The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1904: my husband

The big boss spoke, the princesses of the box naturally stood up and left the box without any hesitation, but the friends of Hou Xiaopeng did not move... just left inexplicably, are they too unreasonable? ? Why should I understand a little bit?

Of course, for a while, everyone's eyes fell on Hou Xiaopeng, all wondering if Hou Xiaopeng was beaten up, would they help?

Forget it after thinking about it, I have to go to work tomorrow.

"This big there any misunderstanding?" Hou Xiaopeng, who was decisively startled, tried to make his expression look lighter.

"No misunderstanding, it's you. You stay, other people either leave or go to the next box to continue having fun. Of course, all expenses are counted on me." Brother Hao Bei's tone was slightly gloomy, "Or maybe, It’s okay for me to have people throw you out."


This is a threat, a naked threat.

So these people either looked at Hou Xiaopeng in embarrassment, sympathy or apologetics, and quickly got up and left the box. They are all ordinary white-collar workers, who never dare to offend this kind of person who looks like a big gangster.

As for Hou Xiaopeng, there was a cold sweat on his forehead, and he yelled at this group of unjustified **** in his heart. Normally, the brothers and brothers are so close that their chests are almost collapsed. They seem so loyal, but something really happened Slip faster than a rabbit.

It is quite depressed when he has offended others.

He put a smile on his face hard: "Brother..."

Brother Haobei didn't pay any attention to him, and turned away with someone, which made Hou Xiaopeng's face muscles twitched slightly, not understanding what the other party was doing.

At this moment, Hou Xiaopeng saw a kid who seemed a little familiar as if he had seen him come in. After entering, he closed the box door. His eyes were still staring at him so badly, as if he were himself. It's like taking away something precious from him.

"So, did I accidentally provoke him?" Hou Xiaopeng muttered in his heart.

Zhou Yan stared at Hou Xiaopeng indifferently, took out a cigarette and a lighter, lit one, and then once again appeared in his mind where the boss spit out the smoke ring with a cold face, so he began to spit out the smoke ring cautiously... The reason I was cautious was because I failed once before and almost choked to death by the smoke. This time I succeeded anyway.

In the next second, Zhou Yan's face changed drastically, and he tried to close his mouth tightly, but he couldn't help it. He coughed violently... but handsome for three seconds!

Hou Xiaopeng twitched at the corner of his mouth, and his heart became even more worried. It seemed like a mentally ill guy. This kind of person basically doesn't go through his brain when doing things. Will he "muse" himself for a while?

Zhou Yan was quite depressed, and that big pie face was even more scorching, and he lost his temper in front of his rivals. This...what a shame!

Why is the boss always choked by the smoke when he spit out the smoke ring so handsomely? It seems that I have to practice well when I go back.

"Cough cough..." After trying hard to stop his cough, Zhou Yan naturally didn't dare to smoke anymore. If he loses face once, he will have no face to stay.

With a cigarette in this way, he walked to the other side of the anxious Hou Xiaopeng with a cold face and sat down. He raised his legs and put them on the table. He raised Erlang's legs and then stared at Hou Xiaopeng with indifference.

Master Grim Reaper once said that in a battle between two strong men, looking at each other's eyes is a very important part, and even just using eyes can destroy each other.

Zhou Yan felt that Master Death’s words were really right and couldn’t be more right. No, I’ve already destroyed this **** **** in his heart now. Look at his face pale, his body trembled, and cold sweat on his forehead. ... He doesn't have the courage to look at himself at all.

Zhou Yan was very proud. He felt that he was too powerful. A single look could destroy a person's willpower.

Zhou Yan's heart is full of sorrow. Why would Sun Ying prefer such a weak person who is not handsome and has a bad character, but is not willing to give herself a chance?

"Big brother, that..." Hou Xiaopeng felt that he had to say something, at least figure out how he offended this neurosis, right? Couldn't it just because I looked at him more in the crowd?

Hou Xiaopeng felt that this neuropathy was a bit familiar, so it might be true.

"Who is your eldest brother?" Zhou Yan stared at him and snorted coldly. Asshole, want to be close? no way!

Hou Xiaopeng hurriedly shut up, and his heart sank bit by bit. Sure enough, he encountered an unreasonable neuropathy, so he would inevitably get a beating.

"I heard what you said just now when I was outside the box." Zhou Yan stared at Hou Xiaopeng with a bad face.

Hou Xiaopeng swallowed and asked cautiously: "What is it?"

"You said Sun Ying is a stupid woman? She has a tendon? She believes everything you say?"

"Uh...Sun Ying?" Hou Xiaopeng's eyes widened slightly, so the reason why this guy who didn't know where he came out of trouble was related to Sun Ying? He knows Sun Ying? Ex-boyfriend?

"Are you still messing with other women outside without telling her? It's fun for you to play with her like this?" Zhou Yan said coldly, and stretched out his hand and grabbed a wine bottle on the table.

Hou Xiaopeng was frightened decisively, and said with a panic on his face: "Um...I...I was a bit too drunk, so I was bragging with my friends...Yes, yes, just brag... Those who love Sun Ying, we are going to get married, how could I be out there without telling her?"

At the same time, I was even more depressed, what did this neurosis have to do with Sun Ying.

People are like this, they like to be thought of by the opposite sex, but if the opposite **** is thinking about their other half, they will feel quite depressed.

"Bringing?" Zhou Yan sneered, "Can you really treat me like this? I'm a top student of Phoenix University."

Zhou Yan thought for a while, but the boss's words are awesome... I am the top student in the college entrance examination, but you are playing me as a fool?

He actually wanted to say that he was the top student in the college entrance examination, but he didn't even believe it when he said this.

Hou Xiaopeng wanted to say that you are a stupid, who dares to say that you are either a stupid or a stupid! What happened to the top students at Phoenix University? I still graduated from Jiangzhou University with a master's degree! Jiangzhou University is among the top five in the national prestigious university rankings, while Phoenix University is already after the fifteenth! Your sister, compare me with an education?

"It's a joke, really, I love Sun Ying very much." Hou Xiaopeng said quickly.

"You dare to say that if you are joking, this wine bottle will bloom on your head." Zhou Yan raised the wine bottle and said lightly. Bastard, how can it be a joke? It must be true!

Hou Xiaopeng shrank his head, and quickly swallowed what he wanted to say. The grievance in his heart really felt like being seriously insulted.

Those words just now were indeed made after everyone had a drink and then had a joke over there. How could he hide from Sun Ying to get ambiguous with other women? Besides, if he wants to be messy, how can he call Sun Ying to sing in this place today? It's just that Sun Ying has something wrong, so she will arrive later.

"Give you a chance, call Sun Ying now and confess your misdeeds to Sun Ying. After you confess, stay away from her. You are not allowed to hurt her, otherwise..."

Zhou Yan's words that seemed so arrogant and domineering were not finished, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open, and then a cold voice sounded.

"Otherwise, what are you going to do? Zhou Yan, don't overdo it."

As if sitting on the hot red Mars, Zhou Yan jumped up from the sofa and turned back with great difficulty. When he saw the girl who appeared there, he The whole person suddenly became at a loss, and his face didn't know whether to cry, laugh, or embarrass, like a child who made a mistake.

"Yingying..." Hou Xiaopeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Sun Ying coming over.

At the same time, after hearing the name "Zhou Yan", I already remembered who this neuropathy was.

Once when he was shopping with Sun Ying, he always felt that someone was following. After he talked to Sun Ying, the two looked back.

It was then that he glanced at the face of the stalker who had turned around in a hurry.

At that time, Sun Ying stared at the neurotic back and muttered something, she was an annoying guy. We ignored him, and then hugged his hand hard.

Later, Hou Xiaopeng got to know Zhou Yan from Sun Ying. Of course, Hou Xiaopeng is not the kind of person who likes to be horny. Naturally, he doesn’t care that Sun Ying has such a past and loves his heart. She also had a girlfriend before, and now she is also from time to time. Just want to tease yourself.

What makes Hou Xiaopeng very helpless is that this neurosis is now coming out. As Sun Ying said, this is a guy with a low IQ and a lower EQ.

"Are you okay?" After Sun Ying's unkind eyes fell on Hou Xiaopeng, he immediately softened, and quickly went over to check on him.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Before this Mr. Zhou had time to beat me, you came over in time." Hou Xiaopeng said. Being threatened in this way, my girlfriend was so harassed and worried, saying that there was no grudge, it was false, so Hou Xiaopeng's tone was naturally impossible to be friendly.

Zhou Yan felt a little regretful when he heard it. Damn, he knew that it was not crooked just now, so he smashed a few wine bottles.

He worked hard to squeeze a smile out on his face: "Yingying, I..."

"Please call me Sun Ying, and if I am troublesome to my husband in the future, I will not let you go." Sun Ying said with a cold face.

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