The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2160: Amazing results

"It's up to you." Nangong Meili said blankly.

Rao is that her mentality is far beyond that of ordinary people, but at this time her heartbeat is beginning to accelerate, and she is already a little nervous.

It is life or death, success or failure, in one move!

Baili Langren smiled, and with a slight pressure on his hand, he wanted to crush the poison pellet in his hand so that he could continue to distinguish the herbs contained in it.

Even if you really can't distinguish it completely, just swallow a little and know it by yourself.

As for poisoning people?

If such a poison pill could kill people, then he would have died long ago.

While breathing, Baililangren's pupils shrank violently, and a rather unpleasant feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

"Not good!" His brain roared violently, and he wanted to throw the poison pill in his hand toward Nangong Meili fiercely.

But it's too late!

Only heard a muffled sound of "Boom!", the poison pill in Baili Langren's hand unexpectedly exploded violently. For a while, strange thick smoke came out, and the dense smoke even surrounded Baili Langren's entire body.

And at the moment of the explosion, Nangong Meili's figure swept away and then retreated several feet, and he was relieved.

It seems that it succeeded!

Li Zedao let go of the clenched hand, the heart that was about to roll out of his throat fell, and he exhaled heavily, only feeling that his back was soaked.

God bless it, it worked!

His gaze fell on the expressionless face of Nangong Meili, thinking that what Wuji's brother and his mother said were really the most plausible sayings. The more beautiful girls are, the more deceptive they are.

If you didn't know the inside story, you would have been fooled by her.

When the angry students around saw this, they were all dumbfounded, not understanding what was going on.

How did a good poison pill explode before it exploded?

Those alchemists headed by True Person Xuan Ming were shocked, but felt that the sound of this explosion was so familiar with the dense smoke.

The teachers and students of Yingzhou College who were originally sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, now their faces have become difficult to look at. Although I don’t know what happened, judging from the current situation on the battle platform, they are Baili Ronin. Still hit by the woman's tricks.

There is a problem with that poison pill!

After a few breaths, the thick smoke surrounding Baili Ronin dispersed.

However, seeing Baili Ronin standing upright there, he no longer had the image of a graceful young master from before, but looked so embarrassed.

His hair was messy, and even a little bit of it was burnt.

The white face was completely dark at this time, with shocking blood stains on it.

The folding fan in his hand didn't know where it was for a long time, and even a few fingers were missing from his hand, and the shocking blood was dripping continuously.

His scarlet eyes stared at Nangong Meili, and the emotions in his eyes were quite complicated.

Unbelievable, unexpected, humiliating, angry, vicious... everything!

He wants to kill! He has never wanted to kill a person like he does now!

No, it's too cheap to kill her! Killing her was the most comfortable relief for her.

He wanted to strip her naked in front of so many people, and then severely pressed her under his body.

He wanted her to suffer the most cruel torture in the world, to make her feel heartbroken, and to let her know the consequences of playing herself.

The pupils of many teachers and students of the college suddenly widened.

Therefore, whether it is to admit defeat or make a condition for Baili Langren to guess the various herbs used in refining that poison pill, is Nangong Meili's plan? The purpose is to make Baili Langren take the initiative to squeeze the poison pill and cause an explosion?

Those students who had just insulted Nangong Meili, without exception, had fiery pain on their faces, as if they had been slapped a few times by an invisible hand.

The faces of the teachers and students of Yingzhou College became extremely ugly.

They couldn't imagine that the losses suffered by Baililang people were far greater than they thought.

Baili Poison Wolf’s eyes flashed with a hideous dim light, and he wished to slap Baili Ronin to death, and was actually played by a woman in a few words. It was really embarrassing.

In addition, what is that poison pill? Can produce such a powerful explosion power.

"Ha...Haha..." Baili Ronin let out a hideous laugh, and the look in Nangong Meili's eyes was so vicious, as if an evil spirit demanded his life.

As a leader of the younger generation of the Baili family, although the Golden Eye bloodline has not awakened, he has shown extremely high talent in cultivation and alchemy since he was a child. When did he suffer such a big loss? Not to mention that it is a woman who can slap him to death with one slap!

Shame and shame! If this is passed back to the family, how can those annoying guys laugh at themselves? How can you gain a foothold in the family in the future?

"Beauty, interesting, too..."

Baili Ronin's expression changed drastically, and his voice stopped abruptly.

His pupils suddenly rounded, looking at Nangong Meili with a look of horror, and then his body twitched violently.

Moreover, the blood flowing out of his wound is no longer stinging red, but a strange purple!

"No..." He tried very hard to say something, but he couldn't make any sound.

He tried to lift his hand to grab Nangong Meili, but his hand seemed to be too heavy and couldn't lift it at all.

"Not good!" Seeing that the Baili poison wolf twitched his heart fiercely, his complexion was extremely stiff, and his eyes cracked as he looked at Baili Ronin.

"Bang!" Baili Ronin's body fell straight on the battle platform, making a dull muffled noise, no more vitality.

And this voice was like that muffled thunder, blasting loudly in everyone's ears, making them completely stunned.

The audience fell into an extremely strange and dead silence, and everyone's eyes were alternated back and forth on Nangong Meili and the stiffened corpse on the ground, and there was a huge wave that was ten thousand times stronger than before!

That's how Nangong Meili... won? Even killed each other?

Even the two sides did not have any fights at all, Nangong Meili turned the other party into a corpse with just a few words?

Especially the teachers and students of Yingzhou College, their complexions became extremely ugly, their eyes were round, and they couldn't believe it was true.

Baili Ronin, the most powerful among the three students, died like this?

If the opponent's strength is extremely strong, and Baili Ronin finally lost to the opponent and died in a violent death, then they can accept it more or less, and even marvel at the strength of the students of the Fuzhou Academy.

But he died in such a useless way.

Many of the teachers and students of Yingzhou College have hot-skinned faces and feel extremely ashamed.

"Really an idiot!" The corner of Su Caiman's mouth hidden in Heisha curled up with a hint of disdain.

She didn't like this Baili Ronin very much, mainly because he didn't like his always squinted eyes. If he were not a child of the Baili family, he would have died a long time ago.

Different from the reactions of other teachers and students, Baili Poisonous Wolf "swish" stood up all of a sudden, his face turned blue, his body trembled, his clenched fists were white and his eyes were extremely scarlet. The whole person looked like Like a wounded beast.

In fact, Baili Langren is his beloved son!

Now that the beloved son is in front of him, how can he not be angry?

If it weren't for the extremely strong state of mind, it could also be said that he was extremely afraid that the spiritual immortal mirror powerhouse not far away would win the real person, he really couldn't bear the consequences of provoking the academy, otherwise he would have broken the woman's body long ago!

Concubine Shui Ling's eyes showed a touch of movement, and he was really curious about what the so-called Poison Pill was. Therefore, the little brother almost destroyed the Pill Pill Pavilion during this period of time. Actually, he was refining this Poison Pill?

He glanced at Li Zedao who was not far away, and he felt a little bit sour in his heart. Damn little brother, if he has such a good thing, he knows the good thing for you, don't you know to give one to your sister? Damn it!

Nangong Meili stepped down silently, and never looked at the corpse on the ground.

She didn't feel that she had won, or that the victory or defeat was actually not important to her, as Li Zedao said, as long as the life is saved.

As for the sense of honor of the college, it has nothing to do with me.

At the same time, the students of Bu Zhou Academy also reacted from that kind of extreme astonishment. They seemed to forget how they resented and insulted Nangong Meili less than Ban Zhuxiang before.

Each of them looked at Nangong Meili's handsome back with extreme heat in their eyes, and uttered deafening cheers.

"Long live Nangong Meili..."

"I love you Meili Meili, just like Lingshu loves rice..."

"Too much relief! That's how it should be! Long live Nangong Meili, long live Zhou Academy..."


Master Xuan Ming tried hard to make his old face a little serious, but he was so upset that he couldn't hold it back anymore, he still grinned loudly.


This apprentice... how could she be so insidious? Even the beauty tricks are used? It really suits my appetite!

If you do it well, you should be outsmart when dealing with such a bitch! Stupid is just head-to-head with each other!

Feeling the murderous look of Baili Poison Wolf from the side swept over, the real person Xuan Ming sneered and stared back.

Knowing that Baili Langren was the beloved son of Baili Poisonous Wolf, his mood was even worse.

He cleared his throat, and said loudly: "This third battle, Nangong Meili of the Academy won the victory!"

The surrounding students burst into deafening cheers again.

Nangong Meili gradually disappeared, like an outsider.

Before Banzhuxiang, she came to the Buzhou Pavilion, she knew that person must be here.

Sure enough, she saw the figure lying lazily with Erlang's legs crossed.

"What? Not happy after winning?"

Li Zedao stood up, looked at the delicate face of Nangong Meili, stretched lazily.

To be honest, he never thought that Nangong Meili would use the big idiot in this way, he thought she would throw the big idiot as a hidden weapon at the right time in the battle between the two sides!

However, if the strength of the Baili Ronin is stronger than that of the Blood Sword and the Mistress, then it is indeed difficult for the big fool to hurt him.

Thinking about it now, Nangong Meili was naturally aware of this, so she resorted to the beauty trick and successfully made Baili Ronin take the initiative to smash the big fool.

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