The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1916: Narcissistic kid

The man stunned, and then grinned. The flesh on his face was completely separated, but the smile gave people a gloomy feeling, as if a ghost was opening his mouth and smiling at you. How horrible it is.

"So arrogant?" The man said with a smile, "It seems that you have very arrogant capital."

Had he not figured out the origin of this kid, he would have made him a fool.

"Okay, don't try to confuse me. I have no time to pay attention to you, and I don't want to talk to you too much, so you can just let your dog legs come and hit me or get out." Li Zedao glanced at him lightly. Response.

I still don't want to be this old witch's shield, so Li Zedao doesn't mind letting this arrogant kid go.

The man was stunned once, and immediately laughed: "It's too arrogant, it's almost as arrogant as me, I like you a little bit."

"I don't like men, so perverted." Li Zedao said coldly.


"Congratulations, you completely angered me." The man looked at Li Zedao and nodded and said, "I don't care who your father is, you will soon realize that being thrown from the 38th floor is a What kind of experience."

"Stupid." Li Zedao said, he hates this kind of guy who doesn't have much ability but likes to talk big.

Even if the four elephants shot at the same time, they did not dare to 100% guarantee that they could throw themselves off the 38th floor. This kid is a shit.

"Throw him down to me." The man didn't bother to talk nonsense with Li Zedao and shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, two men in black came out from behind the crowd. Their eyes were as sharp as vultures, which made people feel frightened and timid. Each geared up, looking at Li Zedao as if looking at a bunch of people. delicious food.

As for the remaining few brothers holding red wine in their hands, their faces are full of interest and expectation. They all want to see the scene of this reckless boy being thrown down the window by Master Zhao. Isn't it exciting and fun?

At the same time, the two black-clothed men rushed towards Li Zedao from left to right, intending to hold them down at once, and then drag them to the box window.

They have been ordered by Mr. Zhao to do such things more than once. Naturally, Mr. Zhao didn’t really want to throw people down from the thirty-eighth floor. He just wanted to see this kid’s courage after being frightened. I want to see him peeing in shock, and I want to see him kneeling in front of him begging for mercy.

Simple and rude, they slapped Li Zedao **** the left and right shoulders, and dragged him off the chair, and then dragged him away.

However, their expressions changed quickly, and there was a stunned expression in their eyes. Because they only felt that their palms were numb and painful, as if they were patted on a rock.

Why is this guy's shoulders so hard?

Also because it doesn't move.

The force they used was no longer small, but the person they were trying to drag away was still sitting firmly on the chair, as if his **** had taken root.

It was rare for Zhao Da to see that his two bodyguards did not take the next step as if they were stupid after holding the **** boy, it was really quite depressed.

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you drag him away and throw him down the window?"

Hearing Zhao Dashao's scolding, the two bodyguards glanced at each other and tried hard again. This time, the milking force was used to make their faces flushed, but they were still motionless.

Glancing at each other again, both can clearly see the unbelievable in each other's eyes. After making eye contact, the two decided to give the kid a hard blow before talking.

"I don't like men touching my body very much." An extremely depressed voice came into the ears of the two bodyguards.

"Of course, I don't like being touched by an unsightly woman." Li Ze paused and added.

After looking at Zhao Duoer, he added: "I don't like being touched by a thousand-year-old monster.

"..." Zhao Duoer is quite speechless, this little kid is too narcissistic, right? I don't have any thoughts about you at all, OK?

At the same time, the eyelids of the two bodyguards twitched violently, and an inexplicable feeling of danger had already surged from their hearts. But it was too late for them to think about it. They only felt that their two hands clasping each other's shoulders were numb. When they fixed their eyes, they almost rolled down, leaving their minds blank.

I saw a knife inserted into the back of their hand, and a fork inserted into the back of their hand.

Whether it is a knife or a fork, the chopsticks did not go through their palms, but they were almost the same, and they seemed to be stuck firmly in the bones of their palms.

After the two bodyguards were dumbfounded for a few seconds, their bodies staggered back, and the pain that seemed to come from the depths of their souls made them horribly screaming. At the same time, blood flowed out even more and spilled on the restaurant. On the ground, it looked so shocking, and a strong smell of blood came out.

The sudden change also made the pupils of Zhao Dashao and his friends rounded, their scalp numb, and their heads roared. There was already a huge wave in his heart, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

As for Zhao Duoer, what scene have you never seen such a thousand-year old demon? So at this time, she took a sip of the red wine on the table with an expression on her face, as if nothing had happened.

Li Zedao stood up and looked at Zhao Dashao, whose face had already become quite ugly, and said, "What? It looks like he took these two rookie bodyguards with him when he went out? Even now, he is living well, I have to say you Good luck... Oh, you should say that your dad is very good."

Had it not been for a very powerful Lao Tzu, this kind of stupid fork would have been deadlocked.

"They are not rookies..." Zhao Dashao said with gritted teeth.

How could they be rookies? They are all soldiers who have been retired from a certain special force. They have helped themselves to solve many annoying guys many times. At that time, they were full of strength and infinite confidence...

But now, why are they stabbed with a knife and fork so easily by this kid?

Seeing them looking so painful there, Zhao Dashao's face was hot, and he only felt quite ashamed.

Damn it, isn't it just being pierced with a knife and fork, does it need to be so exaggerated?

Li Zedao said with a cold smile: "Such a bodyguard is not a rookie? I have to say that your definition of a rookie is very different..."

Stepping towards the opponent, he said, "Do you have any other rookie bodyguards? Or, do you have any less rookie bodyguards? If there are none, then change me. I just told you that you want to let them go. Let me experience what it feels like to be thrown down from the thirty-eighth floor...I think you have a good idea. Don't worry, I will definitely let you experience it."

Young Master Zhao was shocked, staring at Li Ze fiercely, and said, "Boy, do you know who I am?"

This kid who didn't know where he came from not only didn't cooperate well with him, but even seriously injured his bodyguard, so Zhao Dasha had reason to believe that he really dared to hit himself hard.

"I only know that you are a fool." Li Zedao said lightly. Isn't it boring to be threatened like this again?

Who are you? You are a fool! If you are not a fool, how dare you run to yourself and pretend to be a force? Especially here is Phoenix City!

Li Zedao dare not say anything else, but in Yanjing and Phoenix City, especially Phoenix City, which of those so-called brothers sees themselves like a mouse sees a cat?

It seems that this guy does not mix with Phoenix City or Yanjing. He came from another place, and he is used to being arrogant in his place. He must have done this kind of thing about throwing people downstairs. Are you back? Otherwise, you won't be so familiar with the road.

"...Zhao Duo'er, I think you should persuade your friend." Zhao Da Shao looked at Zhao Duo'er, his tone was full of threats, "Let him not do stupid things, otherwise the consequences will not be him. Can bear it."

Young Master Zhao is really angry. Her concubine is about to do something quite stupid and dangerous. How can this woman treat her as if nothing happened?

Haven't seen her become stupid for a while?

"I'm sorry, I don't know him well, and we are not friends. He doesn't listen to me. I just need his help if I have something, so I invite him to dinner." Zhao Duoer moves gracefully. He took a sip of red wine and said.

"..." Zhao Dashao widened his eyes, his face turned green. So I not only misunderstood the relationship between them, but also provoked such a perverted life and death?

He stared at Li Zedao fiercely at the moment, and said sternly, "I...I don't care who you are, as long as you dare to touch my hair, I promise you will..."

However, before his threatening sentence was complete, everyone only felt a flower in front of them, followed by a loud noise... and then a sharp howl sounded through the entire box.

At this time, Li Zedao didn't know when he had already appeared in front of Zhao Dashao. There was an extra plate in his hand... to be precise, it was a small piece of the plate.

And Zhao Dashao, who was covering his mouth, twitched in pain at his feet, and blood was constantly seeping from the gaps in his fingers covering his mouth, and there were many **** scars elsewhere on his face.

On his head and on the ground beside him, there were many pieces of plates.

Li Zedao picked up the plate for eating on the table and slammed it on his handsome face. The plate was broken, and his face was broken.

At this time, the few friends of Zhao Dashao who had originally planned to see how Zhao Dashao bullied others were all stupid, and they simply set off a huge wave that was ten thousand times stronger than before.

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