"Yes, you are scared! You found out that you are not my opponent, and it is only a matter of time before you are sealed by me." Wang Zi said, his voice full of confidence, "otherwise you don't need to try to disturb my mind. "

"Really?" Really Xuan Huang said, but his heart was pierced by an invisible steel needle, and he couldn't help shaking.

Yeah, why would I try to disturb his mind? Why do you want to do such a boring thing? Wouldn't it be enough to cut his neck with a sword?

Then, a real Xuanhuang person is very unwilling to admit the answer from the bottom of his heart, and subconsciously, he thinks it is not his opponent! I am really scared!

After getting this answer that he didn't like very much, Zhenren Xuanhuang's face became gloomy again.

He clenched Qiushui in his hand, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.


Real Man Tianbao looked at Li Zedao in extreme pain with satisfaction, and said, "Can you cooperate with me obediently? If you cooperate with me, I will help you pull out the nails."

"I...ah...I bought it last year..." Li Zedao's voice was extremely weak, and every time he squeezed out a word, he would spend a lot of energy and endure double pain.

"It seems that I can only continue to nail it inside." Real Tianbao said coldly, and then continued to drive the half-entry soul nail into Li Zedao's forehead bit by bit.

"Ah..." Li Zedao's already weak body tightened again, and there was another scream that was extremely sad.

"Do you deserve to be worthy?" asked the real Tianbao.

"I...I'm going..." Li Ze didn't even have the ability to say a complete sentence.

His pale paper face was completely distorted and hideous, looking so ugly and terrifying.

His red eyeballs simply bulged out, as if they were about to roll out of their eye sockets at any time.

His head is drooping, and his body trembles in the wind, like a corpse hung on a tree pole.

Li Zedao knew very clearly that he was not dead, but he wanted to die so much. He tried to bite his tongue.

However, when his tongue squirmed a little bit, his entire soul was shaking, and he didn't have the strength to make any bite movements.

He tried to think of those handsome faces in order to divert his attention and make him feel better. However, those handsome faces that were so familiar now became so fuzzy and distorted. Can't see clearly at all.

But at this moment, his mind suddenly remembered what the master said before leading the real person Xuanhuang away.

"It's good to sleep if you are fine!"

go to bed? Can this sleep? How can it be possible to sleep?

Li Zedao suddenly understood why Master had to say such a thing. Is he trying to make himself comprehend "The Scroll of Heaven's Mystery"?

it works?

At the moment, Li Zedao tried his best to show the contents of "The Scroll of Secrets" in his mind, and then he felt that the indescribable pain eased a lot, and immediately his mind began to become chaotic, and his eyelids began to heavier.

Without a response from Li Zedao, Zhentian Tianbao continued to nail the nails, and at this moment, even breathing sounded in his ears.

"This is, sleep...asleep?"

Madam Tianbao widened his eyes and widened his mouth, his mind roared violently, and he set off an unprecedented huge wave in his heart. He couldn't believe what his eyes saw and what his ears heard.

Naturally, he knows the power of soul nails better than anyone else, but now some people can still fall asleep under the torture of soul nails... True Man Tianbao really can't find words to describe his mood at this moment.

He felt this scene was too weird, too absurd, too unimaginable!

The power of the soul nail is that it will make you clearly feel the endless pain, but it won't make you faint, and it won't let you die.

It can be said that any punishment is eclipsed in front of Soul Nail.

But this kid fell asleep under the torture of the soul nail. Yes, he fell asleep, not fainted! It seemed to be quite comfortable under the torture of the soul nails, so comfortable that I fell asleep.

Real Tianbao felt that he was insulted to death.

Then he was angry!

He fiercely nailed the soul nail into Li Zedao's forehead.


Li Zedao seemed as if he hadn't closed his eyes for three days and three nights. He still slept so soundly, and even snored. What is even more exaggerated was that a trace of liquid came out from the corner of his mouth.

Real Tianbao's wide-eyed eyes are almost falling down! He almost doubted life!

"This...what's going on? How is this possible?" Real Tianbao roared, and then he smashed Li Zedao's body heavily to the ground.

I don't believe I can't wake you up!

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao's body came to the most intimate contact with the extremely hard ground. The bones on the body did not know how many broken, and the blood kept coming from the wound. Spray it out.

However, he was still asleep, as if this flesh did not belong to him at all.

Real Tianbao's eyes were red, and the whole person was murderous, like a beast that was thoroughly irritated, and white mist sprayed from his nostrils!

His foot suddenly lifted up and slammed on the knee of Li Zedao's left foot.


The mixture of blood, minced meat and bone scum splashed all over the place instantly.

However, Li Zedao was still asleep, with no reaction at all.

"Damn! Damn..." Real Tianbao roared to the sky!

Then he slammed on Li Zedao's other knee!



True person Xuanhuang's body disappeared in place.

Wang Zi suddenly turned around like lightning, and at the same time, the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword that he was holding tightly in his hand slashed forward fiercely.


The hard Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword severely slashed with Qiu Shui in the hands of True Person Xuanhuang, and sparks shot out.

Then an extremely majestic force exploded suddenly.

That kind of terrifying power made the ground tremble even more, and the surroundings became a mess. The flowers and trees fell to the ground, as if a terrifying hurricane swept across.

At the same time, a big hole appeared on the rock wall in front of it. The cave was roaring, and from time to time rocks fell from above, and the entire hole looked like it was about to collapse.

At the same time, on both sides of the big hole, Wang Zi and Taoist Qiankun still held the swords in their hands, and the blades of the two swords were firmly held together, but no one could do anything about it.

Wang Zi's face was already as white as paper, and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, obviously suffering a serious injury.

Master Xuanhuang is not much better. His hair is messy, his wide clothes are even more torn, and the five terrifying scars on his face are bleeding out, his teeth are biting hard, his eyes are vicious. Staring at Wang Zi's close eyes.

If the look in his eyes could kill people, Wang Zi would have already been cut into several pieces.

"You lost." Wang Zi said.

True person Xuan Huang showed extreme unwillingness in his eyes.

Although, on the surface, their strength is comparable, and now they are in a confrontation stage, no one can do anything, but the other party still has room to speak, and he doesn't even have the strength to speak!

So, he really lost!

"Take it!" Wang Zi said again.

Then, his other hand clenched into a fist and smashed the face of Taoist Qiankun fiercely.

At this moment, "Boom!" There was a muffled sound, and the whole cave collapsed.

Wang Zi and Taoist Qiankun flashed, and the two of them appeared in midair.

For a moment, their figures alternated vertically and horizontally, "Kh! Kh! Kh..." the sound was endless, and a large number of sparks burst out, as if there were lightning bolts in the clear sky.

Both of them turned into two afterimages that were invisible to the naked eye. With fast speed, each sword was enough to flatten a mountain.

"Hey!" The swords in the hands of the two slashed again fiercely, sparks splashing.

At the same time, Wang Zi simply punched out.

"Boom!" The body of the real Xuanhuang who couldn't dodge was flew out with a punch.

True person Xuanhuang's body flew fast in midair, with a mouth open, and a mouthful of blood came out!

"Bang!" His body finally severely smashed a big tree, and then fell to the ground.

The corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood, and his blood-red eyes stared at Wang Zi, who appeared in front of him and could cause such a huge damage to him.

"Mr. Tianbao, kill that kid!" Mister Xuanhuang suddenly roared, and the sharp voice spread far away.

Wang Zi's eyes instantly became cold.

Of course, the real person Xuanhuang would suddenly let the real person Tianbao kill Li Zedao, this was in Wang Zi's expectation.

After all, he knew that he was not his opponent, and knew that his final fate was that his soul was sealed, so he would bring himself a bit of pain anyway.

"It's really naive." Wang Zi commented in his heart, looking at the demeanor of the peerless master in front of him, who looked like a ghost.

"Go to hell!" Wang Zi said lightly. However, the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword in his tight hands rushed towards Taoist Universe.


The entrance of the nameless cave.

Li Zedao’s limbs were smashed inch by inch by the angry real Tianbao, so blood, meat, and bone scum were all around, and the air was filled with an extremely rich smell of blood. The whole scene looked like this. Horror, like **** on earth.

Li Zedao was lying in the blood, he was still asleep.

"Damn it, **** it!" Tianbao was really gasping, his **** feet raised again, this time aimed at Li Zedao's crotch, and then stepped on without hesitation.

"Puff!" Blood splattered!

Li Zedao was still asleep.

At this moment, the voice of True Person Xuanhuang that seemed so sharp came over.

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