The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1965: Nameless cave

Wang Zi blinked, and the corner of his mouth was already curled up with an inexplicable range: "Unexpectedly, you have been there too."

Before he knew that there was not much time, so he took the group of masters into the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau to enjoy the mountains and water. After that, he came to a pool with extremely beautiful scenery, and he was very comfortable stripping himself naked. Take a bath.

Afterwards, because his forehead was integrated into the blue safety buckle, he dived into the bottom of the pool and found the passage. Following the passage, he successfully came to the cave that Li Zedao is now referring to.

Later, because he was too confident about his looks and charm, and because he was too idle, he left some words on the ground.

He clearly remembered the last line of words: Friendly reminder, this small area written by this handsome guy is a bit weird and seems to be hollow, so it is estimated that there is another cave...take a risk! juvenile!

At that time, Wang Zi was actually thinking about not going to take a look. After thinking about it, he still considered giving up, because he clearly felt that his vitality was losing rapidly. In other words, he was about to die. If he continues to take risks, he will sleep in that cave.

In this way, those who are chasing outside will be quite upset if they can't find him, and they will also be quite upset. When they are upset, no one can guarantee that they will do anything. Crazy things come out.

For example, would they attack his apprentice Li Zedao, who is far from being able to protect himself?

Thinking of this, Wang Zi was moved by himself. He felt that he could participate in the selection of "Good Master of the Year".

"So, boy, have you gone on an adventure?" Wang Zi asked with a smile.

"Yes, Master." Li Zedao nodded and said, "The cave is like an attic, and the place where you write your words, Master, is the small door leading to the bottom. Just open the small door and it will appear. Up the stairs leading down."

"After that, I walked down the stairs and found that it should be a naturally formed mountain crack. The further I go forward, the steeper the way forward. The **** of about 60 degrees, even if it is steeper, becomes a straight up. Go straight down, and finally I came to the end of this crack."

"Then, did you find another bigger cave? Do you suspect that it was the cave house left by the Heavenly Mystery Gate mentioned by Dao Master Qiankun?" Wang Zi asked.

"Have you really entered such a cave?" Taoist Qiankun's eyes widened slightly, and there was an inexplicable gloom in his eyes.

Wang Zi calmly glanced at the Taoist in the universe. From his point of view, this rather despicable and weird old Taoist seemed to conceal something, at least judging from the subtle expression on his face now, he was very That cave mansion should be familiar.

Li Zedao looked at Taoist Qiankun, nodded and said: "Yes, I found a cave of about two hundred square meters. In the middle of the cave, there is a circle with a diameter of about five meters and a height of about three meters. There are steps around the high platform to go up. Apart from that, the entire cave is empty and there is nothing else."

"In addition, on the top of the cave, there are many luminous holes that are visible to the naked eye, just like the sun, moon and stars. Later I discovered that they are natural gaps, but they are inlaid with colored glaze. Things like crystal stones can let the sunlight enter and keep the cave in good light without letting the rain enter. Then I also found that the surface on the high platform was a Tai Chi picture, and that Tai Chi In the middle of the picture is a skeleton, a skeleton standing there in a sitting posture."

"Bone..." Taoist Qiankun's expression remained unchanged, but there was an inexplicable gloom in his eyes.

Wang Zi glanced at the peaceful face of Taoist Qiankun. He felt that this cunning Taoist was hiding something. He even had an extremely strong sixth sense because of the blue safety buckle. Now he already feels it. When it came to danger, it was as if there were such a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark.

"Also, I found that there were three big seals at the entrance of the cave... Anonymous Cave! So I thought it was the legendary Anonymous Cave."

Speaking of Li Zedao's full-faced sigh, once thought that it was a nameless cave, and even wanted to say that he hurried over to the cave and stayed there. He didn't expect that it was not a real nameless cave.

Taoist Qiankun nodded and said: "I think that should be the cave where the disciples of Heavenly Mystery Master Xuanhuang lived after he established the Heavenly Mystery Gate, because only he would name the cave that he lived in Wuming Cave. As for the skeleton... which of his apprentices must be, right? And the passage you mentioned... then I don’t know."

Li Zedao nodded, and he could only understand this way.

"How did you come out afterwards?" Wang Zi asked with interest, "from where you came from? Or is there another exit from the cave?"

"The passage at the bottom of the water pool has long been blown up by *." Li Zedao smiled bitterly, and said in a few words what happened that day.

Wang Zi looked at Li Ze with a distressed expression on his face and said, "Boy, in order to find the master's bones, you encountered that kind of danger. I really feel distressed for being a teacher. Come and have a cup of tea."

"..." Li Zedao once again felt strongly that this kind of master who pretended to be extremely hypocritical, or don't ask for it, just change it.

But I was really thirsty, so Li Zedao drank the tea that Master had brought to his mouth and continued to say, "In that cave, I didn’t find any exit. After that, I could only jump to the top of the cave. I tried to push away the glazed glass that was refracting the sunlight, but I couldn't push it away. After working hard for a long time, I finally pushed away one of the top stones and it came out."

Wang Zi nodded his head and glanced at Taoist Universe with the corner of his eye. He already saw this guy's complexion, and the expression on his face didn't make any special reaction.

"Oh, brother Dao, I'm really sorry, I care too much about my disciple, so I said a few words, which left Dao brother out." Wang Zi said embarrassedly.

"Brother Wang is polite." Taoist Qiankun arched his hands. "The deep friendship between your master and apprentice is really touching."

"Where is it." Wang Zi said politely.

"Brother Wang is too modest."

Seeing that these two people started again, Li Zedao said quickly: "After that, should True Person Xuanhuang successfully reach the God's Domain through the conveyor belt?"

Taoist Qiankun did not immediately answer Li Ze's words, but stood up and said: "I'm really sorry, I drank too much water, let's solve it first."

"Brother Dao, I also want to pee, let's go together." Wang Zi also stood up and said.

"Brother Wang, please!"

"Brother Dao please first."

So the two figures floated away from the cave, leaving Li Zedao with the muscles on his face twitching wildly.

After smoking and smoking, Li Zedao already had an urge to cry. He found that he was also urinating because he drank too much tea.

But one hand was chopped off, the fingers of the other hand were all eaten, and he had no extra hands to untie the waistband.

"Master, hurry up, I want to pee too, I'm about to pee my pants..." Li Zedao shouted at the door of the cave.

Two minutes later, Wang Zi floated into the cave, and Li Zedao was almost moved to cry. If the master stopped coming in, he would pee his pants.

"Really a child, Master's help is required to pee." Wang Zi shook his head.

"..." Li Zedao's face was aggrieved, and both of your hands were cut off. I'll see what you take to untie your waistband.

After solving the physical problems, the three of them sat down again. Taoist Qiankun picked up the fragrant tea that Wang Zi had sent and drank it. After a while, he was intoxicated, and then sent a few flatteries. Then he said, "That scene. Three hundred years after the end of the battle for the ownership of Wuming Cave, True Person Xuanhuang successfully comprehended the breath of heaven, not only him, but also one of his apprentices who successfully comprehended the breath of heaven..."

"What does the Taoist mean, are these two people who have comprehended the aura of heaven?" Wang Zi asked.

Taoist Qiankun nodded and said: "According to the records I have collected, it is true. It is not so easy to comprehend the aura of heaven. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is one in a million. The most important thing is not understanding, but chance. If there is no chance, even if you are a person of great wisdom, you will not be able to comprehend the aura of heaven."

"That's the case." Wang Zi smiled bitterly, "In fact, I also once got a volume of "The Secret of Heaven", but as the Taoist saw, I did not realize the aura of heaven. It seems that I have no chance."

Li Zedao looked at Master's eyes widening slightly, Master also got "The Scroll of Heaven's Mystery"? It's exactly the same as the broken book you have?

However, it is also true that when those gas trainers discovered the ruins in Kunlun Mountains thousands of years ago, the "Tianji Scroll" could not be a paper version. After all, there was no paper at all at that time, and it was probably written. Carved on the animal skin or directly on the stone. So the "The Scroll of Heavenly Mystery" in my hand was naturally copied by later generations, and I must have copied a lot of copies, and in the end they all circulated.

"Brother Wang does not have this chance." Taoist Qiankun said with a slight smile.

So Wang Zi's heart became uncomfortable. Your sister, she was just a little humble. How could this guy take it seriously? And you've always been a flatterer, why don't you continue to shoot now?

After drinking a cup of tea, Taoist Qiankun continued: "When the Wuming Cave was opened, True Person Xuanhuang brought his apprentices to the Wuming Cave. After that, he and the other apprentice who had the same sense of the heavenly atmosphere brought another The three apprentices and two weapons from God's Domain finally disappeared in the conveyor belt. As for whether they have actually reached another plane..."

Taoist Qiankun glanced at the colorful beam of light: "I guess it's probably."

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