The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2021: Wicked woman digging a hole

As the swordsmith of Fuzhou Academy, who can cast swords that can be imported and exported at hand, why should he please a student?

Just because that student is too handsome, too good and too charming?

This possibility is not without it, but it is very small.

Is there anything he needs to help himself? But the only thing I can help him is picking up girls, right? Moreover, it is impossible for him to ask himself to help him pick up a girl. After all, if he really picks up a girl, will that girl be his own or his?

In addition, Lao Jian gifted these two swords and the high-grade spiritual skills of this heavenly rank, giving Li Zedao the feeling that Lao Jian was suspected of completing the task.

So, someone approached Old Sword and asked him to give this sword art and sword to himself? Who is that person?

Touched his forehead, and couldn't think of any clues, Li Ze simply didn't think too much.

Regardless of whether there is that person, or who that person is, after all, there is no malicious intent towards oneself, that's fine.

Right now, Li Zedao went to bed and lay down, picked up the Leiqi Sword Art which was well-printed and illustrated, and read it carefully.

The paper is very new, and the text on it still exudes the fragrance of ink. It is conceivable that this should have been copied by Lao Jian.

Soon, Li Zedao kept all the contents in his mind firmly, and thought about it, got up and took out the Huozhezi, and burned this top-ranked sword art!

He is innocent and guilty of his guilt, so if anyone knows that he has such a sword art in his body, will he be patronized by thieves in the middle of the night?

Therefore, it was still burned, and it was over.

As for the Dragon Yin Sword and the Phoenix Dance Sword... the Dragon Yin Sword can be used by yourself, as for this Phoenix Dance Sword... to Nangong Wan'er? No way, no way, the girl's eyes are starting to look weird. If she is giving her such a precious sword, then she will be moved to accept me, even threatening to die and not wanting my body. I'll die for you to see...Well, Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much.

Li Zedao got up early in the morning, picked up the cold light and walked out of the room to the small courtyard, and then began to practice the Leiqi Sword Art. As for the Dragon Yin and Feng Wu swords, he temporarily put them away.

In the absence of absolute strength, it is better to keep a low profile.

If someone is worried about the sword in his hand, and then runs to the door shamelessly to challenge, the bet is that sword, then fuck.

Besides, this cold light sword is also quite good, low-key luxury and connotation, unlike Long Yin and his own charm, so eye-catching and eye-catching.

Li Zedao is worried, what should I do if he is so handsome and so good?

Lei Che had a total of nine swords, each of which had ninety-nine or eighty-one variations, plus the high-grade spiritual skills of the heavenly ranks. The difficulty of cultivation can be imagined.

Li Zedao felt that it might take him a year or so before he could practice the ninth sword.

Well, if I let Lao Jian know that Li Zedao only needs one year to cultivate to the Ninth Sword, it might be that he would feel inferior and want to commit suicide.

You know, he has practiced for 50 years before and after, but he has only reached the third sword.

Of course, Li Zedao also knew that he had to improve his cultivation level as soon as possible, and he might even reach the spiritual mirror cultivation level, otherwise there would be no way to exert the true strength of this sword art.

After practicing the sword, Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the gray sky. It was still early and it was not yet clear.

Li Zedao's mind had already seen the scene of watching the sunrise with Li Mengchen and the others, and he didn't know if it was early morning in Phoenix City, and the sun was about to rise.

I don't know if they are good or not, whether they think about themselves and what they are doing now.

Li Zedao sighed heavily, feeling so melancholy, so lonely.

"Being a stranger alone in a foreign land, I miss my relatives every festive season..." Li Zedao's face was bitter. He felt that he was worse than those ancients. The ancients didn't have mobile phones or WeChat or anything, but at least they could write letters and complain to each other, but he couldn't do anything.

After a moment of melancholy, Li Zedao opened the wooden door of the courtyard and left the courtyard to watch the sun.

Not long after walking towards the cliff on the east side, Li Zedao sat down in front of a rock and quietly watched the thick fog rolling in front and the traces of gold covering the thick fog. It really gave people a kind of fairyland feeling. .

"This place is very suitable for filming fantasy movies and TV series, and there is no need to add special effects in the later stage." Li Zedao secretly muttered.

"It's you..." behind him, a voice that seemed so cold sounded.

Li Zedao looked back and saw a beautiful girl in white walking out among the clouds.

The girl looked like the mortal fairy, and she was so beautiful that even Li Zedao, a master of love with countless beauty, had to say with emotion that this woman was really too good-looking.

Nangong Meili looked at Li Zedao expressionlessly. This kind of treatment was the same as looking at other people. Obviously, even if Li Zedao had a marriage contract with her, in her eyes, he was no different from others.

"You won't follow me?" Li Zedao said embarrassedly.

Seeing her cold look like a fairy falling into the dust, Li Zedao felt bad and wanted to tease her.

What could be more pleasant than seeing a beautiful woman embarrassed? No! So Li Zedao couldn't wait to see the embarrassment of Nangong Meili.

Nangong Meili remained silent, let alone embarrassment, the expression on her face did not change at all. She cast her gaze on the golden cloud mountain in front, and the whole figure seemed to be covered with such a holy light. It was so beautiful that it was almost suffocating.

Li Zedao touched his nose, bored and embarrassed, and said, "Anyway, thank you. I owe you a favor."

Li Zedao knew that if it were not for this woman, it would be impossible for Nangong Wan'er to let herself get on her horse. After that, he might die in the plains.

He died as soon as he arrived in God's Domain. Is there anything more sad than this?

In addition, because of her temperament, she admitted that she was her fiancée in front of the arrogances of the Chinese tribe, and meant to protect herself indirectly.

Therefore, Li Zedao was still very grateful to this woman.

"Whatever." Nangong Meili said, her voice was cold, just like the cold air around her.

"Do you hate me very much? Our marriage contract bothers you?" Li Zedao couldn't help but ask. It was the first time he was so ignored by a girl, and he couldn't help but doubt his appearance. .

Anyway, I am also a handsome guy, why is this woman so ignorant of herself? Does she like women?

Li Zedao increasingly felt that this possibility was not small.


"No? That' me?" Li Zedao was stunned, and inexplicably had a feeling of happiness that was too sudden.



"This kind of trivial matter is not worth worrying about." Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao and said.

Little thing? Her so-called marriage contract is a trivial matter? In other words, she admits this marriage contract if she wants to admit it, can she not admit it if she does not want to admit it? Li Zedao felt that after being thrown on the ground with dignity, he was spitting out several saliva, and then he stepped on a few feet.

"I thought about it, I don't deserve you, so I will find time to go to the Nangong family to divorce, what do you think?" Li Zedao asked.


"Forget it, don't divorce, I must marry you." Li Zedao took a deep breath and said.

"You just need to be happy."


Li Zedao decided to use a big move. He stared at Nangong Meili's pretty face, and said word by word: "I think your cousin Nangong Wan'er likes me..."

"Congratulations." It was the same expression, that tone, and so indifferent and indifferent to the surroundings, as if nothing could shake her frosty heart.

Li Zedao had no temper at all. If he wasn't really worried about being killed by Yijian, he would want to hug her fiercely, then hold her little mouth and punish her fiercely.

Li Zedao took a deep breath and decided to make a bigger move!

Then countless figures of heroes appeared in his mind, and his eyes showed a feeling of death and said: "Well, can I give you a kiss?"

Li Zedao's eyes stared at Nangong Meili's indifferent, pretty face, and he was ready to turn around and flee.

These days, it is very expensive to play with the goddess at will.

What made Li Zedao quite helpless was that he had already said such ambiguous words, and the girl still had that indifferent face.

"Whatever," she said.

"Then... I really kissed?" Li Zedao swallowed, and the little heart couldn't help but speed up violently.


"..." Li Ze couldn't stop swallowing, quite tangled. Kiss or not? This is an extremely difficult multiple choice question. Dear, will I be killed by a sword? No kiss... Seems to be a loss, right?

This is equivalent to a foodie who is losing weight facing the tempting food, which is so tangled.

"Uh... um, kiss, will you kill me?" Li Zedao was worried and asked more.

"will not."

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened, his heart beat faster, and he almost jumped out of his throat.

"Really?" Li Zedao was choked to death by his own saliva, but he was still not at ease. How could the goddess agree to be kissed casually? So this woman must have some conspiracy!

Nangong Meili's cold eyes glanced at Li Zedao, her lips moved: "Fake."

"..." Li Zedao was simply dumbfounded, and was killed by Nangong Meili in seconds. He really didn't expect that a woman like Nangong Meili would still play such a boring little routine.

He took a step back altogether and stayed away from this woman. Sure enough, just as he expected, this woman was using beauty tricks on him to lure him to kiss her. After the kiss, she had a reason to kill him!

Li Zedao secretly rejoiced, fortunately that he is a modern version of Liu Xiahui, and his will is quite firm, otherwise I am afraid I will jump into the pit dug by this sinister woman.

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