The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1931: A match made in heaven

"...I am a match made in heaven and earth." Li Zedao gasped, and then he said the complete sentence he wanted to say.

"..." The corners of Zhao Duoer and Sun Lao's mouth twitched, and they were so depressed that they naturally knew that they had been opened by this **** kid.

The door was opened and Taiyin moved into the driving position. He looked back at Zhao Duoer and Li Zedao and said with a smile, "Tsk, boy, although my old lady looks very unpleasant to you, quite unpleasant, if it weren't for you to treat us like four It’s so important that my old lady killed you a long time ago. But you don’t have to agree with what you just said. You and our Miss Shaoyin are indeed a match made in heaven, huh...or I’ll send you there now. A trip to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the marriage certificate and then enter the bridal chamber tonight? If you really can’t wait, find a hotel to cook the uncooked rice first, or want to be in the car? Get off and wait."

Of course, what made her feel more reasonable was Li Zedao's last sentence. He said that she and Shaoyang were a match made in heaven... I hate it. It's really annoying. What's the truth? People like you would be very shy, OK?

It is precisely because she is too satisfied, and can no longer be satisfied if she is satisfied, so her hostility towards Li Zedao has also decreased a lot.

"Old lady, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Shaoyang shouted with suffocation on his small face as he climbed into the car. The very depressed car door was closed heavily.

Looking back, he glanced at Li Zedao with a rather unkind look, and said in a vicious voice, "Boy, if you dare to talk nonsense, don't blame Lao Tzu for being anxious with you."

This **** kid not only insulted himself, he even planned to take away his Shaoyin, he really **** it. As the dead old woman said, if he wasn't really important to the four elephants, he would want to chop him up and feed the dogs.

"What? Am I wrong? Do you dare to say that you and Taiyin... sister are not a match made in heaven?" Li Zedao said with a smile.

So Taiyin became even more shy, this kid is so cute.

"Asshole..." The muscles on Shaoyang's face twitched quite hard.

"Well, even if you dare to say that, but do you dare to say that I and Miss Zhao Duoer are not a match made in heaven?" Li Zedao smiled, and even stretched out his hand, hugging Zhao Duoer's shoulder affectionately .

"Look at us, handsome men and beautiful women, what a match."

Thinking of holding him in his arms with sympathy on his face, Li Zedao had an urge to crush him, so naturally he didn't mind stimulating him at all.

"You're looking for death!" Shaoyang's eyes were cracked and he couldn't wait to chop off his salty pig hand.

To make him more comfortable, Zhao Duoer glanced at Li Zedao with a bad look, and patted his hand off.

"Hey, when you look at it this way, it's really a natural fit for talented men and women." Shaoyin said with a chuckle, "I will send you to the hotel first..."

"Old lady, you get off the car." Shaoyang was so angry that his little face was red, and he wanted to fight Taiyin to the death!

"Okay, Shaoyang." Old Sun said in a majestic tone as if he had swept Shaoyang.

Sun Lao is still quite prestigious in this team, Shaoyang snorted coldly and closed his eyes very depressed.

"Lunar, don't say a few words." Sun Lao said again.

Tai Yin giggled, said nothing, started the car and left the airport quickly.

Sun Lao wanted to tell Li Zedao, your kid also shut up Lao Tzu! But knowing that if he said that, this kid would definitely bounce back. Who knows what he will say then?

"Next, we will go to the train station first, and then we will take the train all night to arrive at a place called Xiangqiao Town, which is a very beautiful town, but it is not open to traffic, air, and the only transportation. The tool is a train. I have sent two cars and some items by train to Naxiangqiao Town in advance. Then we will drive from that place into the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau and then go directly to Wuming Mountain. If it goes well, we can arrive in three days. "Lao Sun looked at Li Zedao and said.

If nothing else, this kid is going to die in this car.

Not to mention Shaoyang, Sun Lao now wants to kill this obviously under-beaten kid.

"I see." Li Zedao said. Then I calculated the time in my mind. If I arrive in three days, then there will only be three days left before the Double Ninth Festival.

"You said, if the violent air in my body broke out and died before I reached the Wuming Mountain, wouldn't you be in vain?" Li Zedao asked jokingly.

Shaoyang turned his head, looked at Li Zedao with a rather unhappy expression, and said in a vicious voice, "Boy, stretch out your hand."

"Shaoyang is a very clever doctor. He can relatively accurately determine when the violent aura in your body will erupt." Zhao Duoer added.

So the coldness on Shaoyang's face melted instantly, and he looked at Zhao Duoer with a silly smile, and said modestly: "Actually, I am not as good as you said, haha..."

"Huh!" Taiyin snorted coldly and continued to drive his car.

Li Zedao smiled and stretched out his hand, Shaoyang’s little hand was placed on Li Zedao’s pulse for a while, and then coldly said: "Don’t worry, you have at least ten days to live. ."

"Ten days..." Li Zedao nodded, but couldn't tell what kind of mood he was at this time.

heavy? fear? Greedy? regret? It seems that all emotions are a little bit.

Although Li Zedao was a person who had died several times, he still couldn't make the step of facing his life and death calmly, because he had concerns.

"Don't worry, we will be able to reach another plane successfully, and the violent aura in your body will naturally disappear by itself." Zhao Duoer comforted.

"Oh, dear Miss Doer, I am already a dying person, so I am not worthy of you, forget me, go to your brother Shaoyang, I can see that he is infatuated with you, he is Your good match." Li Zedao's face was bitter, as if he was unlovable.

"..." Zhao Duoer wanted to kick this guy out of the car. She found out that she was too cheap, so why should she comfort him? Wouldn't it be nice to let him die quickly?

Old Sun was full of helplessness, and his heart was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. He knew that this kid was simply nauseating himself.

Taiyin was also very depressed. If it weren't for the fear of hurting herself, she would have wanted to hit the big tree by the side of the road.

As for Shaoyang, that little face was full of smiles. For the first time, he thought this kid was handsome, discerning, and self-aware. He knew that he was not good enough for Shaoyin, he was A good match for Shaoyin.

So he smiled and said: "Boy, you can go to death with peace of mind, I will take care of Shaoyin."

"..." Li Zedao felt like he was shooting himself in the foot.

At this moment, Taiyin braked, and the car stopped abruptly. If the people in the car were very fast-reacting masters, I was afraid that the body would be hit hard.

"Someone touched porcelain." Taiyin said with a rather helpless expression.

Li Ze said that he was amused. Someone dared to touch Sixiang's porcelain. Isn't this a lantern in the toilet for death? Looking up, I saw an old lady in front of the car lying on the front cover of the car very slowly, then slowly sitting on the ground, and then hugging the front wheel with her hands.

This movement was so slow and so careful. The kind-hearted Li Zedao saw that she was so hard to smash the porcelain. He felt that the years were not forgiving. He felt that the bad guys got old and their legs and feet were not good enough. At the same time, he wanted to get out of the car and help her.

"Oh, my elbow! Oops, my coring cap! Oops, my lumbar disc, it all hurts so hard that I can't tell." The old lady cried out, in that voice, That expression is really moving.

It really makes those little fresh meats who have no acting skills ashamed.

And her shouting like this naturally aroused some pointers from passersby.

"What to do?" Taiyin looked back at Lao Sun and asked her what she meant. Of course, she really wanted to push the accelerator down and crush it. Anyway, this nasty old lady was only polluting the air.

"I'll get off the car and give me a few minutes." Li Zedao said with a smile. I'm not in a good mood, so it seems pretty good to talk about life and ideals with this old woman.

"Then trouble Li Shao." Old Sun smiled.

Li Zedao pushed the door and got out of the car, looking at the old lady holding the tires crying and saying, "Grandma, are you doing this bad? If you are lying on my car like this, if you get my car dirty What to do then?"

"Oh, my waist disc..." The old lady groaned exaggeratedly, then raised her head and stared at Li Zedao with quite angrily, and wailed, "Criticize everyone, pity me, this dying one. Old lady, I was hit by his car, and he actually said that I had soiled his car...Is it so unreasonable?

Li Zedao smiled and said: "Indeed, is there such an unreasonable thing? You ran over and hugged my car and wanted to touch the porcelain but said I hit you..."

"Porcelain? My old lady has lived all her life and has never done anything wrong. said that I touched porcelain?" The old lady trembled with anger, and she could hardly speak.

So Li Zedao understood that touching porcelain was a matter of course to her, not a so-called loss of heart.

It seems that shameless words are really invincible in the world.

"I have a driving recorder..."

"My old lady doesn't know what driving records or what, I only know that you hit me, and you almost broke my old woman's body. I can't get up now. If you don't pay for medical expenses today, you Don't want to leave!" The old lady said indignantly.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth was slightly tilted up with an inexplicable amount, and with a flick of his hand, a small piece of sand quickly hit this rather shameless old lady.

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