As for whether the body will produce a breath of heaven after enlightenment, will the identity be discovered or not? Li Zedao can no longer control that much. Anyway, he now wants to die immediately, so how can he worry about his identity being discovered?

At the moment, Li Zedao tried his best to bring up the contents of "The Scroll of Secrets" in his mind. Then, he felt that the indescribable pain suddenly eased a lot, and then the long-lost feeling appeared, and his mind began to Chaos, the eyelids also began to heavier, breathing became stable.

"Ze Dao..."

The exquisite expression on the public transport is extremely painful, tears are like rain, and the heart is like a knife.

She wanted to hug this extremely painful man in her arms for some comfort, but she was worried that once she touched him, she would only cause him more pain.

But at this moment, the rough and suppressed moan disappeared in my ears.

Linglong's heart suddenly slammed, and his head roared violently. Could that kind of indescribable pain just take his life?

"Li Zedao..." Linglong's stare rounded at once, her eyes showed extreme horror, and the sound she made seemed so heartbreaking.

Immediately, her body took a short halt, and the expression on her face completely solidified.

She thought Li Zedao died of excessive pain, but the situation seemed to be completely different from what she thought.

"This is... fell asleep?" The muscles on Linglong's face twitched violently, her mind roared violently, and an unprecedented huge wave was set off in her heart, and she couldn't believe what her eyes saw.

Although she has not experienced the kind of pain caused by the choice of the master by blood, she heard from her family that the kind of pain is no less than the punishment of the soul nail, and the soul nail punishment is hailed as the most terrifying punishment in the gods , Even if the mind and cultivation base are strong, they can't bear the pain that life is worse than death.

But Li Zedao fell asleep under such terrifying pain!

He actually fell asleep! Yes, it was not painful, but fell asleep, and looking at his expression, it seemed that he slept very sweetly.

Linglong couldn't find any words to describe her mood at this moment.

She felt that this scene was too weird, too unimaginable, and completely beyond her cognition.


At this moment, Li Zedao even snored. The snoring sound appeared so harsh in this small and quiet cave. What was even more exaggerated was that a trace of liquid came out from the corner of his mouth.

"Uh..." Linglong was dumbfounded by the public loser, her eyes were almost jumping out of her eyes, and she couldn't find any words to describe her mood at this moment.

"Change... abnormal!" After being dumbfounded for a while, Linglong couldn't help but cursed.

But it’s good to fall asleep, so you don’t have to suffer that kind of pain.

At the moment, Linglong sat down in front of Li Zedao and looked at Li Zedao's face with a mad look, his face full of admiration, and a flower appeared in his eyes.

The man I like is really not a mortal. I am afraid it will not be difficult to become the maker of the rules of the mortal domain in the future?

In the sink, the little tortoise floated there quietly, and the round turtle eyes were full of moving colors.

Heavenly breath?

This kid actually realized the aura of heaven?

Could it be that he is not only the blood of Nuwa, but also the person in the prophecy?

After an hour, Li Zedao slowly opened his eyes.

"you're awake?"

The extremely happy voice of Gongzu Linglong heard in his ears, and the little face of Gongzu Linglong appeared in his sight.

"How do you feel now?" Linglong asked in a hurry.

Li Zedao smiled, stood up, stretched his waist, only feeling extremely comfortable all over, without any discomfort.

"Don't worry, I'm fine... As long as Sister Long'er doesn't laugh at me, I'll be fine." Li Zedao blinked his eyes and grinned, showing neat white teeth.

Moreover, you can clearly see that in the blink of an eye, there is a mysterious golden light in his eyes.

Linglong was obsessed and dizzy, and her heart beat faster. Damn bastard, wouldn't his eyes be more charming in this way? I don't know how many maidens who are pregnant again.

"Get out!" Li Zedao's exquisite eyes turned watery, "I'm almost distressed! But you are so perverted that you can fall asleep."

"This...I think it's painful and dizzy?" Li Zedao scratched his head. It was inconvenient to let the public lose Linglong know about the "Tianji Scroll".

Speaking of Li Zedao, he walked to the sink, took up the cold water and washed his face, his spirit was even more shocked, and he felt unspeakable comfort all over his body.

Linglong knew that Li Zedao was hiding something again. After all, it was impossible to dizzy in that situation. Even if it really hurts, she would wake up immediately.

But since Li Zedao didn't want to say more, he didn't want to ask more, anyway, this **** had enough things to hide.

He handed the shampoo in his arms and let Li Zedao wipe down his face, watching Li Zedao's eyes with big eyes, and said: "You have successfully chosen the master of the bloodline. From now on, you have a pair of golden pupils and have already awakened. As for the awakening level, I will I don’t know, in addition, how to use this pupil technique and the power of this pupil technique is up to you to explore."

"Anyway, when I use the colorful pupil technique, I only need to think about it. The same is pupil technique, and the golden pupil is probably the same." Gong Yu Linglong said again.

Li Zedao nodded: "Go back and explore slowly."

In addition, I felt the spiritual energy in my body, and I only felt that the cultivation base seemed to have improved a little. Of course, there was still not a short distance from the middle-grade cultivation base of the spirit **** realm, and it was impossible to break through in a short time.

As for the golden pupil, Li Zedao really didn't know how powerful this pupil technique was, or that he didn't know how to use it at all.

Although Linglong said that it was enough for a public loss, Li Zedao tried his mind several times, but he didn't feel any special feelings.

This is equivalent to having money but not knowing how to spend it, which is a bit embarrassing.

Seeing her face full of admiration, Li Zedao couldn't hold her with watery eyes. Li Zedao stretched his hand over and put her arms around her little waist. He said apologetically: "Sister Long'er, I worried you. ."

"Asshole, why are you worried or not? You can do nothing." The public loser's small face was tightly pressed against Li Zedao's chest, and his pretty face was full of self-blame. "I think I'm too useless. I can't help, it's holding you back."

At this moment, Linglong, who has always been extremely proud of public defeat, felt that she was too inferior. Whether she was fighting against Mo Tianya or just suffering the indescribable pain caused by the choice of bloodline, she could only be a spectator and could not help.


Li Zedao's hands heavily patted the exquisite buttocks of the public loser.

"Deng's disciple, what are you doing?" Gong Yu Linglong's body seemed to be numb, and her pretty face was already flushed. This bastard, it's not that he doesn't know that place is his sensitive point. If he shoots like this, he will be emotional.

"You don't need to emphasize the hard facts of dragging your legs back, do you?" Li Ze said with a smile.

"...Go to hell!" Linglong's cheeks bulged, trying to bite.

"As for you can't help...Who said you can't help me for anything? You can..." Li Zedao's lips pressed to the ear of the public defender Linglong, and he whispered.

"Asshole! Deng's apprentice!" Gong Yu Linglong's body was numb, her pretty face was flushed, and her eyes were full of shyness.

The **** disciple didn't even look at what this place was, and even made such an excessive request. Why do you like such a disciple? Partially, I like it tightly.

But when I remembered that when Fang's bloodline chose the master, Li Zedao had such pupils, but he was so distressed. At the moment, the water filled Li Zedao's eyes and gave Li Zedao a sharp look. Then he stood on his toes and took the initiative to send his fragrance lips to Li Zedao's mouth. Down.

Jiao Jiao said: "Is this the head office?"

"It's a idiot if you say it's OK." Li Zedao smiled, domineeringly blocked the mouth of the public loser.

Linglong did not resist, but responded enthusiastically.

The quiet cave, the mysterious glow of green, the men and women who embraced and kissed, oh, and a little turtle who didn’t know what appeared there...Oh, that little tortoise still used its paws in a serious way Blocking his big round eyes, a look that was severely irritated, this picture is undoubtedly a bit strange.

"Cough...cough cough..." The little tortoise couldn't stand it anymore and coughed violently.

Young people today are too shameless, right? There was a lot of people in the public, and even in broad daylight, he did such a shameless and vulgar thing. The little tortoise felt that his tortoise's face was red, and his tortoise's eyes were seriously injured.

Like two scared rabbits, Li Zedao quickly separated from the public loser Linglong.

Even subconsciously, Linglong drew out a long sword to prepare for the past, intending to give a fatal blow to those who came.

But when I saw the little tortoise floating there and coughing in an old fashioned manner, the public transporter's exquisite body stood there abruptly, and his eyes widened suddenly.


This is the little tortoise mentioned by the disciple before?

Public loser, eyes gleaming, so cute little tortoise, catch it back as a pet?

Immediately, she quickly dispelled this crazy idea. After all, according to Li Zedao, this tortoise was refined, and even its strength might not be lower than the powerhouse in the spiritual fairyland.

The little turtle glanced at the long sword in Linglong's hand with disdain, and Linglong hurriedly retracted the sword, looking somewhat embarrassed.

"Master Turtle..." Li Zedao said in a respectful greeting. But when the name was called, the body still paused, extremely uncomfortable.

"Turtle...Turtle Lord..." Seeing this, Linglong also made a nice greeting. Similarly, the body paused and was extremely uncomfortable.

It was the first time that she was so kind to a "pet".

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