The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1999: Strength division

"I don't know, but it does look very stylish. The buildings of the Nangong family are not so stylish." Nangong Wan'er agreed, and then asked a passing servant, and finally learned that it was the Cangshu Pavilion of Fuzhou Academy. .

"Ze Dao, Master Liu said, there are a lot of precious spiritual abilities and spiritual abilities in the library of the academy, but let's go and take a look?" Nangong Wan'er showed considerable interest, and then ignored Li Zedao. Disagree, drag him to the library.

"Lingjue? Lingji? What is that?" Li Zedao was puzzled, but did not ask.

After all, he just lost his memory, not an idiot.

After thinking about it, the so-called spiritual skills should be the so-called martial arts cheats, right? After all, God's Domain is now considered to have developed the cultivation path to the top.

In addition to cultivation, most people in God's Domain still practice, and even Cabbage and others, also know some ways to cultivate internal strength.

However, they have too few resources and their qualifications are not good enough, so they can only become a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

Of course, if you let the cabbage and the others go to the mortal domain, then they can become masters in people's eyes. It would be easy and pleasant to beat those gangsters.

This is the biggest difference between God's Domain and Mortal Domain.

The closer you get to the library, which is several tens of meters high, the more you can clearly feel its magnificence and dazzling, shocking and majestic, especially the surrounding clouds and mist, so it undoubtedly adds a bit of mystery.

"Too shocking." Li Zedao couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's too **** like a pyramid... No, it's not like a pyramid. It's not much different from a pyramid at all." Li Zedao then muttered in his heart.

The only difference is that the pyramid in Egypt is a tomb, and here is the library.

Nangong Wan'er was also shocked by the grandeur of this library. Of course, she was from a big family and was a person who had met the world, so her expression was not as exaggerated as Li Zedao.

"I have long heard that the book collection pavilion of the Fuzhou Academy is extremely majestic and magnificent, and the number of books in it is even more impressive. When I saw it today, it really deserves its reputation. Let's go in and take a look." Nangong Waner glanced at Li Zedao and said with a smile. "Also calm down, your expression is so embarrassing."

"...I just looked like a turtle?" Li Zedao tried to make the expression on his face look normal.

"You are."

Seeing Li Zedao's face turned dark, Nangong Wan'er quickly added: "Of course, even if you are a turtle, you are my future brother-in-law... let's go, brother-in-law."

Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er were stopped by the staff of the Cangshu Pavilion guarding the gate, and were told some regulations about the Cangshu Pavilion.

In this library of books, any teacher and student in the college can freely come and go with their own jade cards, and the books in it can be read freely. After reading the books, they can return to their original places.

However, most of the books require a certain amount of credits to be read.

If you want to borrow the books inside and take them out of the library, it is not impossible, but you also have to pay a certain amount of credits.

The most important thing is that none of the books in it can be copied. Once the offenders are found, they will face extremely severe penalties.

In addition, it is not allowed to damage any books, even if you are not careful, you will have to pay huge compensation.

After entering, Li Zedao found that the library had five floors in total, and the rows of shelves in that huge space were really overwhelming.

There are many books on the rows of shelves. Of course, the books here are not only paper editions, but also bamboo rolls, cloth, animal fur, turtle shells, and even leaves and stones. All of them.

Its types are not only the spiritual skills and abilities mentioned by Nangong Wan'er, but also many other types.

After scanning the huge sign on the book classification on the wall, Li Zedao found that the book classification was similar to what he had imagined. It's nothing more than astronomy, geography, humanities, history, rituals and pictures.

Li Zedao felt that he had really come to the right place. He was worried that he didn't know anything about God's Domain. Now that he is well, he can naturally learn about God's Domain from these many books.

However, Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er are destined not to go to the second floor, let alone the third, fourth, and fifth floors, because if you want to go to the second floor, you have to pay 20 credits first, and the third floor is fifty. One credit, the fourth floor is 80 credits, if you want to go to the fifth floor, you need to pay 100 credits!

Therefore, they can only stay on the first floor to read these books without paying credits.

Until now, Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er really realized the importance of credits. Without a large number of credits, you are destined to not get good training resources.

"It seems that I can only stay on the first floor." Nangong Wan'er shrugged, and her interest was reduced by more than half. How could free things be better?

"The first floor is also very good." Li Zedao said, "I want to look for books about history and geography."

"Uh..." Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao as if looking at a monster.

Their only purpose in coming to Fuzhou Academy is to obtain various resources of Fuzhou Academy and improve their strength as quickly as possible.

But this guy is talking about what historical and geography books he wants to read... Can you improve your own strength by reading such broken books? Are you kidding me?

"Look at that, an hour later, let's meet here and have dinner together." Nangong Wan'er didn't plan to be with Li Zedao.

Li Zedao nodded, without any comments.

I feel once again the real local tyrants of Fuzhou Academy. For those students in Fuzhou Academy, not only do they do not have to pay tuition fees, they are also free of food and housing. You can get three meals a day in the dining hall.

Of course, you can also turn on the small stove yourself. There is a small kitchen in the small courtyard where you can cook.

But the ingredients have to be bought by the servants in the dining hall for some gold coins.

Or maybe, there are a lot of game in the middle of the mountain, you can catch those game.

However, I am afraid that few people do this. After all, there are a lot of powerful snow pythons and various beasts living on the halfway of the mountain. If they encounter those beasts when they are not strong enough, they are likely to be torn apart. Into pieces.

Li Zedao quickly indulged into the ocean of this book. He was like a sponge that was thoroughly kneaded into a small piece. After being loosened, he began to desperately absorb the information in the book.

An hour later, Li Zedao had a more detailed understanding of the land and history of the entire God's Domain, as well as some local customs and habits.

For example, here a day is divided into twelve hours.

For example, there is only one sun here.

In addition, the moon here will become round and curved, but the difference is that the moon here is blood red.

Li Zedao decided to see what the blood-red moon looked like tonight.

Compared with Fanyu, the natural environment here is quite different. Although there are mountains and water, lakes and seas, there will be wind and rain, and heavy snowfall.

However, perhaps due to the regional climate, the plants and animals that grow here are naturally completely different from those in the world.

Probably because of the abundance of heaven and earth, the trees growing here are particularly tall and the animals living here are also particularly cruel.

For example, the snow python, a snake with a quasi-god level skill, is really hard to imagine. If such a snow python lives in the mortal realm, it is designated to become the overlord of the mortal realm.

In addition, Li Zedao also learned about the division of power in God's Domain.

This division of strength is divided into five levels in total, namely Linggu, Lingshan, Lingyun, Lingshen, and Lingxian. Each realm is divided into upper, middle and lower three ranks, and each rank is divided into entry and Two stages at the peak.

For example, above the lower grade of the Lingyun realm is the peak of the lower grade of the Lingyun realm, and then it is the middle grade of the Lingyun realm.

According to Li Zedao's understanding, the so-called Linggu Realm is naturally the place where the internal force is cultivated and stored, that is, the Dantian.

In the mortal domain, because the aura of heaven and earth is extremely thin and is about to be exhausted, very few people have been able to cultivate their dantian.

But in this realm of God, cultivating dantian is extremely basic and simple. People with better aptitude can cultivate dantian at the age of three or four, and those with poor aptitude will definitely cultivate before the age of ten.

Therefore, the strength of cabbage and the villagers are at the level of Linggu Realm.

To put it bluntly, in the realm of God, cultivation has been thoroughly popularized, just like in the realm, almost everyone knows to pay with red envelopes.

As for the so-called Lingshan realm, according to Li Zedao's understanding, it is natural that internal force is released. At this realm, internal force can be guided from the pubic area and wrapped in the fist. Even if the internal force is stronger, it can gather energy and become a blade. .

The group of robbers entrenched in the Green Demon Village are basically powerhouses of this level.

And the Lingyun realm is undoubtedly the realm of counterattack. As for the top grade of the Lingyun realm, it naturally corresponds to the realm of "quasi-shen".

Therefore, there is a fundamental difference between the Lingshan Realm and the Lingyun Realm, which is why Li Zedao can easily slaughter the band of robbers in the Blue Demon Village.

As for the spiritual and spiritual realm, it is estimated that the teachers in the Zhou Academy are in the realm at this time, and the spiritual fairy realm, Li Zedao can't imagine, I am afraid that when he reaches this realm, he will really become a real fairy.

To put it plainly, these people living in God's Domain are not gods in the true sense at all, and they are also experiencing the law of birth, old age, sickness and death.

To put it bluntly, even if the former Sanqing became gods, theirs did not come to this plane at all.

The so-called passing through the conveyor belt to reach this face can become a **** and will live the same life as the heaven and the earth. This is simply a big lie.

However, there is one thing that surprised Li Zedao. In the mortal realm, once he breaks through the realm of returning to nature, his life span is enough to increase by about 1,500 years, but according to the record in this book, the average life span of people in the gods’ realm is One hundred and fifty years.

In other words, even if you are a high-grade powerhouse in the Lingyun realm, you can only live more than two hundred years at most! The life expectancy of ordinary people is about a hundred years.

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