"Pay attention to safety." Linglong asked again, with worry in her eyes.

"Yes." Li Zedao smiled, released Linglong's waist, turned and walked to the water pool.

First, he paid attention to the surrounding movement, then took a deep breath, leaped forward, and plunged into the pool.

"Puff!" The water splashed and Li Zedao also lost track.

The exquisite eyes of the public star stared at the surface of the water in a daze, and those eyes showed the color of nympho.

"This **** **** can be so handsome when he jumps into the water. In the future, there will be no more women who will be confused by him?" The public loser returned to her senses, and muttered a little depressed.

Although a powerful man is accompanied by a few confidantes, it is normal. For example, her father has seven wives and her brothers and sisters have as many as 20.

Only by spreading branches and leaves in this way can it be ensured that the public loser family will continue to multiply from generation to generation, continue to prosper, and stand in the realm of God.

In the same way, powerful women are also followed by several male pets, such as the terrifying poisonous snake that occupies the deepest part of the Gen tribe in the desert known as one of the ten most fierce land in God’s Domain. A male pet, these male pets are all first-class beautiful men without exception.

If Li Zedao wants to be the maker of rules, he can't rely on the strength of one person alone, and there must be a powerful force behind him to support him.

Of course, if he could break through the spirit mirror and enter the legendary spirit world with one stroke, it would be a different story.

At that time, he himself represented an absolute power to destroy the heavens and the earth, and any forces in God's Domain had to surrender themselves.

Throwing all the messy thoughts out of his mind, the public loser bit his lip, and quickly left the valley that gave her nightmare memories and returned to the back of the goshawk.


cold! As if bitingly cold!

The moment Li Zedao’s head plunged into the pool, he felt that his scalp was about to explode, as if there were tens of thousands of silver needles made of ice piercing his head at that moment. Like.

The body was cut like a knife, being slowed by the ice skate.

Had it not been for the aura body protection, the body would have frozen into a popsicle.

The pool is even more pitch black, even if Li Zedao's eyes are clear and he can see things in the dark, he can't see far away at all.

"What the **** is this place? How does this water feel seriously polluted?" Li Zedao's little heart trembled slightly, and he was extremely vigilant.

It stands to reason that this valley is not out of the sun, but it is so dark in the partial water, which is a bit strange.

In addition, the water is abnormally cold, and the coldness of the ice water is really insignificant compared to this kind of coldness.

This reminded Li Zedao of Ghost Maru, and it seemed that Ghost Maru made with ghosts released this abnormal cold.

and so……

Li Zedao's little heart trembled even more severely. The reason why this pool is so gloomy and dark is because there are so many ghosts in the water...

Li Zedao's little heart trembled a few times, and he didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

The more you dive, the more dangerous you are, and if the previous inference is correct, then the Baili Jianyu sneaked into the bottom of this water pool to avoid chasing after being injured, and then left the water pool there. After the word was carved on the stone, he dived into the pool again, until his life was exhausted.

With Li Zedao's cultivation base, he thought that he couldn't dive too deep into this cold water, let alone the person who was seriously injured.

Therefore, the reasonable explanation is that there should be a passage leading to another unknown place on the surrounding Tan wall.

Therefore, Li Zedao would naturally not just dive into the bottom of the pool so stupidly, but after trying hard to adapt to the biting cold, he focused on the surrounding pool wall.

Sure enough, the result was exactly as Li Zedao had expected. At a distance of only five or six meters from the water, Li Zedao finally found a dark hole with an unknown depth.

"It should be here." Li Zedao was delighted and rushed to get close to the circular hole about one meter in diameter.

Judging from the traces around the entrance of the cave, Li Zedao discovered that the entrance did not seem to be formed naturally, but was excavated by someone the day after tomorrow.

As for who made the excavation, this is not a question that Li Zedao should be concerned about now.

"Can't you get in?" Li Zedao hesitated after the joy.

To put it bluntly, facing this, looking inside, I can’t see clearly and don’t know the depth, and I don’t know what dangerous hole is hidden in it. Even if the Yigao people are courageous, they still feel a little hairy.

Compared to improving his cultivation base, his life is undoubtedly more important than becoming the rule maker of God's Domain.

My life is gone, why are you talking about becoming the creator of the rules of God's Domain?

But if the golden pupil is inside, and he can really obtain the heaven-defying power of the golden pupil through the bloodline selection, will it be too stupid to shrink now?

More importantly, if you don't quickly improve your cultivation and learn one more life-saving skill, will you be beaten into a dead dog in the eyes of everyone in the exchange with Yingzhou College that day after ten days? After that, the image of the altar was completely destroyed? There are no girls sending love letters to themselves, even they come to the door to plan to return the love letters they sent before...

Even, will it be "manslaughtered"?

After all, according to Shui Feiling's statement, this so-called exchange may be an endless situation.

Li Zedao's body trembled, he would never allow this to happen!

Li Zedao clenched his fists slightly, the hesitation and retreat in his eyes turned into determination, this handsome guy really has to enter this hole today! Even if there is a dragon python living at the end of the cave... Forget it, let's run away.

I was cheering for myself in my heart, moving the body that was almost frozen, and slammed into this small hole.

The inside of the small hole was completely dark. Even if Li Zedao could see in the dark, he had almost become blind at this time.

In addition to the fact that the small hole is not too wide, Li Zedao was also worried that there would be any poisonous insects and beasts suddenly appearing, so he was also ready to retreat at any time, so the speed of moving forward can be said to be extremely slow.

After swimming forward about several tens of meters, Li Zedao's eyes suddenly brightened, and there was an expression of excitement in his eyes.

Because he saw the light, very dim light!

The light was like the only firefly in the dark night, like the only beacon on the vast sea that pointed the way.

It's not bright, but it is eye-catching enough to give people unlimited hope.

At the moment, Li Zedao continued to be alert to the surrounding movement while speeding up his forward swimming.

After a few breaths, Li Zedao smoothly drilled out of this dark passage, scanned the surroundings for a few times, but found that there were stone walls all around. It is conceivable that he had already arrived in another pool with a much smaller area. .

The water in the pool was still cold to the bones, but it did not appear so dim as the last pool. It was possible to clearly see the surrounding stone walls and the light above the head, and the light still seemed to be green.


Li Zedao’s head got out of the water almost silently, and after taking a few breaths of air, he took a little look at the surrounding situation, only to find that he was in a cave with a small area. The place he is now in is not so much a pool as a large sink less than two meters in diameter.

It's just that this big sink and the previous water pool are connected to each other through the passage that he drilled through, which is like a "U"-shaped two ends, drilled in from this end, and out of the other end.

As for the bright light projected on the water, it came from the natural fluorescent stones embedded in the rock wall of the cave, emitting a faint turquoise glow.

The whole cave seemed so quiet, as if there were no living things.

Soon, Li Zedao's gaze was attracted by the dead bone in the corner of the cave.

"This is the body of Baili Jianyu?"

Li Zedao crawled out of the sink while muttering secretly, and came to the heel of the withered bone.

According to Gong Yu Linglong, the pupils of the fully awakened pupils will not rot after death, but will become two pupils. As for the location of the pupils, if nothing unexpected happens, they are located in the eye sockets. .

As for the size of the pupil, it is no different from that of the eyeball. It is as thin as a cicada's wing, and as transparent as ice crystals. Its texture is the same as that of a baby's skin, soft and elastic.

According to Li Zedao's understanding, the pupil should look similar to the contact lens.

Li Zedao's eyes met the skull and crossbones eyes, cleared his throat, and muttered a little embarrassingly: "Senior, I am the destined person. I will take away what you left behind according to your last words. The golden pupil is here."

Li Zedao's face was reverent and pious, and he bowed and bowed again, before reaching out and picking up the skull.

If the pupil is in the eye socket, you can find it all at once.


Maybe Li Zedao tried too hard, or the skull just made a balance. In short, when Li Zedao picked up the skull, the remaining dry bones fell apart, and the resulting sound seemed so harsh in this small and quiet space. .

"Uh... I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Li Ze twitched at the corner of his mouth, and muttered to himself rather embarrassedly, "I will take the senior out of this place for a while, so that you can enter the soil for safety."

But the eyes were quite embarrassed to check the skull.

Look left and look again, look up and look down, shaking and shaking.

Li Zedao frowned. He didn't notice anything unusual in the skull. In other words, there was no pupil in the skull!

Li Zedao didn't give up, he checked the skull and crossbones carefully, and even his fingers were inserted from the dark eye sockets, and he still found nothing.

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