The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1946: Thoughts of voyeurism

Because of the heavy rain, the road is muddy, densely covered with puddles, there are countless hidden mud pools, and even landslides occur in some places. If you are not careful, your life will be in danger.

This so-called danger is naturally to ordinary people. For experts like Li Zedao and others, walking this way is like walking on a flat road without any obstacles. In a wide puddle, the toes are a little bit. It passed easily.

"At the speed we are moving forward, we can find a place to rest for one night when it is dark, and then we can reach Wuming Mountain at about noon tomorrow." Sun Lao first glanced around, then looked back and followed Li Zedao behind them said.

He didn't know that Wumingdong had been here several times, so he was probably familiar with the surrounding terrain.

Li Zedao nodded, "I see."

"Maybe someone is already waiting for us over there." Old Sun pointed out.

"If it is extinct by then, you will have to trouble Lao Sun and Miss Zhao Duoer to help." Li Zedao said with a serious expression, "You only need to help me to hold the Daoist."

That supposed nun actually killed the Antarctic and occupied her body, so Li Zedao would naturally not regard her as his uncle.

He hates the house and the Wu, so he will not take the Qiankun Taoist as his master too. Li Zedao is such a person who loves and hates.

"This is natural. When that happens, Shaoyin and I will definitely follow you and at least hold the Daoist Master Qiankun." Sun Lao nodded and said seriously. When I thought of it, if I stabbed you in the back, your expression would be wonderful, right?

Of course, it doesn't necessarily have to stab Li Zedao's knife. It depends on the situation. If Li Zedao had an overwhelming advantage when facing the universe and extinction, then he would naturally have to hug his thigh.

The three of them continued to sweep forward, and when the sun was about to set, they didn't know how many hills they had passed before they stopped.

As before, Sun Lao and Zhao Duoer are responsible for finding a place to stay around and picking up dead branches to burn a fire, while Li Zedao is responsible for hunting.

When Li Zedao came back with three hares, Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er had already found a cave and set a fire.

After Li Zedao cooked the hare, he didn’t bother to leave his own saliva on the rabbit. It’s enough to do such a boring thing once or twice. If you do too much, it will definitely cause Sun Lao and Zhao Duoer. Strong rebound.

Throwing two of the rabbits to Zhao Duoer and Lao Sun, Li Zedao bit the rabbit meat and said, “It shouldn’t rain again tonight depending on the weather, so I’m on the big tree outside tonight. After a night’s rest, you can talk quickly if you have anything you want to say and do quickly, because when you arrive at Wuming Mountain tomorrow, no one can guarantee that something will happen."

"..." The muscles on the faces of Sun Lao and Zhao Duoer began to twitch, feeling uncomfortable in their hearts, really want to vomit blood, what did he mean by this? It sounds like they won't see the moon tomorrow night.

But unfortunately, Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er can't say anything, after all, this kid's words can be regarded as reasonable and well-founded, and he is thinking about them.

I even have to thank him for being so discerning that he is no longer a light bulb.

"Don't worry, I will help you pay attention to the surrounding movement. Although I can't guarantee that mosquitoes and flies can't fly in, I must guarantee that no bears, tigers, wolves or anything will come and disturb you." Li Zedao patted his chest. Said the deputy quite righteously.

Zhao Duoer looked at Li Zedao in her eyes as if she was looking at an idiot. If she didn't want to destroy the harmony of the team, she would want to say, you are the wolf, the pervert!

She has every reason to believe that the reason why this guy is so active is because he has the idea of ​​voyeurism.

She has every reason to believe that this kid also has **** with herself, after all, this kid is such a sex.

"Then...Thank you, Li Shao." Old Sun nodded and said. Let's not talk about whether or not to do that with Shaoyin, at least not to stay in such a cave with this annoying kid tonight, that is also good.

Li Zedao gave a big hand for a while, blessed with the sacred light: "You are welcome, who made me Lei Feng?"


Li Zedao is a man who talks and counts. After eating the rabbit in his hand, he immediately walked out of the cave.

Soon, there was a rustling noise outside the cave.

Just when Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er wondered what this guy was doing outside, Li Zedao appeared at the entrance of the cave again. He smiled at Lao Sun and Zhao Duo'er and said, "Help you find a door. "

The so-called door is actually a lush and leafy tree, which was broken by the ruthless wind and rain during the previous heavy rain and fell there.

Such a tree can well block the entrance of the cave without being airtight, so that people in the cave can not only notice the movement outside, but also prevent the pervert outside from peeping into the cave. It can be said to serve two purposes .

"You Lao Li is less." Old Sun nodded to express his gratitude, thinking that this shameless guy is still very thoughtful.

"It's all your own, don't be so polite. The spring night is worth a lot of money. Don't let the bride wait for a long time. Elder Sun, and I wish you all the best to have a good son."

"Thank Shao Li." Old Sun arched his hands politely, actually wanting to slap this shameless guy to death.

As for Zhao Duo'er, she was dismissive of what Li Zedao said, but at this time, there was a blush on the base of her ears.

Li Zedao smiled and turned around and dragged the big tree to block the hole, and then left in a bad mood. He felt that he had done a good thing.

In the cave, Lao Sun and Zhao Duoer looked at each other, and then the heartbeats of the two began to "bang..." speeding up. Being disturbed by Li Zedao like this naturally increased a lot of ambiguity.

Seeing that Zhao Duoer's little face was flushing with the shining of the fire, Old Sun couldn't help but feel so tempting. If he hadn't been for his mind, he would have rushed towards Zhao Duoer.

"The sun..." Zhao Duoer bit her lip lightly, her big eyes flashed and looked at Lao Sun, her hand stretched over and gently stroked his face, as for the other hand, one after another One by one, she unbuttoned the shirt that she had passed from her body, and soon most of the spring light on her chest was revealed.

Old Sun's eyes widened slightly, and his breathing became quicker.

Zhao Duoer suddenly felt that Li Zedao's words were a bit ugly, but they were quite reasonable.

Although they were looking for another way for themselves, they planned to find a chance to regain the friendship of the Taoists of Universe, and then stabbed Li Zedao in the back.

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