Shouldn’t the so-called communication mean that everyone sits down, drinks tea, talks about life, talks about ideals? You support me and I support you. Everyone is happy with kindness. This is so good. Why do you want to fight or even fight to death?

"Why? Little brother, you are not sure of winning?" Shui Concubine saw Li Zedao crying and chuckles.

These words are ridicule, Shui Feiling has inexplicable confidence in Li Zedao, after all, his cultivation talent is so terrifying, and more importantly, he is so shameless.

How could such a shameless guy easily lose his life? At that time, even if you lose, you will definitely use despicable means...Coincidentally, on that competition stage, no matter what means you use, as long as you can kill it is a good means.

So for the little brother, it's like a duck in water.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and answered truthfully: "No."

If he knew that Concubine Shui Ling thought of him this way, Li Zedao would be very depressed.

Li Zedao was so worried that he didn't know how things were going on Little Turtle? Can I use the golden pupil now? If the golden pupil is awakened, he is still a little sure. If he is not awakened, Li Zedao feels that he can't do it or he can give up.

Although admitting defeat will lose the face of the academy, and then he will be despised to death, and there is no way to gain a foothold in the academy, but his life is guaranteed.

Well, the big deal is to leave Fuzhou Academy.

"Well, Sister Shui, when you are on the martial arts stage, you can admit defeat if you know that you are lost?" After thinking about it, Li Zedao felt that it would be better to ask more clearly.

"Give up?" Shui Feiling blinked her big eyes, with a smile on her face. "Twenty years ago, when Buzhou College went to Yingzhou College for exchanges, a student named Mad Lion at Yingzhou College was there. I gave up on the competition stage..."

Concubine Shui Ling's smile became weird, making Li Zedao's heart completely unsure, and swallowed: "That, then?"

"Then, his throat was severed by the students of Fuzhou Academy." Shui Feiling said with a chuckle, "After that, his body was chopped up by the angry teachers and students of Yingzhou Academy to feed the ghost dogs! The college students admit defeat, and the consequences are estimated to be similar."

"Uh..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently.

So on that martial arts stage, surrendering defeat will not save your own life, but will be chopped into flesh by your own people?

Li Zedao felt aggrieved in his heart, what kind of breaking the rules, I can't beat it and want to admit defeat? Really immortal?

"Little brother, so... you want to surrender?" Shui Feiling's charming face was full of smiles.

Li Zedao hurriedly shook his head and said with a murderous look: "Sister Shui misunderstood the younger brother, how could the younger brother admit defeat? The reason why the younger brother asked such a question, I just want to know if the teacher who was fighting with me gave up, I Should we stop or continue with a sword!"

"Really?" Shui Feiling blinked with big eyes. The little brother is really cute when he is shameless.

Li Zedao nodded madly: "Exactly!"

I'm so worried, what should I do, I can't really fight the other side to the end, right?

"However, neither did my sister." A cold light flashed across Shui Feiling's eyes.

"No?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

"There is no guarantee of victory." Shui Feiling shook her head slightly.

Li Zedao was taken aback again, so Concubine Shui Ling was about to fight against the strong from Yingzhou Academy on behalf of the Academy?

Immediately, according to the agreement of both parties, three students, three alchemists and three teachers will each be sent to fight against each other. Among the teachers, one is the lower grade in the spirits and gods, the middle grade in the spirits and the gods, and the upper grades in the spirit and gods.

With the strength of the Concubine Shui Ling, the other teachers who had the highest level of cultivation in the spirit and gods were afraid that she would be inferior to her, so she would play the battle freely, which was the safest.

"Little brother believes that Sister Shui will definitely be able to beat that strong man from Yingzhou College." Li Zedao quickly flattered over.

Concubine Shui Ling did not scold Li Zedao as shameless as before, but at the same time accepted Li Zedao’s flattery. Instead, she gritted her teeth. Her eyes were full of palpable murderousness, and her voice was as cold as a knife: "But even if it is Death, I want to die with that **** bitch!"

Suddenly, the air became severe due to the murderous aura released from Shui Fei Ling, making Li Zedao feel that his breathing was a little difficult.

"Damn bitch?" Li Zedao looked at the delicate and pretty face of Shui Feiling thoughtfully.

It seems that Shui Feiling already knows who his opponent is, and maybe even take the initiative to ask for a fight because of who the opponent is.

Seeing this situation, she and the so-called **** have an endless blood feud, otherwise it would not be possible to react so much at this time.

Concubine Shui didn't say who the so-called **** was, and Li Zedao naturally didn't ask much.

This powerful woman does not need relief from others, at most only some flattery from others.

For example, Li Zedao drew such a picture and mentioned such a poem. Therefore, her attitude towards Li Zedao has changed qualitatively compared with the past.

"Well, little brother, remember to go to the gate of the academy on time tomorrow morning." Shui Feiling cleaned up her mind, and she has returned to the charming and beautiful before.

Li Zedao couldn't help but admire this woman's self-control ability is really powerful, the first second was murderous, but the next second was charming.

"Sister Shui, I will." Li Zedao nodded obediently.

"What a cute little brother." Concubine Shui smiled charmingly, and the habitual jade finger hooked Li Zedao's chin again, and the deep eyes of her eyes flashed with reluctance.

God doesn't treat himself badly, let himself fulfill that wish, and let such a cute little brother appear next to him, if he can die with that bitch, then there is really no regret.

It's just that, originally he was determined to die, why are you reluctant to die now?

With a soft sigh in his heart, he turned and floated out of the hole.

Li Zedao didn't realize that Shui Feiling's mood was not right, but touched his handsome chin, his face was worried, and his heart was so worried.

The strong of Yingzhou College is coming soon, what should I do?

Originally I was thinking about surrendering if I couldn't, but now it seems that surrendering will only die faster.

Is it true that you have to fight the other side to the end? It's okay if you can fight it, what if you can't fight it? Will the little tortoise help herself in secret?

Li Zedao felt that this possibility was unlikely. After all, this little tortoise seemed unwilling to reveal his whereabouts for some reason, so naturally he would not take it easily.

At this moment, the voice of the little turtle came in his ears.

"Tsk tsk, little Daozi, I really can't see it, your fate for a woman is really good."

At this time, the little tortoise didn't know when it was floating there, and walked in a leisurely manner. Even the tortoise's shell was turned over, facing the sky at the four corners, and stretched out.

Li Ze said that the corner of his mouth twitched. Is this turtle too boring?

As for the good relationship between women... this kind of obvious thing doesn't need to be emphasized again, right?

"Even such a superb woman who crossed between human and Mysterious Fox is a bit interesting to you." Little Turtle said again.

"What?" Li Zedao's pupils shrank slightly, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

Although I was skeptical when I saw that half of the cyclone created by Shui Feiling was red and the other half was blue, Li Zedao's brain was still roaring now when I heard the little turtle say this.

I didn’t expect that in God’s Domain, humans and beasts can really bear fruit. What is even more unimaginable is that this fruit is not only a monster, but so attractive, no matter what figure or face it is, it is in a woman. Supreme, completely worthy of such words as the country and the city, it is really unstoppable.

"It's a pity, she won't live for a few days." The little turtle turned over and yawned extremely gracefully.

"Huh?" Li Zedao's pupils stared round, his mind roared more intensely, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard. For a moment, his entire face was full of helpless tension, and his breathing was rapid.

Hurriedly asked, "Master Gui, what does this... mean?"

Little Tortoise glanced at Li Zedao and said angrily: "Little Daozi, are you a fool... Oh, sorry, Lord Tortoise forgot, you are indeed a fool! Lord Tortoise has said so clearly. What else do you mean? That woman is dying."

Li Zedao forcibly squeezed a smile on his stiff face: "Master Gui, don't be kidding you."

Concubine Shui Ling is dying, how is this possible? Besides, even if she was born with some disease and suffered some serious injury, based on her relationship with the long-lived real person in the hospital, would the long-lived real person let her die?

Little tortoise gave Li Zedao a white look and curled his lips: "I'm kidding your sister, Master Gui never makes jokes, that girl is indeed dying!"

Damn it, dare to doubt the words of Lord Turtle!

Master Gui said that she will die in three days and she will definitely die in three days. If she can breathe a few more breaths, Master Turtle’s shell will let you sit on the bench... The big deal is Master Turtle slaps her to death, what's the problem? ?

Li Zedao had an incredible expression on his face, and he only felt that his breathing was not smooth. At the moment, he almost couldn't hold back his sword and slashed towards the **** turtle-head!

You **** turtle, you are dying.

"There is nothing strange in the world. The combination of humans and beasts is not uncommon. After all, humans can actually be regarded as the highest-level beasts. What is the biggest difference between humans and beasts, Xiao Daozi, you know. Is it?" The little turtle glanced at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao probably understood the temper of this tortoise. If it asks you a question, if you don't answer it, it will be very angry.

Just about to speak, the little tortoise curled his lips and said, "Oh, sorry, the tortoise forgot again, you are rubbish, how can **** know such a profound question?"

Li Zedao felt that a mouthful of stuffy blood was stuck in his throat, and he was about to spew it out at any time!

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