The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1993: Will be wrong

Many of the students present were injured by the snow pythons on the way up the mountain, but they only suffered some injuries and did not lose their lives.

However, it was only Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er who encountered the avalanche. Therefore, the avalanche was not an academy arrangement, but an accident, so... Li Zedao died!

Everyone thinks that Li Zedao is dead!

But now, he appeared alive and kicking in everyone's sight.

"Damn, why isn't this kid dead yet?" Dongfang Lingqi, who has always been gentle and jade-like, decisively exploded in his heart.

For Dongfang Lingqi, Li Zedao was a thorn stuck in his throat!

Although based on his understanding of Dongfang Meili, she could not accept such a kid at all, but his identity still makes people very envious and hated!

"I thought you were dead." When she walked to Li Zedao, Nangong Wan'er was overjoyed, and even more relieved.

"It's really almost. Fortunately, I'm dead." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"You are fine, thank you." Nangong Wan'er said seriously.

Although it is now known that the snow pythons only hurt people and don't kill people, they were unlucky enough to encounter an avalanche.

If Li Zedao didn't take the initiative to pounce on the snow python, she would never have the chance to escape in time. The only result was that she would be slapped by the snow python and then covered by thick snow, making life and death unpredictable.

"Nothing." Li Zedao waved his hand and said, "I think he is a man. When faced with such a situation, he will stand up and will not let the girl next to him suffer any harm, regardless of the girl and What is his relationship."

Not far away, Dongfang Lingqi heard Li Zedao's words clearly, and almost couldn't hold back a spit of blood, and wanted to violently beat up this damned fellow.

This guy, are you cursing yourself for not being a man?

Dongfang Lingqi felt very wronged. If he knew that the snow python was just a test arranged by the academy, it would only hurt people, and would not tear people to pieces, he would definitely rush towards it without hesitation.

Dongfang Lingqi knew very well that the beautiful image she had built up in front of Nangong Meili was completely collapsed. The only thing to be thankful for was that due to Nangong Meili's temperament, she naturally did not bother to tell the matter. , So except for the two of them, no one knew that he left the girl and ran away.

Of course, Dongfang Lingqi didn't intend to give up on this, he planned to continue to wander in front of Dongfang Meili as before.

The tree will die if it doesn't need skin, and the world will be invincible if people are shameless!

For this beautiful love, Dongfang Lingqi went out and decided to shamelessly.

"Although you have a humble background and not enough talent, you are indeed very good." Nangong Wan'er praised.

Li Zedao's mouth was pulled slightly, and his birth was humble...this is true. But this talent is not enough... If you don't have enough talent like this, then those so-called Tianjiao are all stupid.

Nangong Wan'er glanced at the cousin not far away, and said in a low voice: "So, it's nice to have a brother-in-law like you. At least when I'm in danger, you can help me block the danger... so Come on, I am optimistic about you."

"..." Li Ze said that the corners of his mouth were even more severe, and he couldn't really find any words to describe his feelings.

This girl... is too direct, right?

"You are really not at all polite." Li Zedao said silently.

"Why should I be polite to my brother-in-law?" Nangong Wan'er blinked.

"I won't be your brother-in-law, I'm not interested in your cousin at all." Li Zedao glanced at Nangong Meili and said in a low voice.

"I know, I know, men are very boring and duplicity." Nangong Wan'er reached out and patted Li Zedao on the shoulder to express understanding.


"Well, fellow students, please follow me to the teaching office." After the servant gathered the people, he led the way.

A group of people followed the servants, and looked around with interest as they walked to the school.

Yesterday, after they passed the test and arranged to move into the small courtyard, they stayed in the small courtyard to rest. At most, they stopped by other small courtyards and didn't move around, let alone Li Zedao, who only arrived today.

Therefore, the surrounding scenery still attracts their attention.

With Nangong Meili as the center, Tianjiao from the Chinese tribe, including Dongfang Lingqi, Dongfang Xiaochu and Nangong Wan'er, gathered together.

The same is true for Tianjiao from other tribes, each with its own small group.

In fact, the nine tribes of God's Domain are constantly in conflict with each other, and the major forces in each tribe, the larger family, are also constantly fighting over and over.

So when going out, everyone instinctively chose to group together before everything was familiar.

Li Zedao naturally can’t hold anyone with him. He can actually approach Nangong Meili and the group cheeky. For the sake of the same people from the Chinese tribe, and for his or even Nangong Meili’s fiance, they naturally Won't let him go away.

But Li Zedao didn't do this. He followed the crowd silently, looking so out of place, so lonely, and so embarrassed.

"This Nangong Wan'er is too unconscionable. She saved her desperately. She is now throwing herself aside, too unjust." Li Zedao felt sour.

"Forget it, if you want to be an excellent undercover agent, you must endure this loneliness." Li Zedao silently cheered for himself in his heart.

Not long after, the servant took the group of students to the so-called education office, which was a large room, similar to the classroom that Li Zedao was familiar with.

Five rows of stone tables and chairs were neatly arranged in the room, each with ten seats.

"Dear students, this seat has a number on it, so you can take the seat according to the number of the courtyard where you live." After the servant confessed, he left the office.

Li Zedao's position was naturally the last position in the last row. What made him a little more comfortable was that Nangong Meili was not much better than himself.

Admiring the beautiful back in front, breathing the extremely intoxicating fragrance from her body, Li Zedao felt less repulsive about having such a fiancée inexplicably.

After a glance at Dongfang Wan'er, Li Zedao found that Dongfang Wan'er's seat number was 41. It seemed that the girl's performance in this test was not very good.

As for Dongfang Lingqi, his seat number turned out to be fifth, which made the word "shadow" appear in Li Zedao's mind for an instant.

At this moment, five teachers from the academy, including Zhuge Zhuyun, Wolongshuang, and Liu Qingfeng, walked into the teaching place one by one, and then these teachers from the major tribes Tianjiao looked extremely curious. I walked to the foremost position and stood in a row facing the students.

"Brother Liu, let's make a brief explanation." Zhuge Zhuyun glanced at Liu Qingfeng and said.

In order to leave the best impression in Xinsheng's mind, Zhuge Zhuyun will naturally not be as fat as ever, with a fat man on the left and fat on the right, or even an unhappy fist.

At the same time, Zhuge Zhuyun still clearly felt that there were several girls in the audience who were looking at herself shyly, apparently amazed by her own handsomeness and temperament.

Regarding such things as being admired by female students, Zhuge has nothing to worry about. Such things often happen. For so many years, the female students who secretly fell in love with him have no one thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine, and the love letter is even more soft , I have long been used to it.

"Hypocrisy!" Wo Longshuang swallowed Zhuge Zhuyun and cursed, quite contemptuously.

"Okay, Brother Zhuge." Liu Qingfeng responded politely.

His small eyes glanced at the fifty freshmen below, and there was already an extremely caring expression on his face, and he said, "Hello fellow students, and welcome to Buzhou Academy."

Liu Qingfeng's gaze fell on Li Zedao who was sitting in the corner, and his voice even stopped.

Li Zedao clearly felt the encouragement in the small eyes of this short and fat teacher, so he quickly stretched out his cute little hands and clapped.

"Papa..." The sudden applause resounded throughout the teaching office.

"Swipe!" All of a sudden, almost everyone's eyes focused on Li Zedao, each of their eyes looked so strange and blank, and they didn't understand what Li Zedao was doing.

"Is this classmate Li Zedao showing his own difference? It really is too different." Liu Qingfeng was even more satisfied with this student.

"Is he... an idiot?" Nangong Wan'er glanced back at Li Zedao, and directly put such a label on him.

As for Nangong Meili, closing her eyes to rest her mind, she didn't even mean to look back at Li Zedao, and everything that was happening around had nothing to do with her.

Originally, Li Zedao was very vigorous, but gradually, he realized that the situation was not right, so...there was no applause in God's Domain?

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched wildly, and he only felt that his cute little hand had become so heavy that he couldn't take it anymore.

"Classmate Li Zedao, what are you doing? Do you know that interrupting the teacher privately is disrespectful to the teacher?" Zhuge Liuyun looked at Li Zedao and said with a serious face, "You go out with me now, I Now I have to teach you what it means to respect the teacher and respect the Tao!"

Li Zedao looked embarrassed, and quickly stood up and was about to go outside.

I really want to cry without tears in my heart. I blame the fat teacher. It's okay to use his eyes to encourage myself to do? It made me wrong.

This is so embarrassing, will you even reveal your identity?

At the same time, many students looked at Li Zedao's eyes full of playfulness, especially Dongfang Lingqi, almost didn't laugh out loud.

This guy is really an idiot, and he offended the teacher at Fuzhou Academy all at once, and he will feel better in the future.

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