Sure enough, the door was opened at the end, and then a few horrible faces appeared in front of Li Zedao. Even in broad daylight, you would be shocked when you see these faces.

"Teacher Forgotten, all the teachers are so kind." Li Zedao put his hands together, nodding to the nuns.

"Amitabha, it turned out to be Donor Li. I don't know why Donor Li came to my Ganluan?" Master Wang An asked. The attitude is not too friendly. Obviously, in the view of the nun, the appearance of Li Zedao has seriously affected them.

Li Zedao felt that this nun was asking knowingly, and said: "I don't know if the extinction teacher is too definite?"

"Amitabha, no." Wang'an said, "Master and her elders are still in a state of concentration, so please come back."

"No?" Li Zedao smiled wryly, wanting to execute plan a?

The so-called plan a is to burn this ruined temple with a fire. Li Zedao really doesn't believe that your old nun can be in a calm state after the fire.

After thinking about it, I quickly dismissed this crazy idea.

Of course, Li Zedao was also wondering how the nameless cave was about to be opened after a long three hundred years, and his nephew, who had the aura of heaven, appeared in front of her even more. Yutianshidiliren and her are occupied, she really doesn't want to teleport to another plane by herself?

Or, what is she thinking in secret?

"Then... Antarctica... Oh, I'm talking about Miss Wangchen, how is she?" Li Zedao asked. Thinking of the handsome appearance of this little nun, Li Zedao felt like a twitch in his heart. What a great hair, how could he just shave it off?

"Amitabha Buddha, Master Wangchen is all well, but after seeing you, the poor nun doesn't know if she can be well." Wang An said unceremoniously.

"..." Li Zedao felt that the nun was too annoying and wanted to beat her up.

"So, Donor Li, please come back." Forgetting looked at Li Zedao's eyes and was already a little wary. "In addition, we don't want what happened last time to happen again. Presumably Donor Li is a bright and upright person. Do that kind of sneaky stuff."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently.

Enduring the urge to beat the nun violently, Li Zedao said in a little embarrassment, "Then I'll go back first. Excuse me."

It seems that it is impossible to enter forcibly or secretly. After all, such a "stealth" hat has been buckled, and in addition, in case the old nun, that is, his own, is completely angered. Uncle Tai, maybe something is wrong.

"Amitabha Buddha, don't send it!" Wangan said lightly, leading the nuns to turn away, and then the gate of Ganluan was closed again.

Looking at the closed door, Li Zedao was rather helpless, thinking that this ruined temple in the wilderness is not afraid of thieves. Why should the door be closed? It can't be that the nun inside is doing something shameful, right?

Like killing dogs and cooking dog meat? Or is it someone taking selfies over there with a mobile phone? Of course, the beauty function of the phone camera must be turned on when taking selfies.

Since I have a beauty camera, my mother doesn't have to worry about finding a target.

After slandering the old nuns who were mainly forgotten and hated, Li Zedao could only turn around and leave quite puzzled.

At the same time, in the meditation pavilion behind the temple, a young woman with cold temperament was sitting at the stone table in the pavilion making tea.

The extinct master, the extinct master who occupied the Antarctic body, of course, she is now called Liuli.

She has been in this backyard these few days and has not gone anywhere. Of course, she did not chant the sutras in the morning and evening as before, nor did she wear the generous plain clothes, but rather fashionable clothes.

Picking up the simple and elegant purple sand teacup and sipping the bitter and sweet tea, feeling the wonderful taste of the bitter and sweet taste in the mouth, a slight footstep came from behind.

"Master." Wangan came and nodded slightly, his face full of respect.

Liuli nodded slightly: "He left?"

"Yes, Master, he has already left." Forgetting nodded.

Liuli's cold-looking eyes were placed on the copper kettle with white mist, and for a while, he said, "It's not a few days since the Double Ninth Festival, right?"

"Yes, Master." Wangan didn't quite understand why Master suddenly mentioned the September 9th Chongyang Festival.

"If that's the case, he should have appeared too? Or is he still hiding somewhere like before?" Liuli muttered to herself, her expression already a bit gloomy.

Forgetting anger will inevitably be curious about what Master is talking about, but he dare not ask more.

"Order to go down, from today, no one is allowed to step into this backyard for half a step, even if you hear any movement, you are not allowed to step in." Liuli ordered after a while of silence.

"Yes, Master." Forgetting nodded.


As soon as he drove back to the city, Li Zedao received a call from Zhou Qian.

"Brother Zedao, are you with my brother now?" Zhou Qian's soft and numb voice came over, and Li Zedao's depressed mood disappeared completely.

"No, I'm separated, I'm almost home now." Li Zedao smiled, "What's the matter? Miss me? I still have strength."

"Brother Zedao..." Zhou Qian hummed softly, her voice so small that Li Zedao almost couldn't hear her. He can probably imagine that the girl's cheeks must be red at this time.

Zhou Qian said in a lowly embarrassed voice: "I joined the Fine Arts Association in college. Su Li asked me to go out to sketch from life. I didn't agree, but..."

"But the more you think about it?" Li Zedao understood at once, "So you are going to find her?"


"I see, you wait for me for a while, I will be there immediately, and then take you to find her." Li Ze said.

"Thank you, Brother Zedao." Zhou Qian said with a soft smile.


Fengwei Mountain is also located in the suburbs to the northwest, but the scenery here is naturally much more beautiful than the mountains around Ganluan. In addition, it is close to the city, so it has long been invested by the government and developed into a tourist attraction.

Throughout the year, many people come to this Fengwei Mountain for outings, to experience the farmhouse on the mountain, or bring a drawing board to sketch from life.

At this time, in front of a more remote stream, there are two young and lovely girls sitting on the pony sack, facing the drawing board and drawing.

Both of them did not major in painting at university, but painting was their interest. They were both members of the art association in the school. Today they took advantage of the weekend to meet at Fengwei Mountain to sketch.

"Su Li, didn't you have a good relationship with Zhou Qian before? You are still a classmate in high school, right? Why didn't you ask her out and came to me?" One of the thinner girls looked aside. The plumper girl asked, there was less jealousy and teasing in the words.

"Oh, Qian Xiaoya, didn't you know this? Xiaoqian is busy with his brother Ze Dao now. Where can I take care of me? Alas, there is really the opposite **** and inhumanity." Su Li was full of emotion. Said.

"Yeah, Zhou Qian is so happy to be liked by such a good boy. When will you say that I will meet such a good Prince Charming riding a horse to pick me up?" Qian Xiaoya looked forward to.

She knew Zhou Qian's boyfriend, and she had seen his picture. The frog prince is a man in the University of Phoenix that no one does not know, but he has left the school now. As for the reason for leaving, it is not known, but his various legends are still there.

"There will definitely be." Su Li looked at Qian Xiaoya's idiot and said, "The Liang Hansheng in the association is interesting to you. His eyes are completely different from those of others. ."

"But, I don't like him, I don't like boys in white shirts." Qian Xiaoya said.

Su Li was amused: "If Liang Hansheng could hear what you said, he would take off his shirt immediately so that you would like him."

"Come less, even if I take it off, I won't like it. Feelings are about eyeballs and feelings. The first time I saw him, I didn't feel it." Qian Xiaoya said, turning around and laughing. Said, "Speaking of me, our vice president Bai Xiaoyu looks at you with weird eyes. He always deliberately talks to you when participating in association activities. I think he is handsome?"

"Yes, it's pretty handsome, but how do you compare with Zhou Qian's brother Ze Dao?"

The two looked at each other, and both sighed slightly and said, "Without contrast, there is no harm."

"I found that the boys around are too naive." Su Li said with emotion, "There is no such mature temperament as the idol of brother Zhou Qian and Zedao, you know? When I first met him At that time, he went to help Xiaoqian to hold a parent meeting. He said he was Xiaoqian's brother. I also want to talk about chasing him, who wants to be the love brother."

"Su Li, don't tell me that you are thinking about Brother Ze Dao, Zhou Qian."

Su Li looked up at the white cloud in the sky, with a **** on her face: "He is so handsome, I regret it."

"Regret not robbing Zhou Qian?"

"No, even if you want to grab it, you have to grab it. I regret not using my phone to take a sneak shot of him so that he can be used as a phone desktop.

"..." Qian Xiaoya stunned, then giggled, laughed like a silver bell, then pointed to herself and said, "You can take me. Although I am not a handsome guy, I am a big guy. Beauty."

"Fuck you, I might as well take a selfie."

"Well, you Su Li, are you saying I'm not as good-looking as you?"

"Hehe, I'm just telling a fact."

"A narcissist, I think I look better than you."

Just as the two girls were joking with each other, a man's voice came from behind them.

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