The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2003: Qingmu Zhen

"Two classmates, go up." The servant touched the wings of the goshawk and said, "It will take you down the mountain and across the plains. The rest of the journey will depend on you."

The reason why the college assigns the security tasks to students to do, the main purpose is naturally to allow students to improve their own strength through various tempers, so when you accept this kind of task, it means that you have accepted the task. Various consequences.

In the process of carrying out the task, no matter what danger the student encounters, or even death, the school will not intervene, let alone help you revenge.

After all, this is because of your lack of strength, insufficient IQ, and bad luck. You really can't blame anyone.

Of course, there is a situation where the college will choose to take action, that is, a student who is in danger crushes the jade card provided by the college.

There are not a few students who die every year because of their tasks. Otherwise, there will be more students in the college now instead of just a few hundred people.

Nangong Wan'er nodded, her figure flashed, she was already sitting on the back of the goshawk lightly.

"What are you doing in a daze? Come up." Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao with joking eyes, "If you want to go back, you have to pay 100 credits."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he looked at Nangong Wan'er with a rather bitter look, his figure flashed, and he sat behind Nangong Wan'er.

The back of the Goshawk is much larger than that of Tianma. In addition, Nangong Wan'er sits as far forward as possible, while Li Zedao sits as far back as possible. Therefore, the empty seat between the two is no problem for two people. They even want to lie down. Also big enough.

For this, Nangong Wan'er is naturally very satisfied.

If Li Zedao glanced at the other men, he would immediately pounce upon seeing the beauty like a fly smelling blood, and even make various small actions in the dark. Nangong Wan'er would be lazy to even talk, let alone take the initiative to propose. Come out to perform the task together.

The servant patted the wings of the goshawk. The giant wings of the goshawk spread out suddenly, and there was a clear whistle in its mouth. Then it swung its wings, and there were two people sitting on its back. Already, it rose into the air as fast as lightning, and then galloped forward.

Such a "bird riding" experience is naturally extremely novel to Li Zedao, so Li Zedao is inevitably a little excited.

Looking back at the Buzhou Mountain, Li Zedao realized that the Buzhou Mountain was obviously higher than he had predicted. The entire mountain range was even wider than he had imagined. The peak where the Buzhou Academy was located was just one of them. That’s the highest mountain

The flying speed of the goshawk is extremely fast, but the area of ​​the Fuzhou Plain is also quite large, so naturally there is no way to fly out of the Fuzhou Plain at once, it would take about two hours.

During these two hours, there was a beauty like Nangong Wan'er accompanied, and the two chatted without saying a word. In addition, this experience and the surrounding scenery are naturally extremely fresh for Li Zedao, so Li Zedao I don't think the journey is boring.

"You seem to be much better, now remember who attacked you?" Nangong Wan'er asked.

He squatted naked in the snow again, his pretty face was already blushing, and he sipped inwardly. Why did he still remember his naked body in his mind?

It's all to blame for this disciple, who turned his body closed in broad daylight, without any shame.

"I don't remember." Li Zedao said. He is not the real Li Zedao, how does he know what torture that Li Zedao has suffered?

Li Zedao's chrysanthemum tightened inexplicably, saying that it would not have been violated, right? If this is the case... Li Zedao felt that life was gloomy, without any color.

"Maybe it is a student of Fuzhou College." Nangong Wan'er put forward her own views.

The Buzhou Plain is one of the ten most fierce places in God’s Domain. This plain is covered with heavy snow all year round. It’s white. It’s fine during the day. At night, it’s even more terrifying. Not to mention the heavy snowfall. Beasts haunt.

In addition, this plain is considered to be under the jurisdiction of Fuzhou Academy, so except for the teachers and students of Fuzhou Academy, almost no one will come to this plain.

"I don't know, I can't remember anything." Li Zedao said.

Of course, I still agree with Nangong Wan'er's statement in my heart, and it is most likely that the students who did it were students from Fuzhou College.

Slightly raised his head, looking at the extremely blue sky, there were even more handsome faces in his mind, and his heart twitched violently, really melancholy.

"If it is really not done by the students of Zhou Academy, after seeing that you are not dead, it is very likely that you will start secretly, so it is better to be careful afterwards." Nangong Wan'er reminded.

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded.

After nearly three hours of soaring, the goshawk finally left the Buzhou Plain and landed quickly after a long roar.

Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er jumped from the back of the goshawk, and the goshawk spread its wings again, and the huge body rose into the air and flew away quickly.

Nangong Wan'er took out a map provided by the academy, scanned it a few times, and then pointed to the northwest direction and said, "Going from the northwest, about half an hour away, there is Qingmu Town, which is to Panlong. The place where the city must pass. The sky is getting dark, and the gate of Panlong City is almost closed at this time. Let's go to the Qingmu Town to settle down first, and set off for Panlong City tomorrow morning."

Li Zedao nodded, expressing no objection.

When Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er arrived in Qingmu Town, the last ray of sunlight had already disappeared completely. The sky became extremely dim, and the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, as if there was no sunlight. It becomes extremely cold.

However, although the temperature is cold and humid, and the ground is even more thick with ice and snow, the town of Qingmu at night is extremely lively and prosperous. The streets with a large number of torches are like daytime, and all kinds of people on the roads come and go. There are men and women, old and young, some have a peaceful face like a Bodhisattva, and some have a hideous face like a ghost.

The vendors on both sides sell all kinds of miscellaneous things, there are so-called panacea, all kinds of herbs, and all kinds of weapons, fur and skulls of all kinds of beasts, and even the magic skills, of course they are all yellow ranks. As well as the mysterious rank, naturally there is no earth rank and heaven rank.

Those shops also open their doors to welcome customers. Most of these shops are restaurants and inns, and there are also brothels.

Murders are legal here. There is no such thing as a police uncle who will arrest you, let alone prostitute.

You can prostitute whatever you want. If you have the strength, you can do it without giving money after prostitution!

"This Qingmu Town is the most prosperous town in this area." Although Nangong Wan'er is not a native of the north, she still knows this place quite well, and she introduced Li Zedao briefly when she was walking through the crowd with Li Zedao.

"From this town, going northwest is Panlong City, and going southeast is Black Wind City. That is to say, we will arrive at Panlong City tomorrow and see that Li Yuanbao, and we will have to return to Qingmu Town. Starting from Qingmu Town, heading to the Black Wind City." Nan Gong Wan'er said.

"It turns out." Li Zedao nodded, looking curiously at the various commodities in the surrounding stalls.

"The northeast is the largest city of the tribe, Qingshicheng, and the southwest is Yangcheng, so this small town extending in all directions has naturally become a transit point, and a large number of people come in and leave every day..."

Li Zedao's face changed and he took a big breath, looked at Nangong Wan'er very aggrievedly and said, "Why are you pinching me?"

"Who made you not listen to me well?" Nangong Wan'er gave Li Ze a blank look. I am in a rare mood to help this rookie who has just entered the rivers and lakes to teach some experience, who would think that this rookie is so unaware of life and death to perfuse himself.

"I'm listening carefully." Li Zedao was very wronged.

"Well, what did I just say?"

Li Zedao repeated exactly what Nangong Wan'er had just said.

Nangong Wan'er's eyes widened slightly. She didn't expect that although Li Zedao looked around curiously, she did listen carefully, which was somewhat embarrassing.

He cleared his throat and continued: "That...I mean, this is a place where fish and dragons are mixed, it is extremely chaotic, and bloodshed is happening all the time. In such a place, only one rule needs to be followed."

"Rule? What rule?" Li Zedao asked curiously.

Nangong Wan'er's performance made Li Zedao somewhat surprised. It seems that although this Nangong Wan'er is a member of the Nangong family, one of the largest forces in the Chinese tribe, and even a girl, she did not become a flower in the greenhouse, but early Go out to practice, otherwise it would not be so sophisticated.

"The Law of the Jungle." Nangong Wan'er looked back at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly. He really didn't expect Nangong Wan'er to say such a tall word.

"The so-called Law of the Jungle means that the weak and the strong eat, and the weak have no rights in this place." Nangong Wan'er said, "Of course, these words are also suitable for this God's realm. The weak have no rights in the God's realm. It’s just that in Qingmu Town, this situation was exposed nakedly without any disguise."

"You know a lot." Li Zedao said. I thought that these words apply not only to the realm of God, but also to the realm of mortals, and also to many other unknown planes.

No matter when and where, the weak and the strong are the eternal law.

If you want to better protect yourself and protect the people you care about, you can only become stronger.

"That is, you don't want to think about who I am." Nangong Wan'er was a little proud.

"Next, let's find an inn to eat, check in, and buy two pegasus." Nan Gong Wan'er said.

Li Zedao nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

At this moment, in front of an inn, an extremely screaming scream came.

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