The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1977: Undercover

Li Zedao heaved a sigh of relief, and his mood became happy again.

He knew that Master must have arranged everything. To put it bluntly, this stone was probably thrown into the filthy thing and began to soak, and even Master must have prepared the flesh.

"Here, such a place used to be my starting point." Wang Zi scanned everything around him, his eyes already showing inexplicable emotions.

"Now, here, will be my end point, your starting point." Wang Zi turned around and looked at Li Zedao with a grin.

"Master, what are you talking about? Don't we leave together?" Li Zedao looked blank.

"You leave, I will not leave." Wang Zi said.

Li Zedao's face changed drastically: "Why?"

"Because... this is my best destination." Wang Zi said.

"Master, I don't understand." Li Zedao shook his head.

"Don't understand? That's because you are stupid."

"..." Li Zedao was very thankful that this guy in front of him was his master, otherwise he would have done something to him a long time ago.

"Okay, time is running out, so you have to remember every word Master said next." Wang Zi waved his hand and interrupted Li Zedao.

"Master inadvertently inherited Nuwa's will, so he knew something that happened a long, long time ago." Wang Zi said. , Nuwa, the patron saint of our plane, led people to resist, and finally succeeded in destroying the people in God's Domain and repairing the broken conveyor belt."

"Of course, you already know it now. Rather than repairing, it is better to use colorful stones to build a circular wall and wrap the conveyor belt to resist the invasion of the gods!"

Wang Zi's expression became serious: "It's just that nothing can exist forever, and the same is true for the colorful wall built by the female snail."

Li Zedao's expression suddenly changed: "Master meant that the colorful wall is about to lose its proper function?"

"It is true." Wang Zi nodded solemnly and said.

"I probably know that the colorful wall actually has cracks. I think that in the near future, it is estimated that the nameless cave will be opened again on the ninth day of September 300 years later. The wall is likely to collapse by then. People from the Time God Realm will be able to invade this plane again through that conveyor belt... Just imagine that a hundred or even tens of thousands of powerful people like True Huang Xuanhuang invade this plane. What kind of scene would it be?"

Li Zedao swallowed, he couldn't imagine.

It is no exaggeration to say that facing a master like Xuanhuang True Person, even if you use powerful weapons, you may end up blasting them, but you have to pay an extremely heavy price.

Therefore, tens of thousands of masters like Xuanhuang Zhenren shot at the same time, it really could easily destroy this world. Even if you dispatched the most lethal nuclear weapons to bomb them wildly, and finally killed them successfully, you also destroyed yourself.

This is the horror of the quasi-god's strength, and most people simply can't imagine it!

"Now, only one person can prevent this from happening." Wang Zi said seriously.

"That person...Is it me?" Li Zedao swallowed, and he didn't expect that he was such an awesome person. He always thought he was awesome, but now thinking about it, he still doesn't know enough about himself.

This time, Wang Zi did not sing against Li Zedao, but nodded seriously and said: "That person is indeed you! You have the breath of the weather, so you can easily pass through the colorful walls, and then reach the gods through the conveyor belt. , What to do later to make the people of God's Domain give up and continue to invade this plane, it's up to you."

Li Zedao's eyes widened, and his tone was a little uncertain: "Master meant to let me enter the realm of God and break into the enemy's interior to destroy? Provoking war within them? Even making them all dead? In short, let them have no time to take care of them. Invade this plane?"

Li Zedao thought he had the ability to mend the cracks on the colorful beam of light because of the sense of the weather, but he didn't expect to go to God's Domain as an undercover agent to destroy it.

"Basically it means." Wang Zi nodded with satisfaction. Although this apprentice is a little stupid, he still has some understanding.

"Can you...not go?" Li Zedao pondered, and whispered.

To put it bluntly, the conveyor belt can last three hundred years. Three hundred years later, sister Mengchen and their graves have grown grass, and they don't have any concerns at all. What kind of war is happening on this plane.

Having said that, given the current pollution level of the environment, plus the fact that the international situation is not so stable, maybe in the near future, this plane will boast on its own, and there is no need for people from God's Domain to destroy him.

Li Zedao has the spirit of dedication, but he always feels that going to God's Domain as an undercover agent is not reliable at all!

According to the current situation, in God's Domain, there are so many quasi-God-level masters like masters like dogs. If you go there, you will be chopped into mashed meat to make buns?

Wang Zi was full of disappointment and said, "Apprentice, you are not doing this right. Do you have the heart to see people of our plane being invaded by God's Domain? Men of our plane are slaughtered and women gang raped? Even, even those Sows and dogs are gang raped?"

"This..." Li Zedao's muscles twitched wildly. I thought the people of God's Domain should not taste that heavy, right?

"The most important thing is that because you took Ghost Pills, there is an extremely violent yin in your soul. This yin is about to explode. Then you will disperse your soul, so you don’t want to find another physical body. Yes. But if you arrive in God's Domain, the environment there is enough to help you suppress or even eliminate this violent atmosphere."

Wang Zi said earnestly with a full face, "And with your ingenuity, Master believes that you will be able to protect yourself after you reach God's Domain."

"In other words, do I have to go to God Realm?" Li Zedao was full of resentment, and he didn't know what words to use to describe his feelings.

He feels that Master’s face is too thick, too incompetent. Before he said he was stupid, but now he said he was clever in order to fool himself... Isn’t your conscience hurt when you are so fake?

"Whether it is for yourself or for all the creatures on this plane, you must go to God's Domain." Wang Zi nodded.

"But... it's too late, isn't it?" Li Zedao raised his own question.

Although I don’t know how long I have been dead, even if the stone that trapped them has been soaked in the filthy thing, it will take at least three days and three nights to soak the stone to lose its effect. They could only get out of this place. By then, the conveyor belt would have been sealed long ago, and he couldn't go even if he wanted to.

"If it is too late, there will be about five hours before the conveyor belt will be sealed again." Wang Zi said.

"Five hours?" Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, "Master, do you mean that the time is now on the ninth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar? There are five hours before the tenth day of May?"

"What do you think?" Wang Zi said grimly.

"I thought I had been dead for a long time." Li Zedao sneered.

"You died nine hours ago." Wang Zi said, "Your head was exploded by the foot of the real Tianbao."

"Uh..." Li Ze twitched his mouth. It seems that he fell asleep because of his comprehension of "The Scroll of Heavenly Mystery", which caused the real Tianbao to feel insulted by himself, so he stepped on his head, right?

"How do I get out?" Li Zedao asked.

"You don't need to worry about that." Wang Zi said, "You just need to remember. When you leave this place, there are a few bodies outside. You can find a resurrection by yourself, and then quickly go in the conveyor belt to reach the gods. As for What happens after you arrive in the realm of God, and what you should do afterwards, is your business."

"Master, in fact, we can go together, can't we?" Li Zedao looked at Master blankly.

"Don't sell cute and pitiful." Wang Zi curled his lips. Can this handsome guy not go if I want to go?

"..." Li Zedao was aggrieved. He clearly revealed his true feelings. Why does the master always think that he is cute?

In fact, any person with the aura of heaven can bring other people into the conveyor belt is simply a big lie told by True Person Xuan Huang.

Without the aura of heaven, there is no way to get too close to the conveyor belt, let alone enter the conveyor belt to reach the realm of God.

In addition, if you want to get out of this place immediately, how can you not pay a price?

Back then, when he was trapped in the white safety buckle for the first time, it was the thousand-year-old ghost Huang Shang who consumed his soul and allowed himself to go out.

Now Wang Zi naturally wants to consume his soul, so that Li Zedao can go out.

It's just that there is no need to talk to Li Zedao about this kind of thing. He knows Li Zedao too much. He has a weak personality, heavy feelings, and likes to be crooked. Once told him, I am afraid that he will be grimacing again, and it will be annoying to listen.

"Okay, stop the ink, now Master will teach you to leave the soul Dafa, using your brain that has been transformed by the **** pill, you can definitely learn it easily. This way, after you go out, your soul can be attached to it. Physically." Wang Zi said again.


"Shut up and study hard." Wang Zi stopped Li Zedao from continuing to squeeze, and then began to teach him the Dafa of Leaving the Soul.

The so-called detachment from the soul is a way to easily let one's soul leave one's body. There are many similar methods, and any master of returning to nature should master this skill, otherwise he will not be able to change his body.

Of course, except for Li Zedao, after all, he is not a real master at all. He relied on the god-defying power of Ghost Maru to increase his strength.

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