The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2043: Assessment results

Not long after, the door of the Shenyao Pavilion was opened, and an old man walked out of the Pill Medicine Pavilion. He gently glanced at the students waiting at the door and said with a smile: "Everyone, please come with the old man. "

At the moment, everyone followed the old man in an orderly manner and entered this huge pill pavilion.

Soon, the old man led everyone to a teaching room in Novosibirsk.

"According to the number of your yard, check the seats." The old man said again.

The group of people found their own seat one after another and sat down, and Li Zedao naturally took the last seat in the last row.

But I saw that the entire desktop was a whole stone tablet, the material of the stone tablet was similar to the stone tablet displaying the task in the mission hall and the jade card on the student's hand.

"Take out your jade card and put it in the card slot in the upper right corner of the **** monument." The old man said again.

"So it turns out that this thing is called the monument of God?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart, it really is enough!

After all, this is not a TV screen, and it is not powered on, but it can display things, which is really awesome, and I don’t know what the display principle is.

Li Zedao Yiyan took out the jade card and put it into the card slot in the upper right corner. While breathing, only light was released from the divine monument. At the same time, the surrounding space changed suddenly.

The beautiful back of Nangong Meili that sat in front of him before was gone, replaced by a bright light.

The next second, a magical scene appeared. The densely packed herbs appeared in front of Li Zedao out of thin air, but these herbs were disintegrated according to the roots, stems, leaves and fruits, and then all mixed together in a mess.

What makes Li Zedao stunned is that these herbs are not pictures at all, but real existence, and your fingers can touch them clearly and truly.

They seem to be supported by a big hand that exists in the dark, floating there quietly.

After swallowing a few salivas and saying that this was really amazing, Li Zedao also understood what the assessment content was this time.

This naturally requires them to find the correct part from so many roots, stems, leaves and fruits, and then piece together a complete herb.

This kind of assessment method is undoubtedly extremely abnormal. It not only assesses your familiarity with the herb, but also assesses your eyesight and concentration. After all, you want to find the part you want from the dense roots, leaves and fruits. It's equivalent to panning for gold in the sand. It's really not that easy.

In the next second, an indifferent voice confirmed Li Zedao's guess: "The content of the assessment, put together the herbs, the time is a stick of incense time, and it starts now."

Li Zedao took a deep breath, his eyes quickly swept across the disintegrated herb floating in front of him, hands out, grabbed a leaf and a fibrous root respectively, and started to piece it together.

One, two, three...

"It doesn't seem to be difficult..." Li Zedao muttered in his heart, and his hands continued to piece together quickly.

Unknowingly beads of sweat emerged from Li Zedao's forehead, dripping down the tip of his nose, and even bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes.

The concentration of the spirit made Li Zedao feel tired.

"Where are the leaves of Longxucao... here..." Another herb was pieced together completely by Li Zedao.

I don't know how long it took, the indifferent voice sounded again: "Time is up."

Immediately, the densely packed herbs that had been cut into several sections disappeared, and what appeared in front of Li Zedao was still the beautiful back of Nangong Charm.

I saw the Nangong Meili Fragrant Shoulder trembling slightly, and sweat beads appeared in the earlobe, obviously dripping with sweat.

"It seems that such an assessment has consumed a lot of her mind." Li Zedao muttered secretly.

Then he breathed out softly and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Li Zedao naturally also spent a lot of energy. After all, if the energy is not in a state of absolute concentration, you can't find the stems, leaves and fruits, and then piece together a complete herbal medicine.

"Should be the first?" Li Zedao muttered again in his heart.

However, he didn’t have much confidence in his heart. He didn’t dare to look down upon the tianjiao present, especially Nangong Meili. According to Nangong Wan’er, she is now a second-tier alchemist, so naturally he has a strong opinion The herbs introduced are extremely familiar.

"Please take away your jade cards and put them away for a while," said the old man who brought them in. "The top five in this score will be eligible to continue to participate in the next assessment. ."

When many students heard this, their heads were downcast and lamented again and again.

There are many students who failed to piece together even one plant, and naturally they were eliminated 100%...unless other students, like them, failed to piece together one plant.

But how is this possible? After all, there is no shortage of Tianjiao, who is usually very researched in medicine. Can these people piece together a few plants?

They never expected that it would be such a perverted assessment. They thought they were taking the way of filling out test papers, and they were taking questions like "What are the properties of this herb?". For this reason, they also picked List some commonly used herbs and memorize them.

Nangong Wan'er was crying with a little face, she was one of those students who couldn't put together a whole herb.

When the dense clusters of herbs appeared in front of her, Nangong Wan'er was completely stunned, and her entire mind was completely blank, completely losing her ability to think.

Ashamed, I don't know how many plants that **** can piece together? How are you better than yourself? Where's the cousin? There should be a lot of pieces together, right? After all, she is so talented in pill medicine, so she has naturally read the "Compendium of Plants and Trees" since childhood.

Without a stick of incense, the old man walked into the teaching room again.

Everyone's eyes focused on him almost at the same time, and various emotions were revealed in their eyes.

The old man's eyes gently swept the Tianjiao from the various tribes sitting underground, and said with a slight smile: "Facts have proved that not everyone is talented in medicine. In this assessment, 47 students Among them, there were thirty-five students, and they couldn't put together a single herb."

Many people looked embarrassed when they heard it.

Li Ze was stunned. This figure was really beyond his expectations. So, did he overestimate these arrogances?

"Of course, the old man also said. This can only mean that you don't have too much talent in pill. It does not mean that you have no talent in cultivation." The old man smiled gently and said, "Well, I will announce the approval now. This time, there are five students who are eligible to continue to participate in the next exam."

"Fifth place, Xu Changsheng, a total of 18 plants were put together." The old man's eyes fell on a fat man sitting in the middle of the classroom, "Not bad."

"Huh!" Suddenly, many people's eyes fell on the fat man, with admiration in their eyes.

Such a perverted assessment, he actually pieced together 18 plants in a short stick of incense, which shows his strength.

But what made them even more shocked was that only eighteen plants were put together to rank fifth, so how many plants would have to put together the first four people, even the first one?

How come there are forty plants?

"Thank you, sir." The fat man named Xu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief and responded respectfully.

This Xu Changsheng is still very self-aware, and he doesn't think he can eventually become the apprentice of the master of the Pill Medicine Pavilion. He is very satisfied with such achievements.

Li Zedao, who was sitting in the corner, was even more stunned. Only when he put together 18 plants could he be ranked fifth? Would it be too easy? Then...

Li Zedao swallowed, as if he had overdone.

I knew that these Tianjiao are all such dishes, just put some water.

The old man showed encouragement in his eyes, nodded, and continued to speak: "Fourth place, see Sagong, 19 plants! Not bad."

Below, a thin man also breathed a sigh of relief and said politely: "Thank you, Mr."

His mentality is similar to that of Xu Changsheng. He doesn't want to be a disciple of the Master of Pill Medicine Pavilion, but he wants to surpass his original self and get a higher level.

The old man also smiled with encouragement, and then his gentle gaze fell on a girl and said: "The third place, Xuanyuan Lin'er, a total of fifty-five plants!"


Many people’s brains roared, and they couldn’t believe what their ears heard. You must know that the fifth and the fourth put together 18 plants, and the other put together 19 plants. So in the eyes of most students, this The third place should be more than 20 plants, but I didn't expect it to jump to 55 plants at once!

This girl named Xuanyuan Lin'er is not so good-looking, at least compared with Nangong Meili, that is the difference between Dong Shi and Xi Shi, but she did not expect that she was so talented in medicinal herbs. Really, people are. It can't be provocative.

Moreover, only fifty-five plants ranked third? What about second and first?

Many classmates are even desperate for freshmen. In other words, can the gap between people be so big?

Many of the Tianjiao from the Chinese tribe cast their eyes on Nangong Wan'er, who looked indifferently, as if the things happening around her had nothing to do with her. They had reason to believe that among the remaining two places, Nangong Wan'er must have a place, even she is the number one out of all likelihood.

Compared to these astonished students, Xuanyuan Lin'er's face turned pale all at once, her eyes rounded, her mind roared violently, she couldn't accept the result announced by the old man.

She comes from a family of pills from the tribe, her father is now a sixth-rank alchemist, and her grandfather is even a seventh-rank alchemy! He also successfully refined the Seven-Rank Pill Condensing Soul Pill!

Xuanyuan Lin'er had been fascinated by her since she was a child, and she was also extremely talented in pill medicine. Now she is a first-grade alchemist.

Therefore, in her opinion, she should be the first in this assessment, but she did not expect that she was only third!

"Not bad." I looked at Xuanyuan Lin'er and said again.

Xuanyuan Lin'er's entire head was already in a state of chaos at this time, and she hadn't come out of that kind of extreme blow, so she naturally didn't respond.

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