The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1949: The farmer and the snake

"In the past, Brother Yu failed to take Brother Qinglong to another plane. He was really sorry. Fortunately, God has now given Pang Dao such an opportunity." Taoist Qian Kun said with gratitude.

When Lao Sun heard this, he controlled his expression hard, trying not to show an expression of ecstasy, but the corner of his mouth was still slightly tilted. Even if it wasn't really unsuitable, he wanted to laugh up to the sky three times.

Sure enough, he didn't read the wrong person, the dignified Number One in the world is really a person who knows the gratitude, very good, keep working hard.

He arched his hands and said, "Then there is Brother Lao Qiankun."

The humane of Qiankun Dao politely bowed his hands: "Brother Qinglong is polite, this is what I should do."

For Sun Lao, this is undoubtedly the most ideal result.

On the one hand, he really hates Li Zedao's stinky mouth and all his naive but effective actions that are disgusting to people. On the other hand, he really didn't want to do anything with Taoist Qiankun.

The main thing is that if they really start, they don't necessarily have a chance of winning. Li Zedao is still a little tender after all, and in the end he is definitely not an extinct opponent. As for the Taoist Qiankun alone, he and Shaoyin are enough to suppress him and Shaoyin.

In the end, which side of the victory is basically the Taoist and the Extinction, even if they win by luck, it is basically a miserable victory.

Besides, for Li Zedao, Sun Lao is actually not so trusting.

So now that Taoist Qiankun takes the initiative to show his favor, it is undoubtedly the best result, the most ideal result in his heart.

"It seems that Lao Sun is planning to treachery." Li Zedao glanced at Lao Sun with a cold look in his eyes.

Although I really didn't have any confidence in this hypocritical old man, that is to say, Li Zedao had long talked about the situation that had emerged, but now that the facts were happening in front of him, Li Zedao still felt somewhat unacceptable.

Why is this old man so shameless? I knew it was a peeping or even a sneak shot last night, and then posting it on the Internet, letting you become the protagonist of the "Gate of the Cave", disgusting you.

"We Sixiang and Dao Qiankun have been close friends for many years. I really can't draw my sword to him..." Old Sun looked at Li Zedao and said with a wry smile, "But Dao Qiankun is your grand master after all, and extinction is Your uncle, if you can let go of your grievances, Shao Li, I don’t think Brother Qiankun will embarrass you..."

Old Sun looked at Taoist Qiankun: "Is that so, Brother Qiankun."

Old Sun was somewhat guilty, so he couldn't bear to see that Li Zedao insisted on taking revenge for the Antarctic and was finally beaten to death, so he didn't mind doing peacemaking.

Everyone and kindly walked hand in hand into the nameless cave. It seemed to be good too. Why do you have to fight and kill?

Li Zedao smiled coldly, too lazy to respond.

He had seen the shamelessness of this old guy a long time ago, so he would do shameless things and say shameless things, Li Zedao was really not surprised.

"That's true." Taoist Qiankun looked at Li Zedao softly and kindly, as if he was looking at his own child, "I really didn't expect the poor Taoist to see the descendants of Tianjimen after thousands of years. Such an excellent rising star, even like the poor Dao, cultivates the spirit of heaven."

Li Zedao's scarlet eyes glanced at this nominal master too, and felt that he was too good at talking. On the surface, he was complimenting you, but he was actually complimenting himself in disguise.

However, Li Zedao also felt a strange but familiar aura from him. That aura was not found in others. It seems that the aura is what Sun Lao said after he enlightened the "Tianji Scroll". The air of heaven.

"I won't admit that you are my too master." Li Zedao faintly responded, taking out a cigarette and a lighter, planning to smoke a cigarette.

But just when Li Zedao was about to use a lighter to light a cigarette, a very terrifying wind hit his eyes.

The old Sun on the side made a move. He slammed Li Zedao's mouth with a fierce punch, as if he wanted to smash the cigarette in the corner of his mouth.

Li Zedao's expression changed, but he couldn't care about lighting a cigarette, and he greeted him with a fierce punch.

"Bang!" The two fists slammed together, making an extremely dull air-blast sound, then Old Sun's body shook, and Li Zedao took two steps back.

Such a head-on Li Zedao was inferior to Sun Lao after all, not to mention that Sun Lao made a surprise attack, Li Zedao rushed back, so he suffered a small loss.

His chest was even more stuffy, and he almost vomited a mouthful of blood. The look in the eyes of Lao Sun now turned from contemptuous to hideous.

"Shao Li, are you not so good?" Old Sun looked at the cigarette in the corner of Li Zedao's mouth and shook his head, "Do you think that the same loss, we four elephants will eat it again? Don’t think I don’t know that there is something in your cigarette that can make you lose all your strength."

Before, Shaoyang suddenly attacked Old Sun’s crotch, but his fists were soft, just like the fists of a three-year-old child. Then they were weakened by some kind of poison, and they simply fell down. Ground.

At that time, Elder Sun was thinking about how Li Zedao poisoned them.

Finally, he came to the conclusion that the kid smoked!

The kid put the poison into the smoke, they breathed the secondhand smoke he vomited, and indirectly absorbed the poison mixed with the smoke into the body, and then they were poisoned.

I have to say that this trick is quite effective and it is really hard to guard against.

Now that this cunning kid is going to do the same, how can Sun Lao let him succeed?

He is now publicly expressing that he does not want to be an enemy of the Taoist Qiankun. If this kid is successfully poisoned and fascinated by them to the ground, who knows how this kid will treat him and Shaoyin? Even if you don't kill them, you won't take them into the nameless cave again, right?

Li Zedao smiled, sneered all over his face, and cursed in his heart. Indeed, there is a violent rash in that cigarette. He does plan to smoke a cigarette and then fascinate them. Isn't it his decision to fry or cook? But I didn't expect it to be destroyed by this **** old man.

He spit out the cigarette in the corner of his mouth and looked at Lao Sun and said, "Lao Sun has misunderstood. I want to smoke a cigarette. There is no poison in the cigarette."

"Really? That's because I worry too much." Old Sun smiled. What Li Zedao said he naturally didn't even believe in punctuation.

"However, please don't smoke. Shaoyin doesn't like the smell of cigarettes." Old Sun said with a smile looking at Li Ze.

So, Zhao Duoer on the side watched Sun Lao's eyes bright and bubbling, and his heart was really too warm. Although this was an excuse at all, Zhao Duoer was still very happy.

This is the case for women. When they like someone, their IQ usually becomes zero or even a negative number. A man's arbitrary actions and a few words can impress them.

Li Zedao sneered. He thought of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf, the farmer and the snake, and Li Zedao and the Sixiang.

"I regret it, I really shouldn't save you. Doesn't this mean saving a white-eyed wolf? I knew I should have Shaoyang hit your crotch with a palm, turning you into an eunuch. I knew I would take the opportunity to take you The four elephants are chopped up." Li Ze said.

"You won't do that, because you need the power of our four elephants, and with your ingenuity, you should have also expected that Shaoyin and I will be on the same line as Brother Qiankun at the right time, but you I'm still willing to gamble. I bet that we will not become close friends with Brother Qiankun again, and that we will fight against Brother Qiankun and extinction with you." Old Sun looked at Li Ze and said.

He wanted to tell this kid that you are not as great and kind as you think, and our four elephants are not as unbearable as you think.

And didn't we say it already? Just take what you need. Now that we don’t need you, we have become treachery, what white-eyed wolf? There seems to be no such reason in this world, right?

"It's not that I am willing to take a gamble, but that I believe in your character too much. Who would have thought that the moral integrity of the four elephants has no character at all." Li Zedao mocked.

Old Sun smiled and was too lazy to refute. Now, it doesn't make much sense to fight him here.

"Li Zedao, keep your mouth clean, I have tolerated you for a long time." Zhao Duoer looked at Li Zedao's eyes so badly.

Although her dear Sun does not have any character in this matter, Zhao Duoer does not allow anyone to say that he is not good.

After the two broke through that relationship last night, Zhao Duoer was even more obsessed with Sun Lao. Even if he was an enemy of everyone in the world, she would fight alongside him without hesitation.

Li Zedao smiled coldly and didn't take Zhao Duoer's words and looked at Lao Sun and said: "No matter what kind of heart I hold to save you, the truth is that you owe me my life. Since Lao Sun can't bear to draw swords to my old friends , Presumably you can’t bear to drew a sword at your savior, right?"

As he said, he looked at Liuli with murderous eyes.

"This..." This old grandson really couldn't refute it. It was indeed the case. This shameless guy saved his life. If they drew their swords at him at this time, then the reputation of the four elephants would be completely stinking.

"This is natural. After all, this is something within the gate of Heaven's Mystery. It is not easy for the four elephants to participate." Old Sun looked at Taoist Qian Kun and said. He knew that Li Zedao insisted on taking action on extinction, and hoped that he would stand with Shaoyin and not help each other.

Old Sun felt that this kid seemed to be a little bit violent now, even if Shaoyin didn't make a move, could he be the opponent of Taoist Universe and Extinction? I'm afraid I don't know how to die in the end, right?

"Go and die." After receiving the affirmative answer from Old Sun, Li Zedao said gloomily looking at Liuli.

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