"It's over..." Li Ze said his heart was ashamed, and his body trembled.

I felt even more regretful in my heart. I knew I would become the food in the belly of this monster. It would be better than cheap Nangong Wan'er to be eaten by her.

Even if she raises her pants to deny people, it is better than being swallowed by this terrible thing.

However, after a few seconds, the horrible scene that Li Zedao had imagined in his mind was not staged... The monster did not stick out its scary long tongue, then rolled up the bodies of him and Nangong Wan'er and swallowed it. In his belly.

It opened its mouth wide and stared at Li Zedao. Li Zedao felt that his tight nerves were about to break, and the whole person was on the verge of collapse, and he could hardly hold back his pants to wet his pants. I yelled and said that if I wanted to eat it, I would eat you and watch a fart...

Seeing Li Zedao, I felt inexplicably...This monster is laughing!

Li Zedao certainly didn't know what this unknown monster looked like when it laughed, but he felt that it was smiling inexplicably, just like a human being, grinning.

If it weren't for the fear that his brain was about to short-circuit, Li Zedao would be **** off by this beast, what does it mean? Is it mocking that he is weak and timid and almost scared to pee?

At this moment, a horrified voice came from behind: "What's the matter?...Brother Li, why are you? That's...sigh...The dragon python?"

The visitor took a deep breath, and was obviously taken aback by the monster.

Immediately, Li Zedao only felt that his eyes flickered, and a figure with a long spear in his back appeared in front of him.

"Big Brother Yang..." Seeing the back that seemed so familiar and kind, Li Zedao was simply moved to tears.

It was the eldest brother Yang Canghai whom Li Zedao had only recently recognized, and he also got the extremely precious blood silk armor from Yang Canghai.

In order to show that he valued the gift presented by Brother Yang, Li Zedao wore the blood silk armor next to his body, and did not even take it off while sleeping.

But, how could Yang Canghai appear in this place? Too full to eat and idle and have nothing to do, walk around and then come over and have a look after hearing the movement?

Of course, why he appeared in this place is actually not important to Li Zedao. What is important is that he and Nangong Wan'er are saved!

With Yang Canghai, is this disgusting monster emerging from the pool and the idle time laughing at himself as a rookie and Nangong Wan'er, a rookie who is better than himself?

Li Zedao suddenly felt that sometimes it seemed good to be a rookie.

Yang Canghai didn't take care of Li Zedao, who was so moved. He clenched the spear in his hand and stared solemnly at the big head that looked so ugly and disgusting in front of him, and he didn't dare to care.

He never expected that such a fierce dragon python was still living on the top of Buzhou Mountain, and he did not expect that he was so unlucky to meet.

Even at a certain moment, he had the idea of ​​turning around and escaping far away, and the fool went to provoke this monster.

However, after all, he still bite the bullet and stepped forward... Yang Canghai was so touched by his morality as a teacher.


As if Yang Canghai's appearance disturbed its evil taste of laughing at the weak, the blood-red eyes of the dragon python showed fierce bursts, and even opened his mouth, and roared.

The sound was so terrifying that Li Zedao's ears were buzzing and his headache was splitting!

"Stay away!" Yang Canghai's expression was even more solemn, and he patted his palm back.

In an instant, Li Zedao only felt that an extremely terrifying wind was surging, causing him, who was holding Nangong Wan'er tightly, to fly upside down. In a blink of an eye, he was a hundred meters away, staggering to the ground, but he felt bloody. Swelling, my chest is dull and abnormal, but he didn't suffer any serious injury...

If you really want to say what hurt him... Then the hairstyle that Nangong Wan'er carefully combed before coming out was messed up.

"Is this a strong man in the Spiritual God Realm?" Li Zedao looked at Yang Canghai who was facing the monster in front of him, his eyes full of shock.

Until now, he was realizing how different he was from a strong spiritual god. If Yang Canghai wanted to kill him, it would be no different from slaughtering a chicken, so he waved his hand.

Powerful people below the spiritual level cultivation level, through their mouth, nose, and skin breathing, they first introduce the mysterious cultivation breath between heaven and earth into the body, and then release it for their own use.

However, the powerhouse of the Spirit and God Realm can use the breath of heaven and earth for himself while waving his hands.

In layman's terms, a strong person in the spirit and **** realm can create terrible storms. The higher the cultivation base, the more terrifying the storms they create.

Flying sand and rocks are naturally not a problem, and can even easily destroy an entire mountain forest!

"Beast! Hugh is rude!"

Yang Canghai yelled, his body leaped high, clenching the spear in his hand.

"A shocking shot!" Yang Canghai whispered, and the spear pierced out.

In an instant, with the spear as the center, the breath between heaven and earth simply showed a blue aperture visible to the naked eye, and then the second aperture, the third aperture, one aperture was larger than the other, and one ring was ringing. .

Li Zedao stared at the scene that seemed so mysterious, and the surrounding air seemed to become thinner all of a sudden, making his breathing become unsmooth.

I saw that the dragon python roared an extremely low roar. At the same time, water splashed in the pool again, and its whole body had left the pool, leaped high, and floated in the air.

Li Zedao saw the true face of the so-called dragon python, his bladder was tight, and he was full of urine.

What kind of monster is this?

When I saw the snow python before, Li Zedao felt that the snow python was too big and too ferocious. Now when he saw the dragon python, he realized that the snow python was so cute.

I saw its body that was more than twenty meters long with scales glowing strangely, and it had four legs, and each leg had sharp claws shining with cold light.

In conjunction with its ugly big head, it is simply not too ugly.

Li Zedao suddenly thought of the dragon.

The thing in front of me seemed to have a smell of dragon.

At the same time, its sharp claws appeared in blood-red storm circles, one after another, one after another.

"Go!" Yang Canghai yelled, holding a long spear and stabbing forward. As his body flew forward with rapid lightning, the blue halo surrounded by rings was like that extremely terrifying storm. He pressed towards the big head of the dragon python.

"Roar!" Looking at the sweeping aperture, the dragon python roared. Its huge body was also as fast as lightning, and its claws carried the blood-red aperture, slamming the blue aperture fiercely.

In the next second, these two apertures with extremely terrifying aura slammed together!

In an instant, the entire space fell into a very strange dead silence!

Li Zedao felt that there was something wrong with his ears, otherwise, why would he not hear anything?

But when this idea just came to my mind, a deafening air burst came, and it was a strong wind, flying sand and rocks.

In an instant, Li Zedao only felt his head buzzing, and his eyes were even darker, his body was shaky, and he almost passed out like this, even with a soft hand, he directly threw Nangong Wan'er in his arms to the ground.

Fortunately, Nangong Wan'er was hit by some kind of terrible* and was knocked out by Li Zedao. Then Li Zedao inserted a lot of silver needles into her body. She was in a complete coma, even if you check her out now After that, she wouldn't have any reaction, otherwise she would be thrown away by Li Zedao, I'm afraid she would draw a sword to kill someone.

Li Zedao only felt that breathing had become unusually difficult, and his chest was extremely dull, as if being severely pressed by a large rock.

Then, he couldn't help it anymore, his mouth opened, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Not only that, but his eyes, nostrils, and both ears were bleeding, and he was obviously injured by the bursting breath.

For a while, there was no other movement around and fell into a kind of deathlike silence.

"What a terrible power!" Li Zedao was gasping with his mouth in his mouth, his face pale as paper, there was a real lingering fear, and he was clearly aware of how weak he was. Just being affected has already caused him serious damage. If he is hit by a frontal blow, I am afraid that there will be no scum left, right?

Li Zedao felt a little more comfortable with his mouth again, spouting out.

I checked Yang Xue'er who was thrown on the ground by him, and he was slightly relieved, before I looked up, where is the shadow of Yang Canghai and the dragon python?

The surrounding area was even more messy, with gravel all over the ground, almost all of those unknown flowers, flowers, and grasses were brutally destroyed, and even cracks appeared on the ground.

"Where is Big Brother Yang? He's dead? What about the monster? Wounded and escaped?"

To be honest, Li Zedao was not so confident in Yang Canghai. He didn't think that Yang Canghai had beaten that ugly monster.

At this moment, Li Zedao's eyes fell on a foreign object on the fallen rocks.

That is the spear tip, a completely deformed spear tip! As for the gun barrel, I didn't know where it went.

"So... Brother Yang is just like this gun, how many cuts?" Li Zedao was in a trance, but he was not too sad.

Although they are called brothers and sisters, they just take advantage of each other and are doing transactions. There is no so-called brotherhood between brothers.

However, Li Zedao was still very grateful to Yang Canghai. If it weren't for his arrival, he and Yang Xueer would naturally become the monster's belly lunch.

"Brother Yang, I will miss you." Li Zedao sucked his sour nose and said softly, bending over and hugging Yang Xueer, planning to leave first.

As for collecting Yang Canghai's corpse... Li Zedao felt that such an important matter should let the powerful teachers in the academy come.

I'm a student myself, just study hard and make progress every day.

"Kang Kang..." behind him, a strange noise came.

Li Zedao was shocked, and he was almost frightened out of a heart attack.

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