The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1934: Team rift

The undeveloped face of Taiyin and her irregular big yellow teeth appeared in his mind, and Li Zedao's face became pale.

"Impossible." Li Ze said that the hand holding the coffee cup was trembling. He didn't want this to be true. He was still struggling with death.

"You can't believe it." Zhao Duoer shrugged.

"Idiot, if it was Duo'er, I would have eaten it a long time ago, so it's your turn?" Shaoyang's little face was full of gloat.

"The coffee is from Shaoyin, but the pastry...It is indeed Taiyin who took a bite and put it there." Sun Lao was professionally mending knife for thirty years.

"..." Li Zedao was full of horror, and a strong feeling of discomfort appeared in his stomach.

He began to believe what the three people said.

"Asshole, did you eat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that my old lady took a bite?" Taiyin who walked over stared with wide-eyed eyes and looked at Li Ze's eyes so badly, as if he had done something beastly to her. In the same way, her words were inserted into Li Zedao's heart like a dagger.

Then he couldn't help it anymore, put the coffee in his hand back to Zhao Duoer's hand, and ran towards the toilet quickly.

After Li Zedao vomited wildly in the toilet, the train also arrived in Xiangqiao Town.

This is a small town like a fairyland, where the original ecology is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and there are no factories or other surrounding areas. The fresh air is unmatched by other places.

After getting off the train, Li Zedao breathed the fresh air. Only then did he feel that his twisted stomach felt better, and he was slightly drunk. He thought that here might be the starting point of his own life. Starting from here, he will step by step. Towards a new life.

Of course, here is also very likely to be the end of life, and he will gradually die.

It’s just that whether it’s new life or perish, this place like a fairyland can be regarded as a brand new starting point for itself.

Following the four elephants, they finally came to a simple courtyard not far from the small railway station, where two off-road vehicles were quietly parked there.

The next step is to run on mountain roads with extremely poor road conditions for more than two days, so the performance of the prepared car is naturally excellent, and all kinds of used items are already packed into the trunk of the car.

"Time is running out, let's go." Old Sun looked at Li Zedao and said, this was naturally addressed to him.

Li Zedao nodded without objection.

"Next, I will drive a car, Taiyin you drive another, and Shaoyang you and Taiyin together." Sun Lao immediately made what he thought was the most reasonable arrangement.

Li Zedao is too important to them, and no one can guarantee that the road will go smoothly and smoothly. Maybe there are already old monsters waiting for them, so the best choice is to have two people guarding Li Zedao. Around.

Of course, he also deliberately let Taiyin and Shaoyang spend more time alone, maybe they get along with each other, and the two sparkles...

Looking at the three-year-old child and then at the vicissitudes of the peasant woman, Sun Lao thought he seemed to think too much.

Taiyin nodded and said nothing. After all, he was quite satisfied with this arrangement. When he opened the driving door of one of the cars, he got in.

Shaoyang put forward his own opinion. He looked at Sun Lao and said, "Can't you let Shaoyin go with Taiyin?"

Saying that his eyes were rather unkind, he glanced at Li Zedao, who was enjoying the surrounding scenery like a okay person

That piece of cake was naturally put there after being bitten by Shaoyin, not by Lunar. The reason why Zhao Duoer said that was naturally because of disgusting Li Zedao.

They are also a very tacit group, and one look is enough to let the other party know what she wants to do. So Shaoyang cooperated, Lao Sun cooperated, Taiyin also cooperated, so Li Ze vomited.

But even if this kid has been punished as he deserves, Shaoyang is naturally quite worried about this guy's shameless indirect kiss with Shaoyin, so he really doesn't want to see this **** There is any ambiguous contact with his dear Shaoyin, otherwise he might start to kill.

"It's not impossible, but I'm afraid you will fight Li Shao." Sun Lao didn't expect Shaoyang to start to refute his meaning. This somewhat surprised him and felt quite uncomfortable.

It seems that the prestige that I have built in this team has already begun to weaken, which is undoubtedly very bad.

"As long as he is not with Shaoyin, I can't bother to care about him." Shaoyang said coldly. He's not a stupid, how could he just get started with him?

He had witnessed the scene of Li Zedao's hands-on with the old woman in Ganlu'an before. He still recognized and feared Li Zedao's strength. This guy was shameless and shameless, but his strength was still quite terrifying.

Li Zedao smiled, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, and said: "This handsome guy doesn't sit with the kid who is still wetting the bed. I want to be with the beautiful Miss Doer."

"Li Zedao, are you looking for death?" Shaoyang was so angry that he almost couldn't help but rushed towards Li Zedao. Damn, I'm not mad, you really think I'm a three-year-old child?

"Do you think you are my opponent?" Li Zedao sneered, his face full of disdain. At best, the strength of this kid is at the same level as Taiyin. He can spit up blood from Taiyin, and he can naturally vomit blood.

Moreover, knowing that he still has ten days to live, Li Zedao was somewhat depressed. After being severely nauseated, his mood became even more unhappy, so he didn't mind using him to vent his emotions now.

"Get out of here, Lao Tzu will teach you how to write dead words." An extremely terrible breath broke out from Shaoyang's body.

Li Zedao was full of disdain. He stepped forward, and a terrible breath broke out on his body. He even drew a few strokes on the ground with the toe of his shoes and wrote the word "death".

"Let me teach you how to write." Li Zedao said.

"..." Shaoyang's figure flashed, and he rushed towards Li Zedao.

But his way was blocked by Sun Lao.

"Shaoyang, go back!" Old Sun's expression was gloomy.

Shaoyang thought he hadn't heard it, so he wanted to go around him and continue to rush towards Li Zedao, so Sun Lao's face became dark again, and his heart was really uncomfortable.

In the past, Shaoyang would listen to anything he said and execute it without any doubt, but now, he dared to disobey his own meaning, he dared to say no to himself.

Zhao Duoer Shaoyang and Li Zedao were at a dreadful fight. Seeing that Lao Sun was in a slightly awkward situation, he said lightly: "I have a car with Taiyin."

Then he pulled the door and got into the car.

"Shaoyang, you go to a car with Shaoyin and the others." Sun Lao said, he couldn't guarantee whether the two people would do anything when they were in the car, and simply separated them.

In addition, he didn't want to see this guy who disobeyed himself and challenged his authority or even thought about his own woman for more than a thousand years.

Shaoyang's expression eased a bit. He glanced at Li Zedao with an unkind look in his eyes and then snorted coldly. The aura on his body was reduced, and he quickly got into Shaoyin's car, but he was embarrassed to talk to Zhao Duoer. Sitting in the back seat together, so he got into the co-pilot position.

Li Zedao smiled disdainfully, and also restrained his breath, stretched his waist lazily and yawned.

Old Sun looked at Li Zedao with a gentle smile and said: "Li Shao, Shaoyang is a bit grumpy, don't be familiar with him."

There was an urge to beat him up.

From yesterday to now, the **** guy has been disgusting one after another, and now their team is cracked because of him, and his prestige has also been challenged, which has caused a lot of bad depression in Sun Lao's heart.

At the same time, deep inside, the same idea as Shaoyang came into being. Regardless of whether he succeeded in reaching another plane or not, the first thing to do was to kill this damned kid.

"Relax, after I was bitten by a dog, I wouldn't even think about biting a dog." Li Zedao waved his hand and said generously.

So Lao Sun's mood became even worse. This kid called Shaoyang a dog. Isn't that also insinuating that the three of them are also dogs? You are a dog, and a mad dog who likes to bite people!

This kid is so deceiving!

"At best, I just get a stick and give him a vicious meal." Li Zedao said again.

So Lao Sun didn't even bother to reply, smiled politely, and then opened the door and got into the car.

Li Zedao's mouth was already sneered.

He naturally knew that although Mr. Sun smiled so mildly, he must be quite uncomfortable in his heart, but what about? Just to make you uncomfortable, the more uncomfortable you are, the happier I will be.

It is said that for men, verbal attacks are the weakest.

Li Zedao wanted to say, who said it? You see, these four shameless thousand-year old demons are so depressed that I want to vomit blood in a few words.

Li Zedao knew even more that not only Shaoyang, but also Sun Lao, he also had the idea of ​​cutting himself off, so what? There are times when I can't beat you and I won't run away?

Besides, Li Zedao is still holding their handles in his hand. Then he only needs to tell Shaoyang that I saw Lao Sun and Zhao Duoer kiss each other on the plane. What do you think will happen?

What, don't believe it? Sorry, I accidentally recorded the love words you said on the plane.

As for whether these four people will act on her women in the future, Li Zedao thinks they will not do it. After all, how shameless they are, they are decent people after all.

The reason why decent people are decent people is because they are more or less reasonable. They probably disdain to bully the weak.

Besides, when the time comes, these four people will definitely fall out, and maybe they will fight to make you die, let alone his women.

After Li Zedao got into the car, Sun Lao quickly started the car.

Soon, two off-road vehicles pulled out of the courtyard one after the other, and then galloped towards the towering mountains in the distance to the northwest.

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