The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1900: Sad Zhou Yan

Zhou Yan was silent for a while, shook his head and said, "Boss, I also said at that time, if that Hou Xiaopeng is a young talent like me who is so handsome and high moral..."

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth was tossed, and he wanted to thank you for being so uneducated, otherwise you can't boast for an hour? Why is this guy getting shameless?

"Then I will definitely bless her from the bottom of my heart." Zhou Yan said, "But now how do I know if the guy who chased her is a shameless, notorious, shameless, shameless, unhearted, greedy, and famous. A shameless, shameless, and lewd villain?"

Li Ze said that the corners of his mouth twitched. This guy has memorized all the detrimental idioms, so it is convenient to use at this time? If he had been so diligent while studying, his college entrance examination results might not be so horrible.

Zhou Yan stood up abruptly. At this moment, his sacred aura was added, and his tone was full of pride: "So boss, I have decided..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

Thirty seconds later, a breeze blew by, and Zhou Yan only felt a little cold.

At the same time, the muscles on his face twitched violently and it was very hot. He only felt that a croaking crow flew above his head, and that crow dragged a series of ellipsis.

Embarrassing, it's so embarrassing.

I couldn't help but look back at Li Zedao, who was taking out the cigarette and the lighter, and said weakly: "Boss, the plot is not like this. At this time, you shouldn't hurry up and ask me what you have decided? You are like me. It's really embarrassing."

Are you so embarrassed to be someone else’s boss?

"Get out!" Li Zedao said irritably.

Zhou Yan sat back in the chair again and said, "Boss, my decision is that I plan to observe that kid's every move in secret for these two days. I'm sure that kid will definitely carry our Jiayingying behind his back. Some people and gods are angry when things come out, then I will secretly take photos of them to show Yingying, so that she can really see the true face of the kid."

Li Zedao lit the cigarette, slowly spit out a smoke ring, and said faintly: "Whatever you want."

He can actually understand Zhou Yan's state of mind. He knows that he can't go back, but he still can't let it go. Seeing her with other men, he can't help but sabotage...Of course, it can't be said to be a cause. Destroying is just not worrying about her, but she was deceived by the smelly man, so help her check the other person's character.

Didn't you also do similar things when you were in Yanjing? In the roast duck restaurant, I simply made Pan Xiaoting's boyfriend show such a big ugly in front of so many people, and then he directly abolished him...

"Very cheap." Li Zedao spit out the smoke ring again, cursing himself like this in his heart.

"Boss, did you agree to follow me to monitor that kid? I knew you would be with me." Zhou Yan was excited.

"Get out!" Li Zedao almost threw this shameless guy into the lake without holding back.

This sadness in my heart, how handsome, so good, and so wise and martial, how could he accept such an unbelievable guy as a little brother?

You go to monitor that kid for a fart, you just move* just fine? Don't you know that women are all snatched?

If you can't get it back, just beat him up, beat his mother, and wrinkle him so hard that his mother doesn't recognize him. See how he gets married?

Of course, if you can have me one percent...

Li Zedao glanced at Zhou Yan's pie face, and shook his head decisively.

No, one percent is not enough, one thousandth! If you are one-thousandth of my excellence, and you don't even have to grab it when you are handsome, a woman will take the initiative to embrace you.

"Boss, please." Zhou Yan begged. If it weren't for the fear that Li Zedao would really help him pick it up and throw it into the lake, he would want to grab his sleeve and act like a baby.

"Please, sister!"

"Oh, yes, I can ask my sister to go. Our brother and sister have such a deep relationship, she will definitely agree to me." Zhou Yan suddenly realized.

"Fuck... Forget it, but only for today." Li Zedao said. He doesn't have so much time to play with this guy.

Zhou Yan's big pie face suddenly showed a dog's tail, and he slapped him like a slapstick, "Boss, if you go out in person, today is enough."

Li Zedao was too lazy to respond, and took out his cell phone and made a call.

After giving a few words to the phone, he looked up at Zhou Yan and said: "You can know where that Hou Xiaopeng is now in ten minutes at most, but if he is not as unbearable as you think, please bless him."

After all, he is an employee of the Tiandao Foundation. Naturally, Li Zedao couldn't let Zhou Yan mess up, and he really gave them a beating.

But if that guy's behavior is not so prudent, and it's really not a good match for a girl like Sun Ying, then it's okay for Zhou Yan to beat him up.

"Oh, boss, I turned out to be such a narrow-minded person in your heart?" Zhou Yan was full of powerlessness.

"Yeah, and it's stupid." Li Zedao nodded.

"Boss...I really envy you for being my boss, otherwise I would have beaten you a long time ago..."

"Well, I really envy you for being my wife's brother, otherwise you would have been swimming in that lake." Li Zedao said angrily.


When Zhou Yan was about to continue to complain, his eyes widened slightly, and he pointed to a couple of men and women who were sitting there like no one else.

"Fuck, boss, look, isn't that Deng Xiaomin?"

Li Zedao raised his head and looked in the direction Zhou Yan was pointing, and he saw that Deng Xiaomin was with a middle-aged man who looked like a nouveau riche at this time. He didn't know what the middle-aged man said to her. , She smiled beautifully, those peach eyes were quite attractive.

The reason why he is said to be a nouveau riche is because the middle-aged man's clothes are very tacky! An old-fashioned gray striped suit, with slippers on his feet, and a thick gold chain hanging from his neck. The watch in his hand is also gold. What is even more exaggerated is that he still has a few in his mouth when he laughs wretchedly. Golden tooth...

Oh, there are vegetable leaves on the golden teeth... Li Zedao was a little sick.

Li Zedao feels that this pretty woman is still very capable, she can use her advantage to seduce one man after another, and then live a rather moist life.

But why is her taste getting lower and lower? At first it was Qin Shaofeng, then Zhou Yan, and then the middle-aged man he met in the temple. Now he is the nouveau riche... It seems that the mistress has become less and less marketable with age. Right?

It's not easy to make money these days. Just let it go. Once you close your eyes, stop your nose from breathing, and open your legs, the painful life will pass.

Then Li Zedao's heart was even more sad, because the little brother he had taken was also overwhelmed by this woman.

This little brother's taste is really embarrassing to himself.

"Don't tell me you are jealous." Li Zedao spit out a smoke ring. He remembered that Zhou Yan had completely lost himself before, and had the idea of ​​wanting to hug right and left.

It's not impossible to hug the left and the right, but the key is that you have to have enough hard power to support it.

Does Zhou Yan have it? He didn't! He has no wealth to support all this, nor does he have that body.

Moreover, this Deng Xiaomin doesn't really like Zhou Yan, and even Zhou Yan may not be as real as a cucumber in her eyes, she just treats him as a pedal.

A woman like Sun Ying does not allow her man to have an affair with other women.

"Boss, you think too much, I'm sighing, sighing with a social phenomenon, many women nowadays, for money, even if the ugly person standing in front of him is an ugly, she can open her legs with full face and enjoyment. Zhou Yan clenched his fist and said angrily.

What's the joke, how could he eat the jealousy of such a woman? The boss's words are too insulting.

"Then what?" Li Zedao asked.

This is a society that laughs at the poor but not at the prostitution, so Li Zedao doesn't think there is anything wrong with those women doing this. Of course, these actions are naturally untenable in terms of morality, but in essence, they are nothing more than a profession.

They paid out their youth, their bodies, their dignity, in exchange for money! This is not fundamentally different from the workers who work hard to move bricks on the construction site, the farmers who work hard in the field, and the so-called white-collar workers who are like a dog in front of the boss and customers. They are even more relaxed. Many, get paid higher.

To put it bluntly, do you want to be fostered or do you want to work hard? Do you hope to create wealth with your own hands or do you prefer to have a good father?

Of course, most people will express their righteousness not to bend their waists for five buckets of rice, but after truly savoring the cruel reality of society, some of their original ideas will quietly change.

"Then... I also want to be that ugly monster." Zhou Yan looked inexplicably sad.

"..." Li Zedao felt that his temper should be as good as possible, otherwise how could he still let this shameless guy be squeaky here and didn't throw him into the lake?

"Boss, I want to beat that upstart! What a bastard, I dare not hide my wife from raising a mistress...just like the boss!" Zhou Yan clenched his fists, looking like he saw the enemy .

"...What are you talking about? I didn't hear clearly." Li Zedao's violence boiled. When did I hide from the old man to raise a mistress? Each of those women is my wife, OK? your sister!

Zhou Yan was shocked and quickly changed his words: "Uh...I mean, boss, you are so handsome, too dazzling, you are the beacon that leads me forward on the dark sea, you are electricity and you are light. You are my only faith……"


"Oh, well, boss, I'll go and beat that guy right now!" Zhou Yan gritted his teeth.

"Whatever you want." Li Zedao rubbed his face, which was already so cold.

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