The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2085: Two elixirs

According to Shui Feiling, the reason why the fire scorpion accumulates feces here has played a defensive role.

The olfactory nerves of most powerful poisonous insects and beasts are extremely developed, and unlike humans, they basically don't know how to hold their breath. Once they smell such a foul smell, they can't stand it and run away.

The fire scorpion’s olfactory nerves are naturally quite developed, but after all, it’s your own shit, so it won’t be so disgusting. Besides, it’s natural to be so, and it’s a long time ago.

The inside is not as dim as Li Zedao imagined. Naturally, it is not the sunlight coming in, but there are many crystal blocks emitting a faint light on the surrounding mountain wall. This kind of crystal block is naturally a natural product of this cave. It is actually natural fluorite.

In the mortal domain, this kind of fluorite can be auctioned for a high price by a little processing, but in the **** domain, this kind of luminous stone can be seen everywhere, and no one deliberately mines it because it is not worth a few gold coins.

The position of the night pearl in the gods' realm is just like the position of the light bulb in the mortal realm. It is used for lighting, except that it is basically useless.

The cave is also wider and deeper than Li Zedao had imagined.

According to Shui Feiling’s previous description, the fire scorpion’s nest is divided into two areas. To put it bluntly, the front area is where they poop, which is the toilet. More accurately, this is the fire scorpion’s first line of defense.

The back area is where they live, and the fire pill is naturally in the back area.

Li Zedao forcibly resisted the urge to vomit, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, held his breath, and rushed towards the spacious passage in front of him.

The passage was longer than Li Zedao had imagined, and it was quite tortuous, and as it moved forward, the surrounding temperature became hotter and hotter.

Li Zedao knew that this kind of heat not only came from the kind of heat released from the fire scorpion, but also from the fire pill that the fire scorpion spit out.

As the name suggests, the fire pill is extremely hot and extremely hot, making it difficult for ordinary people to approach it, let alone take it away.

Therefore, in the blood tree forest, Shui Fei Ling would give Li Zedao that bag made from the extremely precious Tianshan ice silk, and with this bag, he could easily put the fire pill and take it away.

However, although the heat waves are rolling, the stench has also faded a lot. This makes Li Zedao feel much better, and he can breathe more freely.

Looking at the exit ahead, Li Zedao swallowed, took a deep breath, and walked quietly while feeling the surrounding movement vigilantly.

When he came to the exit, Li Zedao would naturally not rush out stupidly. Although fire scorpions are basically blind, their eyes play a decorative role, but what if the gene is mutated?

Although the blood of the blood bats concealed the smell on his body, what if there was a mistake?

So Li Zedao first stretched out half of his head cautiously, and quickly glanced at the spacious cave.

Then, the eyeballs went round, the scalp numb, and the small heart twitched violently.

However, there are dozens of small scorpions in the huge open space ahead. Some are crawling there like walking after a meal, some are curled up there as if sleeping, and most of the others are slowing down. The bite and swallow do not know what animal carcasses.

It is said to be a little scorpion, but its head is more than one meter high and two meters long, and the red poisonous needle on the tail is so eye-catching that Li Zedao's little heart is really trembling, secretly cursing Shui Fei Ling. Too not a human being, how could she let herself come to such a dangerous place?

If you have any shortcomings, the Academy will lose the best, most handsome, dazzling and most promising teacher in history. She will be the sinner of the Academy by then! Can she afford that kind of responsibility?

Finally, Li Zedao's gaze stayed at the center of the cave, and he couldn't move away.

I saw a big rock there, and on that big rock lay a big, weirdly red ball the size of a basketball!

"This is the Fire Scorpion's Inner Pill, Fire Yan Pill? So big?" Li Zedao couldn't believe what his eyes saw. No wonder the bag Shui Feiling threw to him was not small.

Looking back with great difficulty, Li Zedao swallowed, plucked up courage, and quietly entered the cave and appeared in front of the dozen fire scorpions.

Seeing these fire scorpions, he ignored him at all, as if he didn't exist. Li Zedao was slightly relieved, knowing that they had actually smelled blood bats, but they were accustomed to it, so he ignored them.

At the moment, Li Zedao quickly but lightly passed by the small fire scorpions and walked towards the big rock.

The closer he gets, the indescribable heat gets worse, and Li Zedao feels that his clothes are about to catch on fire when they start to smoke.

Approaching a short distance further, Li Zedao carefully took out the bag in his arms.

Next, just go over and put the bag on the flame pill, and take it away... It's naturally impossible to be that simple.

Once this fire pill is moved, it will inevitably alarm these dozen scorpions. Even if you are a blood bat, these little scorpions will convulsively fight with you.

Li Zedao didn't want to look down on himself, but he knew very well that his current cultivation level would only be tied with the defensive power and the abnormal speed of the little fire scorpions, but there are dozens of them, so they are really hands-on. Since it must be torn into pieces.

After a sudden change in his mind, Li Zedao swept around, and finally swept over half of the small fire scorpions that were slowly biting at the carcasses of unknown animals. He swallowed gently, but he felt his mouth dry. It's dry, and the throat is about to smoke, but the eyes are bright, full of conspiracy.

"Little fire scorpion, I'm sorry. If you want to blame you, I will blame Concubine Shui Ling. It was the fox who forced me." Li Zedao secretly muttered in his heart, then flicked his finger, and two prepared in advance One by one, Li Zedao accurately bounced the pills on the food beside the mouth of one of the small fire scorpions.

The small fire scorpion has a high degree of nearsightedness. Naturally, he does not know that the meat beside his mouth is too small for him. It is too small for him. He eats the meat in his mouth and swallows it into his stomach.

"It's done!" Li Zedao was happy, and continued to do the same, and bombed the two pill to the mouths of several other small fire scorpions that swallowed animal carcasses. The pill was naturally swallowed by them all at once. in the stomach.

Li Zedao's heart was slightly lifted, and he looked at these little fire scorpions with eyesight.

These two medicines were naturally the result of a lot of effort he spent in the medicine pavilion before, and he exploded the furnace several times before refining the powerful aspiration-love medicine and magical medicine.

It's just because of the rush of time, so there is no time to try out those annoying guys from the Eastern family, so Li Zedao actually doesn't know how effective the medicine is.

Now Li Zedao took it out. On the one hand, this little fire scorpion was a good object to test the efficacy of the medicine. On the other hand, if it could be achieved, it could easily be installed away.

If it fails, these two medicines will not affect Fire Scorpion, and Li Zedao will have no choice but to implement Plan B.

The so-called Plan B is naturally to install the flame pill at the fastest speed, then escape the cave with the fastest speed, and then escape with the fastest speed.

As for how to block these fire scorpions, that's Shui Feiling's business.

And this plan B was actually Shui Feiling's plan. Shui Feiling only asked Li Zedao to successfully take the Fire Pill out of the Lair of Fire Scorpion, and then leave it to her to retreat.

Of course, if you can't take it away, it's important to give up the fire pill and save your life.

Just after Li Zedao moved out the Jade Emperor Tathagata Buddha, Lord **** and everything in his heart, the small fire scorpions that had swallowed the two kinds of pills unexpectedly shook their bodies one after another, and then their tails tightened, even more so. There was a burst of sharp screams, which seemed so excited.

Looking at their bodies, they were extremely red, as if there was a fire in their bodies about to burst.

Li Zedao's tinnitus was irritated by those sounds, but his eyes were full of ecstasy.

It worked! As for whether the magical pill and the strong spring-medicine worked or only one of the pill worked...just leave it!

But looking at this situation, at least the Super Aphrodisiac Pill has worked.

While breathing, the small fire scorpions that swallowed the pill quickly rushed toward the other small scorpions that were either resting or walking.

Immediately afterwards, there was an extremely stern and sharp voice, suddenly speaking, the whole scene was so tragic.

Li Zedao was dumbfounded, sucked in cold air, and watched the scene before him with a huge wave in his heart.

"It's terrible, it's such a beast, even my own brothers and sisters are not let go... Ma Dan, why do those who are under the body seem to enjoy it?"

Li Zedao's little heart trembled and felt that he was too powerful and excellent. He couldn't help but quietly clicked on more than 30 likes in his heart, and he got a dozen fire scorpions in his fingers. The best teacher of Zhou Academy.

After being narcissistic, he hurriedly opened the bag, without a word, caught the extremely hot flame pill, then took it off the stone, squeezed the mouth of the bag, turned and rushed to the outside of the passage.

Most of the small fire scorpions in the cave were poisoned. At this time, they were very excited, and even fell into a certain hallucination, so I didn't know that the extremely important Fire Pill had been taken away.

The few awake ones were suppressed by the unconscious ones, so even if they noticed it, they couldn't break free from the entanglement of their companions for a while, they could only make extremely angry and sharp voices.

Hearing such an angry scream from behind him, Li Zedao had a numb scalp and a guilty conscience. After all, what he said, this was stealing.

Unexpectedly, after the person who usually hates petty theft the most, he did this kind of deed after he came to this realm.

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