The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2017: The Lost Oriental Xiao Chu

For Li Zedao, he regarded Nangong Wan'er as a lifesaver in his heart!

So, let alone a soul condensing pill, it is two, three... As long as Li Zedao can get it, he will give it without hesitation.

After that, Li Zedao also said a word that made Nangong Wan'er still buzzing in her ears.

"Looking back, when I make this soul-condensing pill, I will give you a few more."

Nangong Wan'er didn't even feel his bragging rights at all, but really believed that he could refine the Soul Condensing Pill, and that day would not be too far away.

This belief is not only because Nangong Wan'er knows that he has a soul physique, so his upper limit is definitely not just an alchemist, he has the potential to become a soul master.

More because of trust, blind trust.

Yes, it is blind trust! Nangong Wan'er doesn't know why, anyway, she just believes, believes blindly, believes without reason.

"I am also distressed, classmate Nangong, is it really good for you to say that I am so good? Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will destroy it. I am so good that I will definitely cause the jealousy of other students..." Li Zedao was bitterly troubled. The one doesn’t know what to do, “What’s more terrible is that it doesn’t matter if you are excellent, and you are so handsome, how can you tell me how to make other men live.”

"Why do I want to kick you down so much?" Nangong Wan'er got up and gave Li Zedao a fierce look.

Seeing him narcissistically intoxicated, but inexplicably amused.

"Student Nangong Wan'er, you said that you are already a strong person at the pinnacle of the Lingyun Realm at a young age, and you are so beautiful, how do you let other girls live like this?" Li Zedao smiled.

Nangong Wan'er was a little shy: "I'm not as good as you said."


"Go to hell!"

"Will perform tasks together in the future?" Nangong Wan'er asked.


"Hey!" The long sword came out of its sheath.

"That's impossible." Li Zedao swallowed. No matter how this girl looks like the little sister next door, she looks so pure and cute, how can she draw her sword at every turn?

Nangong Wan'er nodded with satisfaction, her long sword was sheathed, and she lay down again, continuing to look at the white clouds in the sky.

"Something on your mind?" Nangong Wan'er asked.

Li Zedao was surprised: "How do you know?"

"The eyes are wrong," Nangong Wan'er said. The look that seemed so lonely and lonely even when Li Zedao had just revealed that Nangong Wan'er's heart was stabbed inexplicably. It is precisely because of this that Nangong Wan'er will lie down beside him, she wants to accompany him.

Li Zedao was silent.

"Tell me?"

Li Zedao smiled and said, "It's just distress."

"What's upsetting?"

"You said how handsome I am so good, what should I do?"

"Get out!" Nangong Wan'er cursed badly, but knew that Li Zedao didn't want to say, so he didn't ask more.

"I'll sleep for a while." Li Zedao closed his eyes, and his breathing quickly became even, as if he was really asleep.

Nangong Wan'er glanced at Li Zedao from the corner of her eye, and felt that this guy was like a mystery, and she seemed to have gone through many things.

Then, Nangong Wan'er closed her eyes and went to sleep.

After returning to Fuzhou Academy, the two went straight to the Mission Pavilion, registered the completed mission, and received some credits.

Soon, there was a message from the Yukali of the two, and the credits on the cards for both increased by one hundred.

After that, Li Zedao received another task, which was to help build the sword at the Sword-making Department of the Sacred Art Pavilion for six days.

The reason why Li Zedao took this task was because the credits awarded for this task were fairly high, and he could get 30 credits in six days, which was much more than cleaning the hut.

Of course he didn’t know that although the credits awarded for this task were high, few people took it, just because the sword forging department of the artifact pavilion was too hot and boring, and because the work was too tired and boring. Just can't stand it.

Nangong Wan'er didn't accept the task again, and she gained a lot when she went out this time. Not only did she get a local high-grade Xiaoxiang Sword Art, she also got a priceless soul condensing pill.

In the next short period of time, she planned to take a good look at that Xiaoxiang Sword Art and improve her strength as soon as possible.

It can be said that Li Zedao's strength not only shocked her, but also seriously stimulated her. She didn't want to be too far from Li Zedao at all.

After coming out of the mission pavilion, the two came to the dining hall together.

While eating, Dongfang Xiao Chu, who was holding the plate in his hand, walked over.

"Can I sit here?" Dongfang Xiao Chu smiled. Looking at Li Zedao, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes, and when he looked at Nangong Wan'er, the coldness immediately turned into hotness.

"Of course." Li Zedao smiled. Is not this nonsensical? This canteen is not opened by my house, so why am I ashamed to say no? Besides, even if I am embarrassed to say no, I'm afraid you will be quite embarrassed to sit down directly?

Dongfang Xiao Chu sat down in the empty seat in front of Li Zedao, looked at Nangong Wan'er, and said with concern: "I heard that you went on the mission together? Didn't you encounter any danger?"

"No." Nangong Wan'er said.

Looking at Li Zedao, he said, "With my brother-in-law, there is no danger."

Li Zedao bowed his head and mouthed the rice, without making any eye contact with Nangong Wan'er. As a veteran in love, he naturally knows that this girl is in love with him.

"Well, if a person is too good, it is not a good thing at all. Just like me, you can easily get a girl's favor with a little charisma." Li Ze said this worry, what should I do if this continues ? After all, I am a person who doesn't know how to refuse.

Dongfang Xiao Chu felt uncomfortable all over his body. This guy is just a low-rank in the Lingyun realm. Can he protect you? You protect him pretty much.

"By the way, Wan'er, I took a task that is not low, and it needs two people to perform it. Let's work together?" Dongfang Xiao Chu asked.

"No." Nangong Wan'er simply refused, even lazy to find an excuse to push her off.

"Well, I'll find someone else." Dongfang Xiao Chu smiled, you can't see the slightest embarrassment from the expression on his face.

Li Zedao had to admire this Nangong Xiao Chu a little bit. Although he was far less handsome than himself, at least he had a thick face.

Of course, it is also possible that he has been rejected many times, and he is already used to it.

"Student Li is interested in being together?" Dongfang Xiao Chu looked at Li Zedao and smiled.

"No, I have already accepted the task, and I will have to execute it in a while." Li Ze said apologetically.

"That's a pity." Dongfang Xiao Chu did feel quite regretful. He wanted to see if he could give him a bit of pain when performing the task, but he didn't expect that he would not get caught.

As for challenging Li Zedao... Dongfang Xiao Chu is not that stupid! Although the breath released from him, he is a mere low-grade cultivation base in the Lingyun Realm, but he must be hidden, otherwise, how could he become the first among the freshmen in this class? How could it be the object of competition for those teachers?

Besides, Dongfang Xingchen has already challenged him, so let Dongfang Xingchen try his depth first.

"I'm finished, let's go now." Li Zedao smiled, stood up and left.

Dongfang Xiao Chu took his eyes back from Li Zedao's back, and looked at Nangong Wan'er who was sitting opposite him, with a hesitant expression.

"What do you want to ask?" Nangong Wan'er said aloud. She didn't mind cutting off Dongfang Xiao Chu's thoughts about herself again.

For Nangong Wan'er, the care of Dongfang Xiao Chu and the look in her own eyes made her... Said disgust seemed a bit too unconscionable, but she did not feel at all, even disgusted with him.

Nangong Wan'er feels that she is very kind, so she hopes that Dongfang Xiao Chu will not waste time on her own, because it is impossible to have results.

"Waner..." Dongfang Xiaochu still decided to speak out his thoughts, otherwise I am afraid he will suffer from insomnia tonight...Of course, if the result is as he had guessed, then he will suffer from insomnia for many nights.

"Do you like that Li Zedao?" Dongfang Xiao Chu said with difficulty.

Nangong Wan'er shook her head: "I don't like it."

Dongfang Xiao Chu simply breathed a sigh of relief, let me just say, how could Nangong Wan'er like such a turtle?

"At best, it's a little good." Nangong Wan'er said again. This is not deliberately using Li Zedao as a shield, this is the truest thought in her heart.

"..." Dongfang Xiao Chu felt like a knife was in his heart.

I have good feelings, are you still far from likes? Like it's not far, love is on the way too, right? Since love is already on the way, the bridal chamber is not far ahead, right?

"He... is Nangong Meili's fiance, is... your brother-in-law..." Dongfang Xiao Chu emphasized this relationship in particular.

"Is this a problem?" Dongfang Wan'er looked at Dongfang Xiao Chu's eyes as if looking at an idiot.

"..." Dongfang Xiao Chu was speechless, yeah, is this a problem? Not!

"Wan'er, I like you, don't you feel at all?" Dongfang Xiao Chu decided to boldly reveal his thoughts.

"Xiao Chu, I don't like you at all, don't you feel it at all?" Dongfang Wan'er responded indifferently.

"..." Dongfang Xiao Chu wanted to lie on the ground. He felt that he had another knife in his chest, bloody, causing him to lose too much blood and dizzy.

"Also, for the sake of a friend, I advise you not to provoke him." Nangong Wan'er said.

Although he usually looks harmless to humans and animals, he cut off the woman's arm and cut the woman's throat without blinking his brows, and then cut Li Yuanbao's wrist. Down...

Nangong Wan'er knew that his harmless humans and animals were just pretending.

"Do you think I am not his opponent?" Dongfang Xiao Chu felt that his strength was losing little by little.

"It's not that it feels, but it's the fact that it is, so don't humiliate yourself."

"..." Dongfang Xiao Chu felt that he was completely weak, and even the chopsticks slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

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