At this moment, the eyes of Concubine Shui Ling were slightly rounded, and she suddenly discovered that there was a cave with a hole as high as half a person in front of the big tree stubbornly growing on the cliff.

Being in this big tree, this cave is naturally extremely conspicuous, and the line of sight is unobstructed, but just eager to escape, so I really didn't notice it for a while.

However, the entrance of the cave was covered with spider silk, and the inside was even more pitch-black. With the eyes of Concubine Shui, she couldn't see the situation inside the cave, but she could feel that bursts of cool aura was being released from the entrance of the cave.

Concubine Shui Ling's face was already full of dumbness, because there was a first-level defense soul formation at the entrance of the cave!

That's why she didn't know what was going on in the cave, why this shady breath was so unusual.

And arranging such a defensive soul formation, this is a method only the soul craftsman has! It is conceivable that there was a soulsmith who lived in this cave for some reason, and set up such a defensive soul formation to resist foreign enemies.

Although Shui Fei Ling is not a soul crafter, or even an alchemist, she is knowledgeable and naturally sees some clues.

If the soulsmith wants to subdivide, it can actually be subdivided into two branches. One branch is good at using the soul to refine pills, and the other branch is good at using the soul refiner, such as the jade card that students of the college do not have. Refined by the Soulsmith.

But whether you use soul refinement or refining tools, you must first refine the soul-melting pill before you can incorporate the soul into the pill or the appliance, and the soul-melting pill is a nine-tier pill, only nine-tier pill. The alchemy master has the kind of strength to refine it.

Therefore, no matter which part it is, it is a master of alchemy, but it is better or more interested in that aspect.

But there is no doubt that using the soul refiner is more difficult than the alchemy.

And this defensive soul array can be regarded as an invisible defensive weapon. The defense is extremely powerful, just like an invisible spring. If there is no way to completely destroy its elasticity in one blow, it will encounter a strong rebound.

"Hiss..." The terrifying roar hit, causing the entire valley to hum, and the big tree was even affected by the terrifying breath, shaking violently, and the leaves fell one after another.

At the speed of the fire scorpion, it only takes a few breaths before it can climb to the big tree.

Concubine Shui Ling was unmoved, she stared at the cave, her eyes revealed unprecedented surprises.

She didn't know how to set up an array, but under the guidance of an expert, she was familiar with how to pass the defensive soul formation without completely destroying the defensive soul formation.

Of course, it was limited to this most basic first-level defensive soul formation, and she couldn't pass the second-level or higher defensive soul formation.

In the next second, her skin was already red, and her hands picked up Li Zedao. With a little toe, she reached the entrance of the hole with a jump in her figure.

The jade hand stretched out, the red and blue cyclones flickered, and he realized that there was a ghastly aura blocking him, but he couldn't move forward.

Because the body was about to catch fire, the coldness made Shui Feiling feel more comfortable, and she couldn't help groaning.

"Sure enough, the eye is here!" The corner of Shui Concubine's mouth was slightly tilted up with an inexplicable range, and she shook her bare hand as if she was holding something.

Each defensive soul formation has its own formation eye, and the formation eye is also the weakest point of the defensive soul formation. You only need to find the formation eye, and control the formation eye, and you can pass the defense safely.

Of course, this is for the basic first-level defensive soul formation. The second-level and above defensive soul formations will become extremely complicated, and the formation eyes are also very well hidden. It is not something you can find if you want, even the formation eyes. Will also become strong, not in the weak link.

Without hesitation, Shui Feiling threw Li Zedao, who was holding her other hand, into the cave like a bag of rubbish, and then she got into the cave in a flash.

With a loose hand, let go of the invisible but real existence of the formation eye, the first-level defensive soul formation continued to play its defensive role.


The fire scorpion, which had already climbed near the cave, made an extremely irritable and angry sound, and swept the big tree directly into shards with a heavy flick of its tail.

The huge body climbed on the cliff, the blood basin and the big mouth leaned toward the opening of the hole that was too small for it, and continued to scream with rage, but couldn't get in.

The fire scorpion was even more violent. He clearly smelled that the **** fox and the beloved flame pill were in this small hole, but there was no way to enter it. This really made it feel awkward and wanted to spit out an old mouth. Blood out.

At the moment it continued to climb upwards for a short distance, and then its tail, which was wrapped in circles of terrifying red cyclones, swept toward the entrance of the cave!

Since there is no way to get in, then smash the mountain wall and tear down the cave!

"Boom!" A deafening voice sounded.

Looking at the entrance of the cave, it was unharmed, let alone collapsed suddenly, not even a small stone fell down, since the first-level defensive soul formation has worked, it has produced a huge rebound force.

In other words, the violent blow of Fire Scorpion was actually a heavy blow to himself!

This is the horror of the defense soul formation!

This is still a first-level defensive soul formation, if it is a second-level or higher defensive soul formation, the rebound force produced will be double, triple, several times!


The fire scorpion made a terrible cry, and the huge body was bounced off for several feet under this terrifying blow, and then the body began to free fall.

After a few breaths, only a muffled sound of "bang!" was heard, and the fire scorpion slammed heavily on the ground, smashing a large hole directly on the ground, continuing to scream in extreme pain, and the tail could no longer lift up. , But stood there weakly, and it was obvious to the naked eye that there were cracks on the tail, and the fiery red poisonous needle on the tail was broken!

Before the cave, Concubine Shui Ling, who poked her head and glanced at the fire scorpion below, heaved a sigh of relief, gloating with misfortunes on her face, and she was really uncomfortable in her heart.

Damn fire scorpion! Deserve it!

There is even more lingering fear, and the secret path is lucky. If it weren't for this cave, there would be a first-level defensive soul formation at the entrance of the cave. I learned from the old man how to find the most basic defensive soul formation. Returned, who even knows if Fire Scorpion will continue to pursue her and little brother after returning the Fire Pill?

In Shui Feiling's eyes, the fire scorpion is naturally a female, and the female usually likes to care about everything, so it is very likely that she will continue to pursue it!

Immediately after the chest was stuffy, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he quickly sat down cross-legged to transport the aura in the gas, intending to force the inflammation out of the body.

For a person like Shui Fei Ling who is inflamed, the cave with such a heavy Yin Qi is an excellent healing holy place, and there is no need to move a wooden bucket and a lot of ice.

After thinking about it, Shui Feiling got up with difficulty, glanced at Li Zedao who was still in a coma, and then undressed.

If you don't take off your clothes, I'm afraid the clothes will burn out again. What should I do? You can't pick a few leaves to block your beautiful body, right?

Or is it naked in front of the little brother? He wants to be beautiful!

Soon, an extremely graceful body was exposed naked in the air, but the skin was not as white and silky as milk as it used to be, and all the skin under the body was red, and it was visible to the naked eye. The heat is constantly released from the crevices of the skin.

"Damn little brother!" Shui Feiling swore with a glance at Li Zedao.

Sitting cross-legged, Shui Feiling exhaled deeply, without any distracting thoughts in her heart, her eyes slowly closed, and she began to heal the poison.


Li Zedao opened his eyes and saw the sky that looked a little gloomy, and the voice of birds chirping in his ears.

"Where is this? God Realm or Mortal Realm?" Li Zedao's eyes blinked.

A little bird flew overhead.

"Puff!" A puff of bird droppings fell from the sky, as if it had been thrown from a fighter jet, it hit Li Zedao's face.

"Fuck!" Li Zedao was taken aback, a carp straightened up, avoiding the attack of the bird dung, and then glanced around with doubts in his eyes.

But it was found that the surrounding mountains were beautiful and quiet.

The trees, the flowers, the grasshoppers in the grass, the bees on the flowers, the chirping birds on the branches...How familiar is this?

This is mortal domain!

"Yes, this is Mortal Realm, not God Realm!" Li Zedao was sure again in his heart.

The trees in God’s Domain are not so short, the birds in God’s Domain are not so small, the sky in God’s Domain is not so blue, and the air in God’s Domain is not so bad...

"I'm back? I'm back?" Li Zedao was dumbfounded for several minutes, and then his face was full of ecstasy, and then there was tears streaming down his face, and he burst into tears, covering his face, "Woo..." Crying and laughing, the whole person looks like a lunatic.

Then I thought of Nangong Wan'er again, and her heart trembled a few times, painful, and her face full of melancholy.

I just came back, what would Wan'er do? With her temperament not to be sad? Do you even do something extreme?

After all, I still failed the beauty!

I had known for a long time that I would work hard to protect my icy body from Nangong Wan'er having any chance.

"Pop!" Li Zedao suddenly slapped himself like crazy.

"Beast!" he cursed.

"Your kid... are you okay?" An extremely shocked voice came from behind him.

Li Zedao was taken aback by the movement, but when he looked back, he saw an old man with a dark complexion, messy hair and a dirty gray coat, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Yanhuang?" Li Zedao's eyes widened with tears. He really didn't expect that the first person he saw after returning from God's Domain was the old man who was once called the patron saint of China.

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