"Faced with the villain who deceived his master to kill his own master and leaked his secrets, the Taoists of Qiankun had been looking for him for more than 30 years. Naturally, he would not let him go, so he drew his sword. When facing each other, the two simply broke out in an extremely fierce fight."

"Naturally, no one participated in the entry during the fight between the two. After all, this is the internal battle of the Heavenly Mystery Gate, and we are inconvenient to participate. As for the others, they are all anxious that the Taoists of the Universe and the Taoists will lose and lose. After two hours, the last two of them suffered serious injuries, especially the Taoist Conde, they were almost killed in the hands of the Taoist, and finally the Taoist Conde flees even harder. In fact, if Taoist Qiankun wants to chase him, he can still catch up, but how could the people around him who are staring at him allow him to leave like this?"

Old Sun sighed and shook his head. He felt sorry for the Taoist Taoist who failed to clean up the door for his master's revenge.

As Li Zedao listened, he felt that this old man was really too hypocritical. He was already seriously injured. Wouldn't it be enough if you stepped forward to make up a sword? What do you say that this is something inside Tianjimen that is inconvenient to participate in... This excuse seems a bit untenable, right?

In Li Zedao's view, Lao Sun was worried about his injury. After all, although the Taoist Condemned had been seriously injured, he was a master of returning to the basics. If he was forced into a hurry, he would inevitably make some crazy actions.

"After the Taoist Condemned escaped, the situation returned to the previous confrontation again. No one can do anything about it, and no one dares to act rashly. Just like this, the time passed by every minute and a second, and until a few hours passed, the time came to nine. The ninth day of the month."

Old Sun's voice became low and ethereal, and the expression on his face had also changed. His eyes were wide open. It was such an unbelievable expression after seeing something unavoidable to imagine.

"I clearly remember that late that night, when the time came to the ninth day of September, the earth suddenly trembled violently, like a major earthquake. After the earth quake, an unimaginable scene appeared. I saw an extremely scorching colorful light suddenly appeared on the mountain in front of it. After the light, a hole more than three meters high and two meters wide appeared out of thin air, and there was a colorful light projected from the hole. It's as if there is a peerless treasure in the cave shining brightly over there."

Old Sun looked at Li Zedao, his eyes that seemed so hot were filled with awe and yearning: "Can you imagine, what kind of strange sight is that?"

Li Zedao swallowed and shook his head: "I can't imagine..."

"..." The expression on Old Sun's face simply solidified, and he decisively felt that the child was too uncomfortable. If he was working in any agency, he would definitely be given a reason by the leader within three days. .

"In short, the scene that appeared can't be explained by current scientific knowledge... At twelve o'clock in the morning, the earth suddenly trembled, and the colorful light suddenly flickered. And, immediately after the hole appeared in front of everyone... ...You said, this is not the power of God?"

"It is indeed the power of God." Li Zedao swallowed again, saying very hard. Although it is really hard to imagine what kind of strange scene it is, it is indeed beyond the scope of human beings...Of course, except for the fantasy special effects in movies, and there was no such thing as a thousand years ago. Special effects.

Sure enough, God exists, but God does not live in this plane, but God can easily leave such a jaw-dropping and unimaginable thing on that plane.

"Everyone was trembling, and they were all attracted by the hole that appeared suddenly, but no one dared to step forward and find out. After all, no one knew what the dangers were in it. Soon, many people are looking at the Taoist Universe, and they are waiting to see if they can rush into the cave or attack the Taoist Universe first, they are waiting to see what the Taoist Universe will do. His reaction, after all, the appearance of such a strange sight must have been within his expectations, right?"

"At this moment, Taoist Qiankun suddenly said something. He said,'I want to see if this secret that we have guarded generation after generation of Tianjimen is true or not.' He didn't hide it or deny it. The remarks leaked by the Taoist Conqueror, then he calmly walked towards the entrance of the cave step by step. Our four brothers followed closely behind, for fear that someone would suddenly attack him."

Li Zedao couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart, damn, can you just praise yourself without moving? Don't think I don't know, you are worried that Taoist Qiankun suddenly rushed into the conveyor belt but didn't take you.

"The others looked at each other for a while, and then while defending others from attacking themselves suddenly, they hurriedly followed into the cave, for fear that Taoist Qiankun would rush into the so-called conveyor belt alone, then these few days would be in vain. "

"After entering, our eyes suddenly opened up, and we were stunned by the miscellaneous scenes in front of us. We found that this was a huge cave, but a huge cave with dazzling light. It's pitch black, but the cave is like daylight."

"The area of ​​the cave is very large, at least half the size of this small military base. How high the top of the cave is, but we can’t see clearly. We can only see a cloud of darkness above, but there are objects we don’t know. The shining light is as if we are not looking at the top of the cave, but standing under the sky and looking up at the starry sky with a little bit of stars."

"What's more noticeable is that in the middle of the cave, there is a colorful cylindrical beam of light soaring up into the sky. I don't know where it leads. The colorful beam is so thick that four or five people can't embrace it." Sun Lao's face was unimaginable. .

It has been more than a thousand years, but he still remembers so clearly, enough to see the impact and shock that the scene he saw back then brought him.

"At that time, we could still clearly feel that the oppressive breath released by the colorful light beams soaring up to the sky was similar to the breath released by Taoist Qiankun, so everyone believed that the words of Taoist Gande were It's verified."

"'Everyone, this door does guard such a secret. This should be a conveyor belt leading to another plane. As for whether it is true or not, poor Tao is not clear.' Taoist Qiankun pointed to the mysterious colorful light beam. Said...for a moment, these people became restless, their eyes became quite hot, the eyes of Taoist Qiankun..."

"I know, it's the same look you had when you looked at me before." Li Ze said leisurely.

"..." Old Sun was almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words.

At the moment, pretending not to hear Li Zedao's words, he continued: "Then the Taoist Qiankun said that Pang Dao can only take four people, so please discuss it yourself. Who wants to go with Pang Dao..."

"At that time, when Mr. Sun heard this from my master, you must be quite disappointed?" Li Zedao said jokingly.

"..." Old Sun had a desire to pick up the sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the table and stuff it into his mouth, completely blocking the kid's mouth.

You know the things you know, but you tell them. How embarrassing is it?

"Li Shao laughed. At that time, my advice to Dao Qiankun was to let him find the opportunity to enter the conveyor belt, and the other people should be stopped by our four brothers." Sun Lao said with a light cough. At this moment, his sacred halo was added, almost brightening Li Zedao's eyes.

Li Zedao secretly expressed his admiration in his heart. Sure enough, the shamelessness of this old man, if he said that he was second in the world, only the master would dare to say that he was number one in the world.

"What happened next? A great battle broke out among these people?" Li Zedao asked, thinking that Master Tai was still quite insidious. His move was naturally to instigate these people to rush to each other.

"No." Old Sun shook his head.

"No?" Li Zedao's eyes widened, so those people were so calm? This is not scientific.

"Because at this moment, a rather arrogant laughter came into everyone's ears, causing these people's complexions to change drastically." Sun Lao's voice also slightly changed.

"There is someone in this cave?" Li Zedao continued to swallow, staring at the old man with wide eyes, and his heartbeat speeded up inexplicably.

Unconsciously, he was completely attracted by this "story".

"No, but someone did show up." Old Sun said solemnly, "It was the number one master in the world, Cthulhu!"


This is the second time Li Zedao has heard Lao Sun mention the second name. Elder Sun said before that when the Heavenly Mystery Gate was at its strongest, there were three back-to-virtual powerhouses, and even the fiercely famous Cthulhu, known as the world's number one master, did not dare to easily provoke the Heavenly Mystery Gate.

After listening to Li*, he still muttered in his heart that the reason why Taoist Qiankun didn't come back after leaving the Taoist temple was because this evil appeared and destroyed him?

However, this character did not appear in Sun's words afterwards. Li Zedao thought he was not involved in this fight, but he did not expect to appear now.

"Cthulhu, a very brutal and **** person. He uses the technique of collecting yin and replenishing yang to enhance his own strength. For this reason, I don't know how many good girls have been mutilated. For this reason, he is despised by the world's masters, but his strength is real. Too tough, but his whereabouts are floating, so even if we decent people wanted to kill him for the people, we still failed." Sun Lao shook his head and said.

We decent people... Li Zedao didn't bother to continue to complain.

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