"Huh?" Li Zedao was dumbfounded, unable to believe what his ears heard.

He never expected to say that this murderous woman would be so sturdy, such a sentence would come out so naked.

Unexpectedly, God's Domain is not only a paradise for food, but also a paradise for men...Of course, the premise is that this man is handsome enough, otherwise there are so many men in this hall, why this woman only finds herself? Isn't it because you are handsome?

At this moment, Li Zedao was handsome by his own.

And even though this woman’s face is not so delicate, her murder weapon, her sex, and her hips are all real. Given the backwardness of the living standards of God's Domain, it is naturally impossible to fill it with silicone. If this is playing If he entered later... Li Zedao felt that his nostrils were a little hot, and any liquid would be sprayed out anytime.

More importantly, there is still money to take after the game...This kind of life is simply not too happy.

Li Zedao's heart is doing an extremely fierce struggle, and he hates others to challenge his own weakness.

Nangong Wan'er was also dumbfounded. It was really hard for her to imagine that a woman could be shameless to such an extent, and everyone in the public could say such words that made people so hot.

What makes Nangong Wan'er even more angry and want to vomit blood is that looking at the expression of this guy Li Zedao, it is obvious that his heart is rippling.

Nangong Wan'er got up suddenly, stared at the woman with rather unkind eyes, and said coldly, "Get out!"

This **** woman just tried to seduce her brother-in-law in front of her, really **** it! What's more **** it is that this **** was seduced so easily!

Nangong Wan'er decided to send this woman away first, and then settle accounts with this bastard!

The woman slanted her eyes and glanced at Nangong Wan'er, and said with extreme disdain: "You should be thankful that you are a woman, otherwise you will die now."

"Really?" Nangong Wan'er sneered and grabbed the sword on the table.

But women's speed is obviously faster.

"Hey!" The long sword in her hand was simply unsheathed, and the long sword dripping with blood hit Nangong Wan'er's throat all at once.

Nangong Wan'er's face changed drastically, and her whole body stood there abruptly, she did not dare to do anything. She knew very well that once she dared to move casually, this sword that was less than a minute away from her throat would simply Cut her throat.

Nangong Wan'er knew that this woman was very strong, but she never expected that she was even stronger than she had imagined.

Judging from the fluctuating aura of a woman, she is the same as herself, the strength of the pinnacle of the spirit cloud realm, but her sword is so fast now, it is conceivable that she has mastered an extremely powerful skill. Swordsmanship, that swordsmanship is at least a high-grade earth rank, or even a heavenly rank, otherwise he can't be restrained at once.

The woman's eyes were extremely cold and gloomy, and her scarlet tongue stretched out, licking her glamorous red lips like a greedy child, and she looked like a ghost.

Then, the red lips lifted lightly, his voice was low and cold, without a trace of emotion in it: "Little sister, I can give you two choices."

"Let's just listen." Nangong Wan'er responded coldly.

As the second young lady of the Nangong family, Nangong Wan'er still has this courage.

"First, I pierced your throat with a sword; second, I scratched your face, and then I can keep you alive; I only give you ten breaths, you choose." The woman said.

Her eyes were so vicious, as if a deadly poisonous snake was staring at its prey.

Nangong Wan'er's face became even more ugly. She didn't think this woman was joking with herself at all.

"Kill me." Nangong Wan'er said cleanly. For women, especially beautiful women, appearance is naturally more important than life.

So for Nangong Wan'er, this is not a difficult multiple choice question.

"Oh, as you wish." The woman said viciously, trying to pierce Nangong Wan'er's throat with a sword.

Nangong Wan'er closed her eyes and was ready to die. As for asking for help from Li Zedao...Nangong Wan'er felt that she was thinking too much, that she was controlled by this woman so easily, let alone Li Zedao.

Besides, this **** probably wants to kneel and lick this woman's feet now, right?

Men, really are animals that rely on their lower body to think, and there really isn't a good thing!

"Wait... You said you want me to sleep with you?" Li Zedao tried to swallow the duck in his mouth, stood up and looked at the woman and asked.

Li Zedao felt that this woman was too much, she didn't take a pee and take a good picture of her face. Even if you look like a bird, you want to sleep with me? Forget about sleeping, just give a thousand gold coins? A thousand gold coins equivalent to RMB is only 50,000 yuan...

Want to sleep for 50,000 yuan? Li Zedao decisively felt that he had a feeling of being insulted to death.

"I don't like to repeat what I have said." The woman looked at Li Ze and said, her tongue was licking her lips, her eyes showed desire, and she felt that this is a **** who has taken aphrodisiacs and is in urgent need. Find a male dog to join.

"However, for your handsomeness, I can make an exception... Tonight, with me, I will give you one thousand gold coins, which makes me satisfied, and I will give you another thousand, even if you really I am very satisfied, I can protect you from now on." The woman said.

Is this ugly woman planning to support herself? Li Zedao felt even more insulted to death!

Although Nangong Wan'er didn't open her eyes, she knew that this **** must be so excited now, right? If she could, she didn't mind a sword hacking at this **** bastard.

"What if I disagree?" Li Zedao asked.

"Will you disagree?" The woman showed an extremely cruel and weird smile, and her voice was full of temptations, "Sister, I am very good in bed, and I will definitely let you *****."

Nangong Wan'er's face is red, why is this woman so embarrassed? Opening your mouth is such a blatant word.

"Do you think you are good-looking or she is good-looking?" Li Ze pointed to the guide Gong Wan'er.

The woman frowned. She couldn't shamelessly say that she looked better than the other person, so she didn't like this question very much.

In fact, the reason she wanted to draw Nangong Wan'er's face was precisely because her face was so delicate that she was jealous.

"Everyone thinks she is good-looking." Li Zedao said with a smile, "I didn't even want to say something to happen to such a beautiful girl. Do you think I will sleep with you? You are insulting me. "

"..." The expression on the woman's face was simply frozen. She really didn't expect this little white face to refuse her request, even his eyes were so disgusting? He shouldn't be the same as the previous person, with a face full of obsession, wishing to eat himself and his bones, right?

Nangong Wan'er also opened her eyes, staring at Li Zedao with wide eyes, and immediately her small face was full of sullen expressions.

What does this guy mean? Is this saying that you are not pretty enough?

"So, I also give you two choices, first, apologize to me, and then get out! Second, I will kill you!" Li Zedao grinned, showing his white teeth.

Then, he stretched out his hand, picked up the cold light sword on the table, and said with full force, "I'm very good."

The muscles on Nangong Wan'er's face twitched, and if she could, she wanted to slap to death this guy who simply didn't realize the danger.

He thought he was the first in this batch of freshmen. He was the strongest one? Are you kidding me?

You are just a mere low-grade strength of the Lingyun realm, and this shameless woman is the peak strength of the middle-grade Lingyun realm, and she has even mastered an extremely powerful spiritual skill!

The woman smiled, with a very cold smile, her eyes showed even more contempt, naked contempt!

In her eyes, this is a handsome boy, even a tool that can please oneself, just a tool.

Women like handsome teenagers. The younger and handsome, the more exciting they are. So far, there are no fewer than 100 beautiful teenagers who have been tortured by her alive.

And Li Zedao is the target she plans to torture tonight

Of course, she will pay the thousand gold coins...provided that he can survive tonight.

The woman smiled cruelly at Li Zedao, shaking her hand, trying to pierce Nangong Wan'er's throat with a sword.

Compared to this silly and cute boy, this beautiful girl is more threatening, so the woman intends to obliterate it, and teach this handsome boy what is fear!

But at this moment, the sword light flashed as fast as lightning.

The woman's pupils shrank suddenly, her body suddenly became extremely stiff, and her eyes showed extreme horror.

Her whole right wrist was cut cleanly, and her hand still holding the long sword simply dropped onto the food on the table, even because the meridians were not dead yet, the severed hand was still twitching slightly. .

When she was about to pierce Nangong Wan'er's throat, Li Ze said the sword and broke her wrist directly!

Nangong Wan'er's eyes widened and her mouth widened, her brain mingled abnormally, and there was a huge wave in her heart. I couldn't believe it was true.

Li Zedao, is it so powerful?

"You... did it this way?" The woman's face turned pale, and she looked at Li Zedao's eyes as if she had seen a ghost.

"If you want to do it, you can do it." Li Zedao said.


Nangong Wan'er is willing to swear to heaven, this is the most compelling sentence she has ever heard.

The woman's throat squirmed and she wanted to say something, but Li Zedao coldly interrupted his words and said, "You can go to death."

The woman's figure flashed, and she wanted to step back.

However, she was too slow, in other words, Li Zedao was too fast.

Li Zedao's wrist flicked, a cold light flashed, and there was a slight red line in the woman's throat!

Then, blood began to spray from the growing sword scar that appeared in the woman's throat, instantly staining her neck and chest.

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