"Fortunately, you and the handsome guy are here, otherwise you won't see me in the future." Su Li said with lingering fear. Seeing Li Zedao, who was standing there blocking the way of the three bastards, his expression was silly, and he thought that he hadn't seen him for a while, this guy seemed to be more handsome, and the aura that exudes from his body became more charming.

Then he quickly took a few mouthfuls of saliva. Just now, her mouth was blocked by the **** **** with his **** hands, which made her feel very sick.

"Xiao Qian, why are you here? Don't you want to accompany your brother Ze Dao not to come?" Su Li asked.

"Brother Zedao is fine, so I asked him to send me over." Zhou Qian whispered.

"Hmph, you have a conscience, and you haven't seen Lu Wangyou." Su Li sang her cheeks, pretending to be depressed.

Zhou Qian smiled a little embarrassed and said nothing.

"He... no problem? There are three of them." Qian Xiaoya pointed forward, somewhat worried.

"Xiaoya, if you have seen the scene when this handsome guy beat someone, you wouldn't say that." Su Li said bitterly, "Look, those three **** will definitely be fixed. It's miserable."

If it weren't for being a lady, Su Li would want to be a cheerleader and shout for cheer.

"Kneel down and apologize, then find a stone to break your dirty hands yourself." Li Ze said coldly. He speaks very standard English, so these three Americans naturally do not have any language barriers and can fully understand them.

He is not discussing with you, nor is he threatening you, but, this is how things are set.

Li Zedao was really **** off by the scene he had just seen.

This is Huaxia. These three brave guys dare to do such a thing in Huaxia. If they hadn't heard a "Help", so come and see what would happen?

In broad daylight, they naturally did not dare to go too far, but they still had the courage to take the clothes of the two girls and take a few pictures with the camera on their chest.

At that time, even if they were punished as they deserved, this horrible shadow will accompany these two girls forever. In this kind of thing, the injured party will ultimately suffer.

Hearing Li Zedao's words, the three Americans were stunned, seriously suspicious of their ears.

This ridiculous Chinese monkey, does he know what he is talking about?

You know, in their opinion, whether it is the two beautiful girls before or the young couple who appeared afterwards, these four people are really lucky, because if they change to another one, it will be more remote. There will be no place where anyone appears, so their fate will be miserable.

But now, they took the initiative not to look for anything and plan to leave, but this Huaxia kid stopped them, and even he even said such things that made people want to laugh.

The three people looked at each other a few times, and then they were all happy.

"Oh, Fake, **** Chinese monkey, get out!" Qiao Si scolded with a smile, his face full of disdain. For such a thin Chinese monkey, he alone is enough to deal with a group.

Then his head with many black hairs stretched out towards Li Zedao, intending to push him away.


His arm was already motionless, and Li Zedao's hand was clasped accurately on his wrist.

Qiao Si's face has become a bit ugly. He said that he didn't expect that his wrist would be held by the opponent all at once. What made him even more unexpected was that the Chinese monkey's fingers were so powerful. He couldn't take it back.

"Oh, **** it, let go, or I will be rude to you, you **** Chinese monkey!" Qiao Si said viciously. Originally he just wanted to push him aside and leave, but now he had the urge to think about slamming a punch on his annoying face.

Saul and Cook thought that Qiao Si was too underestimated. His hand was caught by the opponent. The eyes that looked at Li Zedao were already full of gloat. This ignorant Chinese monkey has already I angered Joe Si, he was going to be out of luck.

Li Zedao didn't let go, his fingers slammed hard.

"Kacha!" There was a creepy sound of cracking bones, and Qiao Si's hand was simply broken by Li Zedao.

"Ah..." A screaming scream came out of Joe Si's wide mouth, and his black face, which had become distorted by pain, was already covered with cold sweat.

In the next second, Li Zedao's hands used a little bit of strength again, and then Qiao Si's two extremely trembling legs couldn't support his body anymore, and his knees knelt softly and heavily on the rocks. On the ground, his black face was so painful that he was pumping wildly.

"Ah, Fuck, oh, damn... God... my hand... my hand is broken, my hand..." He wailed in pain, resentment in his eyes, and more fear.

His two friends, Sol and Cook, were simply dumbfounded, their minds roared violently, and there was a huge wave in their hearts, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

You must know that the **** guy, Qiao Si, is a boxing lover. He can be said to be very powerful. The two of them are not his opponents at all. In addition, his size is much stronger than that of the Huaxia boy, but he But his hand was pinched off, and he even knelt down.

If it weren't for that it was impossible, they would all think that the **** Joe Si and the **** Chinese monkey would play such a scene to deceive them.

"Oh, God, what kind of monster did I provoke?" Saul and Cook swallowed, taking a step back subconsciously.

Zhou Qian looked at Li Zedao with an ambiguous expression, but she was not afraid of anything. After all, she had seen Li Zedao repeatedly talk about other people's broken wrists, so she had become accustomed to it.

Su Li squinted her eyes and laughed, clenching her fists, her body trembling slightly.

She was so happy, so relieved, it was just this **** who covered her mouth with his disgustingly dark hand, and now his hand was pinched by the handsome guy, retribution, this is retribution! Sure enough, that sentence is correct. God will not forgive those scumbags who try to bully beautiful girls!

As for Qian Xiaoya, the woman was simply petrified, her mind buzzing, and she couldn't react for a long time. She was worried just now. After all, he had only one person, and the other party had three people, each of whom was tall, but he broke the black man's hand all at once and forced him to kneel down. .

Li Zedao let go of Joss's broken arm and looked up at Saul and Cook.

The expressions of the two changed again, and they took a step back again.

"Oh, God, you... you broke Qiao Si's hand? How could you hit someone? We want to call the police... call the police..." Saul felt that by now, only those cute Chinese police uncles could be saved. After all, they have always respected foreign guests like themselves.

For this scene happening now, Saul is naturally quite unimaginable.

They have been in China for a long time, and they have never been treated so cruelly.

The Chinese people they came into contact either felt that the Americans were a lot higher than them, and the eyes that looked at them were full of respect and really servile, or they were treated to them because of their ridiculous so-called great power Turn on the green light for special care... Qiao Si’s bicycle was stolen a few days ago, and those people found it back very efficiently. As for those Huaxia people who lost their bicycles to the police... make a note, and then... No more.

But now, some people no longer value them, and even beat them. This huge contrast really makes them unbearable.

"I will interrupt your hands next." Li Zedao said coldly.

"..." Saul and Cook had an urge to put their hands away. He didn't think the devil was joking with them.

"But I still hope that you can pick up a rock and break your hand." Li Zedao said again, "On the one hand, I feel dirty with my hand when I shoot you. On the other hand... if I do it, you are not. It’s as simple as breaking one hand, you will break both hands."

As soon as the voice fell, Li Zedao kicked his feet abruptly, kicked directly on his knees and wailed, and tried to stand up but couldn't stand up. At the same time, he stared at himself with a rather unkind look. The other hand of Joe Si.


"Ah..." Qiao Si uttered a scream again, and his whole body collapsed there, so painful that he doubted his life.

Saul and Cook were so scared that their faces were pale, their legs trembled like chaff, and they looked at Li Zedao as if they had seen a ghost.

Li Zedao didn't want to let this wailing guy go just like that. The phrase "Damn Chinese Monkey" he said just now completely angered him.

At the moment Li Zedao's toe was picked, a rock with a palm on the ground bounced and fell into his hand, and his other hand grabbed Qiao Si's neck all at once, and then seemed to carry it. He picked it up easily like garbage.

In the next second, the scene that made Sol and Cook almost freaked out.

I saw Li Zedao grabbing the stone in his hand and directly hitting Qiao Si's mouth.


Qiao Si let out an extremely screaming scream, looking at his mouth, it was already **** and blood was pouring out, and there were several teeth in it.

"Huh?" Qian Xiaoya exclaimed subconsciously, her eyes closed quickly, not daring to take another look at this **** scene.

Su Li's delicate body trembled even more severely. She was so excited that she almost fainted. So handsome, how come there is such a handsome person? I really want to **** him from Xiaoqian, what should I do?

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