

Immediately, my heart was filled with melancholy, why did I fail? If the Master is already resurrected now, that would be great.

"The four of us are actually the guardians of the dragon soul." Sun Lao said again. The whole person's breath changed suddenly. His eyes are clear, his body is like a tiger and a dragon, and a quiet and peaceful aura naturally exudes.

"Dragon Soul?" Li Zedao was stunned by this tall word. "What is that?"

"In the past few thousand years, the Chinese nation has undergone many dynasty changes, countless foreign invasions, and the spread of wars, especially after the end of the Qing Dynasty. It was on the verge of extinction, but after all, China has survived. That's because There is a dragon soul." Old Sun said.

"..." Li Zedao still listened for a while, still didn't understand.

"In fact, the so-called guardian of the dragon soul is simply the spirit of the nation. When the Chinese nation encounters great danger, we will appear and use our means to protect it." Sun Lao's expression was solemn, that Conghu The mist of water and the fragrance of tea lingered around him, making him look like an old god.

"This guy is very good at pretending." Li Zedao muttered in his heart. But he probably understood what the so-called dragon soul was referring to.

To put it bluntly, they are just a few of the trump cards of this nation that can turn things around. For example, they rescued Mao Taizu decades ago. For example, he founded fx in one hand. This is how powerful China is now.

This is also the fundamental reason why he became Sun Lao and established fx.

For a time, Li Zedao sincerely admired this old man.

"Lao Sun, I will toast you with tea instead of wine." Li Zedao raised the cup of fragrant tea in front of him and said seriously.

"Okay, please." Old Sun smiled, picked up the teacup and touched Li Zedao, the two men raised their heads and drank.

After putting down the teacup, Old Sun looked at Li Zedao's handsome face and said: "I have explained my origin to you, now it is time to talk about you, Young Master Li. I can clearly feel that there are two strange things in you. The breath is fluctuating."

"Two breaths? Please also ask Old Sun to make it clear." Li Zedao looked sincere.

"The first breath is very familiar to me. We call it the breath of heaven." Sun Lao said.

"Aura of Heaven?" The name that seemed so awesome made Li Zedao once again stunned, thinking that this so-called Aura of Heaven should be the kind of peculiar aura produced after comprehension of "The Scroll of Heaven", right? Others naturally can't feel this kind of hanging and hanging breath, but these old monsters are different.

The following words of Old Sun confirmed Li Zedao’s thoughts: "This is a strong breath that will be produced after comprehending "Tianji Tuju". My best friend in the past, the Taoist Taoist of Tianjimen, has comprehended the "Tianji Tuju". "Volume", and achieved a small success, so I just said that Li Shao you have a deep relationship with an old friend of mine."

"Is it true that as long as you are a strong person who has returned to the basics, you can feel the aura of that day?" Li Zedao asked curiously, "What kind of aura is that?"

Old Sun shook his head and said, "That's a...I can't tell what it feels like, but I can clearly feel its existence."

"..." Li Zedao was almost choked to death by the old man's words.

"The reason why I know that it is the breath of heaven is because, I have felt this kind of breath from Taoist Universe. The name of this breath of heaven is also from the mouth of the disciple of heaven. Of course, it is true that all those who return to the basics can be strong. Feel this strange breath." Old Sun explained with a smile.

"That's it." Li Zedao nodded. In other words, as long as the strong back to the basics can sense the existence of this strange breath, not everyone knows that it is the breath of heaven.

"I don't know where did the "The Scroll of Secrets" in Shao Li's hand come from?" Old Sun continued to ask.

"Qing Xuzi, the disciple of Taoist Qiankun, gave it to me." Li Zedao nodded lightly and did not hide it. "I also learned from him that there is a sect like Tianjimen, and I learned about Taoist Qiankun from him. The ancestor of the Open Sect School is True Person Xuanhuang, and the tomb of True Person Xuanhuang is located in the thick fog in the forest of the demon cave."

"You said that Trueman Xuanhuang's burial mound is located in the thick fog in the forest of the devil's cave? Take it seriously?" Old Sun was slightly shocked, his face full of surprise, "I don't know this, although I and Taoist Qiankun He’s very friendly, but after all, this is the secret of his sect. Naturally, he won’t tell me... Wait, you mean, the tomb in the thick fog should not be the tomb of the ghost doctor Duanmuweizhuang. Do you mean that there are two graves in that thick fog?"

Lao Sun knew that Li Zedao had entered the thick fog more than once, and he knew the situation inside.

"In fact, there is no such a tomb in Duanmu Weizhuang." Li Zedao smiled bitterly. Seeing the situation, the old grandson was also kept in the dark. "Since you are friends with Taoist Qiankun, you must know that Taoist Qiankun has Three lovers?"

"This...I don't know it." Old Sun shook his head with a wry smile, "Although it is a close friend, but there are many people who meet a few times a year, and the ground of meeting is not in his little Taoist temple, he also Never mentioned anything about his apprentice."

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