The clothes on the body are fine, and there is no discomfort in the lower body, so...

Nangong Wan'er felt depressed, resentful, and embarrassed.

She knew in her heart that Li Zedao didn't slam her body, he used another way to detoxify herself.

"A guy who is not as good as a beast!" She couldn't help but cursed, and then she had an idiotic expression again, "But why are you so moved?"

Just then, there was a quiet footstep, and someone walked in.

Nangong Wan'er raised her head and looked at her eyes, her eyes already facing Li Zedao's joyful eyes.

"Are you awake?" Li Zedao quickly walked to Nangong Wan'er and asked softly, "How do you feel now?"

Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao with big eyes flickering, inevitably shy, after all, when she thought she was about to die, she revealed her heart to him, and then she bravely sent herself to his mouth...

"This beast is inferior!" Nangong Wan'er couldn't help cursing again in her heart.

Moved, moved, but like this...Don't you seem to be quite unattractive?

Also, he showed his thoughts, what does he mean? Or did he not hear the words "I like you" that he said?

"It's still a little weak." Nangong Wan'er moved her sore fingers, only feeling that she was lazy all over her body and didn't want to move.

"There are still some drug properties left in the body, which is quite normal." Li Zedao said, "I have gone to the doctor to prescribe the medicine for you. Now I am boiling it in the small kitchen. After drinking it, I will be fine."

"Yeah." Nangong Wan'er snorted and pointed to his nose, "What's wrong with your nose?"

"Cough cough...This is not your body was too hot before you, and then I was also hot, and then I got a nosebleed." Li Zedao touched the paper ball stuffed in his nostril, and said with a smile.

Nangong Wan'er was stunned, and then "pouched" for fun.

His face was peach blossom, a little shy, a cloud of mist appeared in his eyes, it looked so delicate and charming.

As a result, Li Zedao felt that his nose was starting to become hot again, and he felt regretful in his heart.

Alas, I knew I shouldn’t be afraid of being afraid of the West, for fear that she would not admit it after eating her own food... What's so scary about you, a big man?

"Beasts are better!" Nangong Wan'er's face was like a peach blossom, and her voice was like a mosquito and fly.

"Yes, yes, I also think I am inferior to animals!" Li Ze nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Nangong Wan'er's evaluation of himself.

"Fuck! That... regret it?" Nangong Wan'er looked away and landed outside the window, using an urge to grab the quilt on the side and blind her head.

She felt that her remaining poison was not exhausted, or why would her body start to become hot again.

"I regret it." Li Zedao nodded, "I regret dead...Is it too late for me to regret now?"

"Get out! It's too late." Nangong Wan'er hummed.

"The medicine is almost there, I'll bring it for you." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Looking at his leaving back with a slightly blurred look, Nangong Wan'er couldn't help but cursed softly: "Beasts are worse!"

After bringing the boiled soup medicine in, Li Zedao helped Nangong Wan'er's limp body to make her sit up, and only then took the medicine to Nangong Wan'er's mouth one by one.

Nangong Wan'er is unavoidably awkward, and the little deer bumps into her heart, only feeling ambiguous.

After drinking the medicine, Li Zedao helped Nangong Wan'er lie down.

"Where are those two people? You killed them?" Nangong Wan'er asked, her small face suddenly becoming quite ugly again. Growing up, it was the first time she had suffered such humiliation, which made her want to chop up the **** and feed the dog!

"Kill, the corpse was even swallowed by the dragon python living in that pool." Speaking of the dragon python, the muscles on Li Zedao's face trembled involuntarily.

"Dragon python? Is there a dragon python in the pool?" Nangong Wan'er exclaimed, her eyes widened, and she couldn't believe what she heard.

God’s Domain has ten fierce lands. For example, the Buzhou Plain, which is frozen for thousands of miles in front of Buzhou Mountain, is one of the ten fierce lands. Don’t look at this plain covered with snow. It looks so magnificent. After night, this plain It will show its extremely cruel fangs.

In addition, God's Domain also said that there were ten fierce beasts, and the dragon python was on the list, just in tenth.

The dragon python, which was able to compete with the powerhouses of the spiritual gods, was only ranked tenth. One can imagine how cruel the remaining nine fierce beasts are.

Even, it is said that the first Disillusionment, even the powerhouse of the Spiritual Mirror, can't compete with it.

"Long Python!" Li Ze nodded with lingering fear, "Its ugly big head just got out of the pool, almost frightened me, and even swallowed the guy's body in front of me. Go in...Fortunately, Master Yang arrived in time."

Right now, Li Zedao briefly talked about what happened afterwards.

In fact, the college has already issued a notice now that it is strictly forbidden for any students to approach that area. Offenders will deduct one hundred credits!

Although the college encourages students to accept any challenge, it naturally does not encourage students to give the dragon python food.

Nangong Wan'er swallowed, and her heart trembled a few times. She really did not expect to say that after she fell into a coma, she would encounter such a terrifying scene. If it were not for this coincidence, the jade on the beast that should be cut by thousands of swords. Ka Brittle attracts the powerhouses of the Academy, and she and Li Zedao will undoubtedly become the food in the belly of the dragon python.

"But you are really shameless enough to push their deaths on the dragon python. If the dragon python knows it's doing it for you, would you say it will come over and ask you to settle the account?" Nangong Wan'er was a bit contemptuous.

But with big eyes staring straight at Li Zedao, his eyes filled with mist, and he muttered in his heart: "But, I like it."

"In your eyes, I am so shameless?" Li Zedao was a little sad.

Nangong Wan'er said seriously: "At least, I haven't seen anyone more shameless than you."

Li Zedao clutched his chest, this sad, this lonely, the world is so big, but no one understands my heart, how desolate and sad it is.

"Get out!" Seeing Li Zedao's performance so exaggerated, Nangong Wan'er scolded with a smile.

"Know their identities? They came to you? It doesn't have anything to do with the Dongfang family?" Nangong Wan'er asked again, "Or, those two damned guys are the **** who attacked you in Buzhou Plain that day?"

In Nangong Wan'er's view, the Dongfang family has suspicions, but the suspicions are not too great. Although they have motives, they will only target Li Zedao and will not try to tarnish themselves by drugging themselves.

"I don't know, I just wanted to kill them quickly so I could save you quickly, and I didn't want to say to save you alive." Li Zedao shook his head, although there are some guesses in his heart, but those guesses are not Convenient to talk to Nangong Waner.

In Li Zedao's view, those two people should be the ones who attacked Li Zedao in the plains. As for why they attacked Li Zedao, it is unclear.

But one thing that is certain is that Li Zedao is already dead. After all, if he is not dead, his soul can't occupy his body.

It's just that people who should have died no longer appeared in front of them alive, naturally causing them to panic, so they couldn't wait to dig a pit, planning to bury Li Zedao, who wanted to bury it was themselves.

Nangong Wan'er didn't continue to struggle with this issue, because people were already dead, and the root cause of their traps became less important.

"Well, you are sleeping for a while, I will go to the dining hall to buy some ingredients and come back to make you some delicious." Li Zedao said.

"Well, I want to eat the chicken stew with mushrooms you made last time? What else... braised lion's head?" Nangong Wan'er started to drool.

The names of the dishes that this guy made were so strange, but they were so delicious, and it was so delicious compared to the dishes in the dining hall. It really made people move their index fingers and remember it.

Li Zedao nodded, and then said embarrassedly: "That Wan'er, I...that..."

"That...what?" Nangong Wan'er's little heart trembled, and a blush appeared on Qiao's face, and her eyes didn't dare to look at Li Zedao's face.

This bastard, is this going to confess? Do you want to promise him? No, no, he is excellent and handsome, but... he still doesn't seem to be worthy of his nobleness.

Besides, he has a marriage contract with his cousin, and he wants to be with him, so why should he settle the marriage contract first? Otherwise, where do you put your cousin? Where do you put the face of the uncle's family?

"That..." Li Zedao lowered his head slightly, his eyes were not too embarrassing to face Li Zedao, he hummed for a long time, but he couldn't hum.

"That what? It's a man, just...say it boldly." Nangong Wan'er bit her lip and looked at Li Ze. There was encouragement in her blurred eyes.

Bastard, why are you a big man shy? Besides, you said... I will definitely refuse you too!

"I...I don't have gold coins to buy ingredients, so give me some chants." Li Zedao said after receiving encouragement from Nangong Wan'er.

Do you imagine it is embarrassing for a big man to beg a girl for food? Anyway, Li Zedao was quite embarrassed now, and wanted to find a gap to get in.

"..." The many shy expressions on Nangong Wan'er's face simply solidified, and she wanted to drew her sword to kill this beast.

"Come here!" Nangong Wan'er sat up, staring at Li Ze with a sullen face.

"What are you going to do?" Li Zedao was startled and asked cautiously.

"If you let you come, you can come here." Nangong Wan'er pointed to the sword on the table, "Don't force me to draw the sword."

Li Zedao obediently walked to the front.

"Want gold coins?"

Li Zedao nodded quickly.

"As many as you want, but you have to promise me one thing." Nangong Wan'er looked at the pretty face in front with water in her eyes, and licked her chapped red lips.

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