The public defeat Linglong led the way, and Li Zedao followed Nangong Wan'er side by side.

Nangong Wan'er said that she should hurry up and go to her courtyard with Gong Yu Linglong, otherwise, what if this woman refuses to admit it?

Li Zedao took a serious look at the public loss, and then nodded very seriously, saying that it made sense.

This public loser was exquisite and depressed, and almost couldn't hold back and beat others.

"Will classmate Li come into contact with the Rubik's Cube before coming to Zhou Academy?" Linglong Gongyi looked back at Li Zedao and asked.

Although the public-lost Rubik’s Cube is only circulated within the Fuzhou Academy, it does not mean that no students have taken it away from the Fuzhou Academy. It does not mean that there are no skilled craftsmen who can copy it after seeing the public lose Rubik’s cube. It is the simplest mechanism technique, and it is not too difficult to replicate it.

Therefore, Linglong has reason to believe that the nine tribes may already have the appearance of the Rubik's Cube, so it is normal for Li Zedao to have been in contact before.

It’s just unimaginable that he actually played so sluggishly, wouldn’t it be his career to play the Rubik’s Cube?

Nangong Wan'er's big flashing eyes also fell on Li Zedao's handsome face, and she was also extremely curious about this question.

Just now along the way, she also turned the Rubik's Cube in her hands a few times from time to time, but her brain was completely messed up, let alone six sides, even one side, she couldn't recover.

"Not too long, more than a year ago." Li Zedao nodded and smiled.

The public transport Linglong expression moved slightly, and said: "In one year, not only can it recover its six aspects, but it can also achieve this speed. It seems that classmate Li Zedao is extremely proficient in organs?"

This is naturally to try Li Zedao's depth and even his origin.

"Moreover, you can see that Li Zedao likes the Rubik's Cube," said Linglong.

Li Zedao didn't give face at all, and responded: "I don't really like Rubik's Cube."


"I don't know much about organs, but it is not difficult to restore the Rubik's Cube." Li Zedao said again.

"..." The muscles on Linglong's face twitched even more severely.

She is very angry! I was so angry that my chest was bored, and a mouthful of blood had already reached his throat.

Linglong had forgotten how long she hadn't been uplifted. Even Shangguan Bowen, who had been angered into anger before, used such vicious words to slander her, and she was not angry.

But now, the public loser Linglong is angry, so angry that she wants to slap the **** **** hard.

Nangong Wan'er gave Li Zedao angrily. Isn't it difficult? It's harder than the patchwork medicinal exam, OK?


Li Zedao's eyes fell on the Rubik's Cube held by Nangong Wan'er and smiled: "Go back and I will teach you. It won't take half an hour to make sure you learn how to recover the six sides."

"Half an hour? Six sides?" Nangong Wan'er's eyes widened, she was really shocked, but she didn't have any doubts in her heart. The strength that Li Zedao has shown again and again has already made Nangong Wan'er completely trust him.

Now even if Li Zedao said fart is fragrant, Nangong Wan'er would nod and say, um, yes!

"It might not even take half an hour." Li Zedao smiled. Looking back, I only need to teach Nangong Wan'er the formula. Isn't it a matter of minutes to recover?

And with Nangong Wan'er's IQ, remember that formula does not take half an hour, right?

"Student Li Zedao, are you belittling the Rubik's Cube?" Linglong couldn't stand her pride being stomped on one foot after another. Her small face had already become extremely ugly, even if not. There is still a trace of reason, she wants to do something with Li Zedao.

She has never seen someone more annoying than this bastard, never!

You know, the public losing Rubik's Cube took a lot of hard work before it was polished and manufactured. Although it is a leisure and educational toy, it is full of the principles and essence of mechanical techniques.

He has a certain understanding of the principle of mechanism technique, and has been playing the Rubik's Cube for a long time, and Linglong believes that he will be able to recover the six sides in the end.

However, Li Zedao said that it would take half an hour to teach Nangong Wan'er to recover the six sides in this way, and that it was not too difficult, which directly stimulated her nerves seriously.

"No, no, the leader of the public loss team, I don't mean to belittle the public loss Rubik's Cube." Seeing that the opponent's face suddenly pulled up, Li Zedao quickly explained.

You know, the Rubik's Cube in the world is one of the three incredible intellectual games in the world. The person who can invent the Rubik's Cube is naturally a ghost among the ghosts.

Therefore, this public defeat is naturally also a ghost among ghosts, and Li Zedao naturally admires it.

"Then what do you mean?" Linglong's eyes turned bad.

Originally because of the Shangguan's blog post, Linglong had a grudge against Li Zedao.

Shangguan Bowen maliciously made things difficult for Li Zedao. This is a fact. Linglong also unselfishly kicked Shangguan Bowen and came to express his apology to Li Ze.

However, it is also true that Li Zedao dug a hole to make Shangguan Bowen jump to discredit the supervision team... At least the public loser Linglong is sure that Shangguan Bowen did not throw dirty water indiscriminately, and he must have been given medicine by Li Zedao.

This is another reason why she personally went to the Li Zedao courtyard to express her apologies. She wanted to "get to know" the number one among the freshmen. It would be best to find evidence that he prescribed the medicine to Shangguan Bowen, and then punish the black sheep.

And now, Li Zedao openly devalued the Rubik's Cube, which caused Linglong to explode.

"What do you mean? How? Isn't it okay to tell the truth about Li in this college? You also have to be deducted credits?" Nangong Wan'er became aggressive when she saw the public loss and Linglong suddenly became angry.

"Yes, you are the inventor of the Rubik's Cube, and you are indeed very powerful, but you can't think that no one but yourself understands the Rubik's Cube... If you really don’t believe in betting once, it’s fine. Under the guidance of Ze Dao, what if I can learn to restore this Rubik's Cube in half an hour?"

"If you learn to restore the Rubik's Cube within half an hour, I promise you one request! On the contrary, you promise me one request! How about?" The public loser stared at Li Ze with cold eyes, directly ignoring Nangong Wan'er.

Women are unreasonable, so Linglong is unwilling to entangle with women.

"Uh..." Li Zedao was helpless and aggrieved. How could this woman carry herself? I really didn't mean to belittle the Rubik's Cube.

"I object!" Nangong Wan'er said quickly, thinking you thought I was stupid. If Li Zedao loses, you ask him to be with you, and you can barely accept it, but if you ask him to be with you, then what should I do?

"You don't have confidence in him?" The public loser glanced proudly at Nangong Wan'er.

"You think too much!" Nangong Wan'er responded coldly with a proud head.

"Then what are you worried about?" Linglong asked.

Nangong Wan'er gave Li Zedao a blank look. In fact, what she was really worried about was what excessive demands this beast made of Linglong.

"Then it's settled, no problem? Classmate Li Zedao!" The public loser Linglong looked at Li Zedao not taking care of Nangong Wan'er. If the eyes can kill people, then Li Zedao would have died tens of thousands of times.

"This... okay." Li Zedao nodded helplessly, thinking that it seemed pretty good that this powerful woman owed herself a request.

"Before this, let me give you what you promised to Wan'er... Let me talk about it first. You are also the leader of the supervision group at any rate. You are a famous person in our school. You can't just take a broken copper. Rotten iron prevaricates our family Waner."

"...I'm not that kind of person!" Linglong wanted to beat people again.

She really didn't understand why others couldn't do it, but this **** made herself very angry with a few words?

"Go to hell, who belongs to your family?" Nangong Wan'er gave Li Ze a blank look, and immediately covered her face, too ashamed.

Gong Yu Linglong lives in a courtyard in the No. 2 old student residential area.

There are more than ten places in the residence area for senior students, scattered in every corner of the college.

Three years later, Li Ze said that any of the freshmen among them still could not stay in the college. Then they will also become old students and move into the old students' living area to free up the new students to live in.

The environment here is naturally inferior to the environment of the newcomer area, but the size and layout of the courtyard are similar.

After pushing the courtyard door open, Linglong invited Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er to enter. At this time, her mood had recovered a lot.

At the moment, the public defeat Linglong asked Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er to wait for a while in front of the stone in the courtyard, while she went in to get the so-called self-defense weapon that she had promised to give to Nangong Wan'er.

This obviously did not mean that Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er would enter the house.

With a stick of incense, Linglong walked out holding a wooden box and placed it in front of Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er.

"What is this?" Nangong Wan'er watched as she moved away from the Rubik's Cube in her hand and landed on the box, with curiosity and expectation on her face.

"Here is the weapon that was successfully developed by the three elders of our public transport family for half a lifetime. We call him a gun." The public transport's exquisite words are full of pride.

Musket? Li Zedao's heart suddenly slammed, isn't this musket just a gun, right?

With that said, Linglong opened the box.

Li Zedao's pupils shrank slightly, and sure enough, this is a gun!

Nangong Wan'er picked up the musket curiously and looked at it, but what she grabbed was the barrel.

I just felt that the starting point was heavy, and there seemed to be nothing special. To put it bluntly, it was a strange-shaped iron bump.

how to use? Just like this?

Isn't the value of this thing under the upper three weapons?

For a while, Nangong Wan'er's heart was filled with disappointment. She felt that the public defeat was too much, and she treated herself and Li Zedao as fools.

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