The situation in Guzhong was not much different from when he left a few days ago, but the body of the Ice Spirit Ape King was gone, leaving only a gloomy bone.

"This was eaten by the red fire ants." Li Zedao's heart trembled and swallowed and whispered.

Thinking of the dense red fire ants that I saw by the stream before, Li Zedao felt his scalp numb, and he was alert to the movement of the skeleton.

The red fire ants used to build nests under the civet's skeleton after they were full. Who knows if they will do something like that again?

He is not a Concubine Shui Ling, he is a man without a tail on his butt, and he doesn't have the scent that can deter the red fire ants.

So be careful.

"It is indeed a masterpiece of RIFA." Linglong's expression paled. There are too many poisonous insects and beasts in this huge God's Realm, even those who are strong in the Spirit God Realm cannot provoke them.

Fortunately, although these poisonous insects and beasts are terrifying in strength, they basically don’t have any intelligence. They guard their one-acre three-point land and are not too aggressive. Just don’t provoke them. Otherwise, I’m afraid this God’s realm will be early. It is their world.

"But looking at this situation, the red fire ant seems to have already left." Public Yu Linglong said again.

"Not necessarily." Li Zedao shook his head, pointed to the skeleton of the Ice Spirit Ape King, his eyes were solemn, and said: "I met once before. After they were full, they built nests and rested directly under the skeleton. I tried to test. Now, you are ready to withdraw to the creek."

The public transport Linglong nodded her head tightly, staring at the skeleton, once the situation was not right, she would immediately evacuate.


The long sword was out of its sheath, and Li Zedao sharply slashed the white skeleton of the Ice Spirit Ape King.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the gloomy white skeleton split in an instant, and a crack was cut into the ground by Li Zedao's sword.

At the same time, Li Zedao was also ready to withdraw before talking.

After a few breaths, no RIFA appeared. Li Zedao was slightly relieved. It seemed that the RIFA had indeed left.

"Let's go, I saw the inscribed stone there before." The long sword was sheathed, and Li Zedao pointed to the stone in front of the stone platform.

Although there were no red fire ants, he still remained vigilant in his heart. No one knew whether there were any powerful poisonous insects and beasts hidden around them.

"Let's take a look." Gong Yu Linglong clenched the crossbow in her hand and nodded gently.

When I came to the front, I saw that the stone was half a person high, covered with moss, and there was a strong smell around it. Obviously, the ice spirit ape often peeed around here.

Linglong tried hard to resist the odor and glanced at the stone, and immediately her pupils dilated, her expression constantly changing.

After a while, she raised her head and looked at Li Zedao's eyes as if she was looking at a monster: "You are such a monster, with such thick moss, you can still notice these words that are almost completely covered by moss. ."

Li Zedao smiled and said: "Your musket was thrown under this stone before, and I accidentally saw it when I took it back."

"Judging from the moss on this stone, it was left a long time ago, and it must have been someone mischievous." Gong Yu Linglong looked around with a look of regret in her eyes.

"It's just that, although this is one of the ten most fierce lands in God's Domain, it is not a place where people are indifferent. From time to time, our academy will have strong people entering here to find treasures of the material and land. Strong people from other forces will also from time to time. Will enter this mountain range. In addition, this is a place where poisonous insects and beasts are infested, so even if this senior Baili Jianyu is really immortal here, his body and the golden pupil he left behind may have been taken away long ago. It was destroyed."

"Not necessarily." Li Zedao did not agree with Linglong's point of view.

Linglong quickly asked, "What did you find?"

Li Zedao pointed to the moss-covered stone and said, "Look at this stone. It says, "Old man Baili Jianyu, who died here today. He left a pair of golden pupils and gave them to someone who is destined. Hopefully, after getting this pupil, , Revenge for the old man...It is conceivable that this senior Baili Jianyu should have been chased and killed by a strong man before he escaped to this mountain range."

"What then?" Linglong didn't understand what Li Zedao wanted to express.

"In the case of being seriously injured and being hunted down, what does it mean to leave these few lines with such a deep character?"

"Explanation... he successfully avoided the pursuit?" The public loser groaned and his eyes lit up.

"That's right. From these few lines, it is not difficult for us to guess that the senior Baili Jianyu successfully escaped the pursuit, and knows that the pursuit is approaching. It is impossible to leave alive, so we have to accept it. The fact that he is about to die, and engrave these lines on this stone."

Linglong looked at Li Zedao with bubbling eyes, feeling that what he had analyzed was too reasonable.

"So I think there should be a hidden cave somewhere in this valley. This old man should be hiding in that hidden cave, and then he managed to escape the hunt. And this stone is naturally around the mouth of the hidden cave. And it should have been moved here by the ice spirit ape unintentionally not long ago."

Linglong's eyes widened, her face was shocked, and she couldn't help asking: "How do you see this?"

Dao Li Ze stretched his hand, pushed the stone away, pointed to the ground and said: "Look at the ground that is pressed by the stone, the color of the humidity is not much different from that of the surroundings. This shows that the stone is It was moved over not long ago."

"In addition, you are looking around this stone platform. There are many such stones, so they should be moved here to use as chairs. Those high-status ice apes sit around this stone platform and watch... oh , The one who listened to the Ice Spirit Ape King...oh, command."

Li Zedao's expression was slightly weird, he didn't dare to say that these ice spirit apes were sitting here to see how their king tossed their queen...the queen was naturally defeated.

When Li Zedao dived into the valley that day, he saw several ice spirit apes sitting on a stone in front of the stone platform. These ice spirit apes were the most powerful in this group except the ice spirit ape king.

Linglong glanced at the ground, then swept around again, the situation seemed to be exactly what Li Zedao said.

I even remembered that when she was injured by the ice spirit ape and lay there motionless, her desperate and painful eyes seemed to see the ice spirit ape moving one stone after another around the stone platform...

When Linglong thought of the public defeat, her face became pale and ugly, and her body trembled.

"Damn Ice Spirit Ape!" She gritted her teeth bitterly and cursed inwardly, really wishing to draw her sword and cut the skeleton of the Ice Spirit Ape King into pieces.

Looking up at Li Zedao, the hatred in his eyes disappeared, full of love and worship.

It's really a monster, with such a terrifying ability to observe and analyze, coupled with that terrifying talent for cultivation and insight, it is no wonder that such a woman with such a high vision has followed his way.

Public defeat Linglong can be regarded as understand, the matter between men and women is actually very simple, men like beautiful women, women like the strong... the handsome and the strong must make your heart beat.

The reason why I looked down on the men around me before was because they were too weak, and those with strong cultivation bases were too ugly.

The cultivation base is strong and handsome, but he can't bear any emotions between men and women.

"And if it was you, after you found the golden pupil, would you destroy the words on this stone?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

Public defender Linglong bit her lip and thought, then nodded.

This is a very instinctive behavior of people. After finding a treasure, he doesn't want others to find such a place, even though the treasure in that place has been taken away.

"So, I think that senior's body should be in a hidden place in this valley, naturally including the golden pupil he left in this world." Li Zedao said his own views.

"Then let's hurry up and find the hidden cave now. The valley is not small, and it takes a lot of time to find the hidden cave." Linglong suddenly became excited.

As the owner of the colorful pupil, he is naturally interested in the golden pupil, which is more famous than the colorful pupil, just as the swordsmith likes to taste all kinds of peerless blades.

Therefore, she couldn't wait to see what the famous golden pupil looked like. I also secretly prayed in my heart that Li Zedao would have this chance to successfully find the golden pupil, and succeed in choosing the master of the bloodline to become the owner of the golden pupil.

"You don't need to find it separately." Li Zedao said, shaking his head.

"Afraid of danger?" Linglong thought about public loss. After all, this is a fierce place. If the two are together, there is no need to take care of any danger.

"Danger is one of the reasons." Li Ze pointed to the stone and said, "Look carefully at the moss on this stone."

"What's wrong with this moss?" Linglong glanced at the stone with wide eyes, but found nothing suspicious. You know, there are hundreds of large and small rocks in this valley, almost every stone has moss on it. ,nothing special.

"The color and size of the moss will be slightly different depending on the sunlight and humidity." Li Zedao said, "Do you think the color of the moss on this stone is darker than the color of the moss on the surrounding rocks? "

"You mean, we only need to look for the area where the color of the moss is similar to the color of the moss on this stone?" The Gonglu Linglong suddenly realized.

This **** even knows such things?

"That's the case." Li Zedao said, "This moss can also prove once again that this stone was moved to this place only recently. Therefore, the original place is naturally different from the surrounding ground and was pressed by the stone for a long time. Therefore, we don’t need to search all over the valley at all, just find the trace.

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