The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2066: To pour a cup of tea

"So, you deliberately show weakness?" Uncle Wuji asked.

"What are you talking about? Do you think your first sword can hurt me so easily?" Li Zedao curled his lips, "Really, when I found out that you are also a spiritual **** cultivation base, I was shocked. I originally thought If you are cruelly torturing you, who wants you to be in the spirit and spirit realm, if you fight hard...Of course, it must be me who will win in the end, but I must also pay a high price."

"..." Uncle Wuji cursed in his heart, the one who won in the end was me, OK?

"Unexpectedly, you started to pretend. Since you want to pretend so much, I can just cooperate with you to pretend."

"Despicable villain!" Tai Shu Wuji said quite contemptuously.

In the second move, he naturally didn't use his full strength. Once he did his full strength, he might blast Li Zedao into crumbs.

However, Li Zedao's punch was a full force...

Therefore, he naturally suffered a lot of depression.

"Pretend to be thunderous." Li Zedao said.


"Should you lie down? You are so stiff and I lose face, you know?" Li Ze said.

As if he was severely irritated by Li Zedao's words, Tai Shu Wuji's chest was suffocated, he couldn't help it anymore, his mouth opened, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out.

Then, his body crashed to the ground, but he couldn't get up anymore.

Everyone looked at each other, and they didn't expect that this much-watched match would end with such a result!

The two indeed only played two moves against each other, and the winner was already divided, but the person who fell was not Li Zedao, but the uncle Wuji who threatened to make the other party lie down with two moves.

"Ah? Are you vomiting blood? It's okay? Uncle too, I'm really sorry. I'm not good at learning art. I didn't get the strength in time and got a little stronger. You think I hurt you." Li Zedao hurried forward. , Squatted slightly, caring and blaming again.

The students below all showed weird looks, and this guy started to sarcasm again.

Those uncle Wuji's brain fans are even more murderous, and they can't wait to draw their swords to the stage and chop this shameless villain into meat to feed the dog!

Dongfang Xingchen had an extremely humiliating look on his face, and he saw the embarrassed and abnormal self from Taishu Wuji.

"Cough cough..." Tai Shu Wuji felt that his throat was starting to sweeten again, as if he had been hit on the chest with a fierce punch again.

As long as he can get up, he doesn't mind fighting to the death with this despicable guy!

If it is a fair fight, even if it is lost, it will not be defeated by a single move!

Tai Shu Wuji's heart is full of regrets, knowing that this guy is quite shameless, why is he so careless? Why do you want to pretend? Wouldn't it be enough to pass by with the determination to kill him?

"Thank you for giving me such an opportunity to realize that I am not good at learning art." Li Zedao said sincerely, "You are the same teacher who guided me forward like the Eastern Star before. Thank you."

"..." Uncle Wuji spouted another mouthful of blood!

Dongfang Xingchen felt like he was shot while lying down, and his throat was a little sweet right now.

"Thank you for your two thousand credits!" Li Zedao said sincerely in his eyes, "It just so happens that my credits were all deducted by the supervision team's malicious deduction. The two thousand credits of my uncle are really a gift in the snow."

"..." It was another mouthful of old blood, and his face was as pale as paper, Tai Shu Wuji looked at Li Zedao in his eyes as if he were looking at a dead person. Whenever there was a trace of possibility, he didn't mind to die with Li Zedao.

The members of the supervision team below and those fans of Tai Shu Wuji were ugly to the extreme. This guy is really abominable, and it doesn't matter if you humiliate Tai Shu Wuji, he even openly discredited the supervision team!

"Ahem... This challenge is won by classmate Li Zedao!" Yang Canghai glanced helplessly at Li Zedao, then coughed lightly to announce the result of the game. If this continues, the dignified spiritual **** realm powerhouse may be about to be defeated. Alive and angry.

"The main reason is that my uncle is too pretending to be forced, otherwise I won't be able to defeat him in one move, luckily." Li Zedao quickly said rather modestly.

"Puff!" Uncle Wuji spit out a mouthful of old blood, his eyes paled, and he was dizzy!


"Really all right?"

In Li Zedao's No. 50 courtyard, Nangong Wan'er looked at the bandage on Li Zedao's shoulder, her eyes flushed and her face was distressed.

"Naturally, there is nothing wrong with a minor injury, and it will be healed in a few days." Li Zedao put on his clothes and said. Who knows if this woman can't help but ate herself with a beastly hair if she continues to be naked with her upper body naked?

In addition, I clearly felt that the wound on his shoulder was healing quickly, and it seemed that even when he came to God's Domain, that kind of self-healing ability that could be called against the sky still exists.

"But you may not be able to sleep in my arms in these two days." Li Zedao teased.

"Fuck, who wants to sleep in your arms?" Nangong Wan'er's pretty face flushed red, and she took a sip.

"You don't want to sleep in my arms?"

Nangong Wan'er twisted: "Ah...I don't want to, you disciple...well..."

Her mouth was severely blocked by Li Zedao's.

There have been many experiences before, so Nangong Wan'er quickly responded enthusiastically.

They didn't separate their lips until they were out of breath.

Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao with her eyes filled with water, thinking of something, her small face collapsed, and her lips pouted and said: "You are now a strong person in the spirit of the gods, does it mean you will soon Have you left the college?"

She can naturally drop out of school and leave school poorly, but she knows very clearly that her family does not allow her to do so.

More importantly, she wants to improve her strength as soon as possible. She can be weaker than Li Zedao, but not too weak.

"It's not necessarily." Li Zedao smiled, "Maybe I will become a teacher at Fuzhou Academy. When you see me, you should call me Master Li."

"That's right, after all, you are the **** of the dean and his old man, so you can naturally stay in the academy easily." Nangong Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief.

"But even if you become a teacher of Fuzhou Academy, I don't want to call you Master Li." Nangong Waner hummed.

"Why? Don't I look like a great teacher?" Li Zedao smiled.

"Oh, why are you so stupid? Calling you Master Li, but being with you again, that is...incest." Nangong play blushed and hummed.

"..." Li Zedao's expression was also slightly embarrassed. It seemed that he and Teacher Su did that kind of shame in her small office more than once, and the lock broke many times afterwards.

What a beast!

There was a knock on the door.

"It seems that somebody's'visiting' is here again." Nangong Wan'er curled her lips, her ambiguous time was ruined again, and she was naturally a little depressed.

Throughout the afternoon, several groups of people have been here, including the same group of freshmen and many old students. These people, without exception, under the banner of visiting patients, looked like how ironic they were with Li Zedao.

After all, Li Zedao has already stepped into the Spiritual God Realm, and to have a good relationship with a strong person in the Spiritual God Realm is naturally profitable and harmless.

In addition, a few girls have come together in a group to have spring. They took the opportunity to eat Li Zedao several times tofu, and Nangong Wan'er, who provoked aside, almost couldn't hold back and kicked these spring-hearted female students out.

Not only the students, but also several teachers from the Fuzhou Academy came, all of them were eager to ask for help, caring about them, and they also presented a lot of precious healing pills.

Especially Liu Qingfeng Liu Shi, that fat and greasy face kept smiling, and his mouth was always wide open without closing it all the way.

In addition, Nangong Wan'er also saw that before the two teachers of Wo Longshuang and Zhuge Zhuyun left, they blocked Liu Qingfeng in the corner of the courtyard and kicked them.

"I'll open the door." Nangong Wan'er's fragrant lips clicked on Li Zedao's lips again, and then got up and opened the door of the courtyard, only to see a haggard look standing there.

"It's you?" Nangong Wan'er was slightly shocked, very surprised. She really did not expect that the leader of the supervision team, Gong Yu Linglong, would also come. It's just that she came to curry favor or came to eat tofu?

"I'm looking for Li Zedao." Linglong nodded slightly and said straightforwardly.

Nangong Wan'er wanted to say that this is nonsense? What are you doing here if you are not looking for Li Zedao.

The next host greeted the guests and said, "Come in."

Public Yu Linglong nodded slightly, her face was slightly arrogant, and she didn't say much. This is not the courtyard of Nangong Wan'er, and she naturally wouldn't be polite to her.

Nangong Wan'er looked at her back and curled her lips slightly.

Beautiful women usually don't like beautiful women.

Not only is this handsome, but also terrifying in strength, she is not below her cousin, but also comes from the family that even the Nangong family can't compete with.

Such a woman, even if she doesn't say a word, no one can ignore her existence.

Moreover, the woman told Nangong Wan'er directly that this proud woman also had strange feelings for Li Zedao, but it didn't matter, after all, which of the powerful men in God's Domain had no three wives and four concubines?

The cousin has a marriage contract with him, so she is naturally the eldest wife, and she is the second wife. This woman wants to join, naturally ranks behind her, and she has to be polite to herself.

Thinking of this, Nangong Wan'er raised her face slightly, her expression calling her a smug.

"It turned out to be the leader of the public loss team." Seeing the public loss Linglong walk in, Li Zedao stood up to greet him.

The public loser looked at Li Zedao with extremely complicated eyes, then looked back at Nangong Wan'er and said, "I want to say a few words to Li Zedao alone."

It's not a discussion, it's more like an order, this matter is decided.

This is what she has always spoken out of, seeming domineering, proud, and domineering.

Nangong Wan'er's eyes stared slightly. What do you mean by this attitude? I'm not a member of the supervision team, let alone those boys who try to please you, even if they are beginners, they are behind me.

"Wan'er, come here as a guest, come and pour a cup of tea." Li Zedao said, looking at Nangong Wan'er with gentle eyes.

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