The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1952: Gene Superman

If he didn’t sell Li Zedao a few minutes ago, but formed an alliance with him sincerely, and let Li Zedao light the cigarette and let him unconsciously fascinate everyone here, then he Wouldn't it be so passive now?

Even if his cigarette doesn't have any effect, but with him, with the strength of the three of them, it is very likely that he can still make a **** road?

But now, the chance of killing the bleeding path is so slim, only Qiankun Taoist can hold him and Zhao Duoer, not to mention there is a more terrifying evil **** beside him, and there is a terrifying but weird one behind him. The breath of suffocated, I am afraid that the strength of the opponent is no longer inferior to that of Zhao Duoer and him.

How to do?

Old Sun's mind turned sharply, thinking about all kinds of ways out, thinking about it, cold sweat appeared on his forehead, he found that he and Shaoyin seemed to have a dead end.

Zhao Duoer turned around, after all, they couldn't give their back to the enemy so generously.

When he saw the Hellhound standing still like a sculpture, Zhao Duoer's pupils shrank suddenly, and she blurted out: "Gene Superman?"

It's like a corpse without breathing, but the whole body exudes such a terrible breath of death. Isn't this a genetic superman?

After all, the sun is the helm of fx, so she naturally knows better than anyone about Li Zedao's genetic superman fighting the Skull Island organization.

But she never expected that in places like Wumingshan, genetic superhumans would appear, so the people from the Skull and Crossbones organization would also participate?

"Gene Superman?" Hearing Shaoyin's exclamation, Sun Lao's breathing also stopped, and he couldn't believe his ears.

So, the stumbling block behind him is a genetic superman? Just how could Superman appear here?

There was a sudden flash in his mind, and a terrible guess flooded his mind.

Old Sun stared at the evil **** with wide eyes, his eyes filled with stunned expressions.

"Oh, yes, that's Gene Superman, and it's the perfect Gene Superman. I also named him Hellhound. Oh, Mr. Qinglong, Miss Xuanwu, do you think this name is quite high-end Grade?" Cthulhu said with a smile, looking at Lao Sun as if an old cat is playing with a rat in a panic.

"Are you General Skulls on Skull Island?" Sun Lao said with difficulty.

"What?" Zhao Duoer's body trembled violently, and Cthulhu turned out to be General Skull?

"Oh, no, no, no, I am the Cthulhu, the world's number one master Cthulhu, the murderer who killed General Skull Head." The Cthulhu said with a smile.

Old Sun was silent, understood, and understood everything.

The Cthulhu killed General Skull and Crossbones and took over his body. He transformed into General Skull and Crossbones, just as he had taken Sun Haoran's body and became the present-day Old Sun.

Afterwards, the nameless cave of Wuming Mountain was about to be opened, and Cthulhu left the skull and returned to Huaxia, and before leaving, he simply shot and killed everyone on the island...This is completely in line with the behavior of the Cthulhu, he It was originally the kind of person with a strong desire to kill.

No wonder that when his own people discovered that island, the people on it had been slaughtered long ago.

At this moment, Liuli's **** figure appeared beside Cthulhu for a flash before his eyes.

Seeing that it was extinction, Old Sun couldn't help but change his expression again. The extinction had been solved by Li Zedao in such a short time? So the extinction strength is really terrifying to an unimaginable level?

Old Sun was full of bitterness and powerlessness.

"Oh, my dear, thank you for your hard work." The Cthulhu reached out his hand and hugged Liuli Na*.

Liuli smiled ambiguously and sent a fragrant kiss.

"Oh, dear, you are so delicious, I really want to eat you now." Cthulhu's face was full of evil smiles, and the hands that originally hugged Liuli moved down and placed them on Liuli's leather pants. On the tightly wrapped hips, he kneaded gently.

"I hate it." Liuli was shy and her breathing became even more rapid.

When Old Sun saw this scene, his face flushed, and his hands began to tremble.

Zhao Duoer didn't turn her head, her attention was still on the Hellhound, but she heard the movement behind her, so she probably knew what was going on, so her face flushed, her hand holding the dagger Shaking constantly.

They really understood why the Taoist Qiankun should call Extinction the mistress, not the so-called nickname between lovers, but she is really his mistress!

Extinction turned out to be a woman of Cthulhu!

Sun Lao and Zhao Duoer felt that their already fragmented three views were broken again, and they were almost broken into powder.

At the same time, they suddenly understood something.

For example, that day, in the backyard of Ganluan, we had a fierce friendship with Extinction-it was not the Taoist Universe, but the Cthulhu!

For another example, Extinction might have known that the four elephants had put a nail next to her, so before leaving, he deliberately let the nail know that the man who appeared in the backyard was a Taoist man...

Therefore, Cthulhu has dug a hole long ago, waiting for the four elephants to jump in.

"Oh, dear Mr. Qinglong, the accident is not unexpected, is it surprise? Is it full of powerlessness in my heart?" Cthulhu's face was full of playful smile, as if an old cat is staring at a rat in a panic Like.

"However, for the sake of being an old friend for more than a thousand years, I can give you a chance to live." Cthulhu smiled and pointed to Taoist Qiankun, "You can become a dog like him...Of course. , Not to be my dog, you are not qualified to be my dog."

"..." The muscles on Old Sun's face began to jump and jump. I really didn't expect that I didn't even have the qualifications to be a dog.

"However, you can become Erha's dog." Cthulhu said again.

"..." A dog who became a dog? The muscles on Old Sun’s face jumped even more. If it weren't really their opponent, he would pounce at them.

Only then did he realize that Li Zedao's "insult" to him was really not an insult, and only then did he discover that Li Zedao was so cute and so righteous.

Sun Lao missed Li Zedao very much and hated his hand very much. If he had just let him light the cigarette, wouldn't he be so passive now? The answer is yes.

Then, his eyes became cold and fierce, and his trembling hands shook, and a dagger almost identical to the one in Zhao Duoer's hand appeared in his hand.

There are four such daggers, which are made of meteorites from outside the sky. Each of the four elephants has one. In terms of sharpness, it is slightly inferior to the Qiushui in the hands of Taoist Qin Kun.

"Find the right opportunity and go first." Old Sun glanced at Zhao Duoer from the corner of his eye, with a rather complicated expression.

Zhao Duoer was so touched, but he resolutely responded: "You go quickly..."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Duoer had disappeared in place.

In a blink of an eye, she appeared behind the perfect genetic superhuman hellhound standing behind them blocking their retreat, and then violently raised the dagger in her hand and slashed it against the hellhound's neck.

She wanted to help Sun Lao remove the obstacles in his retreat and create a chance for him to escape. As long as he didn't fall into the enemy's encirclement, he would have a great chance of successfully escape in the end.

The hellhound was motionless, as if he didn't know that a dagger with a cold light was slashing against his neck.

"Successful?" Zhao Duoer's heart relaxed slightly, "Gene Superman is nothing great."

Then, the dagger slashed fiercely on the hellhound's neck.

"Kang Dang!" It sounded like a chopper chopping on steel.

However, the expected horror picture of the separation of the head and the body did not happen, and even Zhao Duoer felt that his hand holding the dagger was numb.

Then, her mind roared, and there was a huge wave in her heart, and she couldn't believe it was true.

The dagger in her hand cuts the neck of Constant Gene Superman? Isn't it said that the weakness of dealing with genetic superman lies in the neck?

The Hellhound, as if in hindsight, began to fight back. He turned around abruptly, and the big fist of the casserole slammed against Zhao Duo'er's small face, which seemed to have become stiff.

In a rush, Zhao Duoer squeezed the dagger in his hand and slammed his fist.

"Hey!" a harsh voice sounded.

Zhao Duoer simply took two steps back.

The dagger in her hand couldn't pierce his fist, which was harder than iron. She even felt that her tiger's mouth was numb, and her blood was surging.

"Abnormal!" Zhao Duoer gritted his teeth, clenched the dagger, and rushed toward the **** dog again. Even if she failed to create a chance for Sun Lao to escape, she still had to help him entangle an enemy, although this approach didn't make much sense.

By now, Zhao Duoer didn't feel that she and the sun could escape smoothly, and even if Shaoyang and Taiyin were not dead, plus Li Zedao, it would be difficult to escape smoothly.

The number one master in the world, the number one Dao in the world, and the number one Daogu in the world, this title is enough to prove their kind of power.

Old Sun didn't move, not because he didn't want to move, but because he couldn't move at all!

In fact, he just said to Zhao Duo'er that "find the opportunity to go first..." This is not because he really wants her to go first, but because he knows Zhao Duo'er too well. He knows what he said like this. A woman will definitely let herself go first, and will immediately pounce at her genetic superman, and then she can get a chance to escape.

This approach is undoubtedly a beast, but at this critical moment, Sun Lao didn't think so much at all. He just wanted to run away, far away.

As for Wuming Mountain Wuming Cave, what kind of conveyor belt, he and Shaoyin's love... all go to hell.

Of course, he will miss Shaoyin very much later, the kind that he missed very much, especially when the night black wind is high, especially when he severely presses other women under his body.

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